
Design Efficiency Quotes

There are 95 quotes

"We just need better planning in general... Unless we're talking farmlands, it should be possible to design living areas in ways that encourage human connections."
"These tiny little long living spaces really, really, really help with the sizing."
"The conceptual weight is more important than the bulk."
"When you're dealing with a design that reuses the same elements, it makes your life so much easier."
"I like how the whole blue air is so nice to contort itself down to go directly into the fan. Like that's so convenient that they designed it that way."
"Multiply all of your designs to maximize your time efficiency."
"Constraints are your friend, constraints are what allow you to do really great things in fusion 360."
"That undo button at the top is really handy."
"So what can I do with them? Well, it's very simple. If I have, for example, another artboard, okay, and I want to use this component one that I just created, what I can simply do is just drag and drop my other artboards."
"Repeat grids, a very handy feature if you ask me."
"Just having something that uses structure rather than, you know, various other gimmicks to make it just fit is perfect."
"Those are comp designs, works with every single comp, great unit."
"Your body is doing exactly what it was designed to do."
"Lincoln did a great job miniaturizing rear seat components for more space."
"Fitting the most in the smallest form possible. It's very, very intelligent of us."
"Shape Builder tool: replacing the Pathfinder tool for smoother, quicker results."
"Here is the second design, and this one is super simple. This one is almost twice as efficient as the first design. This one will produce just over 46 stacks of iron per hour."
"When making a leveling UI we basically want a UI that does the job without taking up too much space while ideally having a cohesive visual style and good UX."
"As roofs go, it's actually a very, very simple one. It all joins together nicely."
"The drilled hole provides a nice smooth radius and hopefully prevent that."
"The Cybertruck has better storage than any other truck with similar exterior dimensions, and it's not even close."
"When we design other things, say a subway car or a bus for municipal use, it's going to be used 50 to 90 percent of the time."
"I developed this coop with efficiency in mind and not wanting to have to do a lot of work for my chickens."
"An unavoidable elephant in the room conclusion of this study is that the most efficient way to design the vase is by mathematics."
"It's about reducing as much of the frontal area minimizing that sectional detail so that you've got something that's slipping through the air as smoothly as possible."
"It's stainless steel designed to regulate airflow and burn more efficiently."
"This wallet can hold up to 12 cards plus room for cash. It's super slim, super sleek, but it can hold everything you need in your everyday carry wallet."
"This auger design tends to not collect pulp like other augers."
"Never draw what you can copy, never copy what you can trace, and never trace what you can cut out and paste up."
"It's gonna be sleek, it's gonna be sexy, it's gonna function, it's gonna be cheap, it's gonna be quick."
"Auto layout and components: the secrets to effortless design revisions. No more tedious individual changes!"
"Component consolidation is one of those steps you should do in any good design."
"Very lovely case, very well thought out. Every inch of space is for the most part utilized quite well."
"Visually, a lot of efficiency, I think built into this wicked little shape."
"The cab is shifted forward and to the left, allowing you to place the tank on a fairly compact platform."
"Create a high converting logo using Canva in just minutes."
"It has no visual compromises, you have good visibility, great seating position."
"Anything you're going to reuse just make it a component because we can update all of the Imagine buttons you want to change it."
"Trust me, once you get a grasp of it, your designs will be much more responsive and you will be able to design much faster."
"First, grids create clarity and consistency. Second, grids quicken the design process. Third, grids make it easier to collaborate on designs."
"Wouldn't it be nice if you can create modules and they were already preseted and created for you without having you to design everything all over again?"
"The cooling potential of this specific design is far superior."
"Points for interaction design. If I'm looking to find EV charging stations, then you get me right to the 'aha moment,' the thing that I'm looking for right out of the gate. So well done."
"It honestly sometimes feels like cheating since it's so much simpler, but the truth is it's just a much better way to make games."
"Reusability is an important key factor to almost all of the design patterns."
