
Templates Quotes

There are 324 quotes

"Utilizing templates is like instead of you reinventing the wheel, you can utilize something that already exists."
"If you can master how to use templates in your own work, you'll save a ton of time and be a lot more productive."
"There's a time and place for using checklist templates."
"These templates are very well thought out... very sophisticated."
"Anyone with any reasonable amount of programming experience can look at a template and figure out what's happening."
"Wouldn't it be cool if we can make templates that we can use every single time we make a post?"
"Once you create a good template, it's a great way to save time in the long run."
"Templates are a great way to reuse spreadsheets that you've spent a lot of time formatting and that you need to use for certain tasks."
"Using this entire template has been an absolute boost to our productivity in making videos."
"Take a look at the templates, they will save you so much time."
"Templates would be any kind of digital template that can be actually opened and edited by the buyer after they purchase."
"Creating a slide deck presentation is another great template option."
"These are pretty cool, very useful inside of templates themselves."
"Templates are declarative, fantastic to detect drift, I use them for provisioning."
"Templates have the benefit that they are declarative. I state what is my desired end state."
"...whether you're wanting to create a portfolio, a personal blog, or an online store, they've got a wide selection of beautifully designed templates to get you started off with a professionally looking site."
"Templates are a great thing to use if you want to create a document quickly and you don't want to start from a blank."
"Templates can be your best friend when faced with a blank workbook."
"You can save any workbook as a template file if you want to reuse it."
"Excel's inbuilt templates are organized into different categories."
"Templates are reusable, saving you time and effort."
"Templates are definitely worth checking out if you want to get a head start on spreadsheet creation."
"Templates in Filmora can save you a ton of time, especially split screen ones."
"Squarespace has award-winning templates that will help make your website stand out."
"It's kind of the best in every way. It also allows me to literally build automations I can share with people that they can just duplicate, almost like Notion templates, which is super cool."
"Download templates to save yourself hours. It's my all-in-one system designed to get you to cut down on busy work."
"If Jira were to offer some templates for different business teams, they would be very helpful."
"There are templates, but we do recommend building your custom applications from scratch."
"Their design team has created really clean and amazing templates to help you get your vision started."
"This is a template that you can use for your own site and build from there."
"One common type of instant download is actually a template."
"Templates give you a good starting point for learning."
"It allows you to trigger scripts and automations but also use it in templates to trigger them."
"The templates have some nice looking sites there that will make things look pretty professional in quite a hurry."
"Squarespace offers like essentially an unlimited amount of templates."
"Templates are a great way to really kind of get you started."
"So now it's like a template that I can use over and over and over again."
"You need templates because otherwise you're going to write too much or even worse, you're not going to write about the right things."
"With glue up number one safely in the clamps, it was time to start working on the leg template."
"Templates can be used to generate actual code."
"Using a template we can almost include all the application and resources that a user might require."
"Explore the high-quality built-in Word templates for various needs."
"Templates are so important, I think, when you're making something like this."
"Templates means we are writing code without writing code."
"Genially provides a lot of the templates and different things that you need to make your presentations really engaging and professional looking."
"This might not seem like the most fun thing to create but trust me it is high in demand and a lot of people purchase these types of templates to use instead of starting from scratch."
"Each of these templates comes with predefined structure and formatting that helps you jumpstart a common information tracking scenario."
"Yeah, I mean this... this template's like an AC/DC-ish type of template. I have templates for Foo Fighters stuff, I have templates for acoustic stuff."
"There are over 5,000 completely customizable templates."
"...so templates are fantastic timesavers, they help us create professional-looking documents without having to be a design Guru."
"Templates are an amazing way to get a head start when it comes to document creation."
"Book Bolt... pre-made templates that we can use... save us so much time."
"...if you're an artist or photographer or Baker there are tons of amazing templates to choose from that fit your theme and are all customizable so you don't have to spend all day building your website from scratch."
"Squarespace is the easiest way to start your own website. They have dozens of templates to choose from and you can pick different themes depending upon what type of website you would like to create."
"The setup was quick and easy and they have beautiful and clean templates."
"Canva just spoils you with all these different templates."
"Squarespace offers beautiful, award-winning designer templates you can create a website or online store in just minutes."
"They've got so many templates available that they'll pretty much have anything for anyone."
"Squarespace gives you friggin loads of templates and they're friggin sick templates."
"I find that building with templates is definitely way easier."
"There's no reason to continue just using the templates you get. You can take them, adapt them, and modify them as you go."
"Having those training templates is really good if you're just getting started."
"...crushing it with these resume templates."
"When you use templates, you can save money not just on time and labor, but also on things like automations."
"Templates get you past feature fear for yourself and your team. It's your little cheat code, your little hack."
"We're now ready to move on to our templates so I'm going to we'll only have one but I'm going to create a directory and I don't want it inside the model directory I wanted inside the source directory so I'll create a directory here named templates."
"We have about 30 different predefined templates. I take my web map, hydrate it into a template, and I have an app right away."
