
Kinetic Energy Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"The Lagrangian is the kinetic energy minus the potential energy."
"The idea of bouncing pellets between asteroids and comets to harness their kinetic energy introduces a novel method of energy extraction in space."
"Kinetic energy is proportional to the square of the speed."
"The movements create the energy and this in itself it's going to start creating very beautiful amount of movements which is on another hand going to reflect and make a ripple effect on other things on your life."
"Guido, who goes by the name strong guy, has the ability to absorb kinetic energy and use it to enhance his physical strength."
"There's so much kinetic energy in this, just the springiness of these limbs."
"And the rotational kinetic energy is one-half times this moment of inertia times the square of the angular velocity."
"Mid-range shots to me are much more easier when you have momentum with the basketball."
"Braking is about turning your kinetic energy, your movement into heat by friction."
"If we accelerated some kind of mass up to a sizable fraction of the speed of light, wouldn't even hit a warhead just the kinetic energy of the motion of that object itself would have incredible destructive power."
"Practically speaking, all of kinetic energy doesn't all go into heat and materials have material strength and so if you slapped a chicken at mach 5 it would just explode."
"Two separate pieces: momentum from the body and transferring energy into the hands and arms."
"For elastic collisions, initial and final kinetic energies are the same."
"All the energy that it radiates is at the expense of rotational kinetic energy."
"All that energy is at the expense of rotational kinetic energy."
"The sheer amount of energy involved in a battleship shell impact is immense."
"Each impact is causing kinetic energy to build up, creating this purple glow inside of his suit."
"It's working, it's working! That had a lot of kinetic energy, that was a ton of kinetic energy."
"Hybrid Kaido and Luffy Sky split has been counted to be able to output two Peta tons of TNT worth of kinetic energy."
"The more an object weighs its mass and the faster it's going its velocity, the more kinetic energy it has."
"I kept the lagoon not just because I like the way it adds some sort of kinetic energy to Tomorrowland."
"It’s also able to store up all of that kinetic energy and pain before letting it all out in one big attack!"
"...this is ironic because according to most calculations the kinetic energy output of this creature... would come up to anywhere as low as 0.68 tons of TNT to anywhere as high as 12.78 tons of TNT."
"Increasing the temperature results in particles having more kinetic energy, leading to a higher rate of reaction."
"Potential energy depends on where you are; kinetic energy depends on how fast you're moving. And some combination of where you are and how fast you're moving is invariant, does not change with time."
"Potential energy lost equals kinetic energy gained."
"Kinetic energy is a form of energy associated with the motion of an object."
"Any energy which is in excess of 1.02 MeV will be shared by these two particles in the form of kinetic energy."
"The point of the Gel Core is to take the kinetic energy from the inner box, translate that into heat, and therefore give us a much cleaner, clearer sound delivery."
"Kinetic energy is \( \frac{1}{2} \times \text{mass} \times \text{velocity squared} \)."
"Temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of molecules."
"Hydroelectricity is electricity generated by the kinetic energy of moving water."
"Kinetic energy is equal to one-half MV squared."
"Attack on Titan feels like one of the most kinetic pieces of storytelling I've ever seen."
"It's about moving that force, look at the velocity that she's creating."
"Gambit can create massive explosions using kinetic energy."
"Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object in motion."
"Kinetic energy is half of mass times velocity squared."
"The average kinetic energy of a sample of gas is proportional to the temperature."
"The average kinetic energy of a gas is assumed to be directly proportional to the kelvin temperature."
"The work done is in fact the change in kinetic energy."
"The change in kinetic energy is F.dr."
"The best thing about these is there's no batteries in it and it works off kinetic energy."
"Kinetic energy equals 0.5 times mass times speed squared."
"Kinetic energy is when it's being used... the actual work is being done."
"It's interesting to note that inertia elements store kinetic energy."
"The Pelton turbine relies on the kinetic force of water, achieving remarkable efficiency levels of over 92%."
"This is similar to the kinetic energy in the Lagrangian of a system."
"Forces that don't change the speed basically don't change the kinetic energy which means they don't do any work on the charge."
"U is the internal energy; it's the kinetic energy of the particles."
"Kinetic energy is proportional to temperature."
"Kinetic energy is the energy inherent within a moving object."
"Kinetic energy is the energy of an object in motion."
"Kinetic energy is one-half MV squared."
"Temperature measures the amount of kinetic energy that our substance has at a molecular level."
"Kinetic energy is energy an object possesses by virtue of its motion."
"On a warmer day, temperature is higher, which increases the kinetic energy of the particles in a liquid on the cloth, increasing the rate of evaporation."
"A perfectly elastic collision is one where the total kinetic energy after the collision is equal to the total kinetic energy before."
"Let's get a non-interacting kinetic energy... it'll just be the sum of all the one-electron kinetic energies associated with those orbitals."
"At maximum height, the ball has maximum potential energy and minimum kinetic energy."
"The energy of a rotating body becomes one-half I omega squared."
"When it's moving, we call it kinetic energy."
"The entire energy is kinetic energy."
"Kinetic energy is the energy possessed by an object due to its motion."
"Total energy of a particle in simple harmonic motion is half m v squared where v is the maximum speed."
"The total energy will equal the kinetic energy in the middle at equilibrium and it will equal potential energy at the endpoints."
"Remember, kinetic energy is energy in motion, while potential energy is energy which is stored."
"Curving away from the baseline means the kinetic energy is negative."
"Temperature is a measure of the kinetic energy of the atoms or molecules."
"It's linear; as you increase the frequency, you increase the kinetic energy."
"1/2 m v squared is what we call in physics 'kinetic energy'."