
Film Technique Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"It added a sense of immediacy and realness to the film, particularly resonating as images and footage of the Vietnam War brought very real blood and gore into the lives of all Americans."
"It knows just when to pull back so as to not undercut any dramatic moments"
"...but he's arguably never done it better or with more audience squirming aplomb than Inglorious Basterds."
"Quick flask shot and a glance at an overdue bill give you 80% of this character's backstory in one five-second shot."
"The split-screen montage towards the start of the Opie shows all of the nonsense going on in the park simultaneously."
"Again nearly every scene in this movie is doing at least two things at once, if not more."
"Wes Craven cleverly uses claustrophobic camera angles to add suspense to the scene."
"It leaves the mystery element intact and breaks up the visuals in a stimulating neon approach."
"The film feels like it's out of control and like it might fly off the rails at any moment but within that they're making careful delicate choices that construct a very specific experience."
"Since these awe-inspiring sequences feature great cinematography and less cuts than normal, it feels like you're in the middle of every fray."
"It's nice to be reminded of how to do [a dream sequence] properly. The fake scare within some dream, or they wake up, or whatever, but it reinforces the character and what he's going through and that mental degradation he's going through."
"His involvement often meant that fight scenes were not only about showcasing might but also about highlighting martial arts discipline and technique."
"The John Wick series' signature of long, close-up action takes is only possible because Keanu Reeves is a performer who is willing to dedicate countless hours to mastering any skill that the script demands."
"The one long continuous take... is impressive."
"Using it as a tool to emotionally connect you."
"Neil Burger used a lot of reflective surfaces throughout the film to illustrate the theme of identity."
"The framing device of these songs being in the movie is a mixtape made for Star-Lord."
"The shots play into the uneasiness creating the sense of tension and paranoia."
"Everything looks better on camera when it's wet."
"He's consumed by this role, moments where he'll look at somebody and he's looking right at the camera."
"Isn't that amazing? There's so much going on without a single line of dialogue."
"Opening shots and closing shots are arguably like the most important because they bring you into the fold and then while you're there right before you leave they're like by the way this is what this has been about the whole time."
"The spins aren't actually undermining the swordsmanship. I like it. They're technically plausible."
"It actually enhances the fight scene, not from a technical swordsmanship perspective, but from a fancy movie 'you want it to look really good' perspective."
"By design, the opening image and the closing image are mirrors of each other."
"Kelly tap dances with the cartoon mouse Jerry. The sequence required the utmost care to pull off; animators had to painstakingly use rotoscoping to match the mouse's movements with Kelly's frame by frame."
"The Iraq sequence avoids the majority of cinematic storytelling conventions."
"Cameos are cheap gimmicks unless they are integrated into the story and help move it forward."
"Sometimes the suggestion of something is actually stronger than having it seen because the human imagination, especially in a great medium-like film, I think you can convey a lot by showing less."
"If they had just told the story in real time instead of having a montage with the music."
"There is perhaps no other film that so viscerally attempts to put the viewer into the driver's seat."
"The dancing sequence is actually one long take."
"This long take was the perfect way to introduce us to psalm's Peter."
"As soon as it cuts to black... then do the danger zone intro."
"This is Cecilia waking up at the start of the film... we wanted it to be incredibly suspenseful and we wanted it to feel like he could wake up at any moment."
"Close-ups are a very powerful tool and you must use them very selectively."
"Everyone had their own little moment, even the way they cut the movie, it's basically like watching the cartoon."
"Cinematographers prove again and again that rules are meant to be broken."
"The solemn processional of the faithful was accomplished by means of one of the most elaborate single shots in film history."
"This 'Look Out' was actually a message for the audience that here comes the Spider-man."
"A dolly zoom utilizes both a dolly movement and lens zoom to create something called the vertigo effect."
"A roll turns the camera on its long axis while maintaining the direction of the lens. A camera roll is disorienting, unsettling our equilibrium."
