
U.S. Foreign Policy Quotes

There are 188 quotes

"Intervention begets more intervention, then begets US occupation, some far-flung outpost, militant attack on said outpost begets greater escalation, and yet more intervention. It seems the cycle never ends."
"As President, Joe Biden will continue to ensure that the Jewish state, the Jewish people, and Jewish values have the unbreakable support of the United States."
"Washington's credibility in Asia, and thus its ability to muster a coalition to stop China's domineering ambitions, would be gravely damaged by failing to effectively defend Taiwan."
"The United States loves war, and the United States loves to provoke wars. I don't know if you've been paying attention to the last 70 years of United States history, if you disagree with me, well, you're wrong."
"The U.S., as it often does, skillfully puts its weight behind the fascist elements."
"The United States owes it to Haiti to assist in ways that would be supportive."
"USIP is a public institution established by Congress in 1984 to work with partners around the world to prevent and help resolve violent conflict abroad."
"Fearful of Soviet intentions towards Western Europe, the U.S. and other European nations created the North Atlantic Treaty Organization."
"Taiwan is different from a couple things. One, it's a country where we have drawn a line as the U.S. and said this is an ally."
"Kim Jong-un believes that the United States is in global Retreat and that essentially he can pretty much do what he wants."
"The actual problem is that over decades U.S. foreign policy and domestic drug policy have combined to help make key Central American countries virtually unlivable, beset by violence, corruption, and economic collapse."
"Bipartisan sentiment in Congress for the U.S. taking a harder line against China."
"The US needs to find a constructive role to play on the global stage among all other nations."
"There's no intention of the U.S. fighting Russian troops. He described this as a defensive move on NATO territory."
"We have no intention of fighting Russia, but we want to send an unmistakable message that the United States, together with our allies, will defend every inch of NATO territory."
"In that spirit, we should not allow U.S. sanctions to add to the burden of Cuban citizens that we seek to help."
"The CCP can do whatever it wants and the U.S. can't say anything about it."
"The CCP is threatening war against Taiwan... will the United States step in to defend Taiwan if it comes down to it?"
"I don't want U.S. dollars to be funding this carnage in Ukraine led by Putin."
"In Brazil like in so many countries they had a democratically elected government in the early 1960s which the United States disliked because it was a left-wing government."
"The U.S. now has a very strong and powerful foreign policy."
"For China not to swallow small countries in the region, it is essential that the United States not withdraw support from the region."
"This is the kind of corner the US has painted itself into, whining about these referendums being held in Southern and Eastern Ukraine."
"The U.S. meanwhile praised the island as a model of democracy."
"America announced the Truman Doctrine, in which they basically said those guys are not cool, cannot be trusted, and we do everything we can to prevent the spread of communism around the world."
"We must end America's complicity in Saudi Arabia's war on Yemen."
"The United States was Saudi Arabia's partner in this horrific war."
"The U.S. is targeting the Solomon Islands... to punish them, to reverse their decisions."
"Of all the issues that we could be dealing with, that we could be fighting over, the 6 million people that have died from the US Global War on terror, those type of things."
"Putin saw how the withdrawal from Afghanistan was managed and made note of that. It showed him an America that was weak."
"Yes, it absolutely forces the American president's hand and it has to."
"Maybe the reason the US government took this radical and sudden unexplained turn against Qatar is because Qatar wouldn't give Jared's family any money when they asked for it."
"Joe Biden absolutely botched the U.S withdrawal from Afghanistan."
"We've got to be very honest and candid about the role of the US empire."
"President Trump tweeted his support for the demonstrators."
"Don't respond in a way that is sort of irreversible or that is incontrovertibly taking things to the next level... Let them [the U.S.] be the aggressor."
"President Biden highlighted ongoing U.S assistance to help Moldova strengthen its political and economic resilience... and to address the effects of Russia's war against Ukraine."
"There's an alliance between Russia and China and you know the Biden Administration has led us down to this road of Ruin."
"There's no scenario the president is sending U.S. troops to fight in Ukraine against Russia."
"Official US policy is to reject a diplomatic settlement."
"The initial super response that the United States and its allies have put together... was to provide grounds for this massive sanctions attack on Russia."
"A stable Ethiopia, a democratic Ethiopia is in the best interest of the United States."
"The war started because the United States was isolationist and let aggression go."
"We may be close to a pivot by the United States away from Ukraine, which would mean the end of the Ukraine as we have known."
"Putin wanted to undermine NATO and destabilize the US-led world order."
"China poses a greater threat to US interests than the Sandinistas and other communist-backed groups ever did."
"If the Chinese see that the United States... cannot stick together with Ukraine and stop Russia."
"The United States' rules-based international order is just U.S. hegemony."
"This isn't just about me but about America national interest. We can't allow this kind of moral equivalency when dealing with Vladimir Putin."
"It feels like the world is becoming more and more multi-polar and the U.S is trying to foster more and more conflict as that happens."
"The United States has been blessed because of its stance towards Israel."
"The U.S can and will securitize nearly every international dispute."
