
Clue Quotes

There are 149 quotes

"15 years ago, a tragic accident broke out at floppies, it's floppies playtime, everybody disappeared without a trace, leaving behind only a single clue, oh, a flower."
"Boom you get the biggest clue ever, and I feel like one thing leads to the next, that leads to the next, that leads to the next, and before you know it, boom you win a whole new life."
"A tiny clue could be the first link in a chain of evidence."
"The letter left at the hotel was the key to solving the mystery."
"The car was the first clue to what happened to Ray Rivera."
"This looks like a fragment of one of the masks worn by those men I saw in the trail. A fragment of a cracked mask is on the ground. This could be a clue. I should hold on to this."
"This is the best lead we've had since the beginning of the investigation."
"It looked like they now had the final piece that they needed to solve the case."
"Even the most ordinary object might be an important clue."
"Singularity is almost invariably a clue."
"In every turn, in every round, the clue is waiting to be found."
"We've hidden clues throughout the three of our playlists over the last 10 years on YouTube."
"...Charlie is unfazed by this interruption, which is perhaps our best clue that she had prior knowledge it was about to happen."
"This clue is leading you to a breakthrough that, if you make the right decision, will change your entire life."
"Christian symbolism of this spoon may be a vital clue."
"The murderer came back to the scene. Hypodermic, look again. Awful scratch."
"go check those out it might be on one of those"
"At 12 years old, walking around the neighborhood with a gun. That's all y'all see, y'all don't see, don't have no clue."
"This was our first clue as to what the Time-Keepers really are!"
"I feel like it's probably a food and I don't know what it is, but um, it's got a teddy bear on it. I usually think of it as a pillow, so you can just, you know, if you asked for a pillow then that would be your sign."
"Could this finally be the clue helping to hunt down whoever was trying to kill Reverend Moore."
"There may be a clue in Oriana's account of that first journey down the Amazon."
"The clue to the whole thing is the inscription that runs around here."
"I guess that brings up another clue."
"Communication, communication. That's the clue exactly."
"This, my friends, is the first clue in our puzzle."
"According to my notion he dropped it while stooping over Drebber’s body, and did not miss it at the time."
"The only important clue was the knife we found in the body of Rose Bishop, the last girl murdered."
"Speed equals what over time? The clue is, it's a unit of measurement."
"The first clue is the country singer Tim McGraw."
"This might give us a clue to what's going on in our field."
"That's actually something that makes some sense, the idea that one of the characters puts the song into the phone, the phone tells them what song it is, and maybe that gives you a clue on how to solve the puzzle, that could be something."
"He had finally found at least a single clue."
"It's cool that they put the Dumbledore card on the chocolate frog because it's such a big clue."
"Excitement's the first one on the list. It's not safe or secure or loved. It's excitement. There's a clue, guys."
"This clue might be the most exciting one yet."
"Right, potentially a clue. This cap, it was soaked in water. So, I don't know where that water's come from, but it's obviously sat down in there."
"Hey, I'll see you at Easter. Oh, it could be a throwaway line but Easter could be a volume 3 clue."
"The key to the case lay within the Salm community."
"Repetition is quite an interesting clue about how important something is for somebody."
"The big brilliant detective and his one lousy little clue."
"The window from where the pistol must have been thrown."
"A lack of important knowledge can be a revealing clue."
"You'd never... have the tack higher than the clue."
"You might have that one vital clue to help solve one of our cases."
"Some boy saw a red car nearby, that was the only lead."
"This is your clue: we're gonna be making a stamp-it sandwich."
"Maybe there's something around here that could give you a clue to where he might be."
"This piece of information could be key to finding Marin's killer."
"That's the first clue you want to do in life."
"That's it, Joe. Only guy in the file, a tattoo of a cat on his wrist."
"It's about North and South, except at the last clue, but they are opposite ends of the Earth from each other."
"Guys, what's this say? What is this letter? Looks like a three. I don't know. Sips. Maybe it's an S."
"Whomever left that crime scene had to drive directly by an electric power plant."
"The secret is with the children of the forest."
"The animals doing Dickens thing is really the big tip-off."
"There's a possibility that Weaver hid some documents at a house in Dorking."
"Mrs. Scarlet on the runway with a death drop."
"It takes an olive and a twist of lemon to make a good Martini, but it'll only take one good clue to put me on the trail of Colin's murderer."
"...the last concrete sign of Sam was her name scrawled on to the register at the trailhead just off the mountain loop highway."
"There were two handprints, one on top of the other."
"Eventually, I gave up. Told my mom about what happened though. A couple of days later she wrote me a letter and at the end of it, it wrote 'yellow' which is six letters and 'Butterfly' nine letters."
"The next clue is where you find a spoon."
"The blood was type A, the same as Evelyn's."
"There is one major clue in the case, but authorities have so far been unable to use it to identify the killer: DNA evidence believed to be from the killer was found at the scene."
"Kill Bill volume two very nice all right the volume almost a big clue."
"I think this is the clue. This is the key that Mr. E left. That the bandits got to before us."
"You found your first clue. Impressive. Time for the girls and boys to go to Boise."
"That's an automatic giveaway right there."
