
Cloning Quotes

There are 173 quotes

"Elizabeth Anne... the world's first cloned black-footed ferret, marks a groundbreaking achievement in efforts to increase genetic diversity and aid in the conservation of this beautiful endangered species."
"The black-footed ferret... an animal that we thought we had lost forever. Now we've successfully been able to clone them."
"A living breathing clone that you could visit and pet. A marvel of human ingenuity, like something out of science fiction."
"We're pioneering this. We're going to be, you know, making clones of humans in the near future."
"If I could clone Nerf right now, I would spend every dollar in my bank account."
"These clones were already having doubts before they even experienced a real exchange of blaster fire."
"You're actually implanting a complex idea into a clone's head using a few chemicals."
"Cleaving into your sister or, in this case, stooping your own clone being the only possible partner of your species does not define the institution of marriage."
"I think there's a very good chance that we'll wake up one morning to the news that somebody's cloned a mammoth."
"Dolly's premature aging and health problems raised questions about the safety and ethics of cloning."
"If we know the largest, oldest trees are in threat, we can go in there ahead of time, clone those trees, make exact genetic copies to multiply those out by the millions."
"Your clones are very impressive. You must be very proud."
"Mastering the art of cloning: a story of trials and triumphs."
"Cloning is just another step in that process."
"For a game about automation, the final goal could also be creating a clone of yourself and the biological materials and research you've done while making the food."
"Cloning of animals is not just accepted, it's a business."
"Cloning isn't science fiction. It's reality."
"We can somehow be able to help endangered species by using our cloning process."
"The military, however, was still very interested in the potential of human cloning for military applications."
"That's honestly such a weird process. You're making some random dog carry a clone baby that way you can feel better."
"Honestly, that's just weird. So basically, you had the perfect dog and you want another perfect dog."
"Hollywood should be looking into cloning Tom Cruise because after him, who the [__] is next?"
"You could become like a meta clone or metahuman."
"Scientists believe that as cloning progresses, certain extinct creatures, such as the Irish elk immortalized in a poem by Seamus Heaney, may be resurrected."
"Australian scientists intend to clone the extinct Tasmanian tiger in order to bring it back to life."
"Cloning is of course a very interesting idea you're do or move ideas from one place and bring them into another."
"Clones don't leave kids behind, and that is a rare thing."
"Clones need to exist for the progress of the medium."
"This takes on a whole new meaning when you realize she's trying to make her exactly like the original she's a clone of."
"The movie manages to showcase how wrong it is to create clone workers for profit."
"I'm asking for a voluntary moratorium on the cloning of human beings until our bioethics advisory commission and our entire nation have had a real chance to understand and debate."
"Cloning technology is not new, it's ancient."
"The discovery raises hopes of someday cloning the species and bringing it back to life."
"One clone did all of these things and it was created by a Naruto who was substantially weaker."
"Honestly, if there's elitist of people that have the power to clone people now, and we don't have to use the people that don't listen to us, exactly. We can just replace them. That's [__] right?"
"Why clone the Rocks Pirates though? This crew that came within a bee's man parts of taking over the entire world."
"It’s possible that all the doctors were already clones, and Mrs. Bissette would just be restrained on a gurney so her clone could Shang Tsung her."
"Ditto has the ability to clone himself Without Limits through binary fission, and he can duplicate himself instantly."
"...Sidious managed to create a Dark Sider using cloning technology..."
"...Dolly the sheep, the first successfully cloned mammal."
"Cloning does exist, but not in the way that people think. You can't copy a soul, right? Okay, a spirit of a person that goes into this animated form of a body. So it's not what people think entirely, but it does exist."
"Dinosaurs have been genetically cloned and laboratory hatched."
"We just made a perfect copy of Rock Ridge. Now all we gotta do is make perfect copies of ourselves."
"Can I clone this? That is completely unplanned to see if I can pull it off."
"An extinct animal that's brought back to life has no rights. It exists because we made it. We patented it. We own it."
"Tissue culture makes hundreds of thousands of identical plants from a small number of cells."
"Whether it's because they're doing a really good job cloning something that's extremely popular or they're cloning something that is difficult to find that hasn't really been pulled off successfully yet, these are some of the best."