"The United States is strategically squeezing China and Russia at the same time. It's arrogant. It is pushing China and Russia together to strike back."
"China seeks peaceful solutions but the United States seeks chaos."
"The United States has already reinforced the notion that we are not going to sit idly by when Sovereign Nations violate the borders of other Sovereign Nations."
"Pressuring Ukraine to conduct political investigations is not in the national interest of the United States."
"President Trump through ambassador Solomon was asking for president Solinsky to very publicly commit to these investigations."
"The United States government is going down a pathway to war and destruction. I do not agree with the current path that we are going on."
"With the Silverado, you have everything you need to not only write your own summer story, but also make it an unforgettably epic one."
"U.S security strategy will help implement a comprehensive economic, political stability, and security strategy for the region."
"Remember, the United States has a one China policy... but President Biden said, 'by any means necessary to defend Taiwan.'"
"The collapse of U.S influence over Saudi Arabia and the Kingdom's new alliances with China and Iran are painful emblems of the abject failure of the neocon strategy..."
"Direct American support would arrive shortly."
"China's role in brokering peace agreements historically a role that would have been left for the U.S."
"The US wants to achieve a complete negation of the relations between our people."
"Confronting China should become the organizing principle of U.S. foreign policy."
"To think about Haiti in terms only of these specific crises is to completely ignore the continuous role over 200 years of US imperialism in Haiti."
"There's never been a red line that any American president has enforced against Israel."
"The US will support Taiwan's current status without supporting Taiwanese independence."
"The US has given Taiwan an assurance since the 1950s that it would defend Taiwan against Chinese military attack."
"Prepare for the worst, hope for the best, and don't vote for the warmongers."
"The US strategy in Africa is rooted in genuine dialogues with African Partners."
"The disappointments mounted from then, and I'm really unhappy about U.S. foreign policy now."
"The U.S. needs to be the predominant country in the world, period."
"The U.S. Grand strategy is not about ending climate change, it's not about economic development, it's not about ending poverty, it's not about peace."
"The U.S. view is, 'No, this is the U.S. world.'"
"This is a really good agreement for the United States."
"The United States wants to be the world's absentee landlord and rent collector."
"Central Command says the exercise reinforces the U.S commitment to the Middle East."
"We have to keep in mind that the United States has launched over a hundred assassination attempts against President Fidel Castro." - Gregory Wilpert
"The United States absolutely lost the Vietnam War."
"We also must name the U.S contribution to Cuban suffering: our 60 year old embargo."
"It's worrying that the United States government is willing to tear up the entire post-war International legal settlement for the sake of Benjamin Netanyahu and Co." - Franchesca Alban
"Most examples of projecting U.S. power in war have ended in failures."
"The regular policy Channel was running contrary to the goals of long-standing US policy."
"It's clear that for the moment the hardliners, the near cons if you prefer backed strongly by the U.S president by Joe Biden himself, remain firmly in the ascendant and are not prepared to give up on their Ukraine Adventure anyway."
"The global power order that the US used to dominate is no longer there."
"The best weapon the United States has to stop Putin and help Ukraine and the other countries Putin might be eyeing down the road isn't military, it's economic."
"I think that we can stand for Ukraine, we can say we do have a moral authority to intervene here while also recognizing that the U.S. foreign policy hasn't been perfected, we've made mistakes as well."
"Remember the record of the cold war: the U.S. successfully stood for freedom in multiple countries."
"The United States approach to Africa has evolved over time and faced challenges in its engagement on the continent."
"We said we would not send U.S. troops to fight Russian troops in Ukraine, but we would provide robust military assistance and try to unify the Western world against Russia's aggression."
"There is an American imprint on every civilian life lost in Yemen."
"The United States needs these alliances because without the support in Asia, it cannot hope to pull the trigger on Taiwan."
"The second half of the 20th century would have been dramatically different without US intervention."
"All the United States brings is death and destruction. They don't bring any other alternative."
"We accomplished that mission... America's longest war will be over."
"Trump's commitment to Saudi Arabia as a key ally has not wavered this year despite the CIA concluding that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman ordered the killing of journalist Jamal Khashoggi."
"Many Latin American Progressive governments and the former [US involvement]"
"The U.S. faces the greatest external threat from the Chinese regime, the Chinese Communist Party led by General Secretary Xi Jinping." - Mike Pompeo
"What is at stake for the U.S and for NATO... their Primacy over the planet."
"It is better for the US to abandon this ideology of globalization and accept the international system as it is."
"One on five babies are born with deformities in Fallujah. This is one of the most terrible consequences of the US invasion."
"The catastrophic consequences of the US invasion."
"Congressman Adam Kinzinger has introduced a joint resolution authorizing the use of US armed forces to defend Ukraine."
"For the United States to walk away from the conflict at this crucial moment and cut off support to Ukraine would be an open goal of historic proportions."
"I want the face of America abroad to be a Peace Corps volunteer."
"The United States is now finding itself in a position where it's making its decisions... to prevent a nuclear exchange with Russia."
"You know the US has never cared if they destroy the world over these wars."
