
Rethinking Quotes

There are 59 quotes

"Disaster brings rethinking, and rethinking then creates the possibility of a better tomorrow."
"I liked this chapter because it made me rethink everything, it was more realistic than just dragons."
"Designers are constantly inventing ways to re-think the everyday."
"A new adaptation can provide an opportunity to rethink flawed plot elements, rework the pacing of certain story and character arcs, and reinvent aspects of a series that might not have aged well or that might take away from its core appeal."
"Forget the facts and rethink the whole thing."
"Think like a guest: 'What if we tore up the rule book and started again?'"
"We need to radically rethink our view of intelligence."
"We need to rethink how we think about the body."
"I'm actually challenging people when they come into my spaces to rethink space and rethink what you need to be happy."
"Hard Reset is all about rethinking things from the ground up."
"Organizations going forward need to rethink their digital strategies because the digital strategies of pre-2020 were no longer relevant to where we are today."
"If we were going to rethink it all from scratch, we might not have nation states at all."
"It's becoming increasingly important to rethink and reimagine established homes bringing them into the now."
"We can rethink a hell of a lot now and I'll end on one thing, we can even rethink retirement."
"I think all filmmakers are going to have to really start rethinking uh how long they make things."
"We really need to rethink what we're doing both in business and government and civil society."
"We need to rethink the way we think about economic value."
"It's incumbent upon the donors and countries to start thinking, rethinking these stale kinds of models."
"We need to rethink what it means to be human."
"I am also known as the doctor of rethinking because I help people to remix their thinking so they can make money, manage money, and of course multiply their money."
"We need radical rethinking of our entire relationship with nature."
"The Bauhaus program meant the rethinking of every manufactured object, not just buildings."
"I think we need to think about education in a different way."
"We need a massive rethinking about both reward and punishment because none of us are anything more than our biological luck."
"Repentance is not all the time 'I'm sorry for what I did'; repentance is a rethinking of what I did or what happened."
"We need to completely reorient the way that we think about things."
"We need to rethink what Global World Order is, and we need a new world order."
"It's about rethinking school safety."
"Perhaps partisan rivalry can't be indulged anymore and it may be time that we start rethinking what is possible in our political coalitions."
"It's just fun to do that, you know, it's fun to kind of rethink things."
"They get to see their own progress and experience the joy of rethinking the things you got wrong the first time."
"You've put the challenge out there for us all to rethink our assumptions and our opinions and habits."
"We have to do a complete rethink of our future on this planet."
"We have to rethink medicine, we have to rethink health, we have to rethink disease."
"We want you to rethink what's possible."
"We want to help you rethink, re-examine, just reimagine simple stuff."
"Without a thorough rethinking of our tradition, we will never find the future we have missed."
"We think it's a really good time to radically rethink the automobile, particularly in cities."
"Completely rethinking the supply chain."
"It's time for us to rethink things, to be bold, to rethink the way that we look at the world."
"We live in a world that really needs to rethink product semantics."
"It will take a major rethinking of the relationship and the shared responsibilities."
"We have to rethink pretty. It's not just about lawns, we have to rethink pretty in our suburban areas."
"It's a bit like you just have to rethink everything from scratch."
"React came from some people who are willing to rethink best practices and kind of push off dogma about how things were supposed to be done."
"We've kind of rebuilt how we think about infrastructure a little bit."
"Let's teach the next generation of kids, to be eager, enthusiastic, curious, humble re-thinkers."
"Everything from the inside out, you have to change your thinking completely about just everything you know about an automobile."