"Did you hear that? There was another clue from Mr. E. I think there was another note."
"The time frame is a big giveaway."
"'Let's see how Sherlock Holmes solves this one,' scrawled on one of the vault's walls."
"I think there's definitely gonna be a clue in the game, and I'm not gonna be able to get that in any way, shape, or form."
"She put me in her video message because she knew Odd Squad would think it was a clue and you would find your way here to me."
"Sometimes the most important clue is right in front of you all along."
"It's a clue, isn't it, Fatty? Our first real clue."
"The note was dropped at the scene of the crime."
"We were so terrified that we might miss a clue box."
"This could potentially solve or be a piece to one of these cases, which is really, really important."
"The only clue was some poetry that seemed kind of depressing."
"if misto is in this I don't think we'll be able to go back to that Rune and be like aha that's what it was that was the clue"
"Perhaps someone somewhere has at one vital clue that can solve a mystery."
"We found a bright pink velour hoodie at the back of Mr. Talbot's car."
"If bone is FedEx, marks the spot."
"Find someone with the name that rhymes with 'drum'."
"In normal circumstances, that wouldn't be much of a clue."
"That tree is a dead giveaway right there."
"It's kind of important. Vital is kind of the clue, isn't it?"
"My knight was haunted by the thought that somewhere a clue, a strange sentence, a curious observation had come under my notice and had been too easily dismissed."
"...a thin blue wire tells a different story."
"Marvelous," she said, "these should at least give us a clue."
"Then we noticed that in the second pillow was the indentation of a head."
"With every mystery, one critical clue may lead to a solution."
"Look," said Holmes, "that is a small door in the roof."
"Please, if you know anything at all, no matter how insignificant it is, it could lead to something bigger."
"You can find the boy in the same place you found Michael that night, detective."
"This is the clue we need to unravel the mystery of the Sith."
"Singularity is always a clue; this is always a good point to look at."
"The cliff dwelling turned out to be one of the most important clues for me because it gave me a starting point."
"This clue is as all-American as apple pie."
"You're almost there, no need to sigh, why not check a place that's high."
"Someone somewhere has a one vital clue that can help solve a mystery; perhaps it's you."
"That missing segment was unimportant, or Sauron was alive, but now it may be our only clue as to what happened."
"The magic of Clue, or Cluedo, compared to other crime-solving mystery games that had been attempted up to that point, is really in its simplicity."
"Mr. Boddy is the victim of the game; it was technically Mr. Black in the original UK version, but I think everybody is in agreement that Mr. Boddy with two Ds is infinitely funnier."
"Clue is what we call a locked room mystery."
"I'm thinking the helmet is the key here."
"True crime investigation and conviction may take years, but every detective knows that the crucial clue is always there somewhere in the first 72 hours."
"It was one clue that would speak volumes, not just in the words on the page but in its paper and ink."
"You never know what will be the tip that will finally provide answers; anything is useful."
"It only takes a small tip, a small lead, to break a case wide open."
"It was done by Professor Scarlet in the study with the hardback book."
"With every mystery, a single critical clue may be the key to a solution."
"It's just one small thing needed, just one tiny thing could blow this case wide open."
"The tail came off first along with the D panels; it's a very important clue."
"Harmony might be a big clue to your desire to move forward or transition."
"This may be the lead we're looking for," Frank rejoiced.
"Now," said Joe, "if we can just find another clue to lead us to Chet and Biff."
"Just listen for this," he replied, opening his hand in the palm lay a harmonica.
"It's a clue, Joe. We'll put these pieces together at home," Frank said excitedly.
"To their dismay, it wasn't the combination; it was a clue to help the people remember the combination."
"Memory is actually an asset; it is one of the greatest clues to show you the existence of the self."
"Each leading one vital clue to solve a mystery, perhaps someone watching tonight can help."
"In homicide, we'll call that a clue."
"Just one new clue could make all the difference."
"Aha, aha, that was the most valuable clue of all."
"We need to find something that gives us a clue to the murderer's identity."
"See the goat. That's the clue to where Mount Sinai is."
"This is Daniel's Apple watch; it's gotta mean something."
"This tie has long been considered one of the most significant clues in the case, holding the potential to unravel the mystery surrounding Cooper's identity."
"She is the only clue that Bam's killers left behind. I'm not going to let her go easily."
"The first letter of each of the locations the thief entered spelled out the word 'closer'."
"A seven-letter word. The clue is it's beyond you."
"Milestone water brilliantly worded clue, I mean that really is something extraordinary."
"It's like a clue or piece of information that keeps people hopeful and inspired to continue their hunt."
"This is the only clue we have. I say we go and check it out."
"The name of the song is 'Five Five Five', which is kind of a clue as to what time signature you're dealing with."
"The first shot was found to have entered one of the pillows."
"The room's phone records indicate that the woman called Belgium twice."
"You're hot on my trail; I'm hidden in the place where you check your mail."
"The investigation took a dramatic turn when an anonymous tip led the detectives to a storage unit."
"They found a shoe in the bog, just one shoe, and it was soon confirmed to have been Kaliki's."
"If you find yourself walking in circles looking for a clue, just find the buoy and put it above you."