"Just a question to throw out there to the viewers should we clone these presidents we have their hair samples so we could just extract the DNA and make us a new George Washington a new James K Polk would that be a good idea or would they turn out to be soulless monsters."
"I never have enough time, see me do this, do that, I'll clone myself and do everything on time."
"We're taking copies, clones, so whatever characteristics this plant has, when we reproduce it by a cutting method, we're giving it to the new plant."
"I think everybody's gonna have a clone so they can have more hours."
"Laura being cloned from Logan's DNA was possible because his weapon x DNA slash blood sample was taken by the SX Corp during the X-Men apocalypse post-credits scene."
"The whole clone thing is just very fascinating to me."
"Clone technology has gotten so much better just within the past couple of years alone."
"These 12 clones here are so close that they could almost pass for the original."
"Could you just print out clones of humans? Yeah, 100% you could."
"If you cloned Dolly the sheep but then the clone had horns and like an alligator tail, that would be like a variant because at the core DNA, it is Dolly, but the original Dolly doesn't have an alligator tail."
"Why not just replace yourself with a clone?"
"...the mammoth isn't the only prehistoric animal Colosso is resurrecting back from the dead they also have reported on cloning several more species such as the styline the dodo and the Smilodon."
"The exploitation of cloning for profit."
"The astral crystal is a must-have item for cloning one's own soul."
"Researchers have discovered a very good thing a single bee has been making an uh so-called immortal clone army of itself for the last three decades."
"If we can clone dinosaurs, that DNA has survived millions of years, cloning a deceased human shouldn't be that hard."
"They thought about cloning your daughter."
"Taking cuttings... It's when you use a pair of scissors, you snip off a side shoot from a plant, you dip it in rooting powder, you plant it in soil, and it starts to develop roots, and then it grows into a new plant which is genetically identical to the original plant."
"Cloning is a very powerful idea. If you embrace cloning, you will get a massive edge on your fellow peers."
"I am what you might call a shameless cloner."
"...what I would leave you with is this: when talking about cloning, I always really think of it as the methadone for the real thing."
"The faithful droid of Anakin Skywalker displayed a vast network of advanced cloning."
"This is a form of cloning because all we have done is taken a healthy gene from a human and we have cloned it."
"Now in this video, I'm going to look at the three main kinds of cloning: reproductive cloning, therapeutic cloning as well as molecular cloning."
"...for the second use case, what I would do is create a repository on the server with some content in it and then clone that repository, cloning is nothing but making a copy of that repository."
"Hey, what's with the timer? He's making copies of himself. He's multiplying."
"It is impossible because a clone of an adult doesn't emerge from the lab as another fully formed adult. Far from it, the clone begins as a microscopic embryo floating at the bottom of a test tube."
"The same limits apply to those we might want to see cloned. People like Albert Einstein or Ben Franklin. However, as tantalizing as it might seem to resurrect the past, the best use of cloning appears to be in building the future."
"Allows the user to clone and momentarily sprout copies of any part of their body within their field of view, which they control as an extension of their body, much like how a flower spreads its seeds."
"The enemy wants clones in the kingdom."
"Asexual propagation is basically us taking a plant and reproducing the plant by using parts of the plant itself."
"If you want a certain looking Dark Phoenix, I recommend buying a clone rather than a seed."
"They need to stop Jamie Madrox because he is a guy who can clone himself as many times as he wants."
"Cloning is when you take an animal and you take cells from the animal and you use those cells to basically grow another version of it."
"It's like Homer Simpson when he was cloned; each Homer Simpson got half as dumb as the one before."
"What do you make of a cat that's been cloned in a secret 2.5 million research project?"
"The point is that they're cloning another creature which is potentially very dangerous."
"Hello and welcome to Animal Watch, and today we're meeting the world's first cloned wolf."
"If someone has a clone that they like, the quickest way to reproduce that clone in seed is through selfing."
"How To Clone A Mammoth: The Science of De-Extinction."
"So by cloning a drive, we have the disadvantage of not being able to use that backup drive for multiple purposes, but we have the huge advantage of being able to immediately get back up and running after a drive failure."
"It's a shaky topic folks, but we're determined to show you just what the modern science of cloning can achieve."
"It just does a great job of capturing the DNA of whatever you want to clone."
