
Media Personalities Quotes

There are 80 quotes

"Love him or hate him, when Tucker puts on a show, everybody's watching what this guy's got to say."
"John Stewart was substantially more sincere than all of these plastic personalities."
"The future of media is going to be the relationship between the audience and individual personalities."
"I think the FBI went after James O'Keefe because they were scared that O'Keefe had information on them."
"Drake is still winning the nice guy Awards. Let me just say, he's back."
"Comparing the two, I think Maria is a more versatile broadcaster."
"I would like to see some of the failed Mickey Mouse Club... Keenan get Keenan and there are Keenan's doing Saturday Night Live."
"I'm like a extremely lowbudget John Oliver, we're like John Wilson and John Oliver kind of together."
"Chuck Todd apparently is a sleepy-eyed sob, which is pretty spectacular."
"Chuck Kenny Shaq have never made or tried to make the show about them yeah they've never said hey I don't have enough air time here"
"Your interpretation of Love is talking like Jimmy Swaggart and Joel Osteen."
"Dan Le Batard and I used to be very good friends."
"Congratulations on getting better, Steven Crowder. You really helped a news dude out."
"At the end of the day, it really just seems like Steven Crowder wants to be popular."
"Matt Gates just wants to be Tucker Carlson that's kind of the beginning middle and end of it."
"Trump and Kanye... they're worthy of admiration."
"I don't hate Daniel Keemstar at all, there's resentment against Keem, but there's not... hatred."
"Good for Whoopi Goldberg and we need more of this from the left now."
"It would be fun to have one of these lefty personalities come... We're not gonna just say what you want to hear, if you want that there's a bunch of other places you can go get it."
"Special shout out to Levar Burton and Reading Rainbow."
"When's the last time you saw Ben Shapiro admit that he was wrong about something and that he was going to change that aspect of his content going forward? Never. You haven't seen that ever and you never will."
"Here's what happened when Joe Rogan went over there: obviously, Joe Rogan is a huge proponent of freedom of speech."
"Joe Biden is now attempting believe it or not to polarize American Support around Ukraine."
"I love Joe Rogan. He's connected to his emotional state, a clear thinker on many things, a wonderful communicator, and just a lot of fun."
"Scott Mendelsohn is the journalism equivalent of John Campea."
"Stephen Crowder's contracts ain't no better."
"I disagree with a lot of what Ben Shapiro says, but I was totally on his side in that moment."
"Tucker's not going to go away... Tucker might run for president now."
"Tucker Carlson espouses doctrines that are preached conspiracy theories."
"Jimmy Dore decided he was going to call Jank Uygur a union buster."
"Joe Rogan went from everyone just thinking oh it's the guy who hosts fear factor to this actually really show to reality now."
"Even Trevor Noah is waking up to the psychotic behavior that's happening all around us."
"Kimberly literally set her career on the same track as Paris Hilton's."
"Greg Olson, period. Early Barstool. Real deal. Genuine article."
"Nobody no one white no one black everyone knows Joe Rogan's not a racist"
"I genuinely do feel bad for Ethan I think he doesn't understand what he's involved in I think he's genuinely been lost this whole time."
"Tucker Carlson actually gets through to him."
"Everybody knows you as this great sports journalist, but I think what a lot of people don't know is you're quite the thespian."
"I always enjoyed Joe Hagman's contributions on the show."
"Look you've dunked on Dave Rubin now which you get bonus points for."
"Normally I hate Logan Paul, but this isn't bad."
"Kenya bears falls into the same category as Shonda Rhimes—socially dense, unable to grasp the nuances of social justice and liberation."
"Thank God for Jan Winner personally because that's pretty great."
"Good show Tony, we miss you on Saturday afternoon."
"Let's get Tucker, Alex Jones, Glenn Beck all in the same spot."
"You're just a genuine guy and I think that's the key to your success you know you're just not... you're not some host looking for a sexy punchline."
"Gotta give it to the queen of the camera, she's out here rocking it, she's the champ."
"No matter what, how you feel about the Kardashian, they are an iconic family."
"Larry King was a hero of mine until we fell out after I replaced him at CNN."
"Tucker Carlson is the greatest asset to the Donald Trump campaign I don't think that's even arguable."
"It's been far too long since we've had Max Blumenthal on the show."
"I love when you both are on because you're both real even sometimes emotional with the same feelings I have."
"I want people especially people with large audiences especially people with large audiences to want to change to to do that to demonstrate that publicly."
"I think from the little I've seen, Ben Shapiro is probably like the best. I think he's actually like an okay human with how he approaches his conservative... maybe it's my bar for conservatives has gotten so low."
"Women like Grace Lynn exist. She's my queen." - TYT Host
"Shout out to those people at the old place and John cheese new editor-in-chief of modern rogue."
"Pierce Morgan probably has the best business model right now: he just brings people on and loses debates with them."
"The whole thing is sad when Keemstar is the voice of reason."
"Joe Rogan is actually one of the few who has been just like a normal guy who he's easy to talk to."
"It's tucker carlson and it's desantis this is a major I mean for alex jones to declare someone else his leader i know it's very easy to laugh all of this stuff off and go alex jones who's a it is actually it's it's horrifying."
"I did Mike Wallace and Barbara Walters back when I was the two biggest people in the world interviewing people. I did them. So I'm like, yeah, whatever. Like, who the [__] are you?"
"I just couldn't believe that Envy had a real authentic conversation with Ebony and didn't hold back."
"He's like a media personality that became Mayor, yeah that's never happened here."
"Hey everybody! Welcome to Sunday's edition of the Natasha and Debbie show!"
"Never have her on again and I was like but anyway JoJo much like Michelle the bartender wish you well Queen um on your journey"
"A lot of these young reporters that come up there, they really they're not journalists. I mean they just want to see themselves on TV."
"Your guests are fantastic, insightful with humor, which we need now so we don't jump off a bridge."
"Ellen DeGeneres, for one, she's always been sweet to me. Jimmy Kimmel, always been sweet to me. Oprah, always been sweet to me."
"There's nobody gonna talk about how amazing, hot, and fun these two hosts are."
"Kyle, Jimmy Dore is a lunatic who will betray every principle you believe he holds if it fuels the drama that grows his channel."
"The greatest interviewer ever is Howard Stern... second best ever is David Letterman... and then my third favorite... is Andy from Bravo Andy Cohen's an amazing interviewer."
"It's probably some of the most robust and well-viewed political debate about January 6th is Alex Jones and Destiny."
"Darren Rovell is in his own category of content, you know what Darren Rovell content is?"
"There they are, Dr. Keith Abilo, Riley Martin, a host on these channels of his."
"We should really glorify true heroes like Howard Stern."
"People want different things from media personalities than they want from artists."