
Personal Resolve Quotes

There are 316 quotes

"I started to feel nauseous... I thought to myself, Link, make up your mind right now. You're gonna survive no matter what happens."
"I feel as if I am living, have lived, and want to continue to live. Best I can."
"People slept on me, bro. Friends slept on me, teachers slept on me."
"I am not putting any more in here. If an event takes place in my life... I am going to make sure that I let it go. That's as simple as that."
"I would do anything in my power to prove them wrong."
"I realize, I will never, ever do this again." - John
"The lawsuit before him to really going through that to clear his name that takes a real strength."
"Resolved, That I will do whatsoever I think to be most to God's glory."
"Resolved, Never to do any manner of thing, whether in soul or body, less or more, but what tends to the glory of God."
"I intend to make it through this year if it kills me."
"I cannot escape death, but at least I can escape the fear of it."
"I'll find somebody God look right when I get up when I find when I follow my knees every night Ocho I ain't gonna lie I pray I asked God to give me strength."
"Just get to a place where you're like, 'This is the rest of my life, 24/7. I'm never going back.'"
"Next time I'm gonna go complete absolute psycho on these guys."
"Acted far before anybody thought I should be. I took tremendous criticism."
"I put in my mind that I would never let them see me break."
"I've accepted that in the mainstream media, real journalism is dead... I'm going to be the Nat at the barbecue, the mosquito at the picnic."
"I've decided that I'm going to do my best to tell the truth."
"I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't lose anyone else. I was gonna find Carlos and I wasn't gonna let anything happen to him."
"So I'm one of these people that when I set my mind to do something I absolutely do it."
"Anna Pavlova refused, saying, 'If I can't dance, I'd rather be dead.'"
"Never again will I be in a place where I don't have $60, right?"
"He vows that he'll kill Moro for what he's done and unveils his new ability: Ultra Instinct sign."
"Every single dime, every single penny goes into the bank because I don't ever ever want to live that way again."
"What are you gonna do? You ready buddy? I think we should just get down to it."
"I hadn't decided whether to fight for my husband and my marriage, but I was resolved to fight for my president."
"When you have these bad experiences you don't forget and when you sort of make a vow to yourself that way that if you ever got into a position of authority you wouldn't do that to anybody else."
"I'm scared. I'm cocky. I know I'ma go out for mine."
"Indecision in Reverse. Choices have been made. That's how that feels. It feels like a firm foot in the ground. That's what it feels like to me. Like this is what I'm doing, this is where I'm going. Done. Choices made. Feels very firm."
"Things are not as they seem, and I know I've just personally determined I'm not going to waste my time or energy worrying about things that are just being projected."
"I got sick and tired of being sick and tired decided to draw a line in the sand."
"Determined means that you make firm decisions to do things and you don't let anyone dissuade you."
"Here's a guy who doesn't care. So if you and I don't care about what people say about us, we will continue to do what we have been mandated to do or what we are committed to, and that's the situation that these people can't handle."
"Down at the end of this, I don't care if I'm wrong, I care if I get to the truth."
"I don't need no nobody to have my back. I'm gonna say what I gotta say. I mean, I was straight windmilling for like the first two hours on Instagram."
"I hope that I have that level of character and strength and resolve if when my time comes."
"A slave who does not fight for his freedom is not worthy of any indulgence."
"What comes after the choice is what makes choosing so difficult, but you can always live with the consequences." - Your advocate Yui
"Never letting fear win is something that will stay with me forever."
"I stand by the decision and have no regrets."
"Make sure you have your mind made up of what you want."
"Honestly, at this point, there's no way in hell I'm going to go back to test this."
"I decided I was gonna die but I was gonna die trying."
"You have to decide: I'm not going to allow the world to make me feel hopeless or powerless."
"This year's going to be different, I'm going to make it my year."
"He wants to be strong, he doesn't want to be alone."
"We're on the edge of a cliff and I have no intention of going over that cliff."
"You push, you have to expect you're gonna be in a fight."
"Now more than ever he's filled with resolve and purpose to be a better Hero."
