
Consequence Awareness Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"A journalist is a person who is willing to report the truth regardless of consequences to herself or others."
"We need to understand what the potential consequences will be."
"It’s important that when you participate in a TikTok challenge, you consider the consequences our actions."
"Too many are still asking the question, how much can we get away with, when they need to be asking what are the consequences." - Tim Cook
"Think about it, you know the story... if they were good grapes and he would then miss out."
"If your PCs are feeling hey, zero consequences, everything's groovy, it's all shenanigans."
"This is an IQ test, if you can't figure this out you're going to get what you deserve."
"The stress can be felt when viewing the photo, with all present on the day knowing how risky the operation was, and what its outcome could mean."
"I don't want anything like the imprisoned boss fight to ever appear in another Zelda game again."
"Definitely a more slower-paced thoughtful experience that has more in the way of consequences."
"Safety is paramount; little mistakes can have major consequences."
"The choices we made today determine the future."
"It's taking the things that you're talking about and it's either backing them up and saying yeah absolutely true or it's saying hey don't do this because you could end up regretting it."
"More thinking about the consequences, less just, 'Oh I'm gonna throw caution in the wind.'"
"We have to conduct ourselves in a way that we are smart about what we do... it cannot be the goal to express one's ego and to engage in gamesmanship without much serious regard to the consequence."
"The reasonable thing to do is not always the right thing."
"Just because you can make it happen doesn't mean it should."
"Freedom of speech, 100. Say whatever you want. Freedom of consequence is not so much."
"Check yourself before making moves. Empathy and thinking about consequences are key."
"Those who live by the sword will die by the sword."
"Remember when you're young and you feel invincible, that your actions do have consequences."
"If respect had been given to her as a person, what happened wouldn't have happened."
"I actually want it to succeed just because of what the consequences will be if it does."
"It's the issue is that it's murder that's not it's not like oh I'm going back to Cinnabon again this is probably stupid you're talking about killing a person."
"An action committed in anger is an action doomed to failure."
"Karma doesn't sleep on anybody and it will come back to collect you."
"There are consequences to every action that you take. If you're gonna make a grown person decision, understand you better be able to deal with the grown people consequences."
"I make mistakes like everyone else, and when I do, the consequences are severe."
"Being conscious about how you are going about getting power involves being very conscious about the consequences and the positives of going for power in that way."
"Everything matters, every bill eventually comes due."
"Action has consequences, and that's what we need to focus on."
"What are the consequences for not using life as it should be used? There's no bigger question than this."
"The consequences are so severe that it makes them think twice."
"We know enough about this virus that we know that there are inevitable consequences to our actions."
"We don't need to worry about intentions, just understand the consequences of these actions."
"If you knew your powers could cause that, would you still use them?"
"If you fell ten thousand feet to your death, the game would be over."
"Their choices will be their own as will their consequences." - Vadim Petrovitch Kozlov
"Deviate from the strategy, face the consequences."
"It's all about how you consider the weight and the gravity of every single action."
"Short-sightedness leads us to ignore the potential impact of our beliefs."
"Every choice you make may come back to bite you."
"You have to appreciate the risk-taking but also be sober in assessing the consequences."
"Short-term gain actually leads to long-term pain."
"No one else will and if we're not, we got to live with our decisions."
"If you get the right answer to the wrong question you still die."
"Sometimes these consequences can take a shape much greater than what we were expecting."
"You have to realize your actions have consequences."
"It was a really cool way to visualize how there's an emotional disconnect between his actions and his consequences."