
Stroke Quotes

There are 139 quotes

"High blood pressure is a risk factor for producing both [stroke and atrial fibrillation]."
"Stroke is a brain attack, requires immediate treatment."
"Stroke recovery can last a lifetime, you can recover from stroke."
"Stroke requires emergency treatment like a heart attack."
"This drug dissolves blood clots, it's a clot buster, it's called tPA, tissue plasminogen activator."
"When people think of this stroke, people think of the physical impact. A psychological impact though can be profound."
"What a stroke that is from Glenn Phillips."
"Looking at my color, I have no stroke and I have this nice, pretty light blue."
"There's a 40% reduction in all-cause mortality in those with the highest magnesium intake versus the lowest intake after a stroke."
"One of the best ways you can quickly detect symptoms of a stroke is by using the acronym FAST."
"Recognize common stroke symptoms using the term FAST: Face, Arms, Speech, Time."
"Strokes or cerebral vascular accidents are caused by either a blockage or a bleed in the brain. This is a medical emergency."
"A stroke happens when there is lack of blood flow to the brain. It is caused either by a sudden clot in an artery on the way to the brain or by the rupture of a blood vessel in the brain."
"If you believe that a person is having a stroke, or are unsure, have someone call 911 or make the call yourself."
"It's very likely he had a stroke."
"One of my fondest memories of my time with Mother Angelica was after her stroke."
"It was that's all she could do, she had strokes behind her so there was nothing to lose by going for it."
"Vomiting is a sign of stroke, especially being really nauseous like that."
"Now if you over exercise you can have a stroke."
"That's a stroke of luck I wasn't expecting."
"There is a real need for therapies in the setting of an acute stroke."
"Signs of a stroke, like having trouble speaking."
"But despite the dramatic medical advances in other fields, there is only so much that can be done for a stroke patient."
"Stroke can unmask neurodegeneration."
"B-FAST is a mnemonic for recognizing stroke signs and symptoms: balance, eyes, facial drooping, arm or leg weakness, speech difficulty, and time to call for emergency."
"With the stroke, you gotta think FAST."
"Understanding your risk of stroke is probably one of the most important features about understanding this question about whether you need a blood thinner."
"All these newer medications... reduce risk of Stroke by about 60 to 70 percent."
"Let the stroke pass. That's gotta be one of the best lines ever uttered on the cast."
"Having a stroke is tough Rehabilitation after a stroke is very difficult but you survived and have an opportunity to put life together with great intention."
"You cannot predict recovery of a stroke. Go for it and do as much as you can."
"That's pretty comfortable stroke and a good sign for Masato Yoshioka."
"The number one risk of atrial fibrillation would be the risk of stroke."
"It's all in the state of the hand. If I were to try to repeat this exact stroke... I would not be able to reproduce that exact stroke."
"...a fifth of patients who have stroke..."
"So I know we've covered a lot of things tonight and in conclusion I just want to say that these congenital and acquired vascular disorders most commonly manifest in this broad group of terms that we call ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke."
"His stroke, his confidence, how good he is."
"Simple dolly for Ian Bell. A really classy stroke. And it's England win and go one nil up in the series."
"That's a lovely stroke. Timing was the key."
"You can get such thin strokes, and it just makes things look really elegant and beautiful."
"An abrupt loss of the right or left visual field can be the first sign of a posterior circulation stroke."
"If he's doing it no words that's the sign of a stroke exactly"
"The reason why, is sometimes hypoglycemia, to a lesser degree hyperglycemia, can present as a stroke mimic."
"When blood can't get to the brain, that's what we call a stroke."
"In terms of evidence for vessel imaging and stroke differentiation of vascular pathology, this is an area that I've been working on for a while."
"So when he saw human figures floating out of the floor, he didn't think that he was being visited by Jesus, Moses, and Muhammad. He thought I've had a stroke."
"Let's get started. As you heard, stroke is a common life-altering event."
"You can get stroke cerebral vascular accidents."
"I'm very privileged that the rates of stroke disability of death in my series of patients is zero."
"It's not a timid stroke, there is a confidence in that."
"Their risk of going on to stroke was double than what the numbers were in our patient population here."
"I like Jimmy the way he goes through balls. He hits it with a good firm stroke."
"Richard Nixon was 81 years old when a blood clot in his left atrium became dislodged and traveled to his brain causing a stroke."
