
Relinquishment Quotes

There are 107 quotes

"Only when you give up everything, can you begin to find a way to be happy."
"It's like a drug, I mean imagine having that kind of godlike power. Would you be willing to give it up?"
"Anything I am unwilling to let go of other than God is an idol and I am in sin. So let it go."
"Some of these decisions aren't yours to make. You must release them to spirit, and spirit will make these decisions."
"This is ultimately on a much larger scale the problem Dave Steve has always had the ball is now out of his hands."
"Let go, because when you let go, life gets easier."
"Release the control and allow spirit to guide us."
"Let go and just release control, because once you release control, that's when God will pull up and be like, 'Alright, since you trust me, here. Here's what you wanted control of so bad.'"
"Let go of control; whatever is fated for you is already fated for you."
"I knew in my heart of hearts that I couldn't really keep him."
"Letting Go it says everything is indeed out of control and God will hold it all like a safe thing Let Go somebody"
"I'm over trying to control what I can't control."
"Effort, I'm over this... gaining their power here."
"Only by relinquishing control will you have complete control."
"Let go of control issues, trust in the unfolding of events."
"This connection is out of your control... you need to learn to let go."
"A splinter is a person who has held the power of a Shard and then let go of it, a briefly held time holding the infinite power of a Shard, but no longer does."
"It's fine, you can have it, I don't want it anyway."
"Sometimes you just gotta let go of the control and let things just happen in natural timing."
"Let go of control issues, have faith and trust."
"Don't waste all your energy on being mad at the world for not understanding you because you've just given them your power."
"Recall Gandalf's painstaking efforts with Bilbo, employing logic and enchantment to persuade him to part with the ring."
"I am a positive Peach show I am going to give it up much like other things we have discussed."
"Control is just a concept that we need to let go of sometimes."
"They need to let go some control issues here."
"Because the story isn't mine anymore."
"Finally, Maleficent gives up her position as Queen of the Moors and crowns Aurora as the new great Monarch of the two kingdoms."
"Carl beat me, you get to sell it, this isn't mine anymore."
"There is Beauty in losing control."
"They should surrender the need to control people."
"This planet is yours now, Megatron. I'm done defending it."
"He asked them to leave behind many things."
"Now would be a really good time to relinquish the illusion that you're the driver of your life."
"'I'm giving up the guns,' Jason tells Bruce."
"I'm in control of nothing, and honestly, that's how I like it."
"Do you find you have to be willing to relinquish a bit of control and trust the process?"
"If you're wanting to help them feel better, there's some wanting to control their experience. So, I would highly recommend you let go of wanting to control their experience."
"It's time to surrender and let go of control of the situation."
"I want influence in the life of my kid. That means I've got to give up control."
"To let go the hilt, there are various kinds of spirits involved."
"You realize you've made something that you can't control anymore, and then what happens?"
"When you're having fun you're not thinking about controlling every damn thing you're literally having fun."
"Less control more blessings less control more faith."
"Acknowledge that you're trying to control an outcome that's not controllable."
"Being a mom means letting go all the time."
"That’s not your choice to make, anymore," it said.
"My friend, you have had that ring for long enough. Let it go."
"... the power of the Titans is now relinquished and all Titans in existence would vanish before everyone's eyes."
"I want to stop trying to control all the things"
"It's time for you to release and let go of control of whatever this is."
"Toto complied with the order, relinquishing his titles and embarking on a Path of Exile."
"I have completely given up on being a control freak."
"You can hold on to the things you get value from, but a willingness to let go means you're not renouncing them."
"Learn how to let go of things you cannot control... brings you so much peace in your life."
"This is not a tragedy Pilate, Pilate, you are not in control. In a funny, ironic twist, you're not the pilot here, you're not driving this ship."
"The whip threw itself Away really."
"The moment I let go of it was the moment I got more than I could handle. The moment I jumped off of it was the moment I touched down."
"I've really had to sit back and let somebody else have the reins, and that's just so totally unlike me."
"Don't be fooled by the myth of control."
"Their decisions are their decisions. You can do as much as you can to support them, but you can't. You have to let go of that control."
"The technique sort of does the image for you. In that, you control parts of the process, but to a certain degree, the result is very much out of your hands."
"The king is dead, as Kanye realizes at the end of this track that it takes true inner strength, true power to let the power that he fantasized about so long, go."
"All the tests before this one were under our control, but what you encounter in this next chamber would be out of our hands. We could not interfere."
"By the time I get onto the plane, I've accepted that I'm not in control anymore."
"Forgiveness is giving up your right to punish the person who's wronged you and giving it to God."
"Here, we literally give up power, property, prestige. What we find is happiness."
"It's the work that you kind of lose control of once you've made it that are the most interesting."
"Bilbo gave it all away. He told me he did not feel it was really his, as it came from robbers."
"Letting go of control actually is this amazing little secret pathway to happiness."
"Rather than live month to month worrying about my survival, I have decided that the better course is to walk away from this home."
"It's not right for me to have it. It served you well, and your children after you."
"You can give up the right to be angry."
"By abandoning the position of control, you acquire real control over a situation."
"Utrid's first act on the throne is to immediately relinquish the power to Ethelfled."
"If you're getting called back, you're doing something right, and then it's out of your control."
"History has really done him dirty considering that the guy has all of the power in the world, could have conquered the world, and just lets his brother rule, gives up the Stepstones, steps away from power all the time."
"In order to move from self-centered to God-centered, I have to let go of the whole ball of wax."
"Letting go, relinquishment, releasing is a very important and very useful practice capacity to develop and learn."
"Abiding happiness will come to you when, ceasing to selfishly cling, you are willing to give up."
"The Puppet Master was finally defeated, leaving behind just his staff and cloak."
"Once the ceremony starts, you just let everything go because there's nothing you can do from that point on."
"When you relinquish control, you kind of have to just deal with it."
"Once it's in the client's hands, they can do what they want with it."
"You must absolutely and forever relinquish the idea that you know who should live and who should die on this planet."
"With mine own breath release all duteous oaths; all pomp and majesty I do forswear."
"Forgiveness is all about giving up your right to punish the person who's wronged you and giving it to God."
"This life... and this breath... was never mine to control."
"Sheriffs have to give up control."
"It's a crown for someone else's head, not mine."
"My blood, sweat, and tears, my cold breath, just take them away."
"Learn to delegate and let go a little bit."
"You can't control nothing at the end of the day, so it's just best to let go and let God."
"He's going to give it to Khaleesi, she wants it, he don't."
"You don't control anything; don't over-stress yourself."
"It's all over. I've worked hard and I've done my best; from now on, it's all up to you."
"The greatest power is when you've let go of your need for power."
"I can't control everything. That was because it was completely out of my hands."
"Give me the spiritual courage to put it aside."
"It's hard to hand your creation over to anyone else, regardless of the direction that creation was taking."
"You do not have to control everything; it is okay."
"If something truly is a gift, then when you give it, you relinquish control over how that gift is used by the receiver."
"What if I give up on love, what if I give up on us, what if I say 'forget love, forget us'?"
"You cannot control what people say or what people think about you, and anything you can't control, you just have to let go of to live a happy life."
"Whatever has taken place was out of your control and out of your hands."