
Strategic Success Quotes

There are 205 quotes

"That's right, we just capped the flag when we had zero company strength."
"Great victory is the sum total of small victories. Defense procurement is like a tree; the ultimate product, the stump of the tree that you see, depends on the root system."
"What we've done has been a shock to the system because they didn't expect it to be as pervasive and effective as they thought it was going to be."
"500 IQ outplay, it worked, it actually worked, my heart is racing!"
"They found the kills, they found the objectives, and they found the win."
"An improbable and total victory, one of the greatest victories in English history."
"Just like that, all of the Mamluks are ours, they inherited all of their subjects."
"Napoleon won his bet. He had sealed a historic alliance with England that would change the course of history."
"The appearance that maybe this alliance approach is beginning to work."
"Netflix has found a real sweet spot with comedy specials."
"Such anticipation, such great play there by them in every single way."
"The Ukrainian Army progressively gained success."
"Under the rule of the cog with their heavily militarized societies with brand new technology, it's safe to say that the gears could ultimately achieve this."
"Despite always being outnumbered and outgunned, he had never lost a single battle in his entire life."
"Ukraine has shown that with timely and consistent help, it can prevail on the battlefield."
"Choose your battles. You've won on CRT, taxation, and many aspects of diplomacy."
"George Washington lost 90% of his battles, but he won the most important one, right?"
"This offensive is absolutely succeeding in creating Panic, creating hysteria, despair, anger."
"San Diego Padres who had the best trade deadline of all A plus."
"We've made the big plays when they've mattered."
"The Crimea Fire Group carried out a remarkable operation."
"The superb operation of the Crimea Fire Group caught the Russian troops off guard."
"We've won it... we've won the transfer window."
"Trump alone had the instincts and energy to pursue an opening to victory, dismantle a corrupt old order, and bring long overdue policy changes at home and abroad."
"Spectacular from Caps. He finds so many members, a triple kill for him coming up absolutely clutch for the team."
"I know it was ironic and crazy but I knew that his team was planning to try to knock back y'all out turned out to be 100% correct."
"Thank god we cleared that position out, it's the heaviest opposition so far."
"The Ukrainian army has defied the odds by standing tall and more recently prevailing in the Battle of Kyiv and reclaiming some of the lost territories in other regions."
"Philadelphia Fusion throttle the mayhem, make them forget about the key objective."
"Russian invasion meets fierce resistance as Ukrainian forces turn the tide of battle."
"The Union holding strong even though they're outnumbered."
"Keep your vision high, and remember, love is the checkmate."
"The Allies finally won the Battle of the Atlantic."
"The greatest battles and wars in history weren't won with the biggest weapons, they were won with the greatest minds."
"Best Black Friday for the poor man Road to Glory ever."
"The March of the Ten Thousand: an incredible journey home to safety that has gone down as one of the greatest adventures in human history."
"Dunkirk: the largest sea evacuation in history, a miracle achieved at great cost, snatching victory from the jaws of defeat."
"I think if Pedro Neto deal gets done, Arsenal had by far and away the best window of any premier league club"
"Understanding and exploiting complex systems is the key to success."
"Instagram arguably the best technology acquisition of the last decade."
"Having these two soldiers continue to work together has paid off."
"Without them there would very probably have been no D-day."
"We're up two to one, three to one, boom, we win in five."
"And now that it was clear that Kyiv could fight back, things were only going to intensify."
"Well done to Chelsea, they have absolutely smashed the January transfer window."
"Let them think they've won, then succeed and let them feel stupid."
"That strategy just won us a playoff game, y'all."
"What might have seemed like an obvious choice helped bring together music fans around the world."
"A victory is anything that makes future victories easier or more likely."
"The Ukrainians have won a major victory in the south very close to Mariupol."
"The success of mother operation was also the understanding of headquarters."
"Three minutes later they announced they bought Bungie for 3.6 billion. And might I add they did a spectacular job of it."
