
Whistleblower Quotes

There are 131 quotes

"They released [the Pentagon Papers] to the public despite the harsh legal consequences they could incur."
"The whistleblower report that was so scrutinized and examined and talked about in the past few days finally it has been released to the public."
"The biggest example being the eight doctors in China who first tried to sound the alarm about the CCP virus; they were punished by Chinese authorities."
"There's abuses of power; we need better whistleblower protections."
"Snowden...saw that the US is doing these illegal things violating the Constitution."
"The biggest issue I've learned over my 40-year career: it's not really fighting the viruses and learning how to treat the viruses, it's fighting a system that is determined to cover up and persecute anyone who reveals the truth."
"When you're facing organizations like Fox or Weinstein, Bill Cosby, where they're protected because of folks worried about coming forward and speaking the truth, this puts those cases to shame."
"The response of the system generally to shut down the lone individual trying to point out a serious problem is just breathtaking."
"They know if they show what happens, they'll get taken out."
"Whistleblowers who came forward said they were reviewing signatures, the math doesn't add up with their experience."
"Government cover-up and the censorship at Big tech companies - his lawsuit that broke the story wide open."
"My name is Corey Goode, I'm a secret space program whistleblower and an extraterrestrial contactee."
"A woman named ashley kosak who recently quit her job as a mission integration engineer at spacex published an essay detailing a pattern of sexual harassment that she both witnessed and received during her four years at the company."
"Finally, a spotlight is being shone on the covert practices and hidden truths challenging the long-standing narrative of denial and secrecy."
"The whistleblower complaint has accused the president of soliciting foreign interference in America's election."
"It was really strange after we broke that story. I mean, Bob had death threats."
"We had whistleblowers, a researcher out of the University of Hong Kong saying looked like a lab leak."
"This document is 29 pages long and I read the whole thing. It is a torrent of absolutely sickening allegations against Blizzard and sometimes specific named members of the Blizzard upper management."
"I made the decision based on the data I collected to report this information to my superiors and multiple inspectors general and in effect becoming a whistleblower."
"Knowing what I know about the United States government if these guys were actually leaking credible information they would [__] kill them they would just you would not hear about it."
"The rule of thumb also is if someone is a whistleblower of this magnitude they're not getting [expletive] positive coverage."
"Because of this courageous woman and others like her, you attempt to hide the truth from the American people will fail."
"Edward Snowden? He's a hero, a patriot, risked his own freedom."
"I think he's going to expose everything, the government's going to freak out."
"You mean you took it over by like Joe Biden's doj took that over because they had a whistleblower, I remember when whistleblowers were above reproach like they uh, you know, look at what they did, you know, Alexander he was a great American hero."
"The President, as is claimed in 'The Washington Post' reporting tonight, made some sort of claim to a foreign leader, a promise that was regarded as so troubling that it prompted an official to file a formal whistleblower complaint."
"By speaking out, Jenny wants Crown to be held accountable for its actions."
"Conscientious public servants cannot stay silent wrote former Department of Homeland Security Secretary jeh Johnson."
"This person appears to follow that whistleblower protection laws and ought to be heard out and protected."
"Edward Snowden revealed several US telephone and Internet companies have been providing the NSA with virtually all of its customers' records."
"The events described as having taken place at Rendelsham Forest... might well have gone on to be forgotten altogether."
"Instead of arguing about who the leakers are, we need to argue about the substance."
"Lou Elizondo is a whistleblower as well, one that has taken action based on what he's seen and learned."
"COVID-19 researcher blows the whistle on data integrity issues in Pfizer's vaccine trial."
"Mel Gibson exposes some shocking truths about the entertainment industry."
"She got tortured by the American military for revealing information about their war crimes."
"Speak out, don't be scared. It's now time. Contact Dr. Sela if you have been in the military and you've been off-world and involved in programs. Do not be scared to talk, it's now. Things are being lifted, disclosure is here."
"Security assistance not just the White House meeting, but also that military aid, was conditioned on these investigations."
"We need more people like David Lockridge, the employee who was fired for raising concerns over safety."
"The Kennedys have always been the whistleblowers of politics."
"This effectively kind of a whistleblower here is a Republican who just doesn't want to throw away legal ballots."
"Julian Assange is literally being tortured because he has everything that could blow up the entire Russiagate."
"Even if he did hack and steal it, thank God somebody did that, thank God that he was willing to be the martyr."
"They've done a hell of a job over the years...showing us the inner workings of what I suppose we could call the deep state."
"This whistleblower program has been very, very effective."
"A true whistleblower that really did a lot of good."
"I decided that I needed to tell people what happened to hopefully try to cause enough pain to Cumulus that they think twice before they do this to any other members of their team."
"They stepped forward to say enough is enough. They came forward in our investigation to tell us about their experiences, the harassment they suffered at the hands of the governor."
"This is a criminal coverup. Records do in fact exist." - Former Boeing engineer
"I had a source... who had just done this incredibly courageous act he unraveled his whole life to show the world the truth."
"It's called being the first on the bus and they're gonna tell on you."