"A tracking shot physically moves the camera through a scene, typically following a subject."
"The arc shot is a camera movement that orbits around a subject, adding dynamic movement when characters may be standing completely still."
"A boom shot moves a camera up or down, utilizing a crane, jib, or pedestal."
"That cut from the close-up to the wide shot during your fall is some great A."
"What makes that work is that like you see a tip of the knife disappear inside of his nose."
"Everything we see in this opening tank is foreshadowing everything that happens later in the movie."
"This weird silent character development over the course of the movie through body language."
"Did you guys ever see the clip from Star Trek where they stabilized all the camera shakes?"
"Color grading is hugely important when conveying a feeling to your audience."
"The room rotating room! Oh, just on a technical level, it's just [__] awesome!"
"By staying with one static shot... allows the rhythm of the fight to unfold in the choreography itself to Stand Out."
"Slow motion lays bare action which was almost too quick for the normal eye to follow."
"Sometimes cinema is what you don't see, and Francis knows that. It's genius."
"Anamorphic lens flares add a certain level of production value and it's become a staple of many action movie genres."
"The action largely takes place in broad daylight and takes advantage of it."
"The animation, the wide shots of the establishing shots of Africa."
"I think breaking the fourth wall is genius in that we're going to have Fox's Deadpool in the Marvel Cinematic Universe."
"Looking at a true closeup on screen is an experience that replicates the nearness that's almost always reserved for intimate and romantic interactions."
"The ambiguity of an end really stays with me."
"There was one particular sequence where Charlie Hallahan's head comes off the table, and Tana shoots out and it pulls across, turns over, and grows stalks and walks across the floor. When I saw that, I realized a great sense of relief."
"It was a masterful performance of camerawork and cinematography."
"Misdirection in a film where they present things one way initially and then later show you a different perspective that blows your mind."
"The animation is quite interesting though as the film uses an unusual technique."
"It's really cool how they have two different like color gradings for when they're in the matrix and when they're out of the matrix."
"I like how it was filmed and I really like the idea how they used his breathing, you know? Because you can hear his breathing and you kind of see through his eyes what makes you be him, and this is very unsettling for you because you don't want to be him, right?"
"He's the best at using a song that contrasts with what you're watching on scene."
"The cinematography in this movie was fantastic."
"The definition of rotoscoping is tracing over live action footage frame by frame in order to recreate that footage into an animated setting."
"When you have like a wide shot and we can see everything that's happening with no cuts, that just indicates a level of confidence."
"Match cut is a super powerful technique."
"The 180 degree rule... is keeping the characters facing the same direction for an entire scene unless there's some reason for them to switch sides."
"It's like 15 minutes of one uncut shot, and it's really well done."
"It's impressive to do such a long continuous take."
"The quick cuts and edits were brilliantly placed together, helping to set the whole movie in motion."
"My favorite is the cross dissolve."
"In film and television, the showing is the telling."
"It blew my mind because it was the first time I had seen the use of a split screen."
"It's just art; that's just like film technique, craft, very good."
"...silence is another powerful tool used in this film."
"For the concept, it doesn't seem gimmicky, it's actually used to the movie's advantage."
"It was cool like the way they used pausing and silence."
"The film is able to reveal and communicate character, plot, and thematic elements purely through the uses of sound and cinematography."
"It's one of the best examples of cross-cutting in cinema history."
"Shoot 24p if you want that cinematic look."
"That's how you do ambiguities as presented in this film."
"It's called a vertigo shot because it first happened in Alfred Hitchcock's Vertigo."
"Montages are a great way to capture a bunch of moments in a little amount of time."
"I'm most especially impressed with his mastery of black and white."
"He looked straight down the camera, broke the fourth wall."
"I really like the flip scenes from room to room, that was really fun."
"Rotoscoping is a technique of animating that uses actual film."
"The cinematography on this is just next level."
"It's very interestingly and for the most part very successfully playing with form."