
Paranormal Investigation Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"We were invited to investigate a haunted cabin in the woods, little did we know that we would be scarred for life."
"Tonight we are investigating the Sally House."
"Now, clearly not as alone as they thought they were, the uploader has posted the clip to his YouTube channel for viewers to decide for themselves if he truly came into contact with some sort of spirit that day in the hospital."
"It Demands a search for answers as someone who's pursued strange phenomena around the world."
"But in the cases of these UFO hotspots and vortexes, we might be one step closer to the truth if these criteria cannot only explain areas of high activity but predict future sightings."
"They don't usually rely on any cheap jump scares or fake footage and seem to genuinely have a passion for anything paranormal."
"At Skinwalker Ranch, we've proven that there is more to our reality than meets the eye."
"We are standing here in the Bobby Macky's. If there are any Spirits or entities that can hear my voice we are calling upon you. We would like to have a conversation and find out why you are still here."
"Are you upset that we're here with the priests?"
"This haunting is so weird because every time you try to confront it, it just goes quiet."
"We should really call it quits. Yeah, I think we really should."
"It wanted you the whole time and it made perfect sense at the end."
"The response is very clear and very close, and they believe it said 'Hugo' or 'Mose', meaning 'let's play'."
"So what do you think has been captured in this gym in Colombia? Is it all just a well-orchestrated hoax or are we witnessing something paranormal?"
"My EMF thing is going off right here, by these boxes!"
"I'm Dwayne Pintoff and I have been investigating actively Bigfoot and other phenomena since 1983."
"The crew had expected to debunk the legends surrounding the plantation, but they couldn't deny that there's definitely paranormal activity there."
"I know that I have been obviously m.i.a recently I have been all over the country to various paranormal locations."
"Could this old cemetery in Mexico really be haunted?"
"In the world of paranormal investigation, the Warrens hold a status akin to that of celebrities."
"It's almost as if nothing was ever there to begin with, and yet the paranormal evidence caught on camera proves at one point there was."
"There was no denial that the authorities believed that this was a genuine UFO incident."
"We have always been fascinated with the connection between True Crime and paranormal investigating."
"His cameras capture furniture moving on its own in one of his investigations."
"I want proof. I want to show people that what we're experiencing is real."
"If we are going to discover the answer to the age-old question 'are ghosts real?' then we need to spend a lot more time in the field."
"The haunting of this makeup studio was so much more real and went so much deeper than I possibly could have imagined."
"Every single time, it's just always unsolved."
"The Queen Mary may be haunted, but as always the answer will remain unsolved."
"Ultimately the truth is no one knows for certain what's being captured in the original footage."
"Has this security camera actually captured proof of a ghost, or is there another way to explain this mysterious footage?"
"So, either way, the video is definitely very creepy. But as for whether it's real or fake, as always, you decide."
"So, could this be the spirit of Shannon, the Victorian-era ghost that haunts the theater? Let me know what you think."
"So, is Franco Villegas' house truly haunted, or is it all just an elaborate hoax? You decide."
"This is intense already. There are some people that do say that there is evil here and there's some people that say that there is no evil here, which is totally fine. They're rumors, dude, it's still going."
"I just saw movement on the camera too. Did you see that? I heard it. No, I saw something crawling on the floor."
"Skinwalker Ranch: a decade-long study where PhDs and scientists converged on this one location and basically around the clock studied."
"Skepticism is super important when we're thinking about the paranormal as well but so is having an open mind."
"Why hasn't anyone got footage equal to this?"
"I do feel like there's definitely something there just from what I felt and some of the sounds that we heard."
"Whether the not the photo includes something paranormal is left to viewers to decide."
"The news crew investigating the paranormal story is surprised to discover the unexplained events might be true."
"I am NOT going to stop until I find legitimate proof that spirits ghosts whatever you want to call them are real even if it means going to a hundred haunted places."
"Tonight we're investigating at the old territorial environment in Virginia City."
"I'm here to find ghosts. I'm not here to tell you who it is. If I find a ghost and it's a little girl, I'm not going to ask any questions. I'm just going to be like say cheese [ __ ] you can say that to her."
"We are the best ghost hunters who ever lived."
"The ghost hunters think they've caught a real ghost on video."
"This is one of the most famous haunted places in the entire United States and it is easily the biggest place we've ever investigated in the history of the channel."
"I hope their impact is that people will be comfortable with like boring ghost investigations."
"Ed and Lorraine Warren really were asked to investigate the Perron family home, which was reported to be haunted by the less than hospitable Bathsheba."
"Quiet nights inside haunted locations are frustrating, but it is important for paranormal investigation."
"Harry Price was probably the most controversial ghost hunter of the 20th century, always determined to find the truth."
"Our goal this week is to truly understand who is haunting this location."
"I have a passion for this field documentation, but this house will push you to a whole another limit."
