
Societal Success Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Finland is broadly applauded as one of the most successful societies in the world, prized for its quality of life, economic prowess, and social equality."
"We really do need each other to create a successful society."
"It is culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society."
"We are the most successful black people in the entire world."
"Countries that have a more of an acceptance of a role for the state are going to do better."
"Just being different is a win in this world."
"The success of children is greatly related to the success of our society."
"If you want a successful Democratic Society, you need a vibrant middle class."
"People are not knowledgeable. The founders of our nation said that our system of government could only succeed with a well-educated populous."
"We need something other than GDP in terms of analyzing our success as societies."
"I happen to believe that decentralization is the most secure path for humanity to succeed."
"If a country has been successful for centuries and others have failed for centuries there's normally a long-standing reason for that which will not change in a matter of a single decade."
"What we want as a society where lots of people can be successful in lots of different ways that's not a negative sum game."
"The ultimate determinant of our success as a nation would be our ability to sustain a virtuous and well-educated citizenry."
"Access to high-quality information is important, not just to individual success, but the success of people and businesses all over the world."
"We're a casualty of our own success. Nothing is new, it's just forgotten."
"A more equal society is a more successful society."
"Religion gets its morality from us not the other way around...the most successful societies are those that separate the church from the state...and enforce it by their constitutions."
"No civilization has ever done well under the idea that the best days were behind it."
"I believe it's considerably more prevalent now. People are steeped in it from the time they're born and they develop this entitlement which is actually antithetical to societal success."
"You will fail in today's society if you don't have a diverse, equal opportunity workplace."
"Every society with a better justice system prospers."
"The successful societies are the ones where levels of trust are very high."
"Success of the State of Israel and the success of Jewish people throughout the English-speaking world in particular makes it difficult to maintain this imagined pyramid in your mind."
"Freedom of speech is the cornerstone of our success, guaranteeing our strength, competitive edge, and economic success."
"We're going to be doing together what the likes of our forefathers did in 1776; it's coming soon."
"We're not natural selection, we're humans. We tend to have an instinct towards caring for others, and we're wildly successful because of it."
"All of us are complicit. We either win as one or we all go under together."
"Multicultural pluralism made us the least racist country in the history of the world."
"Their metric for a successful nation wasn't its wealth or military strength but justice in the highest sense of that word."
"The success of the future and of the government depends on healthy, strong families."
"Liberalism like the Enlightenment was correct; it produced the wealthiest, healthiest, most long-lived, and most powerful nations in all of human history."
"The conservative focus on changing cultural behaviors that have to do with family structure is critical in determining whether a young person ends up successful in society." - Denesa D'Souza
"Our economy can't succeed unless young people are successful."
"Civilizations where freedom, prosperity, and happiness abound."
"Democracy is not inevitable. It has succeeded and succeeds because it has delivered a good life for the middle class."
"That's the point of the ideal of this country: anyone should be able to thrive."
"The central conservative truth is that it's culture, not politics, that determines the success of a society."
"Everyone left because the system failed this particular person, but when the system works perfectly, then you would never leave."
"So why is it that some societies have succeeded in solving the problems that did in the Easter Islanders and the Maya and many of the other most advanced societies of their times?"
"Children are our most precious resource, and if we want to succeed as a society, we have to ensure that we take care of them and foster them while they're growing up, not abuse them and treat them like garbage deserving of being beaten and thrown away."
"Obviously, a society can't succeed if 50 percent of its population goes on or under-tapped."
"I believe that America can only live up to our values in the 21st century if Americans can succeed. And there are lots of reasons why Americans today are feeling left out and left behind." - Secretary Clinton
"The Amish have been successful for many generations because the outside world has always admired the Amish."
"Male slenderness was depicted as vital for a man's health and portrayed as an outward sign of his financial success and sexual prowess."
"They should learn how to be successful in society, they should learn job skills as well as coping and life skills, and give back positively to the community."
"These societies are resilient and today they thrive."
"The people that go the farthest in societies tend to be the people of the strongest language skills."
"Our values continue to allow us to thrive."
"The most important metric to look at is not your own material happiness; it should be the best material state for children to be successful in the world."
"The rule of law is actually more fundamental to Western success than democracy."