
Evangelization Quotes

There are 79 quotes

"You read the stories of Junipero Serra and you realize this was a great man who came all the way from Spain and came to America, wild Wild West, and evangelized."
"We only have one solution to change our lives by radically converting, to evangelize those who do not believe by word and example."
"The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody, 'Jesus loves you!'"
"Evangelization should begin with the beautiful."
"Evangelization is the mission of the Church."
"We're trying to rescue souls, and so it's a battle. This is literally a war going on for souls."
"Evangelization flows from it because when men see God worshiped and glorified in a proper and manly way that will stir their hearts."
"The primary mission of the Catholic Church is proclaiming Jesus Christ as Lord and inviting the whole world to faith and repentance."
"Now is the time for the faithful to not only be courageous but to call out the cowardice you see live in a state of grace pray the rosary every day evangelize and fight."
"When the Holy Spirit lights you on fire, you won't need a seminar in evangelization. You will set yourself on fire and people will come from miles around and watch you burn. That's the way God works."
"Evangelization is charitable at its essence."
"If faith is just something that God instigates in us and we do nothing to cooperate with, then evangelization and the preaching of the Gospel are also futile gestures."
"Kindness is necessary for evangelization, but it may not be sufficient, especially for those opposed to what the Church teaches."
"Kindness is necessary to build a bridge, but then we have to reason together. Charity and logic go hand in hand in evangelization."
"...and that is Catholic Truth Catholic teaching has its own gravitational pull it has its own beauty but it's our job to show forth that beauty and show forth that truth by being willing to talk about these things and by being willing to share our faith give our testimony."
"The future of evangelization is much more to be found in homes than it is in parishes."
"This image is a source of evangelization. It tells the full story of God's plan, beginning to end, Alpha to Omega."
"Perhaps the major role in evangelization will be played by the future churches of the third world."
"Christian Unity is key to evangelization in terms of its success. Jesus tells us as much."
"Anytime people are gathering with their eyes and ears and hearts turned to the things of God, it's a moment of evangelization."
"Both Bishop Boyea in my diocese of Lansing and Archbishop Vigneron in Detroit are making a super serious effort to evangelize."
"We can proclaim salvation but you have to say how, and if you want to change the DNA of evangelization, sin has to be one of the first things you say."
"The whole thing is focused on their own personal holiness but also evangelization, you might say. They're concerned about others, they're concerned about salvation of souls, they're concerned about loving God, loving their neighbor."
"The church recognized the crucial role of the written portion of the divine revelation fulfilling its mission of evangelization."
"The new evangelization has barely begun, don't give in to new evangelization fatigue."
"The new evangelization works especially if we base it on the Eucharist."
"America was established to be the launch pad for world evangelization."
"The beautiful is a route of access to evangelization." - Bishop Barron
"This is the front lines of the new evangelization."
"Evangelization is not about knowing enough, it's about relationship."
"What's new about the New Evangelization is not a new gospel, there's no new Evangel in the New Evangelization, but there is a new ization in the New Evangelization."
"The Catholic Church imbued with the Theology of salvation, with the Theology of evangelization, could have been a stepping stone to the evangelization of society."
"Holiness, evangelization, love...be part of the solution not part of the problem."
"Giving a catholic gift to somebody can really open up their heart to receive graces. It can be a great way for evangelization and to help establish other people's homes and your own as a true domestic church."
"One of the greatest fruits of healing ministry is evangelization."
"There will be a final dramatic evangelization for every person on earth."
"What we can do is say yes with our whole hearts mind souls and strength to the call to holiness to the call to love each other to the call to evangelization to the call to openness to the Holy Spirit which is the very heart of Vatican II."
"Evangelization is not communicating information it's a happening it's the happening of grace in which we participate in the happening of redemption."
"There's no evangelization paradoxically unless we are prepared to grapple with questions to which we don't have the answer."
"Evangelization on the digital continent must be a priority."
"If you don't feel empowered to evangelize, you can at least figure out how to tell somebody about something that can evangelize, and that's where you get the power of the social networking tools, the power of Catholic TV, the power of Catholic radio."
"Vatican 2 was one of the first attempts explicitly on behalf of the whole church at the New Evangelization."
"We may be crazy, but we are in good company."
"The men and women whose faith laid the groundwork for the evangelization of the entire world."
"We are performing the greatest form of evangelization on Earth by the way that men love women and women love men."
"As we are delivered from a one-way street mentality in relation to mission, we will recognize that in the future churches of the third world will play a major role, perhaps the major role, in evangelization."
"The essence of evangelization is to tell everybody Jesus is about you."
"The promise of grace that we have heard about in Ralph's presentation and the call for the new evangelization is something that Christ longs to do."
"Evangelization is in fact the grace and vocation proper to the church, her deepest identity; she exists in order to evangelize."
"Evangelization is about falling in love and not just a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as Savior Lord but a covenantal relationship that establishes interpersonal communion in the family of God."
"The work of evangelization is an essential part of sharing the good news of the Gospel."
"In 30 years' time, they evangelized basically the known world right there around the Mediterranean."
"The city became, as John Knox called it later, a New Jerusalem from which the gospel spread to the rest of Europe, England, and the new world."
"Effective evangelization requires a relationship; you can communicate truth powerfully through a relationship."
"'Our Lady goes to Mexico to a little dude named Juan Diego, converts 10 million people in like eight years.'"
"Evangelization takes patience, a lot of hard work, and sometimes we don't see the fruits of it right away."
"Now is the time of Mercy, and that is amazing news for us, especially those who are involved in the mission of evangelization."
"Evangelization in our time will only take place as the result of contagious joy."
"Enjoy being Catholic; that is the single most effective way to evangelize."
"It was perhaps the first act of evangelization which always brings joy whenever we bring Christ Jesus to someone."
"Columba himself was active in missionary work and is credited with having evangelized the Picts."
"The rosary is an amazing tool for the new evangelization, for the enrichment of Faith."
"Seeking opportunities in the signs of the times for a way to bring the church's message to modern man."
"A living tome ism must not only transmit the integral knowledge of principles but also engage contemporary issues in the service of evangelization."
"We are in an essential moment of purifying ourselves for the work of evangelization and for the work of cultural reformation."