"that's exactly how I do my arm templates for those that have been asking it's really straightforward really easy there's nothing complicated about it just a really simple trick that I do just to help my clients visualize the space for me."
"Templates lay the groundwork to build the tools that you need."
"In today's video I'm spilling the beans on my top four tips or hacks if you will for creating Canva templates that are going to be flying off the shelves and racking up those two things in your shop."
"So like I mentioned before in this video I'm going to be sharing my top four tips for creating editable Canva templates that you can then sell in your shop over and over again to make passive profit."
"I know the confusing part can be really deciding how do people offer these template bundles of 300 and 400 different designs how are they coming up with all of the content and topics that they're putting on those Graphics."
"Explicitly specified template arguments are fixed as specified."
"Making `send` and `read` a template can result in code bloat."
"Those templates are a really great starting point so that you can create something without having to look at a blank screen."
"The template-driven aspect of Canva is a godsend to those of us who are graphically challenged."
"Patterns are kind of like design templates...guidelines for design."
"A class template is not a class. A class template is a parameterized description of a family of related classes."
"You should consider this to be the bible of templates."
"Design consistency is key for better results. Using templates will help you achieve that and save you tons of time as well."
"Book Bolt offers a wide range of pre-designed templates. These templates are ready to use, saving you time and effort."
"If you're not into creating templates from scratch, no worries. Book Bolt Designer has a great assortment of templates available for you to choose from."
"Simplify inventory adjustments with specialized templates."
"Everything you're trying to do is already on Google, bro, like you, you can see templates, you can see somebody else, like, if you typed in sponsorship deck, it could pop up, you know?"
"You remove the decision-making process of contextualizing the information and you hand it over to whoever creates the templates."
"Django templates generate dynamic web pages, allowing you to show static and dynamic data from databases."
"Squarespace has a ton of online templates for you to use anywhere from food photography or even local business."
"We can pass any Python object from our root into the template."
"So simple and easy when you download a template."
"These are a great starting point. Everything's already in place, and you can build on them from there."
"All right, so as you can see, we've got a whole bunch of new scroll stoppers inside our template library."
"Now we're going to add in the only plugin we actually need, and that is called Starter Templates."
"I love the fact that if I wanted to completely overhaul my website I could actually literally just look at one of the other templates and just change it."
"Your promise is, 'I use the same five templates every time.' Okay, you're gonna give me a template. That might eliminate writer's block. So now I can create a fake, like I did one on smart contracts. And a lot of people have heard about crypto, DeFi, smart contracts."
"I provided a download link to this template in the description below. It's my free gift to you."
"A shortcut that you can take to jump around all of this and end up with a super usable template for getting great guitar tones right out of the box."
"If your organization does not have a template already, you can easily download the security assessment report template from the FedRAMP template site."
"By far the most common chains that you will see are made up of just a large language model and a prompt template."
"To make the process of cutting crown molding flat on the miter saw all but mistake-proof, I'm going to show you how to make a set of templates that make positioning really easy."
"Start by using one of the templates rather than starting from scratch."
"Creating templates is a wonderful thing."
"Using and creating templates... allows you a starting place so you don't have to start from scratch."
"Every component is associated with a template and template would be like this section where you can have your mock-up HTML markup."
"If you've got a good fixture, a fixture you tend to use a lot, try to build that world up as much as possible as a template."
"It's actually so easy to make an incredible website with their awesome award-winning templates."
"Can people share their custom templates with another person? Yes, they can."
"Templates are super important in automating my workflow and enhancing my productivity."
"The first thing I do is I pick a resource and try to get a sample template for it because you don't want to code everything from scratch."
"Making good templates are going to save you a lot of headaches in the future."
"Jinja 2 is a template processing toolkit which allows you to create text-based templates with content value placeholders which are then rendered into a result."
"Now that you have a template, you render it using the render method, passing in any context variables that can be used to turn the template into a result."
"As you've seen, templates are based on strings, but a far more common way of getting a template is to load them from a file rather than hard coding them in your program."
"Templates allow you to do this using a concept similar to a mail merge in word processing tools."
"Use templates as a jumping-off point, not as a single setting for every single situation."
"Choose the template type here; we are allowed to choose either the post or the product."
"Note: All elements on templates are editable - text, fonts, colors, photos."
"Concepts are requirements named requirements to constrain template parameters."
"If you're lacking inspiration and you want to start off with some really solid designs... let's take a look at starter templates."
"You can save that page as a template and then you can import it into your next book just like that."
"For the longest time, I never wanted to be involved with templates... but when I learned about how efficient my workflow became, I spent the time needed to create that template."
"Website templates are pre-designed layouts that allow you to arrange content on a web page to create a really nice design."
"A Docker image itself is a template which contains instructions for the Docker container."
"I always enjoy making something from nothing without templates."
"Using templates can save you a huge amount of time."
"With Cookiecutter, you can create templates and then use those templates to generate scaffolding for your projects."
"Templates are used mostly when you have repeating patterns you want to draw the same shape over and over again."
"There are templates for almost everything."
"You're going to find templates for everything including your video effects."
