
Legal Boundaries Quotes

There are 129 quotes

"The reason we say incitement isn't free speech is that it doesn't express a sentiment, ideology, or whatever."
"In America you cannot pay for sex without breaking the law."
"A defendant is generally allowed to publicly criticize the merits of a case... but obviously that criticism not cross a line and never evolve into witness intimidation."
"Death threats versus appropriate boundaries as it relates to government seizing your gun."
"The first amendment protects free speech yes it doesn't protect lies that amount to defamation."
"None of that is a crime, it turns out you can do lots of things in America that I personally think are egregious wrong and damaging to the country that are not crimes."
"It was horrifying, it was unnerving, it was foul, and quite literally, it was against the laws of nature."
"Courts should stay out of what the FDA does. Regulating drugs isn't the business of the courts any more than abortion is." - Wall Street Journal editorial
"The controversy is about whether the freedom to practice one's religion and title someone in Kim Davis's position to violate the constitutional rights of those she took an oath to serve and the answer legally is a big fat no."
"Don't abuse the copyright system to take down videos you don't like."
"You're not coming in my house without a warrant!"
"The government cannot force Americans to abandon their constitutional rights as well as their religious convictions."
"Don't lock people and punish them on behalf of Big Tech."
"Hate is an everyday human emotion, like love, like anger, like jealousy. It's not the police, but it's not nothing to do with the police until that hate becomes the motivating factor in a criminal act."
"It's an admission that Democrats don't think they can beat him fair and square... it's an admission that they're willing to bend the law and pervert the electoral process to maintain power."
"But man, when it came to his personal legacy, the way he wanted to be remembered, to make sure that he was a big deal in plain English, in the future, he was willingly and knowingly breaking the law."
"Defy this darkness, wear a mask if it makes you feel better, hold someone's hand, and grab a hug while it's still legal."
"You can't make any expression or language illegal in America because we could all express ourselves, and if you take that right, that freedom away from one person, you take it away from everyone."
"You don't get to shoot people for naughty behavior they were doing earlier that they're not doing at the time you shoot them."
"We've crossed a line here that is extraordinarily dangerous for the future."
"When people are trying to operate outside of laws and every every decision that she's made."
"It feels criminal but so many of these Tax Strategies... straddle the line between tax avoidance which is technically legal and tax evasion which is technically illegal."
"You have this trust for the police you know to uphold the law and to enforce the law but not break the law to catch me breaking the law."
"Cops cannot be allowed to arrest people who aren't committing actual crimes."
"Freedom of speech is not absolute; hate speech and incitement to violence, including rape, are illegal."
"Everybody's got a right to do as they do, as long as you're not breaking the law or making a victim out of anybody else."
"They don't care about representation, they don't care about the systems of law in this country, they care about simply doing whatever is necessary to win an election, whether legal, that's weird, whether legal or not."
"We're not asking for permission, everything's legal until proven otherwise."
"A judge cannot use their power to punish out-of-court speech."
"He's tried to influence cases where no other president has tried to exert that type of influence."
"I mean, come on, we got free will to do pretty much whatever we want as long as it's legal."
"You have no First Amendment right to mark up somebody else's property, even if it's for associational or expressive purposes. That's somebody else's property."
"A contract can't require you to do something that you're legally obligated to do and it also can't require you to do something that is illegal."
"Breaking the law with those platforms, I think that is a very clear and obvious and easy to understand line that pretty much everybody can agree on."
"There's a defined distinction between what's first amendment protected speech and what's criminal activity."
"Freedom of speech does not include the freedom to slander somebody you hate or disagree with."
"You can't have it. If the policy you want violates the constitution, you can't have it."
"Everything we do is based on freedom; make your own choices, do what you like, as long as you don't harm anybody else and break our existing laws."
"We ought to be able to say what we want to say within the bounds of the law of course in this country." - Josh Hawley
"You can wear blue and wander through the Bloods controlled back alley you can wear red and go to go to the Crips headquarters it's legal there's no law against it."
"You can't engage in unlawful activity to try to stop whatever you think you're going to stop."
"That's the American mischievous spirit, and it might be fake. It might be gay. It might be illegal. But here's to hoping that it's real and that guy's out there doing the Lord's work for us because the IRS is..."
"Once you make it legally compelled to wear a mask, that's the new threshold, and then it's just a question of what's the next thing that's going to be legally compelled."
"Make up your own bloody mind, but don't go and kill people or anything like that, you know, within the law obviously."
"Freedom of speech protects you from the government, not from getting fired." - Aneesa Jama
"The court security here was stepping way out of bounds by physically blocking people from entering a public building."
"If the operation is illegal, it is not protected by the law."
"The First Amendment doesn't allow for false allegations. Absolutely not."
"It is directly on that line of what I think should be allowable and there for it probably should be."
"There are limits of what we allow even people who get to be the president of the United States what they're allowed to do."
"As long as you're not breaking the law or destroying property, you have a right to do that."
"I think it's pretty obvious to most people that a president cannot have absolute immunity and can do anything they want."
"If you don't like it, don't go, but don't try to impose laws."
"Where we draw the line between public and private is one of the most important things about this case."
"As long as you are within the law we admire versatile people but someone who destroys the system, who makes accountability zero, you know, we can't have a high opinion of such people."
"You can't actually pass a law that says Don't Do Anything wacky with banks again so the feds will stay within the lines that Congress has drawn."
