
Performance Impact Quotes

There are 175 quotes

"Only a 2% loss in fluids can result in as much as a 20% decrease in exercise performance."
"She swallowed Kerry Washington's soul. I've never seen anything like it."
"Janis Joplin wasn't singing the song, the song seemed to be singing Janis."
"Using art supplies that don't perform the way they should does affect your confidence as an artist."
"A singer of that quality not only exists but a singer of that quality is, it makes you overlook the fact of how difficult it is." - That's the scary bit.
"You demanded the audience to get on their feet, and I think you would be absolutely perfect for team Joe."
"If you don't have sales training, you don't have strategy, and it doesn't matter how many leads you have, you're gonna fail."
"Your ability to perform in those moments, positive or negative, is gonna have an impact on the momentum of the team."
"We weren't working together and everything kind of reflects on each other."
"But it is drop points for Liverpool, there's no doubt about it."
"Sometimes getting angry at games makes me play more efficiently."
"The titular song in Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera comes when Christine first follows the Phantom down into his lair, and the end of the song is absolutely killer."
"It's kind of like one of those things where like I think my game was running pretty poorly when I was using fraps so I had no incentive to record our raids or do anything like that."
"There's a 1 in 256 chance that any move can just miss and if it happens it can lose a lot of time."
"He costs us in big games he's he's a liability we couldn't we couldn't get a kick against it because we couldn't play out in the back we just had to keep kicking it to them."
"Your answers will have an impact on player morale, which in turn affects their performance during the match."
"I'm kind of a sucker for depth of field effects, and it has no noticeable performance impact."
"The young man has ever since he came on like we say he's drifting drifting off that left-hand side he's his physicality he's used his talent he's made a difference to this Czech Republic side."
"If you can affect the person, you'll affect their performance."
"Will Smith stole the show single-handedly. I get it."
"You don't want a player strolling around the pitch losing confidence in his abilities."
"They made sure that if you hadn't heard of them before, you definitely have now."
"I always would always say the fans and that moment that they're going to leave with so I appreciate your work man thank you that's what I thought that's what I strive for."
"That performance gave me goosebumps. It was an incredible performance."
"But he is incredible in this part and it literally saves the campaign."
"To play a song and have people sing louder than the band is like, that's insane power."
"Heath Ledger's Joker was a tour de force in a way we'd never experienced in anything in the comic book genre."
"The higher the refresh rate, the smoother the game looks and feels, which enhances your gaming experience and makes you a better gamer."
"It's had a massive effect on the team, and you know it's going to be difficult for them to get points here and for the rest of the season, but I think that's a really good sign."
"I just walked out on stage, I locked in, and the crowd went bananas."
"If you're giving your audience chills, you're doing something right."
"Double your performance is pretty a pretty substantial upgrade these days."
"While Madonna's extraordinary singing and dance abilities have been key to her success, we can't forget the impact of her music videos."
"Every single weapon attachment... quantifiable numbers and real applicable changes to your performance. That's incredible."
"The fingerprints of Carrie Mulligan's performance in Maestro are will be on me forever."
"I just performed to a level that they hadn't seen before coming out of Detroit."
"Every single verse is a grand slam like baseball, H-Mac I'm on it, I'm about to make you bug out."
"Ben Affleck's performance was a great part in poorly executed films."
"At worst, Sancho's walking off that pitch upset that we lost. At best, he makes us better."
"It feels like they have to keep Sinatra in after that performance."
"You do actually get worse playing on worse teams."
"It's more gold though actually jumping up to 90 seconds those are big changes to bring down the power a little bit."
"He left behind a legacy of memorable performances and touched the lives of many through his work in entertainment." - John Dye
"A little thing like this will say so much about a character."
"Alissa Edwards as Joan Crawford was absolutely outrageous."
"The most impressive thing to me was really the expression and the commitment to that right that tear at the end it's great it makes it feel so much more raw and in some ways it makes it feel even more relatable."
"The Stellar voice acting cast... made every role just as iconic as the last."
"It's like James Brown after his performance."
"Whenever you're watching a true talent, it brings our game to another level."
"I might do a 15-minute set, but I'm gonna leave a scar in that building so deep that they're gonna talk about it."
"They set the tone brilliantly with that goal."
"There's no better feeling than looking into the audience."
