
Religious Comparison Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"If a piece of wood is sacred and holy, how much more is the womb of Mary sacred and holy?"
"At the end of the 12 months... I realized this one thing: He was a greater Lord than the other ones."
"You end up being more liberal than Protestants."
"Accuracy and accountability are paramount in science where these things don't seem to matter at all in religion."
"There's another thing in the Bible when they talk about galaty as being a SE yeah yeah in Islam as well."
"Nazism fascism Marxism all these isms claim to be scientific but in reality are all religions and Cults."
"Are you becoming less and less like the world and more and more like Christ or are you becoming more and more like the world?"
"Neither should you females. Don't want a guy who's all emotion. Why? It's because that doesn't reflect the nature of Jesus."
"You praised gods that can't see, hear, or know. But I know a god who holds your breath in his hand."
"There are as many saints and sinners in Judaism as in Christianity."
"The difference between Christianity and any other world religion is that we believe that salvation is by grace through faith alone."
"Religion as a source of those values can be one, but certainly, there's no shortage of secular means through which that can be achieved."
"Jesus would not qualify to come in Trump's country. He would not qualify to get in Jesus's Kingdom."
"I am putting my head on the guillotine. I am mustard of compared religion." - Dr. Sakir Nayak
"Islam is there to fulfill the gap that Christianity left."
"Religion says you have to work for God, but Christianity says that God worked for us."
"The comparison, if there's any comparison that can be or should be made, it's Jesus's second coming with Muhammad in the Medinan period, not in the Meccan period."
"Jesus is not just like them, he's superior to them."
"The figure of Jesus in the Quran is rather different from the figure of Jesus in the Bible."
"He's sinless... that's the definitive difference."
"We're going to compare the words of those from ancient times to the words of Jesus."
"Her God was a slave, her God suffered more than her."
"Every other religion is man trying to reach up to God. Christianity is God reaching down to man."
"The men I see in the mosque looked more like the men I read about in the Bible than the men I saw in church."
"The satanic temple qualifies as a religion, with a set of Ethics... superior to Christianity or Islam."
"You don't need to have the same values as everybody else, that's a thing that religion asks of you, we don't ask that of you."
"Religion is for people who fear hell, spirituality is for people who have been there."
"Do you see the difference between open rebellion of God's laws versus a Christian struggle with the flesh?"
"Muhammad's revelations insult Jesus, but Paul's don't."
"If it was good enough for Jesus, it was good enough."
"A miracle beyond anything I've even read in the Bible."
"Amy Semple McPherson was seeker sensitive. She was the Joel Osteen of her day."
"If the miracles aren't real if he was just an ethical teacher then he is no different than a Socrates or a Buddha."
"This is why people say, 'Well, it's not the Bible.' It doesn't mean these other things aren't important."
"Jesus said things that show the Quran is trash and Muhammad is an antichrist son of the devil."
"Masculinity is beautiful, and like Jesus, it's not easy and comfortable."
"Religions in the world... are kind of like that."
"Hindu women have complete and had full inheritance rights on the same level as men but Muslim women still do not have any full inheritance rights."
"The truth emerges about the copper serpent on the pole and Jesus raised up on the cross."
"Forget about the whole Bible, and that is a miracle only Islam can claim."
"Islam means 'submit to God,' I'm a Jew, 'Israel' means 'struggle with God.' I rather struggle with God than submit to God."
"Your words are going to be more powerful than theirs. Jesus' words were more powerful than the devil's words."
"More people are turning to crack than to Christ."
"Jesus spoke to God face to face, and I gave you the reference. Jesus, like Moses, established a new covenant."
"The contrast between the ethnonationalism of Zionism today versus the universalism of Islam is shocking."
"He has more morals than a lot of lukewarm Christians absolutely."
"Cancel culture and Christ have very little in common."
"You have more now than those who walked with Jesus in the Gospels."
"It's like a religion that you just can't argue with."
"There's no evidence that atheists go out and have crazy wild sex. In fact, there's evidence that religionists are doing crazier and wilder things, and more unsafe things than the atheists are in this world."
"Everything that you have in Pentecostalism is incipiently in Catholicism."
"Taxes should be more like tithes at church."
"If we apply the same standards to the New Testament, then the objections raised in regards to text, in regards to the origination, regards to teaching simply do not hold true."
"Christianity has a very systematic, organized way of looking at theological matters, whereas pre-Christian native religions of Europe and elsewhere typically aren't that systematized."
"Christmas is less important than Good Friday and Easter because Christmas is preparation for Good Friday and Easter."
"We're going to be comparing the differences between the Buddhist and the Hindu religions here in Kathmandu."
"Is what is in Paul's head closer to Enochic Judaism than it is to modern evangelicalism?"
"Religion or relationship? I like relationship."
"This is more sacred than the Kaaba."
"I always liken it to having a father that's like Jesus because you know you love what the parent does."
"The god of the Ahl al-Kitab and the God of Islam is the same."
"U.S Muslims are more accepting of homosexuality than white evangelicals."