"High blood pressure is perhaps the single most important modifiable risk factor for stroke."
"Blood pressure, defined as a mean arterial pressure above 90, is associated with a significantly increased risk of stroke."
"Blacks and Hispanics have higher rates of stroke than Caucasians."
"Penumbra is whenever a patient has a stroke symptom onset, not all the neurons causing the symptoms are dead yet."
"In the first 24 hours, it's extremely important, and we want to save as much penumbra as we can."
"We should try to put any ischemic stroke patient into one of these categories to help us manage the patient well."
"Sudden onset of one-sided weakness, numbness, difficulty talking, walking, severe headache, but it is all sudden."
"We save the penumbra, that's what our goal is."
"Around 20 to 30 percent of stroke survivors experience foot drop, and it can be a real hindrance to walking again after a stroke."
"A stroke is a sudden disability of body function brought about by disruption of blood flow to the brain."
"There are almost 800,000 new victims per year; there's a new stroke victim every 40 seconds."
"About a third of patients are unable to care for themselves, and three-quarters have impaired activities of daily living."
"Currently, there is no treatment that exists to restore lost brain function after stroke."
"We think of stroke as a disease of old or mature people; however, about a third of people who suffer a stroke are less than 65 years old."
"Aphasia is a sudden inability to speak, usually happening suddenly after a stroke or head injury."
"1.9 million brain cells die every minute during a stroke."
"Every year in Canada, there are more than 62,000 strokes with more than 405,000 people living with the after-effects of a stroke."
"Probably in half of everybody who has a stroke, that will have some language disturbance."
"Reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke."
"Stroke can hit at any age and even though it's more common in older patients, many people of a stroke are still working."
"Atherosclerosis can happen anywhere along this tree; that's the number one cause of stroke."
"The weakness from stroke normally comes on abruptly; it's not the type of weakness that builds up slowly over days, weeks, or months."
"If you have those symptoms coming on abruptly, that should be a key to call 9-1-1."
"High blood pressure is the most important, it's the most powerful prevalent risk factor for a stroke."
"Blood pressure being too high can cause a stroke, but blood pressure being too low can cause a stroke as well."
"I am a stroke. Learn to recognize a stroke and act quickly. Time lost is brain lost."
"Trim paths can be used to animate a stroke along a path."
"Stroke is a major killer and disabler, it can be detected early and it is treatable. Time is critical when it comes to stroke and it is an emergency."
"When you have a thickened intima-media thickness, you know the patient has an increased risk of heart attack and stroke."
"For diffusion weighted sequence and ADC, you can think of them as a 'stroke sequence'."
"Fibrinolytic therapy in acute ischemic stroke does increase intracranial hemorrhage and early mortality but also improved functional outcome."
"A stroke is where there's a decrease or a blockage of oxygenated blood to some part of your brain."
"Untreated atrial fibrillation actually doubles the risk of any heart-related deaths and is associated with a five-fold increased risk of stroke."
"The warning signs and symptoms of the stroke are critical education topics for patients."
"The rapid recognition and diagnosis of pediatric stroke can enable the delivery of time-sensitive therapies and can minimize complications."
"Stroke in children is not rare and has significant mortality and morbidity."
"A stroke, also known as a cerebral vascular accident, is an interruption of blood flow to an area within the brain that results in loss of brain function."
"The top three risk factors for stroke are smoking, diabetes, and high blood pressure."
"Diffusion-weighted imaging is the most sensitive MRI technique to determine acute stroke in the brain."
"Intracerebral hemorrhage remains the only stroke subtype for which we really have no disease-specific treatment."
"There has been a 40% reduction in general stroke in high-income countries and a 100% increase in low and middle-income countries."
"An ischemic stroke is an acute interruption of blood flow to the brain, cerebellum, brainstem, or spinal cord."
"Time lost is brain lost in acute stroke."
"Cerebrolysis treatment did actually improve mortality statistically significantly for stroke victims with the most severe conditions."
"And that's allowed us to diagnose stroke in the brain minutes after it occurs."
"The number one cause of death is a heart attack... the number three cause of death are strokes."
"If you treat a stroke patient who has had a stroke as a result of a clot within the first two to three hours with TPA, you can reduce or eliminate many of the common side effects of stroke."