"Biomechanics of archery: the impact of hand positioning."
"MJF's delivery, he works really hard on what he says."
"Tiny changes can make all the difference. It's like altering a comedian's timing."
"Support difference is so big and it's going to be more noticeable."
"I want to give Las Vegas the full Willow Pill experience. I want to leave them laughing, crying, and asking the person next to them what the [ __ ] was that."
"I love it when I get you guys laughing cuz then I know I'm doing something right."
"Leaving behind a memorable legacy as an actor who made a lasting impact through his compelling performances."
"Mash creates a full tornado with how cool his moves were and the crowd can't believe what they are witnessing."
"Diddy got the lifetime achievement award... well deserved... has contributed so much to Black culture."
"Declan rice has been an unbelievable signing and you saw the importance of when you pay that sort of money for a top quality player."
"This performance just makes you dream, just makes your imagination go wild."
"A goalkeeper is as important as having a top-class striker because as you saw last night if your goalkeepers not very good he can lose you a game in seconds."
"That performance made me burst into tears and sent shivers down my spine." - Cara Delevingne on Beyoncé's Coachella performance
"This is the best feeling in career mode, man, when you make a signing and he delivers right away."
"A legacy of exceptional performances that resonated with audiences across generations." - Tribute to Bridget Forsyte
"A legacy of memorable performances and a profound influence."
"I thought your first ten minutes was so powerful."
"Even the unlikely team of Denzel Washington and Chris Pine couldn't slow you down."
"Only been on the pitch for five minutes and he scored a sensational goal!"
"That extra thirty horses makes the difference."
"Joe brings that level of character work to the WWE."
"When things are not going right on the pitch, it starts affecting off it."
"Jack Nicholson did it for me. I loved his rendition."
"Every lap counts, every mistake you make could be essentially the difference between winning or losing the round."
"But what I got to watch was what it really is to be an Entertainer like you are and it means you hold that audience you hold them up and when they're down you bring them up and it was it was electric."
"The decision was substantial and elevated the performance to a new level."
"Gear won't make you a better gamer, but at least it shouldn't actively inhibit you."
"It's just so much fun and it translates, by the way, to audiences."
"It's very important that you're friends with all of your teammates."
"Bad Bunny at WrestleMania: an act of badass celebrity performance."
"People are very much influenced by reviews... when you're in theater, you live with it with your child until it expires."
"Build it well and you'll dominate. Build it badly and, well, you won't."
"Placebos can have real effects on performance."
"If he had done anything other than what he did, it would have completely ripped out the momentum from underneath Cody Rhodes."
"I think the heel turn is going to do wonders for Edge."
"If you affect the person, you'll affect their performance."
"So many movies and TV shows are severely miscast these days."
"I think he did a really great job with the performance, and I think he knew he was gonna piss you all off with that kiss at the end. Y'all was upset."
"Missing the geyser trick lost way more than this mini turbo."
"Usher Raymond the fourth. Even when he's in the background, you focus on him. That's star power."
"Focus is power; diluted focus leads to diluted results."
"As the singing continues, the audience falls into a trance influenced by the mesmerizing power of the mermaid voices."
"The most useless member on your team is actually doing you like active harm."
"Thanks to Olson's charismatic performance, she really goes for it and some incredible character design from a comic's accurate costume to new flourishes like those awesome black fingertips. So cool and she's just so damn powerful."
"Lacazette ever since he's got a bald trim, twice the player."
"If you play with a certain intensity a certain mindset a certain level of energy like it's going to rub over the team and you see it pop off on the screen versus like somebody's just going through the motions."
"The handle of a bat makes such a difference."
"Imagine just sitting there, listening to this live."
"Happiness isn't pure happiness, it's not unconditional. If you do well, people will support you. If you don't do well, you still get support, but you won't get the amount of support of the prestigious first-place win."
"It was one of, if not the greatest debuts in WWE history."
"Our Youth Academy product Harris and Davies with 12 goals and six assists moved him further up the pitch and it is paid in dividends."
"Superfly's iconic Splash from the top of the cage was so inspiring to the Future hardcore legend that he wanted to spend his life trying to give other people that same feeling."
"Every decision you make and how you perform affects all of this. If you're playing bad, you could get put on the hot seat and have to turn it around quickly or risk losing your job."
