
Potential Energy Quotes

There are 63 quotes

"The Lagrangian is the kinetic energy minus the potential energy."
"When we allow ourselves to be, there's stillness. Stillness isn't necessarily inactivity, stillness is potential."
"Knowledge is not power, it's potential power. Applying it makes it powerful."
"There is an energy there that's waiting for release, that's just waiting to be let out."
"The force is always opposing the direction of increasing potential energy, so the force will drive it back and so that's why we call this a stable equilibrium."
"Despite just sitting there, you contain an absolutely incredible amount of energy."
"When the Higgs field gets a non-zero value in the vacuum, what used to be an interaction now becomes a potential energy."
"Acceleration is the vector that always points from high values of potential down to low values of potential."
"Acceleration is the negative gradient of the potential."
"The acceleration is the vector that always points from high values of potential down to low values of potential."
"Potential energy depends on where you are; kinetic energy depends on how fast you're moving. And some combination of where you are and how fast you're moving is invariant, does not change with time."
"Potential energy lost equals kinetic energy gained."
"Gravitational potential energy is given by MGH."
"There's a tension there that when you let go, it's going to snap back."
"When potential energy is minimum, the body has stable equilibrium."
"The physical systems that are in rest are always at minimum potential energy, that is the state of stable equilibrium."
"Potential energy is stored energy caused by an object's relative position."
"For every function U of x and y you can think of, you can manufacture a conservative force."
"Every conservative force you get is necessarily obtained by taking derivatives with respect to x and y of some function U and that U will be the potential energy associated with that force."
"The potential energy of the system starts to decrease; that is the strength of the bond increases as shown by the decrease in the potential energy of the two atoms system."
"The gravitational potential energy is equal to MGH."
"Voltage isn't that easy; it can actually also be expressed as the difference in electrical potential energy between two points."
"Differences in electric potential or electric potential energy are what's important."
"A quantum system in a quadratic potential well must have a minimum amount of energy that is not zero."
"Spring elements store potential energy, which can be useful if you're trying to derive the state equations of a system."
"That essentially is the concept of potential energy, which I feel very strongly about."
"Things which don't contain time derivatives we think of as potential energy."
"If you think about this in terms of energy, it means initially what you have is a lot of electrical potential energy and you're going to convert that into kinetic energy."
"The potential energy of this worker on a scaffold is his weight, his height above the ground, and the force of gravity."
"Potential energy is the amount of energy an object has stored due to its position or orientation."
"Actors are... potential energy until they receive a message to which they can react."
"Quantum harmonic oscillators are systems where the potential energy once again is quadratic, just like the mass on a spring, but they're quantum rather than classical."
"For mechanical systems, you will never find that the potential energy is a function of time or velocity."
"For springs the potential energy we're talking about is elastic potential energy, and for pendulums the potential energy is gravitational potential energy."
"Potential energy is energy an object possesses by virtue of its position or chemical composition."
"Imagine using energy to lift a weight high up in a mine shaft, storing that energy as potential energy."
"At maximum height, the ball has maximum potential energy and minimum kinetic energy."
"The formula for calculating potential energy gain would be PE = mgh."
"At the point at which it stops, all the kinetic energy has been changed into potential energy."
"When energy is stored, we call it potential energy."
"We need to drive a higher potential in order to overcome the kinetic barriers to the electrochemistry going on in our cell."
"If the distance of the Apple above Newton's head is increased, the potential energy increases."
"The two kinds of potential energy that we'll be dealing with are associated with springs and gravity."
"The Bay of Fundy... has tidal elevation of 14 or 15 meters, so that's an incredible amount of potential energy that you could tap into."
"The rules of the universe say that your molecule wants to be at the lowest possible potential energy."
"The total energy is going to be equal to the elastic potential energy at the end points."
"The total energy will equal the kinetic energy in the middle at equilibrium and it will equal potential energy at the endpoints."
"The total energy is all potential energy at the endpoints where X is equal to the amplitude."
"When a spring is compressed or stretched, it stores energy that can be used to perform work."
"Remember, kinetic energy is energy in motion, while potential energy is energy which is stored."
"Potential at any given level compared to any reference is \( P + \rho gh \)."
"Potential difference is simply a statement of a difference in charge because each charge carries a potential."
"As you give energy to a system, that potential goes up."
"The potential energy surface is a useful concept, but in general, how might one go about constructing it?"
"A negative potential energy means trapped, and a positive potential energy means a positive charge will have the ability to escape the system and gain kinetic energy."
"If you understand force fields, then you're going to understand electric and gravitational potential because they're just energy fields."
"The potential energy of a spring is one-half k x squared, if x is the displacement from its relaxed position."
"Energy in a battery has the potential to provide a current flow."