"This book is full of templates that I've designed to help you create card projects, envelopes, boxes, and so much more."
"Resume and cover letter templates... this one has high engagement and low competition which is the sweet spot."
"The easiest way to get started is by using a template."
"We build these based upon industry best practices."
"If we go to the folder level, we have any guide that walks us through how to use this particular template."
"Templates just make everything easier, so you're not having to start from scratch."
"This is one of my very favorite templates."
"This template is so nice; if you make it, you can save it and then you can just paste it on whenever you're recording vocals."
"Using a template will be easier than creating it from scratch."
"It's really hard to create a bad presentation if you start from a Canva template."
"The AMI is just a template that's used to create a new instance based on the user requirement."
"We want to try to come up with a template... this would work for the vast majority of people's documents."
"Generating test templates... makes the right way the easy way."
"Gen spider allows us to generate spiders with a predefined template."
"That's the beauty of templates; you can use them over and over."
"One of my favorite things is that it has pre-programmed templates in there for you."
"The journey templates are multi-leg journeys between two locations or two ports where the goods are being moved."
"A class is a template, a blueprint for creating objects."
"Now one of the most powerful features of the whiteboard are templates."
"You'll typically access these contextual linked databases within items of other databases where pre-configured templates automatically filter for items linked by relation properties."
"Those templates are an absolute winner for me."
"You can also plug into some existing templates."
"You just take your awesome content, pop it into their beautiful templates, and you're off and running; you have built a website."
"Google Docs... offers us some templates up top here."
"We are looking to integrate the hive into our operations; do you know of any repositories of case templates we can use to get started?"
"Squarespace has tons and tons of different templates you can choose from."
"It's very easy to take the basics of a predefined template and use those as your starting point."
"The great thing about this content management system is that it implements some of the pages using free market templates."
"Whatever type of website you want to create, there's going to be a template available to fit your needs."
"Reusability is a great thing; templates make it easy to reuse your code."
"I love printable sticky note templates."
"Using templates to automate document formatting."
"Every time I go over to the file tab and hit new, I will always be able to use this Word template as a nice starting base."
"Many times in real life business scenario, you may want to have legal agreements or contracts as templates."
"Card has a lot of templates that you can use, a lot of them are very good looking, simple, and for different purposes."
"To create the Excel file, what I need is a template file first."
"Templates are making everything so much easier."
"The thing that's great about having a template in your back pocket is when you sit down to stamp, then you can just follow the recipe to put together the card."
"You can use it and ASP.NET, but we deliver it and you have it available to you in the default templates."
"There's zero limitations and of course, we plan to work with the designers over the next few months and build you guys amazing templates."
"We're removing Duende Identity Server from our templates and introducing our own set of client-friendly endpoints for identity management."
"The best part though is you write the templates and you let LiveView track the changes and send diffs to your browser."
"A Django template is a text file... Django templates can also be non-HTML files such as CSV templates or email templates."
"With more than 10,000 templates and more than 26,000 samples, the possibilities of diagrams are endless."
"Smart templates... if you want to create a new song... they've done a much better job reorganizing and laying out the templates."
"The pre-designed templates are just an awesome way to save a bunch of time and use really professionally designed layouts to create all of your different pages."
"With tons of easy to use design tools and access to thousands of pre-made design templates, anyone can make custom t-shirt designs in a matter of minutes."
"They've got award-winning templates that'll help make your website stand out."
"It's incredibly helpful for making things like templates that dynamically change for whatever the editor types in."
"You also want to have multiple templates."
"Canva has an insane amount of templates for pretty much anything."
"If you have access to a high-quality template, an office template, a university template, whatever it may be, please ensure that you're working with that when you start."
"Workflow management is throughout the entire system here and you have workflow templates that you can utilize."
"Honestly, it's pretty easy, I think the hardest part is getting a really good template."
"They have tons of designer and award-winning templates that you can easily use."
"Creating a template... is definitely much better than not even considering margins and bleed."
"Templates are very, very powerful."
"This step here essentially allows you to create a templated Google document so I have a run sheet for every guest."
"With over 500 industry-specific templates, web designing becomes uncomplicated."
"You are free to design as many page templates as you like."
"Templates are not magic; they just let us declare placeholders explicitly."
"Using this strategy, you can create a session with chat GPT where you can use this template over and over to quickly and precisely create a number of web components."
"When you collect blocks, patterns, you turn it into a template and what you tell WordPress is, 'Hey, load this entire template on this page.'"
"Writing packs are essentially just templates for writing that you can sell and allow people to have templates for tweets, their YouTube scripts, or even blog posts."
"You can now specify the template parameters in a lambda."
"Sometimes it's useful to have something as a non-type template parameter which is maybe a user-defined type."
"Rather than just having blank pages, it's also possible to have pages with templates or predefined look and feels to them."
"The customization that you can do with templates... allows you to use variables."
"The standard width for email template design is 600 pixels."
"It's really cool because we built the templates inside my designs."
"There are five built-in templates you can use."
"So the about qmd file is a special template that's designed to present a person or organization."