"One family reported it was the greatest entertainment they had ever seen."
"Hangover and I feel... I can see myself on stage, I'm like a second slower, you know? Like, 'Oh, if I was not hungover, I could have thought of something here,' but you're just a little foggier with the hangover."
"Lag can cost you games. Lag can cost you wins. Lag can cost you fun."
"To be honest with you, Cavani tonight gave us what De Hai gets."
"He did the difference in the last few weeks."
"If you ignore the fact that we have this synergy, our run gets pretty bad pretty fast."
"If I would have played the whole season with the drain toe, damn man."
"Indecisiveness kills gains. Indecisiveness is catabolic."
"This moment is heartbreaking thanks to Jenny's performance which seems genuine."
"Never skip the preparation phase. There is nothing worse than using the wrong emblem or build because it will greatly affect the performance of your hero."
"I just need to be more concentrated on my gameplay and it actually does make a difference."
"She is the OG dragon killer, giving everyone a foul."
"Harlan's been massively boosted by Kevin De Bruyne."
"It was a performance that changed the direction of halftime shows."
"Grammy is the best stage to bring people together through music, the power of music."
"It may lower performance consistently by about four percent."
"The actual final lip sync of a season never matters and at least in the main drag race franchise always was just there to delete the inevitable win of the statistically strongest competitor."
"A tired, stressed, underpaid, unhappy employee... is not likely to put out their best work."
"It's actually crazy how much your real life mental state will affect how you perform in-game."
"That is the fastest standing ovation I have ever seen in my life. We were on their feet instantly. Does that just happen?"
"It's about connecting with the audience and inspiring them."
"Effort is something that is felt from your audience."
"Single versus dual channel configurations have a tremendous impact on performance."
"I saw how a bad performer could really make an attendant's job a lot harder."
"I loved the performances. Great cast and they delivered."
"We've been doubting him for so long yet when it matters he is the Difference Maker."
"Undertaker's entrance changed the whole dynamic."
"It just showed you how much belief in yourself, belief in others, and just going out there with all your heart and giving it as much as you can can change the outcome."
"A team is only as strong as its weakest member."
"When I go out and I see those kids and they're losing their minds, that's the moment."
"You wouldn't want to take a new substance that would upset your stomach and then expect performance enhancement."
"Traveling lets me get where I could and I'll tell y'all there's just nothing like walking out on stage with a group of people who want to make and you have it in your hands to give them an hour and a half of just the line."
"He's creating 3.7 chances for 90, Sancho hasn't been quite his best, I think they said that the Manchester United rumors maybe got in his head."
"SummerSlam was going to be his moment of statement... truly mesmerizing and stunning."
"How does it sound? How does it feel? How does it make the musicians perform?"
"It's not about how many laughs you get, it's the way people feel when they walk out of that building."
"The MacBook Pro is just more advanced in terms of its thermal architecture. Heat can actually really affect your performance."
"...this car is fast enough to turn your groceries into a paste."
"The costume really makes or breaks the performance; it can really transform you into a different person."
"It feels more immediate, yeah wow, I don't know what the heck he does, dude."
"The show may go on for half an hour, but the memory will last your lifetime."
"If you have extra money to spend, we generally want to get a faster GPU, as that is the part that will affect our FPS the most."
"Every single person in the stands is shook. I could not be more proud."
"Funny how just one performance could set the environment for the rest of the night."
"Live performances can create such vivid good memories."
"If you have one vacuum leak on your whole entire system, your car is not going to run good."
"It can really make your show look bad and kind of ruin the whole experience."
"I almost love making an audience go 'Uh!' more than making them laugh."
"Monitor my mindset, my self-talk, all those little things that will affect your performance."
"Diversity of thought... real diversity among the senior committees... a really significant difference in actual performance of these companies."
"When you see what Sean Penn did or what Val Kilmer did, it worked."
"The focus is on the emotional response evoked in the audience."
"What a perfect match of gymnastics and dance to attitude, body style, and all of this directed right in front of the judges."
"If you're not resting, if you're partying, you're eating bad, it's gonna affect your performance."
"You can't let your emotions get to you, that'll hurt you every time."
"She sold the reality of that whole movie with a couple moves, a couple looks, a couple great line readings."
"The character of Flash, more than his performance, the overall message that they sent with him, is what really stuck out."