"Maybe the best piece of business in Liverpool's history."
"We managed to get three of the top 10 players."
"That's the W, team It's a Face coming in clutch."
"The strategy took the company to new Heights of success that surpassed Milton's expectations."
"We won the Premier League title, ahead of Liverpool. I took you to the Premier League title, I gave you the path to success."
"The best moments in Siege are when a plan comes together."
"We're getting almost 13.8 piety per month and that brings us up to 5k piety which is going to be more than enough to reform our faith and we're gonna be able to pick up pretty much everything we want."
"Your idea is going exactly according to plan."
"Gain success by not just a grand strategy but also by adapting to situations as they occur."
"This draft has gone extremely well for us so far."
"Without Jaina unexpectedly being there to teleport them out of the trap, Sylvanas, the Warchief has achieved what no other horde war chief or alliance leader has ever managed."
"Williams, yo, that kid is stunned. That's gonna go down, I know he's a late-round pick, that's gonna go down as one of the best picks I ever made."
"Such an advantage gained against the Russian army has now allowed the Ukrainian Army to have this title as the judge of headquarters in all areas."
"A perfect strategy call... made my job quite easy for me." - Charlie Fagg
"Out of all the cryptos, XLM has played chess the best."
"The great heathen army had achieved its prime objectives at this stage."
"This was a decisive victory on behalf of Ukrainians. They threw everything they could at probably what is Russia's most backed up position on the entire front line."
"Epic Games did the unthinkable: they turned their failing game into a battle royale."
"I just want to talk about why Riot Games really does have the formula and they have what it takes to change the industry."
"You've done it, you've destroyed their bottom Tower."
"The enemy's middle tower has fallen, enemies middle tower demolished!"
"She played the best game at every turn, day after day."
"If I can get Constantinople down before the Ottomans do anything then I'm golden and this campaign just got a lot easier."
"Brentford's move for Christian Eriksen: absolutely brilliant."
"Newcastle's transfer window may have saved their season, incredible business."
"The capture of the bridge resulted from the breach in the novakova dam which submerged Russian forces stationed in Kirsten."
"After six weeks of fighting, the new strip had been cleared by nightfall."
"This was an unbelievable master stroke by Francis Ngannou. He got it done."
"British training according to satellite photos showed Ukrainian troops successfully crossed into Russian territory."
"What a complete bank this hand turned from a disaster to a lovely present."
"The Ukrainian Army has now managed to get ahead in every area."
"It just shows you the power of intellect and intelligence."
"Total victory is imagining the future looking at the present like its past."
"This is huge considering how the first Hill went with up to gaming getting every single amount of points is they basically could s out of."
"The Celtics have undergone one of the most masterful rebuilds I think I've ever seen."
"The Ukrainian Army has started to get ahead of Russia in a very serious way."
"We definitely felt a big sense of achievement finally being able to pull this one off."
"It is clear that without uniting around a single cause the colonies would have never effectively beaten back the British and formed America as we know it today."
"The Ukrainian defense line along the railways proved to be a formidable obstacle."
"The tide on the southern front began to turn in Kiev's favor."
"This strategy is looking like an absolute blinder."
"Ukrainian counter-offensive begins, pushing back Russian forces."
"Jumping up bit of a risk to take from naf but pays off hugely."
"He managed to win a late game epic cbz against somebody like rogue I think that means he can do anything"
"The Ukrainian Army had now managed to get ahead in many areas."
"Cannons are a little bit obsolete in today's most air superiority warfare."
"Square knew that they had a winner on their hands and in Japan Final Fantasy 3 was the game that had solidified Final Fantasy as a mega franchise."
"What are your thoughts on the Russian Army's casualties and the Ukrainian Army's successful offensive?"
"Winning the ground battle despite all siege tanks."
"I think they've managed to do something brilliant right before our eyes without anyone noticing."
"The bombardment is starting to win the war for us."
