
Emergencies Quotes

There are 105 quotes

"It is precisely in times of emergency that free speech becomes most important."
"We're all one car wreck away from needing help."
"Save some money that way you can afford these emergencies when they come your way."
"Things come up, you know? Have a rainy day fund."
"These are the sort of emergencies that you constantly train for and got to be prepared for when flying for the major airlines."
"Delays, scheduling problems, and fierce thunderstorms would all conspire to turn a routine flight into a terrifying race against time."
"We have to make our way through all of these different emergencies."
"I think there's an emergency right and the there are people who weaponize nuance in order to make broad sweeping generalizations."
"The bystander effect remains a crucial topic in social psychology, contributing to our understanding of how individuals respond to emergencies in the presence of others."
"Take it from someone who's been through hurricanes: Preparation matters."
"The left may mock being prepared, but in emergencies, it's the prepared who come out on top."
"It's amazing how fire exposes our priorities."
"Being able to rely on your phone is crucial, even in emergencies."
"Oath of Vengeance: delivering the edge, the righteous fury, the 'I work alone' one-liners."
"You've got to think on your feet when it comes to medical situations."
"Tyrants have always used emergencies whether real or imaginary to justify their power grabs."
"Oh in case of emergency, have a replacement."
"In emergency situations you can rely on him."
"Oh no, it's an emergency! Respond to emergencies quickly!"
"Emergencies have always been the pretext on which the safeguards of individual liberty have been eroded, always."
"A lack of planning on your part does not create an emergency on theirs."
"...I'm so thankful I have it ready to go we have had those kind of unexpected emergencies in our family over the years and let me tell you I'm thankful to have my freezer stocked with ready to go meals during those times."
"Sometimes I get called by the police when a crime or disappearance happens in the wild."
"He did do a good job of this. He has previous experience in having emergencies and how to deal with them."
"The absolute worst time to use a credit card is in an emergency."
"Any advice to what to do if you do get caught in an avalanche?"
"Knowing how to handle emergencies can help keep you safe."
"Each year around 2,000 desperately ill people are given the emergency treatment they need."
"If you crash in America, you better get the power because if you make that ambulance lift you up and carry you to the hospital, God go with you."
"Having a power bank in general is great, especially if you're in a storm prone area where having a loss of power is inevitable."
"C40 trackway's rapid deployment and recovery process saves time and enhances the ability to respond flexibly to emergencies or short-term work requirements."
"Nearly all emergencies arise from ignorance."
"Nine out of ten emergencies last 72 hours."
"At basically the same moment, just over a kilometre away, the Kensington signaller reported that the runaway had just passed through 'going like a tyrant.'"
"Our focus is point-of-care pathogen detection for critical emergency and disaster care."
"The chances of surviving a heart attack increase when the top doctors are absent from the hospital attending important cardiology meetings."
"Your conscious mind becomes highly receptive to your subconscious during emergencies."
"Any 911 situation in your life, you're going to remember."
"But they also come in handy when the emergency is something like I forgot to thaw meat for dinner, or I forgot to plug the crock pot in this morning, or just plain don't have the brain power for anything more complicated at the end of a long day."
"It's always good to have for, you know, emergencies, hunger emergencies."
"Know how to handle emergencies: there are many types of emergencies you may encounter when you drive."
"Making sure you know that we have what we need. And there are those times where emergencies happen. I can't tell you how many people have been saved by their food pantry because they lost their job."
"Emergencies can surprise you anytime so it is better to have a backup rather than being sorry later on."
"There are no disagreements here... We all want to prevent emergencies arising, we want to minimize their impact when they do arise."
"As your experience grows, you will be able to carry less, and when emergencies pop up, you'll know how to handle those situations with what you have."
"Family emergencies can really become a true test of character and allegiance."
"Safety should always be the top priority, even in emergency situations."
"It's important to have savings for those emergencies."
"I also like to have food in jars that are shelf stable in case of emergencies."
"Master the stops most important to you for emergency situations."
"The goal of today's session is to help you learn how to address several types of important emergencies that are going to develop during the course of your work."
"Understanding why will help you troubleshoot in the event of emergencies."
"I always think identifiable is the way to go for emergencies."
"Nowadays, if something terrible happens, people tend to take out their cell phones before they actually act on anything."
"Emergencies are part of life, and even though we never know what type of emergency awaits us, it will do us a whole lot of good to plan against it."
"Learn what is going on with the medical emergencies, what is the assessment that you see in the patient with those medical emergencies."
"I put at least 20% of all of my paychecks into savings for emergencies."
"This becomes a fantastic administrative tool, especially during emergency situations."
"No problem, whenever your yoga goats go running, just Yelp for help."
"Understanding means to keep a tranquil attitude in all emergency."
"Make sure you have 3 to 6 months of savings in the bank for emergencies."
"You need to absolutely have cash on hand to pay for the unexpected."
"Most importantly, it's just going to teach us to be better prepared for emergency situations."
"Sometimes you need to have money in savings either for short-term purchases or for emergencies."
"You never see an ambulance in Disneyland; they pull them into scenery straight away."
"Firefighters are expected to be able to deal with all types of heated situations."
"Emergency savings should definitely be one of those categories."
"A woman who has married and brought up children has had a thousand emergencies... and has trained herself to take them all in stride."
"It would be nice to be wealthy enough that an emergency like this wouldn't ruin me."
"It provides so much peace of mind in those emergency events."
"An emergency fund is very important; it will protect you against worst-case scenarios."
"In case of real emergencies, you can rely on your iPhone to help you out."
"I can stay with my head on my shoulder in emergency situations."
"You're not alone when you're dealing with chlorine emergencies; there's a lot of additional information and resources available."
"Medical alarms for people who fall or have medical emergencies, you never think you'll need one until you do."
"Safely dealing with emergencies is more about emergency preparedness than anything."
"As Preppers, one of the biggest ways that we prepare for different emergencies and disasters is by gathering supplies."
"Illnesses and injuries are going to be a big problem and some of the most valuable items in that situation would be anything related to wound care."
"Good communication is very important, even in an emergency."
"I have found it useful to have on hand just some backup cash for minor emergencies or problems."
"Save your phone calls for emergencies to keep your battery fully charged."
"Train for your emergencies when you don't need to train for your emergencies."
"Eighth house represents death and rebirth, people's emergencies, your own emergencies."
"Credit is needed to get out of an emergency, to start something new, for what it is growing up and real things."
"Insurance is for emergencies, and it's much happier not to use it."
"Debt has many useful purposes; it's very useful for emergencies."
"It's very beneficial, improves that in emergencies."
"You never know when you're gonna be in an emergency situation."
"This is because such people can help us handle life's unexpected emergencies and can make it easier to deal with both family and work obligations."
"We created one that was for Christmas and holidays and then we did one that was for home needs and emergencies."