
Numeracy Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"Health literacy is complicated, and this is what we call health numeracy, which is understanding the numbers, which is even more complicated."
"Binary is just a system for counting, like the base 10 system you normally use when counting on your fingers, but it only has two characters: one and zero."
"Understanding what that number represents has a lot of meaning and what it communicates to me as a film fan."
"Zero doesn't mean there's none of something, just means it could be on a scale."
"The gateway to the 21st century is technology literacy, and technological literacy is based on numeracy."
"The main thing is keeping your cool and being able to count numbers."
"Getting hands-on practice with statistical reasoning and probability is definitely the best way to become more comfortable with all the numbers you come across every day."
"From the time I was about five, I've always looked at the world around me through numbers."
"When it comes to numbers, it seems that Daniel's brain really is doing something extraordinary."
"Without numerical fluency, you are like a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest."
"In order to count, we should know what the numbers are."
"I feel like for people like me who know nothing about it and are quite dumb with numbers it's like magic."
"But I counted those and there was still just twelve thousand two years later after adding those back in."
"Well that's uh that's I mean I I have my audience I suspect is very much similar to your audience which is people who are are who are very numerate who are good with numbers uh and they tend to be engineers and scientists."
"Being able to read, being numerate, knowing where Paris is - that sets a child free."
"Numbers are around us, like really good friends."
"Three, four, five, six wheat cents to the first nine rolls."
"It's all about numbers, being able to read the numbers like being in the matrix."
"Mars in Virgo people do extremely well working in machinery, dealing with numbers, and processing little details."
"Machine learning models understand only numbers."
"We have this feeling that numbers are somehow more real or objective than words."
"Teach them how to read, teach them how to write, teach them how to do math."
"The only number in English that has the same number of letters as its number value is the number four."
"Pigeons have an ability to count that rivals primates."
"If you can read and count and understand the Word of God, that will take anyone very far in life."
"If your answer is nine, you're right, and should give yourself a pat on the back."
"I love numbers, I love helping small business owners."
"To have democracy, you need numeracy."
"If you want to learn the truth, you got to be able to use numbers."
"Don't fear long names; don't fear high numbers if it helps you, that's okay."
"Being comfortable with numbers and being able to react to those numbers, that's a sign of a good strong analytical skill set."
"We want them to be able to read confidently, write well, have a solid base on numbers, basic math."
"We need to understand how much one billion is."
"16 bits is 65,536. Some people will say 65,535; those people are wrong because 0 is a valid number."
"Numbers don't speak for themselves."
"You don't need numbers, but they do help sometimes, especially when the flow is not so clear."
"With each way that they come up with how to make a number, they need to explain it, they need to provide reasoning and talk about it."
"I see myself dating someone that is an accountant, someone that has like a normal job that works with numbers. I love numbers."
"I'm a numbers girl; the analytics, I'm all about numbers."
"It's a really great resource for starting to learn one-to-one correspondence and also recognizing the actual numerals."
"It's very important to know how to count numbers really well."
"Now we all know how to count to seven."
"Your credit score is a three-digit number that represents your credit worthiness based on your credit history."
"Count the objects in a picture accurately and be able to tell which numeral is greater or less than."
"When students subitize, they are able to look at a group of objects and determine exactly how many are there without counting them."
"She had discovered she was great with numbers and with money."
"Ten is the manageable number; we got ten fingers, we don't need Excel."
"We eventually will always find a way back to this language that we all know, it's like ingrained in us, numbers."
"Being able to decompose these numbers is going to help students compute both addition and subtraction problems way faster."
"Decomposition is such an important one that as students start computing these facts, I want them to start thinking of other ways they can decompose numbers."
"I'm good with numbers and I became VP of Finance at Link Exchange."
"Numbers can be written as decimals, as fractions, or as percent."
"You're a storyteller that uses numbers as your language."
"When it comes to numbers, you either control them or they control you."
"It's a game of numbers: little numbers, big numbers, and life-changing numbers."
"Every day we are confronted with a deluge of numbers, and somehow we have to navigate through them."
"When you know your equivalence between decimals and fractions, you can say 0.2 is the same as a fifth."
"A half plus a quarter is three quarters... you have to make sure that on the bottom of the fraction you get the same number."
"Let your creativity roll, however you want to do the numbers is up to you."
"Every digit you get is like super powered; it's like super digits."
"If you understand the number system, it will move you so much further along."
"You've got these numbers, they're our friends."
"If you add up the digits and that number is divisible by 3, then the whole number's divisible by 3."
"Always remember the importance of words and numbers, added the Mathemagician."
"No need for luck, Chuck; the symbols on the door are actually numbers."
"All teachers are teachers of numeracy and literacy, whatever subject you teach."
"My mission is to help them see how numbers are all around us in everyday life."
"We feel like it's important to generally promote skepticism and numerical literacy."
"Learning about letters, learning about numbers."
"It's all in the numbers; that's how you understand anything of real value in this world."
"The revolution is really using numbers to understand the world we live in."
"One has to impose discipline, and the discipline of numbers is an excellent discipline; you need to have discipline in order to be truly creative."
"Since formulas don't look at format, they only look at the underlying number, we can use that to our advantage here."
"We're losing our ability to do arithmetic, to assess numbers that other people give us, to create our own numbers by computation or just by assessment."
"Math is still math and I'm all about the numbers."