
Player Immersion Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"But first levels aren’t just about what’s necessary. There are unique opportunities to draw a new player in to your world."
"What I really want for GTA 6 is for the NPCs in the game to have more life to them."
"There's way more to the story in SOMA; it's honestly huge and everything is written within the gameplay."
"As excited as I am about 8.2, wouldn't it be cool if there was that sense of journey and danger in Azeroth?"
"Fallout New Vegas has one of the more unique stories in the franchise with the player taking control of the courier after recovering from a critical bullet wound to the head."
"The gameplay philosophy of The Last of Us Part 2 is putting you in the shoes of Ellie."
"The engaging and multi-layered story kept me engaged and definitely helped me forget I wasn't actually doing much playing." - TheSixAxis
"With a game like Fallout, immersion is everything."
"Once you've kind of grasped the basic rules of transforming into your wild shape, it can be a really transformative experience."
"The rise of arcane is tied to the rebirth of immersive Sims themselves complex games that aim to reel the player in with established worlds cohesive rules and myriad opportunities for emergent gameplay."
"The Remake has much more of an open feel to it with the transition between each chapter being much more seamless and not broken up with a loading screen."
"MMOs are just so very unique still to this day with the type of gaming experience that they give to us. Really, I just absolutely love the immersion, the social interaction, the sense of exploration and adventure."
"The new reworks and stands look and sound incredible."
"Realism can be a double-edged sword, deepening immersion or limiting gameplay enjoyment."
"One of the sickest experiences I've had in an MMO in a long time."
"We really wanted players to feel like they're playing a Hollywood Blockbuster experience from start to finish."
"I really like the significant feel to designs that Blizzard have done."
"Breath of the Wild successfully does what it set out to do, where it clearly wanted to create a world that felt very old and kind of eldritch but not inhospitable."
"Improvements needed to make Night City feel alive."
"The game always keeps us anchored within the world."
"This is a world unlike I've seen in a video game."
"It's about making sure the gameplay actually lines up to the experience you feel."
"It really makes it feel like you have one life and it matters."
"Link finally felt like more of a character rather than a conduit."
"Each character feels real... they don't feel like summoned or mindless soldiers."
"The environments look way bigger, way more expansive."
"Using the interactivity of the medium to draw us into the game and make us think and feel like the character in the story."
"Making World of Warcraft immersive is our North Star."
"It's very important to us that items actually feel meaningful and real."
"Every character you see is a real human that is playing the game."
"The game's combat system is fluid and responsive, providing players with a sense of weight behind their strikes. It's just tactile."
"The dialogue is also much more natural in the remake allowing me to more easily get into the story and buy into the characters."
"Designing jumps: balancing realism and gameplay for immersive experiences."
"In a real haunted house the monsters can't hurt you, but in a video game they can chase you around, throw you through walls, cut off your hand, murder you, and then bring you back to life."
"Before you ever arrived, things occurred. That is how you make a game feel alive."
"It all starts with that most essential thing in any first-person shooters: inhabiting the view and position of a character."
"One specific area that I'm excited to dial in is the feeling of the player interacting with the world around them."
"The game disarms the audience's sense of safety within the first two hours."
"Anthem is an immersive experience that feels like it's complete from the get-go."
"NPCs are great at drawing the spotlight away from the player and making you feel like you're simply a part of a big wide world."
"Stepping out on the seemingly endless ring for the first time was an incredible experience."
"Well, I'm almost finished and you can hear just the immense amount of Endermen that have spawned."
"Our overarching goal is that players can embrace the fantasy of it."
"The amount of detail they managed to cram into this very small game is actually remarkable and it really draws you in and keeps you feeling a part of it."
"The world draws you in with its lush aesthetic."
"Breath of the Wild was one of the most memorable gaming moments to me because it did that thing for me that only some of the best games ever do where even when you're not playing the game all you can think about is playing the game."
"There is no such thing as a dungeon that's too big when in doubt make it bigger"
"The music of each environment also adapts to fit the player's experience with loads of dynamic changes in the soundtrack."
"It's supposed to feel like this is the world... this is my... these are my things."
"Have you ever looked at the scenery around this map Sunset really is stunning."
"I love what the slayer has done with the place: the giant ominous statue of himself is very him."
"It's truly the most immersive Call of Duty experience I've ever played."
"It's about immersion, about putting players in there."
"This game just kind of bit my mind and made me reconsider what a videogame could be."
"Half-Life 2 changed the video game industry by allowing the player to embody their character and skewing cutscenes."
"Everything in this game is like accurate to real life, I feel like."
"The customization options look insane like proper customization as you'd expect considering this came from a tabletop game."
"It's sort of bizarre feeling we're in a game where all the weapons feel so weighty and purposeful to shoot someone."
"The addition of amplified hearing protection is 100% realistic."
"A well-crafted game world, one which feels thoughtful and does a good job of selling its reality to the player, that matters more than you'd think."
"The emotional disconnect between the NPCs and the game story can be seen throughout your experience in Andromeda."
"I want you guys to experience the best players. I want you guys to be able to play with Ronaldos and prime icons and Messis."
"Fire Emblem: Fates has three games in one with three routes, one where you're in Hoshido, the peaceful red, or Nohr, the violent purple."
"Those are like small details but they always help the immersion side because you don't want to always just go around and do missions."
"Class customization: You're a mage, why shouldn't you be able to have your eyes glow when you cast spells?"
"This lengthier introduction makes it all the more satisfying and rewarding once you finally do become a hidden one."
"The level of detail in this game is just incredible."
"Even though the missions have you effectively fast traveling to each new location, the loading screens provide a few paragraphs to explain what's going on."
"Shenmue isn't necessarily true to reality but it is a reality you can trust as if almost real." - Yu Suzuki
"I loved the story in Detroit: Become Human; I wanted to be playing an awesome story."
"Telling the player about the world with the design of the spaces in the world is a really important thing that I wouldn't skip over."
"The small details, notes, and tricks the game uses to mess with the player... turns the game from a simple search and rescue game into one of my favorite psychological horrors in recent times."