"The CCP virus whistleblower Dr. Li Wenliang was punished by Wuhan police because he posted several warnings on a WeChat group."
"The alleged whistleblower faces up to 50 years in prison. No one has ever been held accountable for killing civilians in drone strikes." - Betsy Reid
"By filing this lawsuit, Mr. Vyas becomes the first person to finally expose Wells Fargo's fraud victim account closure scandal to the public."
"Wells Fargo terminated Mr. Vyas' employment in substantial part because of his reporting of retaliation for taking protected medical leave and his decision to internally blow the whistle on Wells Fargo's fraud victim unit account closure scheme."
"Marie Yovanovitch had an entire campaign waged against her because she stood in the way, she says because of this corrupt abuse of power coming into light."
"The whistleblower is there to speak truth to power and have protection."
"Officer Shumate is by every definition of the word a whistleblower."
"Ask them to please apply the necessary protections for whistleblower Mike Shumate."
"I was very conflicted about it um maybe quite you know quite a sad person really um split me down the middle and um in the end it's sort of those feelings what led me to to blowing the whistle some years later."
"Apple whistleblower goes public over 'lack of action' in data collection."
"We don't know what he was asked and what he revealed about the whistleblower."
"He spoke out because he realized more and more people are going to die unless somebody did and so that's not a breach of military discipline that's a recognition of military discipline."
"I think Edward Snowden is a great person. He's in a difficult situation in Moscow and I think we are in his debt."
"A partisan hit job does not make you a whistle-blower just because you go through the whistle-blower protection act."
"Someone has to stand up, someone needs to expose this."
"Apparently Melania Trump brought in a friend who wasn't impressed by misconduct, had enough, kept records..."
"If this gets out, the government is betraying the American people."
"Let's talk about the obsessive focus on the individual who leaks these documents rather than the content of the leaks."
"You are my only hope and your actions send a message to all those out there that see wrongdoing but are terrified to bring it to light."
"A Chinese police officer who defected is speaking out. He says he's seen how one of China's ethnic minorities, the Uyghurs, are treated in the country's concentration camps."
"One of the reasons I'm going forward with this information, it's not only a crime against the American people, it's a crime against the scientific community."
"Tucker literally said, 'Please fire her for telling the truth. It's hurting our stock price.'"
"Kudos to Nicole heritage for having the guts to stand up against his unethical behavior."
"A company whistleblower stepped from the shadows with explosive claims that Facebook put profits over safety."
"These are former feds themselves saying, 'Hey, there's a problem, and we even see it.' And why is nobody doing anything about it?"
"Those of us who have come to the light are among the most determined to warn the country about what we know."
"Sergeant Andy Davis: The whistleblower who brought down the chief of police."
"I reported it to proper channels and then ultimately, a whistleblower complaint revealed this presidential wrongdoing."
"We've had 60 or so new top secret military whistleblowers come forward..."
"You can't stop hit jobs from the CIA leaking something to some idiot journalist."
"He tried to warn everyone and make a change and he got in trouble for it."
"She was killed because she was going to expose the illegal activities involving her boyfriend."
"Former Area 51 engineer Boyd Bushman revealed that he encountered aliens while working at Area 51."
"We are writing this anonymously because if we spoke out under our names, we could lose our jobs."
"We have testimony of different workers admitting that they were trained how to dispose of Trump votes and add to Biden votes."
"He was fired for defending a free and fair election."
"Overall, these leaked images from The Whistleblower have given us a lot to worry about and left us with doubts about how well we should trust NASA."
"The Year of the Whistleblower is about to commence, revealing information that's been blocked for years."
"The US government is prosecuting someone for a publication that exposes government crimes."
"There are a lot more people inside the government that want to come forward. They're just afraid to be prosecuted."
"It takes a lot of courage to be a whistleblower."
"She claims her supervisors buried information about human transmission of the virus."
"The amount of light he shed on what was really going on, we owe that man a great deal of gratitude."
"When you expose people at this level and saying truths that are this relevant."
"Courageous, good people like Dave Fraver, Alex Dietrichs, Louis Luzondo, Chris Mellon, are now coming forward and talking about what they know."
"She was trying to contact the authorities and expose them about the wrongdoings her husband is involved in since some time."
"That July 25th phone call actually is much worse than the whistleblower's complaint."
"You served in the military, fought for our country, and now you're fighting for our country as a whistleblower."
"How unusual is it for a banker to come forward and say, 'This is how it works'? It's never happened before in history. I'm the first one."
"He personally uncovered a $6 billion fraud against the federal government."
"Deep Throat actually starts leaking to the Washington Daily News in July 1972."
"If the tipster hadn't come forward, they would have been able to go on and on with this for who knows how long."
"If you try to speak out against a company, they have ways to make you look crazy."
"Depending on who you ask, she's either a traitor or a hero."
"She leaked the information because she thought it was the best for the country, and even though she's since made a lot of enemies, she still wants to do what she thinks is the greater good."
"Most viewed Ellsberg as a heroic whistleblower."
"Fearless and stubborn, so the information that you received at the time was that he wanted to disclose financial irregularities or discrepancies involving the junta to Parliament."