"The entity seemed to respond to his questions in some way."
"In this business every scare is real every shadow has something inside of it."
"So much paranormal activity has been caught here over the years, and we are here tonight to catch our own."
"Most of the investigators that I've seen go off grid did so because they were a lot like you. They wanted something tangible, they wanted proof, and when they found it, it was too much for them."
"I'm gonna do the infamous spirit box, just see if there's anything we can capture."
"We'll be answering your questions and breaking down evidence a little bit more on our weekly after show, every Wednesday, Ghost Files Debrief."
"Every Paranormal Investigator is looking for that next level of paranormal activity that Holy Grail location."
"There was nothing better with a cup of tea than a paranormal investigation."
"We're here to carry out a paranormal investigation into the New London Ledge Lighthouse."
"I like to give the address that if you have any questions for Ed and Lorraine Warren or myself."
"It's amazing to see the love and passion Colin and Jeff have for investigating the Paranormal. Hopefully, down the road, our paths will cross again for another epic investigation."
"We're gonna do like an investigation here, like a part two video, and I don't even have my spirit box on me."
"The difference between that and the Spirit Box is that the Spirit Box you hear in real time and the EVP basically, you just have to rewind to listen to."
"I handed John one of the new flashlights and reminded him to turn on the digital recorder since the paranormal team members had indicated it would be central to the investigations."
"Okay, ghost gang, we are here at the Bonanza. We are joined here with Sabrina and also our little brother Skyler, so the five of us are going to go upstairs right now and start our investigation."
"We did Bobby Mackey's, and you know what, I think we conquered this place."
"We really, really want to see if this place is haunted."
"The Amityville case affected our personal lives more than any case we ever worked on."
"Let's hope that we get apparitions galore this evening."
"People say this place is haunted, that's why we're here to first off explore but second of all just see if this place is actually haunted or not."
"We're here with the utmost respect for you and your house."
"We come in peace, we just want to capture evidence of your existence and communicate with you."
"We're not here to disrupt your peace or anything; we just want to know what's going on."
"Will this experiment change the energy inside the aging schoolhouse and spur on more paranormal activity than ever before? Let's find out."
"It's fascinating to watch the teams explore notoriously haunted buildings at night as they try to capture some sort of proof of the existence of ghosts, poltergeists, and even demons."
"Paranormal investigators have conducted research in the library and have gotten responses from the ghost during electronic voice phenomenon sessions."
"The case has been studied by paranormal investigators even outside of Finland, many of whom consider it to be a genuine case of poltergeist activity."
"Tonight we have been given unprecedented access to investigate the notoriously haunted Twin City Opera House."
"In the mountains of Aberystwyth within Wales, we're about to descend into a 17th-century silver mine to investigate the claims of paranormal phenomena occurring within its dark depths."
"Is this place truly as haunted as they say it is? Well, if there's anyone who's going to find out, it's going to be tonight during the storm."
"We're actually gonna do like proper paranormal, not just looking for dogman."
"This is our ghost hunt at Candlestone Castle. Is our evidence paranormal, or is it just weird? I don't know, we leave that to you."
"This movie was based on the real-life case files from Ed and Lorraine Warren."
"We're here at the Inspiration House to see if we can communicate with any of its former residents that are said to still haunt this property."
"Tonight, our goal is to try to communicate with some of these people who may still be in the old community center in spirit form."
"The true reason I stayed was because I had always wanted to be a Paranormal Investigator, and this was my chance to prove myself."
"So join us tonight as we do a blind investigation into the haunts of this historic hospital."
"Ohio State Reformatory probably definitely the one of the most haunted buildings, one of my favorite places to go into ghost hunt."
"The owner has asked us to come investigate because the construction team is starting to be negatively affected by whatever is inside the building."
"This is what ghost investigating is: a lot of just sitting for minutes, hours even, with nothing happening, and then you get that one moment when something happens that changes the way you perceive your reality."
"The whole operation of ghost hunting at this place is actually pretty interesting."
"Feelings of being watched, especially when investigators work alone overnight."
"We're going to be looking for anything paranormal that may show up on any of the equipment."
"We've only investigated for like two hours and the amount of activity that's happened already is mind-blowing."
"Tonight, I am inside of my tent at the Pook Ranch, the most haunted farm in all of America, and I'm alone camping trying to see if I can capture any paranormal activity on camera."
"Tonight we investigate one of the most paranormally active pubs in the UK."
"As a paranormal investigator, it's a dream come true."
"Tonight, we are going to be investigating the Mineral Springs Hotel in Alton, Illinois."
"Crescent Hotel paranormal quest, this is going to be crazy, here we go."
"A paranormal investigator’s mind must be prepared to feel all sorts of strange and challenging emotions within a possible haunted area."
"I was recording asking questions and doing whatever else 'ghost hunters do' looking for evidence of them."