"If you want a clean, easy to use experience with the ability to clone your analog gear or download others' clones from the cloud, then this could definitely be a win for you."
"By grafting, we lock in those traits; we have a defined clone with a unique set of traits."
"The creation of the perfect loyalist Fulgrim clone was really exciting."
"The Clone Army is comprised of clones of Jango Fett, a legendary Mandalorian bounty hunter who was the perfect template for a soldier."
"She's a clone because his daughter originally died and so he brought her back."
"When you're doing air layers, you're actually cloning a part of the tree."
"The science of large-scale cloning will finally bring identical copies of America's best-loved entertainers into every home."
"We’re going to examine some of the concepts like cloning, including duplication of the mind, hive minds, and distributed consciousness."
"Dolly was a female domestic sheep and the first animal to be cloned from an adult somatic cell."
"With one real and one clone, you do a task half the time needed. Imagine the same principle with a hundred clones."
"It's not a matter of if human cloning will arrive, but when."
"Science has got us to the point now where we can reproduce plants, animals, even humans, as easily as making copies on a printer."
"Cloning in general is a great idea because if you have a plant you love, it's going to make a copy of it."
"If I make 365 clones, I will get a year worth of practice in just one day."
"This might actually be fun," she said and created her clones and started the paperwork.
"Clone is not something to be ashamed of; it's something to use when you need it."
"By using cuttings, we're cloning the plants, which gives us a consistent result in terms of growth and appearance."
"Cloning has the potential for providing a real service to humanity."
"I'm going to show how to clone the template and get it set up for a brand new campaign."
"What React allows you to do is clone this element."
"Dolly the sheep was the first cloned mammal ever to be created from an adult cell."
"Molecular cloning is one of the most important techniques in molecular biology and biochemistry."
"This is beautiful... I wish I could clone myself this way..."
"With this 1 million copies, I can do whatever I want to do; I can clone the sequence, I can study it, I can analyze it."
"So therapeutic cloning is all about tissue and cell regeneration."
"Dolly the sheep was the first mammal to have been successfully cloned from an adult cell."
"Boba is a clone of Jango Fett, a direct unaltered clone."
"For nearly a quarter of a century, we have lived in a world where cloning is possible."
"The idea of taking a DNA strand from an adult animal and being able to produce an exact copy of that animal seemed to be just science fiction."
"It's no surprise that in the Jurassic Park film, the real issue for them is not the cloning, but the dino DNA."
"The pyrenean ibex was successfully cloned and brought back from extinction for seven minutes."
"By cloning the DNA, we're able to then compare many, many copies together, and that increases the validity of the work."
"There are two primary methods to get code from GitHub down to your computer: one is to clone and the other is to fork."
"Woolly mammoths have been extinct for thousands of years, but that hasn't stopped scientists all over the world dreaming of bringing them back to life through cloning."
"Lunar Industries has been cloning the original Sam Bell and killing them once their contract expires."
"Cloning isn't actually about copying; it should actually be seen as an ideas generator."
"I want to clone my dog Remy because I never got to see Remy as a puppy."
"Every banana that you eat is a clone."
"Every body cell that develops from the zygote is genetically, in a sense, a clone of it."
"We're going to go fast, multi-instances, right? So we've all wanted to clone millions and millions of objects, and now we can."
"It's cloning humans possible? 'I bet you can't clone me.' 'I bet you I can.'"
"The reason we clone is to preserve the genetics of your animal."
"There is an entire forest that is all actually a clone."
"In order to make a clone of a human, you need stem cells."
"You clone it and you test it again, and this is the only way you guys can actually find profitable strategies."
"It's one of the rarest clones to have ever been made because it should not exist."
"He would create a clone Emperor with the physical and psychic attributes of the true Emperor but without his morality and under Bile's command."
"Would you eat a cow that was cloned? Oh, clone meat? Uh, yeah. Yes. Points for zero hesitation."
"It's really good, and it ties into the whole cloning aspect."
"With this cloner enabled, let's change the mode to object."
"It's kind of a sci-fi murder mystery, and in this world, basically, when you are killed, you can be put into a clone, and you technically fine."
"You're nothing like them, but you're an exact clone."
"Jurassic Park is a sci-fi movie; you're cloning dinosaurs."
"To persuade my audience that human cloning is morally justified."