
Physical Properties Quotes

There are 82 quotes

"The final black hole that is created is specified by two numbers: its mass and its spin."
"Analyzing the spectrum of an object can tell us about its physical properties."
"The quantum vacuum, despite its name, is not an empty void but rather a dynamic entity in its own right."
"It'll come back weighing right at six thousand pounds a little bit less but still fairly heavy nonetheless."
"The universe we live in is literally an expanding ball in space."
"Mercury is the only metal that's a liquid at room temperature."
"Helium can lift stuff because it is less dense than air."
"Diamonds are among the physically strongest gems in the galaxy, plain and simple."
"Water remains sensitive to its encounters even in outer space."
"Gravity, all gravity is, is density. Heavy dense things fall down and light non-dense things rise up."
"It's a little heavy given its size at least."
"The new model is designed to be physically accurate out of the box."
"If you've ever touched mercury, you know it doesn't really stick to your hands in the same way that water will."
"This primer has a really liquid consistency."
"Buoyancy is an object's ability to sink or float."
"Objects sink because they are more dense than water."
"Strength can be defined as the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure."
"The brightness will depend on the surface area that's reflecting the light." - As well as the reflectivity or albedo.
"It's big, heavy. In terms of an actual shield, I think we agree, it is a real shield."
"These doors were legitimately plastic-coated cardboard, and when somebody went through these [expletive] doors, all you seen was cardboard."
"Plasma does seem to be not the best but its strength, of course, is the fact it's so hard to counter."
"Water is not wet, an object with water on it is wet."
"Even though in both cases you might be expanding the volume of the milk by say 40% with a dry foam, it's going to be liquid milk on the bottom with bubbles on top."
"In its gaseous form, oxygen is colorless and doesn't have any odor, but when it's liquid or solid, this substance looks pale blue."
"It's the physical property of the oil that's the important thing."
"They're solid at room temperature."
"Your hair is a lot stronger than you think. A single strand can hold 3 oz, and all the hair on your head combined could support the weight of two elephants."
"Water can be very dangerous, not just for drowning, but for its physical properties alone."
"Copper is a really good conductor of not just electricity but heat."
"Meteorites are not burning hot when they hit the earth. People that have been lucky enough to get there shortly after and touch it or pick it up report that they're either cold or slightly warm to the touch."
"Wide frets have more mass under the string and they definitely feel different."
"Luffy's body's made of rubber, which would also give it insane elasticity."
"Gold is a fascinating element; it doesn't corrode, it's malleable, and it conducts electricity."
"The two substances in a lava lamp are typically water-based liquid and a waxy compound; they can never dissolve into each other."
"Metals have high melting and boiling points, they're good conductors of heat and electricity."
"A SysML model can represent constraints on physical and performance properties."
"Water expands when it freezes, which is why frozen pipes burst in the winter and ice floats on water."
"Larger size, increased electron density, increased polarizability, increased temporary dipole, and stronger London dispersion."
"Increasing strengths of intermolecular forces mean you're going to have a higher boiling point, higher melting point."
"The solid form ice is less dense than the liquid form water."
"Whole numbers cannot change continuously, and so this means this whole topological stuff is much more stable against default, dirt, defects, or anything."
"Hydrogen bonding, dipole-dipole forces, London dispersion forces, and ion-dipole forces affect things like your boiling point or your melting point or your viscosity, surface tension, some of the bulk properties of a liquid."
"When you freeze water it expands in forming ice, whereas for almost any other substance you could ever name, when you go from a liquid to a solid it actually contracts and gets smaller."
"The property of equilibrium has the character of transitivity."
"The water was so cold it needed just a few seconds to freeze literally anything."
"Optical isomers enantiomers have similar physical and chemical properties but rotate polarized light differently."
"Bigger alkane equals higher boiling point; smaller alkane equals lower boiling point."
"Water itself seems to possess two different states depending on the temperature."
"Metals are shiny, lustrous, conduct heat and electricity, and are malleable and ductile."
"Time is a physical property, and when you understand that, a lot of things come to light."
"A planet should be defined by its physical properties, specifically by its roundness."
"It's going to act very differently than normal matter in a lot of counterintuitive ways."
"Metals are good conductors of heat and electricity... they tend to be hard, they tend to have high melting points."
"Physical properties can be measured or observed without changing the matter into something else."
"Matter that is metallic is usually shiny, solid at room temperature, malleable, and strong."
"Most nonmetals are not shiny and they cannot be hammered into sheets or pulled into a wire; they're not malleable, they are brittle."
"The Young's modulus of a material is unique to that particular material."
"Metals are shiny, malleable, and ductile solids; they are good conductors of heat and electricity."
"Water floats when it's solid, which is really, really rare amongst any chemicals."
"Gold has a specific gravity of 18, which means that it's 18 times heavier than a given quantity and volume of water."
"The most important things for glass is going to be the reflection and the refraction."
"The structure of the snow is such that all the ice particles get interlocked, and only when it has lots of collision force, that is the only point where it breaks."
"The reason why things in nature follow those laws is because of the physical properties of those things interacting."
"Operators are fundamental in quantum mechanics because they describe physical properties."
"The change in resistance is proportional to the change in length."
"Anisotropy means the material's physical properties vary depending on the direction in which they are measured."
"These are the characteristics of metallic solids: They have high electrical conductivity, they have high thermal conductivity, they shine, and they have ductility."
"If you understood why a certain numerical method is not capable of predicting certain physically relevant properties, then you would not use this algorithm or you would use this algorithm with caution."
"Buoyancy and flexibility, that's what it's all about."
"Enantiomers are having identical physical and chemical properties, whereas diastereomers are having different physical properties and similar chemical properties."