"We're going to create a component and everything that we want across the whole application, if we want to add something to the application, we're just going to add it into that component."
"It's designed to be used in projects and also be very low power consumption."
"It's a design that is kind of time tested that gives us more room to walk around, is extremely CPAP friendly."
"Complexity is not our pride but great and efficient design is."
"Creating style sheets so that you can style text in the future over and over again."
"We would like to be able to use design patterns to kind of reuse effective solutions given the constraints."
"The systems are designed to cope with them."
"With all the awesome new powers we're afforded with variables, we've been able to significantly reduce the number of libraries that make up our design system."
"The questionable looking design is for a reason though, the drag coefficient of this thing is 0.2 which is just flat out incredible."
"Combining components and Boolean groups together means that with icon design, we have the ability to reuse elements across icons that share a similar base."
"It allows you to model things in like two axes at once and very quickly create organic shapes."
"It's really great to know what these constraints do because it's really going to speed up your design flow when you create your own models."
"Now when you enable this cross select mode, what is going to happen is that if you go into schematic... It will be automatically selected also in the PCB."
"I gotta disagree with what everyone else is saying with compromised space; I think for a 30 liter, it actually has a really impressive capacity."
"The typography plugin gives us a lot for a very little amount of work."
"The true power of master pages comes when you add dynamic content."
"This thing if you look at the hull the way it's shaped in the front is made to cut through water like a hot knife through butter."
"AI is a very powerful tool; it takes away a lot of the drudgery of design."
"You don't have to think about any of that anymore because I've created a set of presets for applying natural looking shadows and lighting to any project in After Effects."
"When you apply one change to one of the chairs, it transforms the rest of the chairs too."
"Once you start to find your feet inside Figma, the whole process is very quick and easy."
"Once those colors are all defined, which is very quick and easy to do, you can then globally link those colors."
"It's a wonderful space, they've really used the gel mold very well to maximize the headroom in here."
"It's a wonderful right just right in between size, it's a great use of like nine liters of space crossed by functionality."
"If you model with quads, you can get these cool shapes then you can smooth in really quickly and really easily."
"The labels in Civil 3D are fantastic in that they will automatically scale if the scale of our drawing changes."
"The shape is not a randomly selected shape; it's actually based on a trade-off between volume and efficiency."
"Grand Design nailed it again with maximizing all of their space and making it usable."
"The suspension is done right, I mean the articulation on this is really good."
"Their unique design boosts energy extraction efficiency by creating a cluster effect when multiple turbines are utilized."
"Great way to use vertical panels here, especially if you got 48 in, so again, almost seamless, great stuff."
"The width of it as well is very... safe. So when you are going through narrow crevices, narrow areas like this, this truck will get through."
"Designers can implement UI without a big necessity to code, significantly reducing the iteration time between designers and engineers."
"Another advantage when sticking to this predefined layout structure is that you can use the theme styles to your advantage."
"There are fewer pixels moving on the screen. And with fewer pixels moving, there's actually less cognitive overhead for your user."
"You see how quickly it is to update the whole sketch at once simply by using that combination of good sketch relations and global variables to link the items together."
"The mirror command is very common when we want to create something and simply make a second one of it."
"Sketch is so much easier, saves so much time, and I can't believe that I was wasting so much time all those years."
"With variables, you can define reusable values such as colors, text styles, and spacing."
"By creating constraints within Rabbit, you will make additions or edits to your design much easier."
"You can design those situations quickly and efficiently and without actually ever having to leave the customer."
"The highly efficient layout... packing as much functionality as possible into a smaller footprint as possible."
"This is telling me is that my design idea of having this object kind of as a baffle to force the flow to go around allows me to make a much more efficient use of the tubes through the heat exchanger."
"But this means we’re able to design faster, and we can add new items that adhere to the designs we build out."
"We've done the heavy lifting; we figured out the margins, the padding, the spacing, the responsiveness."
"I think they've done a really good job despite not having that suspension fork."