
Essential Needs Quotes

There are 54 quotes

"If I could wave a magic wand, there's actually three things that are most related to safety in America: housing, income, and access to necessary care."
"Having the capacity to not be alienated from your soul is going to be just as necessary as food, shelter, leisure, pleasure, rest, and water."
"The right food, nutrients, balance of hormones, light, air, water, love, meaning, connection, and purpose are what we need to thrive."
"Incorporating a dog's natural needs into training is essential."
"Food is life, it's always like food is like yeah touch and taste."
"When you strip away modern excess, what do you really need? Clean water, good food, strong shelters, protective clothing."
"To feel safe... that feeling of safety... I think that's essential for anybody to live with peace of mind."
"The unequal distribution of vital resources such as fresh water and food will become more and more prominent."
"Hope is a commodity that everyone desperately needs."
"Humans use energy for light, heat, motion, communications, computing, and most important, life itself."
"Music is the greatest influence next to water."
"Having light is going to be a high priority."
"We need high integrity sources of the things we need in our life."
"Human relationships are dire, just as important as eating and drinking water."
"Human connection is as important to our health as food and water."
"Family, you know, exactly. Family, setting your loved ones up. Absolutely."
"The reality is everyone needs a place to live, housing is something that a new company can't just go and magically replace one day, can't be outsourced and it can't be made cheaper online."
"No oil means no heat, no light, and no food for my people."
"Invest in something that's going to have a sustainable, durable human need."
"What happens when a country goes bankrupt? You get shortages of all the essential items that people need to live."
"Video games are essential. Food, water, and medicine are."
"Without food, we would not exist. It is food that creates us, connects us, and binds us."
"Only buy it if you know you need it: cooking, sleeping, pooping, staying clean cover the most basic essentials."
"Without fresh running water, I can't be alive without it."
"All you need is love. You love your boys and it's all they need."
"This sort of stuff is actually what's going to Keep Us Alive."
"Feeding your baby is good, and that's really all that matters."
"There is no longer a win-win when it comes to finding clean water to drink or cook with or bathe with or anything."
"Thousands have lived without love, not one without water."
"Here they were for just 24 hours without war, everything was down to essentials, counted out like dollar bills through a teller's window."
"So much kindness and love that's all we need isn't it."
"Water wars may end up being on the horizon because that is a necessity that we all need as human beings."
"You need what is necessary and whatever else makes you happy."
"Humans can live 40 days without food, three days without water, eight minutes without air, but only one second without hope."
"Essential is going to be rent, transportation, utilities, groceries, medical, travel. I do consider travel essential, it's good for your mind, but we only consider the transport there and the accommodation essential."
"Entrepreneurship is risky. If you're at the margin of not having enough money for something really essential, then the same risk hurts you more."
"And although man does not live by bread alone, without it the meal seems incomplete."
"Without the outside, our health suffers: metabolism, immunity, hormones. It's really, really important."
"Our ultimate need is never physical. Our ultimate need is always spiritual."
"If I have enough money to live frugally and have the tools that I need to have a fun time, then I'm totally content."
"These funds help Georgians buy essentials like food, diapers, a coat for their kid, life-saving prescription drugs."
"I don't need a lot to be happy; there's just some core elements of things I need."
"If I was on a deserted island and I only had one medicine to bring with me, it would be food."
"Drink more water. You need it; it's essential for all life."
"Food isn't vital anymore, but helping the soldiers on the front line, that's vital."
"Food and water is security. It absolutely is security."
"You literally have to get what you really, really need."
"Water is so crucial for your body; you need it, and your skin needs it, your entire body lives off of water."
"Charities, public health leaders, and even energy firms warn of catastrophic effects on poor people already struggling to afford their essentials."
"The only thing that you need is your health, your happiness, your peace of mind, connection with the Divine source, and a connection with your higher self."