"The overall objectives of NATO and the US with regard to Ukraine are not going away."
"It's not a bad thing that the United States is no longer the dominant power in the world."
"There is no practical viable alternative to a U.S security partnership in the Middle East."
"As long as that's the policy that the United States is going to follow then relations with China are going to continue to plummet."
"Biden will keep the US embassy in Jerusalem. Middle East peace initiatives continue."
"It doesn't matter what people want, if what they want is against the agenda that the United States has stated for that region."
"President Biden announced the U.S. would withdraw all forces."
"I don't want to give Biden too much credit yet but him pulling us out of Afghanistan seems like a big deal."
"We need to define the real legacy the United States leaves in Afghanistan, one which is about the horrors of violence and not one about a reluctant savior, a bumbling empire."
"I hate the fact that this war has been going on for ages because the US doesn't want to surrender or something weird."
"The United States would want to de-escalate tensions with Iran."
"It's no secret that the U.S is trying to kill Huawei for a long time."
"Afghanistan is not done with the United States."
"I'm most proud of jeopardizing U.S support for this war."
"Multi-polarity is winning, and the US is desperate to stop it."
"The United States is embroiled in simultaneous confrontations with China and Russia the United States needs to think carefully as it will be more difficult to engage in a new Cold War compared to the previous one in the 1970s."
"From isolationism to rivalry with Moscow, it seems there is a broad consensus about the United States."
"America's solidarity with the 23 million people of Taiwan is more important to now today than ever as the world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy."
"Taiwan is too important of a strategic location for the US to give up so easily."
"The US government may not have had the backs of our Afghan allies, but our veterans did."
"The US is not going to allow them to be friends with everybody, that is not an option."
"The United States needs to stop encouraging war and start talking about peace."
"The US Empire reached out and grabbed things."
"The United States states a goal, say that it's going to transform Afghanistan 20 years later, trillions of dollars later, complete failure of the US objective."
"The United States had invested more than 5 billion since 1991 to help Ukraine achieve the future it deserves."
"Politically, it should really lock in bipartisan support for continued U.S. military assistance to Ukraine."
"Zelenski is being pushed clearly by the U.S to make these moves."
"President Biden saying he will deploy U.S troops to Eastern Europe in the near term."
"This is a unilateral new Cold War being waged by the U.S."
"The collapse of Afghanistan... is the worst foreign policy disaster for the United States certainly of my lifetime."
"War is good business in the United States, the main business... if you can get all the bleeding to be done by Ukrainians, all the suffering, then, you know, the U.S government can basically tell the American people, 'Hey, just keep shopping.'"
"The US wants a weak and divided Asia, not just weakened by China... stability is key to peace and prosperity for everyone in Asia."
"The US is almost now openly saying we're going to overthrow your government."
"The spirit of what was going on was very similar... U.S foreign policy at the time forced our country to respond accordingly." - Dmitry Medvedev
"The United States attempted a major push against them at the beginning of this year." - Dmitry Medvedev
"North Korea got off lightly, I'm not going to lie, because they killed two Americans and America didn't unleash on them, you know what I mean? 'Cause we've seen stories like when you mess with America, bro, it's... good night."
"The alliances that the United States has are getting stronger."
"So all this [__] Europe royally and yet the U.S. is having their way."
"Ukraine is kind of an opening domino in a fight for US petrodollar dominance."
"The US is trying to bend countries to its will and create a new Cold War that will be the great economic split."
"The history of US foreign policy after World War two is a history of bloody repressive and successful interventions."
"The idea of U.S. foreign policy is colonialist because it's willing to engage in regime change."
"The United States got itself into a whale of a lot of trouble between 1990 and 2016 because it thought that it could remake the world in its own image."
"It's a long way from that and involves a lot of difference by the press not to notice that the United States has now appointed itself the arbiter of border disputes and inter-Arab disputes across the Middle East."
"What are the implications of U.S. choices for world order and international justice?"
"The war on terror led to a significant and strategic change in the U.S. foreign policy."
"We are insistent in our conversations with foreign governments that human rights is a basic tenet of U.S. foreign policy."
"It is in the imperative interest of the United States that the Israeli-Palestinian conflict be resolved."
"An anti-war online organization attacking U.S. policy in Afghanistan."
"The financial military gifts and assistance to South Korea were just the beginning of America's still ongoing role as the leading proponent of global democracy."
"The way in which the United States engages with the rest of the world... sparked a period of isolationism which ultimately leads up through Obama to Trump."
"The Marshall Plan... an economic recovery plan of the US... proposed this plan in order to support the recovery of Europe."
"It's about time we ended with this sort of paternalistic attitude by the US and the former Colonial powers."
"The US needs to really be going out overseas, building strong partnerships with these countries, keeping China off these countries, and pushing back against those covert operations."
"America's real commitment to contain Communism everywhere originated in the events surrounding the Korean War."
"The United States of America does have an empire; it has a military presence in nearly 800 military bases in 70 countries around the world."
"What can the U.S. do to avoid adding fuel to the fire while securing its interests in the region?"