
Flavor Description Quotes

There are 73 quotes

"Root for Greatness... it's a masterpiece. It's smoky, nutty, smooth, mysterious."
"That is a delicious creamy sweet coffee treat absolutely on the nose too."
"I love tea so much and one of my favorites is lapsang it's so good for you and it's got an amazing smoky flavor."
"There is something so absurdly tropical about a pineapple."
"Let's see if I feel energized... Kind of scared... okay, taste wise kind of minty... kind of sweet."
"It tastes like drinking cream with cinnamon and gingerbread men blended into it."
"that's so good this not buttery buttery spread on it with the garlic and the little crumbles on it it's almost got like panko or some kind of breadcrumbs on it has a little crunch along with the corn if you like grilled corn you can't go wrong"
"Wow, that has almost a citrusy flavor, that's good."
"I find that it's extremely palatable and does not taste much because of the cinnamon has that natural burning sensation to begin with it doesn't taste much like alcohol at all."
"Now before I go, are you drinking this dry Chateau st. Michele? I highly recommend that you try this wine because it honestly tastes like watermelon."
"That's a burst of chili, you taste the smokiness of the grilled chicken."
"Coke Starlight, a soda that advertises on the can that it's quote space flavored."
"That literally tastes like pumpkin pie. Oh my god, that's literally so good."
"The richness of the butter and the ghee, I really can't believe it."
"It's light, refreshing, just sweet enough, sort of rich and decadent but not heavy."
"Guys the Catamount says here so damn good man again the only way I could describe it is like a it's like a really sweet orange mixed with a lemon mixed with a tangerine like a sweet lemon it's hard to describe man well honestly so damn Delicious"
"Sweet, that is some Louisiana goodness right there."
"It's tangy it's sweet it's almost kind of like a barbecue sauce but not really and then you just get the loads of garlic in it see now we're moving into that sauce mode like I just want everything in the sauce right now."
"Doritos man cool ranch nacho cheese ah spicy nacho 29 pure fat and have another dark secret hidden within."
"It doesn't taste like stinky, it tastes normal. It kind of tastes like blueberries, really."
"It was really, really good. Smoky, spicy, sweet, tangy. There's nothing not delicious about it."
"It's sweet but crunchy, and then it's sticky after that, and the briskets release their own flavor crystals filled with smokiness and barbecue-ness like Calvin."
"It's like a little bit, it's got this weird hint of sweet and it's a little spicy and savory and with that oyster pancake, oh my god."
"It's like nice and smoky and tender, this is great."
"Everything just pops up right in front and they kind of do this dance in your mouth, amazing."
"Nice crisp refreshing taste of apple in the morning. Beautiful."
"Pistachio Pistachio: pistachio ice cream with lightly roasted pistachios. I love pistachio ice cream. It is truly one of my favorite flavors."
"Fish sauce adds an earthy umami briny salty funky greatness to whatever you're adding it into."
"It's like a Wendy's spicy chicken sandwich, you know how like the batter is spicy on that?"
"The yolk running down that burger meat with the bacon and everything, oh damn!"
"These taste like a delicious Mint Chocolate Chip Cookie in Ice Cream form."
"I don't know that could ever be passed and it was old Paul that did it rich Deep Purple Smoky Umami flavor fantastic tomato."
"The broth has like a sweetness to it, it's so good."
"It's not polarizing in any way. It's just very sweet though. I feel... I get a hint of sweet. Okay, you get just get a hint of sweetie. Yeah, okay."
"Delicious, phenomenal, wonderful, and the flavor is a fresh burst of lemon."
"The bread was like an herbaceous butter with an herbaceous bread."
"It's a straight up and down boozy cherry but it is so well executed."
"How would you describe it?" "I think it tastes like cream soda with just this nice, yummy creamy foam on top."
"It tastes like white chocolate with a hint of like berry."
"It's all about the peppermint chocolate is definitely a second fill in this and then you've got the nice little wafer II crispness which is wonderful."
"It's sweet and spicy, it's cold but oh so hot."
"It's amazingly sweet, tastes like the cashews."
"It tastes like cherry juice; this is good."
"It's so cinnamony and it actually has that rich apple pie flavor."
"Sweet and tangy and cheesy and crispy, yum."
"It's sharp and sweet, it's so good."
"It's sweet, it's spicy, it's a strong turmeric flavor."
"It's so nice and sweet and creamy, Thai tea flavor is definitely there, it's pretty strong, just the right amount of spices in there."
"The yellow berries actually have like tropical punch or almost like a mango flavor to the berry."
"That is a delicious velvety coffee vanilla chocolate exploration of flavors, it's perfect."
"The flavor was reminiscent of a strawberry pancake syrup."
"Rest in Peach, Peach is so sweet but like kind of unsuspectingly sweet, you know when the peach just gets you."
"It's deep and it's rich, and it almost tastes scotchy, not just butterscotchy."
"It's almost like crystallized, it's such a good flavor. Very bready and delicious."
"It's more like marzipan or something, no bitterness at all, very nutty."
"It's just coconut creamy orangey rum goodness."
"It's like a candied strawberry, which is arguably the way to do it."
"It's super spicy, creamy, and spicy. It's fantastic."
"It tastes like strawberry milk tea in a cracker form."
"That is smoky Chipotle delicious."
"I love these, that one was a cinnamon sugar, these things got the most delightful little crunch."
"It smells like blueberry pancakes; that's basically what it tastes like."
"Kohlrabi is like one of my favorite fall vegetables; it tastes like a broccoli stem but has a cabbage flavor."
"It's like a fresh, bright, cold vanilla, that's what I mean by crispy clean vanilla ice cream."
"The darker the sweeter, the sexier the muffin is."
"It was kind of a little bit like an Earl Grey but it had a very creamy... it was just really smooth and fragrant."
"Creamy is a good way to communicate that a flavor is clean, it's clear, it's lacking any pepper or spice."
"I've always liked beer because it tastes yeasty, it tastes like bread and butter; it's savory."
"It's the most delicious chocolatey palette you can get."