"I think you should not be legally allowed to save someone."
"If someone shows up to kill you... My line where you can shoot him is if he's trying to bust down your door and execute you."
"The fine line is our rights. When you cross that fine line, you're wrong. That's why they're called rights because when you cross them, you're wrong."
"None of them really cared how they got their art. They didn't even care if it was technically illegal. They just wanted it."
"Do what's going to make you happy, not what I want you to do, not what anyone wants you to do. That's the beauty of being a human, you get to do what you want, unless it's illegal and it hurts other people."
"It's okay when you're out on the campaign hustings, that's okay when you're working on the Congress. It is not okay when you're sitting talking to federal agents."
"Saying things that government doesn't like, having unfashionable opinions, or opinions that are out of step with Joe Biden's opinions, that is not a crime."
"If a guy sends a mob to your house and it kills people, that has to be over whatever line you draw."
"This was the government acting outside of its power."
"Freedom of speech is an amazing thing and I fully support it, however, freedom of speech does not give someone the right to incite actions that would harm somebody else."
"The president cannot order an elite military unit to kill a political rival."
"I believe it is overt corruption even if she's legally paying this guy it's still overt nepotism."
"I think honestly, I'm all for it. I'm all for the prosecutor doing this, going out on a limb, pushing the envelope."
"It's not over until you're out of their jurisdiction."
"We can't simply force our way into someone's house."
"It's perfectly reasonable to suggest that you can campaign still without criting threatening statements or saying threatening statements in a way that undermines a chance at a fair trial or otherwise."
"Putting money in other people's parking meters which are about to fire I hate that that's illegal."
"The indictment represents a kind of a red line that's been crossed."
"We have a right to peacefully assemble, no right to block streets then hit cars who don't stop—that's criminal."
"Despite her greed and willingness to exploit the system, it isn’t illegal, and likewise, the way Sylvia bested her isn’t illegal as well."
"The government could not force Axios to tweet 'all journalists are morons' or 'Donald Trump is awesome'... Like, you can't force Ben Ferguson to say something I don't believe in online."
"You can't force a Jewish rabbi to perform a Muslim wedding ceremony."
"The court cannot interfere with a maid applicant's decision-making or the clinical judgment of the doctors."
"I would never suggest violating the law, but those cigars from Cuba are pretty good."
"Regardless, we cannot give you a password that we do not possess any more than we can give you the formula for Coca-Cola. We do not have it, we have no legal right to acquire it, and so we cannot give it to you."
"It is illegal to scare a child to death in Canada."
"You can't sue people just for saying things you don't like... they have to fall into specific categories."
"There's a big difference between being confident really believing in your vision setting huge goals and telling people about your goals and committing Securities fraud."
"You're trying to figure out what goes from just like teaching an ideology to actually the practice of teaching the ideology violating the law."
"I honestly think if it was legal, I would enter into a relationship with this driver."
"Judicial immunity only protects judicial acts; it does not shield the conduct of judges who step outside their judicial role."
"We're outside the boundaries of biblical law, we're outside the boundaries of constitution, we are in an area where, frankly, it's scary."
"She doesn't have the right. She doesn't have the legal authority to do that."
"We should be alarmed that the FBI is taking steps to chill the speech of potentially American people over things that are not specifically illegal."
"There's the law and there's doing what's right."
"I always back the cops unless they break the law."
"So unless you're posting something that says go out and harm these people incitement for violence, that's a no-no."
"Protesting is our right as Americans, but violence is illegal and dangerous."
"What people do with their own copies of books is up to them. We can disapprove, protest, but we can't get the police involved."
"The police when my neighbor across the street has their house broken into, I have no legal authority nor any other opportunity to do anything about that crime. Period. End of story."
"Laws have always been broken to facilitate substantive change."
"You can't have a sliding scale of exposure between rejecting and making it illegal."
"The law has long established that arresting an individual for publicly displaying vulgarities violates the First Amendment."
"Parents are instructed to give you the exact amount of care that they're instructed to give by law and no more than that."
"Under no circumstance would we ever be true to the preservation of the powers of the Office of the President to permit any investigator a fishing free reigning fishing Expedition into the vital discussions that occur in the president's office."
"If you got somebody you look up to, and that man tells you anything illegal whatsoever, that's not your big brother, not your big homie, not your OG, nothing."
"You cannot break the law to enforce the law."
"Even assuming probable cause, he crossed what has been called a firm and bright constitutional line."
"You can design your life to take maximum fluidity within the law."
"Free speech does not protect you if you go into a crowded theater and you scream fire."
"The law has only the right to forbid such actions that are injurious to society."
"Wreck diving does something to you, but the law and common sense curbs the pirate that stirs in your blood."
"Allowing people to say what they want to say, even if it's controversial, provided that it does not break the law, I think that's the right thing to do."
"In the US, I feel like you're really encouraged here to be who you want to be and do what you want as long as you don't break the law or harm anyone."
"There has to be a firm line between a call to violence and free speech."
"Scope of practice defines the tasks that healthcare providers are legally allowed to do and how to do them correctly."
"The first amendment protects you from any laws meant to limit your Free Speech, but it doesn't prevent someone from taking you to court because they don't like what you said about them online."
"A person's right to free expression may be curtailed upon a showing that substantial privacy interests are being invaded in an essentially intolerable manner."
"The president has no right to pronounce on the guilt or innocence of an American citizen; that, Your Honor, is the business of the court."