
Rabbits Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The first step in bonding your rabbits is to have all the rabbits spayed and neutered."
"Rabbits need space to hop and socialize; small cages just won't cut it."
"Baby bunnies are ridiculously cute. I mean, look at these guys."
"You don't have to feed fruits and vegetables to your bunny, you really don't."
"Rabbits can be litter trained but again don't expect absolute complete litter training most or all of the urine should be in the litter box."
"If you see your bunny having excessive secret ropes then that could be an indication of a digestive imbalance."
"Drop a comment below and let me know what breed of rabbit are you thinking about getting or do you already have."
"Rabbits are typically known for their earnest and kind nature."
"Rabbits feel incredibly stressed some of them can go into shock when they're being held that way."
"Rabbits are intelligent, practical thinkers. You'd be surprised just how many situations they can get themselves out of."
"I adore rabbits, I absolutely adore rabbits."
"Rabbits don't eat root vegetables in the wild."
"If a rabbit gave birth to its litter every 30 days for a year, a female rabbit could produce 144 baby rabbits."
"If you chase 27 rabbits, you'll catch at least six." (Math joke)
"Hug your adorable rabbit companions."
"Rabbits can't eat carrots. If a rabbit ate so many carrots, it could die."
"The four main ways that people raise meat rabbits are in cages, hutches, tractors, or colonies."
"I love the colony set up for rabbits. When you just have a small scale, a shed like this, we can keep...."
"Rabbits can jump really high, they can run really fast."
"For the small producer, the small homesteader, and especially anybody in a more suburban and urban context, I really think rabbits are better."
"Rabbits give you a steady supply of three things in abundance: meat, pelts, and manure."
"Rabbits are cleaner, quieter, and have more uses than chickens."
"The Cornish cross gives me one thing, one thing only: meat. Rabbits against a Cornish cross give me meat, better quality manure, and they can give me pelts if I need that."
"You could put those rabbits in rabbit tractors and they could get 100% of their caloric requirements from the ground right in your yard."
"Rabbits are totally capable of being entirely commercial feed free."
"No one's gonna love you like a rabbit because they are prey animals. It takes a while to gain their trust, but then you can see exactly how much love a rabbit is capable of once you gain their trust."
"Rabbits are amazing and social pets."
"The species in question invading this Florida neighborhood? Rabbits."
"We give tips and tricks for how to make sure you have a happy and healthy bunny in your home."
"Rabbits are pretty active animals; they need space to hop around and sprawl out."
"Rabbits are really misunderstood and really quite underrated as pets."
"Rabbits can sleep with their eyes open, so it's kind of freaky."
"They eat a lot of food; they're eating Sherwood baby pellets right now."
"A single mother rabbit and her female babies could produce over 187 billion offspring in seven years."
"Abundance is actually one of rabbits' biggest magic powers."
"Most of a rabbit's diet, about 80% of what they eat every day, should be a grass-based hay."
"The hay is vitally important to your rabbit's digestive system because it helps everything keep running smoothly."
"Make sure your rabbit has an unlimited supply of fresh water."
"What do I look for in a Holland Lop for breeding? You want that typical Holland Lop type, almost bulldogish, big fat heads, nice top line, nice and compact."
"It's such a fascinating backstory, providing rabbits with all these skills to survive."
"Start with the commercial breeds like the New Zealand White and the Californian."
"Rabbits are typically associated with fertility and reproduction."
"Rabbits are actually pretty brave."
"It's spring here, so of course, there's all these rabbits chasing each other around. My goodness, when they chase each other and bounce, it's so cute."
"Bunnies flop over when they feel completely safe."
"Rabbits have 360 degrees vision, which means they can see almost everything around them without even moving their heads."
"Beyond the Pellet: Feeding Rabbits Naturally."
"When they are active, rabbits are a lot more energetic and curious, and they require that space to run around and do all their bunny little things."
"Dandelions are probably one of the best things that you can forage for to give your rabbits, full of nutrition."
"Hay actually gives rabbits a lot of protein."
"Once upon a time, there were two rabbits called Hazel and Fiverr."
"If your rabbit has stopped pooping altogether for the last 10 to 12 hours, then that's actually an emergency situation."
"So beautiful, the little rabbits are just gorgeous."
"Watership Down is a place of peace, a place where all rabbits can live happily away from all the horror and torture that once befell them."
"I make these videos to create a commentary surrounding rabbits and they're meant to be thought-provoking."
"I am really, really loving these rabbits."
"Rabbits have ears that can move independently and that make them so cute."
"Rabbits are actually not nocturnal; they are crepuscular."
"The island of Okunoshima... is home to a population of thousands of wild rabbits."
"Rabbits are good at reproducing, famously, so they have this high growth rate."
"Anything that starts below this is going to go down here to a world with global domination by rabbits."
"Sejin's family expands as the rabbit couple gives birth to some cute children; they are very close to Sejan, and he feels that he is their uncle."
"Sjun gave the agility carrot to the white rabbits and thanked them."
"Rabbits are easily toilet trainable."