
Shutdown Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"It's remarkable, it's breathtaking, Raoul, that we have turned off the global economy."
"Everything is shut down. This shutdown is basically because we're trying to flatten the curve."
"One thing is becoming eminently clear: the economy simply cannot stay shut down this way."
"Yes, we shut down. But the shutdown did not stop the spread of the virus."
"At least on one happy note though, BurnLounge is shut down and it can't hurt anyone anymore."
"And to have a man sitting on television the other day say, 'Oh, I'd shut it down.' Oh, like it's easy. Shut"
"I will shut down the government for border security."
"The longer the shutdown lasts, the worse the damage is."
"During shutdowns there will be economic consequences on the country at large but more importantly individuals who live on daily subsistence who give their labor for their daily bread could be affected the most."
"Kiss anime and kiss manga have been taken down permanently."
"A shutdown will destroy the lives and dreams of tens of millions of Americans."
"These federal agencies that have been shut down they don't just operate inside of their little buildings in DC."
"Find where they're making this garbage and shut it all down."
"Jesus Hill shuts down... Atletico Madrid's Youth Department."
"Meep City, third most popular game on Roblox, got shut down, pretty crazy."
"Unfortunately, it was revealed... the most popular VRE esport Echo VR is being shut down by meta's new CTO Andrew Bosworth AKA baz big buzz."
"Man, I just love my sleep at night, everybody like will tell you like you know what I'm saying I shut down like a computer at night bro."
"Parler just got shut down because Amazon kicked them off their servers."
"Stars, right? The people who people know more, they've truly shut everything down."
"To turn off your computer gracefully, select start, then the power icon, and then choose shut down."
"...carry Packer shut down the Desert Inn. That's why it became the Wynn. I mean, so carry Packer uh, shut down the Wynn, meaning shutdown was measured in...remember the Desert Inn?"
"There will be a total shutdown of the greed."
"Shutdowns are actually quite similar to meltdowns both are extreme reactions to everyday stimuli both tend to be a result of an accumulation of issues over a prolonged period of time and both are out of the control of the autistic person."
"When you're asking your autistic loved one questions in the middle of a shutdown one you're not only not going to get an answer from us because we don't know what we're experiencing or if we do we do not have the spoons to even verbalize it at that point."
"You're shutting down. You're putting up that wall."
"And so we watched as the whole world shut down around us, unsure of just about everything."
"If you shut down the economy again, well, no one can buy a house right now so what happens? Total and complete economic collapse."
"The heels just shut the [ __ ] baby faces down. These baby faces get jumped and get shut down with no fight. I've never seen anything like it."
"Society shut down it's just like what the hell happened."
"The game had shut down and would become unplayable and lost."
"...having what we as autistic people refer to as meltdowns or shutdowns is clearly a common sign of autism in adults."
"It's dreamlike. The world which we were so used to until yesterday, that shut down. Everything shut down. Trains, buses, planes were all shut down."
"We're going to shut it down and relax."
"What do I want to create if it happens to me that I have to be shut down?"
"Let's just go ahead and shut off the console here."
"Why would that shut down? Because we've had trauma, criticisms, judgments, woundings, disappointments, a lot of feelings that we didn't enjoy."
"If we were down here at 80 bucks... basically when the whole Market was getting cranked and Co was a huge problem... that's the bottom when the whole world was shut down."
"Disney had spent 30 million on the attraction before shutting it down one day without a real explanation."
"This jail was really on the brink of being shut down because of just the overcrowding."
"Depression may be a stress response, a long-term stress response just sort of shutting down."
"Depression may be a stress response, a long-term shutting down."
"Your body goes into neutral or goes to shut down when you're being vulnerable."
"Police in Georgia shut down a lemonade stand being run by three girls ages 10 to 14."
"It's amazing to me that this is being shut down. And that was the other thing that happened."
"Let's end this government shutdown."
"Differentiating between shutdowns and meltdowns is crucial."
"Well people, we don't have infrastructure like this, guys you have to understand, for the roads, for the pipes, for grocery stores are shut down, restaurants are shut down."
"In most systems, there's some sort of a warning light that will come on that tells you that the system is shut down and that you're operating on battery power only."
"The entire service industry is literally shut off right now. And it's the same thing with card stores."
"It was just we had so many cruises get cancelled, the cruise shutdown was so long."
"The stonewaller... controls the conversation and controls the argument because what they'll do is they'll shut down on you."
"Fifth Avenue was all boards. I'd never seen that in my life. Everything was boarded up. Everything was shut down. It really was."
"If she has any brains at all, she knows what the outcome will be. Her only choice at this moment is to fully shut down."
"It's that serious, the whole city shuts down when these games come on."
"The only two times the world has been shut down completely is in the days of Noah and in our time."
"The Allegheny Portage Railroad was fully shut down in 1857, shortly after the completion of the Horseshoe Curve."
"Shutting down a global economy is an unprecedented event, and restarting it's not going to be smooth."
"To properly heal, we have to dip into that shutdown and feel the immobility but without fear."
"The first week of the shutdown, I was actually kind of happy."
"It was so difficult to deal with that I just sort of shut down."
"The nations of the earth shut down in a matter of hours; it has to be supernatural."
"I would hope to tell you that we've shut them down in Texas and there aren't any pill mills operating anymore."
"We shut stuff down, we establish and we verify an electrically safe work condition. That's the goal."
"The engine shutdown sequence in these locomotives is really something to behold."
"It's enjoyable. What's nice about adrenaline, for me at least, it shuts me off."
"Our documentary has never come closer to being shut down."
"In March of 2020, the world shut down."
"He has that shutdown ability, that one-on-one potential."
"Quiet is turning down the volume knob on life. Silence is pushing the off button. Shutting it down, all of it."
"What made the shutdown so surprising was the game was relatively successful."
"As a mom, I'm more panicked about everything shutting down than I am about the actual virus itself."
"It's a beauty as well, it completely shuts carrian down."
"The world was shutting down, that meant that capitalism was shutting down, if the world was shutting down then all of its radical inequalities were shutting down as well."