"They capitalized off a perfect opportunity to be on the correct quote-unquote side of history."
"Nice defense there, somehow someway able to come away with the without losing our tower."
"They managed to score more than 30 stars, something in was 33 in the end with a last attack having three stars for packin."
"A 3-star on his very first hit, that was an excellent attack."
"Whoever actually takes the spotlight as the next Salana will be in an incredibly good position."
"The Ukrainian Army has made significant advances in recent days."
"The Ukrainian Army's campaigned to drive the Russian army east of the nepra river was a success."
"Every step that they have made so far is the right step and I think that's great and it's such a contrast to last gen."
"Stalin congratulated his troops, destroyed 102 axis divisions, and took 200,000 prisoners."
"The Red Army eventually won this war thanks to overwhelming support and the terror they Unleashed with the secret police."
"Maro is now actually doing damage to his opponents while having bank accrued behind it."
"Imagine trading away the best player in your franchise's history and then still going to the playoffs the next year with a better team."
"Every conquer and win starts with patience and persistence."
"This was a massive win for the run with the ability to get into the Asylum we'll be able to take on the stray demon and once he's down we can claim a tight night slab and start powering through the game."
"History made right here as the first attacker ever to three-star maxed out 11."
"Nimitz’ gamble had been successful and it would take a long time for the Japanese to recover from these losses."
"Problem's defensive decisions have been so well, they've been extremely successful throughout this."
"The plan worked, they thought they were invincible being in a cave base yet even with it, we got our avenge by wiping out the [ __ ] who tried to ruin my temple."
"We've worked so hard to open up the championship the right way."
"Last night was the first time in this franchise's history that it wasn't by a stroke of luck."
"Overall, Denver had a really ridiculous class, a franchise-changing class."
"Those five guys came together and made it a statement that we were going to control the line of scrimmage."
"Ah we have risen from the small chieftain of vestfold duchy of icon the king of Norway holding Iceland under our control and now we have obliterated Essex their holdings belong to us and York still remains a strong Viking faction within England."
"There are a lot of smart people on this call and many of you were certain that AMC would collapse. Why? Because to succeed we would have had to run the table about 10 times in a row." - Adam Aaron
"So the Enterprise air group participates in the final destruction of one of the two most powerful battleships in the entire world."
"They got maybe the best player in the entire draft at nine. That's extremely valuable."
"Hats off to Daryl Morey for pulling this off."
"A lot of good stuff is starting to fall into place now that we've been able to knock out one of the alien ships."
"Our army was holding up and doing exactly what we designed it to do, mainly decimating the Manticore and leaving it trembling in our wake."
"The attack was blunted, the spearhead stopped, the Nazi columns contained."
"We won, we cleared him out, my sacrifice did not go in vain!"
"It's a bizarre bunker's plan that looks like it's gonna work perfectly."
"We defeated this giant with our wits and skills and endless desire to mess with them in atypical ways."
"The Ukrainian Army had an absolute victory in the region."
"Taking advantage of that and it looks like we've done it."
"If the new company... is the better for the fighters... then it's a big win-win."
"Winning here doesn't just mean attracting more people."
"Wow, the Egyptians are definitely holding their lines very very well they have 8,000 so they've lost just under 2,000 soldiers but they've killed almost 7,000 Persians."
"The board are happy that we're currently on track to avoid relegation. They're also happy that we've already made it through to our FA Cup target for the year."
"Even if they won't admit it, we are winning."
"Success is unavoidable when crucial breakthroughs and conflicts are brought into play at the appropriate moment and with the appropriate strategy."
"Find the cheerleader, find the cheerleader, win the war!"
"There's no shadow of doubt about it, the enemy are on the run."
"We just demolished the Venetians, holy crap."
"Ukrainian forces are putting up an impressive defense and dealing significant damage to the Russian army."
"This tiny switch of strategy in the middle ensured he could at least beat that Canadian cowboy out of the gate."
"Ukraine armed forces maneuver was able to encircle it and go around the whole area, causing Russians to flee as quickly as they could."
"The Ukrainian forces repel Russian attempts."
"Quality over quantity: proving success in transfers."
"The level of success that the first chevauchée enjoyed and the fresh reinforcements from England and from new allies in north Gascony made it clear that a second assault into the French lands would be undertaken."
"Connor Gallagher, Crystal Palace had a great transfer window."
"Their plan is a resounding success and there were absolutely zero hiccups, that's a GG easy if I've ever seen one."
"Ollie got it right... it got the result and with his backs to the wall I think that one is the one."
"When the club gets it right, when they make good decisions, and bring in experience, you gotta give him his props."
"All you need to do is lay in one shot, and that's enough to finish the job."
"The Dolphins are quietly killing this draft here."
"We've been taking so many objectives and they failed to take all of ours."
"Maxed out our doctrines once again, not a single shot's been fired yet."
"Victory secured: a testament to skill and strategy."
"Everyone just felt like we knew what we want to do when we got ahead."
"Despite the meager gains, the cost to the Germans and the prevention of the fall of Verdun meant that the Somme was considered an Allied victory."
"Let's give him his due I mean it's a retreat it's a withdrawal but it's been carried out with some success."
"It may seem like DJI is an unstoppable monster, but if the story of David and Goliath tells us anything, it is that the right stone thrown in the right place can make all the difference."
"This may have skyrocketed sisters to S tier army."
"Domination from start to finish in two games straight and griffin make a commanding statement here."
"Somebody took the time, hermit energy, and because of that, this is victorious."
"And that’s how you beat an unfair, biased, deliberately disadvantageous system."
"The business model is going to be revered as a turning point for Call of Duty."
"We kept the gray wolves a day sinkings on the east and gulf coasts declined decreased and essentially ceased at least during the period that CAP was operational March of 42 to August to 43."
"This is genuinely the best draft I've ever built."
"A fantastic team effort to secure victory here in the Styrian Alps."
"None of this would have been possible without those first remarkable days, where a combination of grit, tactics, and luck enabled Ukraine to hold its ground."
"Every soldier under my command got to live to tell the tale, and I beat Warhammer 40,000: Dawn of War without losing a single unit."
"Chelsea are having much more joy in the attacking third."
"winning us not just the battle but the entire run"
"God gave strategic plans to many in scriptures, leading to protection, deliverance, and success."
"Alright boys, so we're basically at the end here and the modern soldiers have managed to pull this thing off."
"This marquee matchups has been genuinely phenomenal for us."
"The information war was actually being won mainly by the allies because of enigma decryptions."
"The Ukrainian Army used the various advantages it had earned a massive war erupted."
"The US air operation in the Battle of Khasham is nothing short of a military miracle."
"This team is built to win games and they found a way."
"The strategy was smart and it worked out."
"We have achieved a strategic victory and it is inching closer towards victory against terrorism."
"He finally had a system tailor-made for him, and as a result, the team went on to clinch the La Liga title and the Champions League title."
"The strategy that we have been working on, we've been executing on for the last several years, is really coming to work for us now."
"If they reel off some early wins with this strategy, with this formula, you know, I think his seat gets even cooler, his stability is reinforced."
"Carthage had done enough of a job in the meantime to ensure that they remained the dominant force."
"If you get three platform changes in a row right, I think you get like escape velocity."
"There has never been a more impressive three-year lottery run than the one Sam Presti had."
"If they pull that off, that will be one of the greatest jiujitsu in the history of capitalism."
"Lemay had found the magic formula; he made maximum use of the B-29 in tactics that took advantage of the enemy's weakness."
"The Prime Minister said tonight Allied troops had penetrated in some cases several miles inland after effective landings on the French coast."
"We did it, Platinum One, no crafting, no buying gems, simple as that."
"Victory was clear, saving lives through humanity's might and cunning."