"There's no such thing as a contradiction that can't be overcome."
"You worried about a critic that ain't protocol, [__]."
"He knew he was not coming back bro, he knew he was done, but he still went out there like the man."
"Our actions may be impeded, but there can be no impeding our intentions."
"Amsa was determined to prove everyone wrong."
"That's the only thing I have to do is really just completely be myself... just be 100 [percent]."
"Nothing will stop me from doing what needs to be done."
"There does come a point when you have to take off the gloves and just let rip."
"Starting a business is like eating glass and staring into the abyss."
"If I'm gonna fail, I want to fail doing my thing my way."
"He wasn't going to die until he was ready to die."
"When one's mind is made up, this diminishes fear."
"The world's changing, the world's imploding, but I'm going to tell you, this is the one thing I never want to look into any of your eyes when I see you downtown."
"I'm not gonna panic. I'm just gonna work my ass off."
"I'm gonna come back and make another run at this thing."
"I've always been really stubborn when it comes to that, I've always been like, 'This is what I'm going to do and it's going to work.'"
"People are gonna give you [ __ ] for just wanting to do you your whole life. And you know what? [ __ ] it."
"I would still do everything... I would do the exact same thing that I did."
"I've come this far, I'm certainly not going to give up now."
"I'm gonna prove you all wrong, I'm gonna learn from my mistakes."
"You're never trapped in it. If you know, there's always a way out."
"But also it's fine because I'm gonna get everyone's respect back."
"Vegeta slaps the hand away, thinking Kakarot but saying, 'I have nothing left to prove. Not to Bulma, not to Trunks, not even you, Kakarot.'"
"I promised my brother that I would make sure that the people responsible for his abuse would pay for that."
"This is gonna Help Me Burn It To The Ground."
"I've stood up to the Pentagon twice... you have to be able to stand up to fight for what's right even when it's hard."
"When I do experience peer pressure, I always think to myself, 'Do these people know me better than I know myself? Likely not.'"
"Pray for his soul, Benedict's salvation is more important than anything else."
"I just gotta do what I gotta do on the court, you know. If I'm ranked 50, if I'm ranked 90, ranked 80, like what the hell?"
"I know who they are, and I'm not going to get bullied by them any longer."
"I ignored my destiny once, I cannot do that again."
"The hallmark of design is not complexity, it is simplicity."
"This is someone who's deciding not to give up, this is someone who's persisting."
"I'm not gonna let this [ __ ] ruin my celebration."
"Everybody's going to die. I'm not running away and hiding. I can't let everyone die. I got to do something."
"You cannot be half in, half out. You're either in or you're out, but you cannot be both."
"Best pick you over me? I'm gonna do the Tom Brady, thanks so much!"
"I just fucking knew... I'm gonna fucking die trying."
"He was going to fight, like it or not. At least he had God."
"That was my moment, where I made a deal with my God and said, 'You give me an opportunity, I will hunt these guys down for the rest of my life.'"
"I'm not gonna let this money ruin my life." - Steve Jobs
"It's like, oh man, shut up, like I wanna give it another shot."
"Dad wasn't willing to go stand in the ring for you, you've got damn right here."
"He's made up in his mind that he's not gonna let things change without a fight."
"I'm done with the gaslighting. Totally and utterly done with it."
"I'm going to die standing on my feet versus begging on my knee. I don't give a [__]."
"I'm going to try my best to be as calm cool and collected as possible no matter what the outcome is."
"I'm approaching it like a war. I have to declare war."
"I decided that today is gonna be a great day."
"If you could do anything else, go and do it, but if this is all you can live and breathe then okay."
"You're not going to get through this if you've got to make a decision, just make the decision."
"I appreciate something about that like I got all kinds of problems with how she's comported herself but I think that there's something about saying no I'm gonna stay and I'm gonna make him fight for it."
"I will no longer play hostage to fear. I will find answers. I will document the truth. Every effort will be made to end this once and for all, at any and all costs. So help me God."
"You're ready to drop it, turn your back on the situation, and move forward."
"It lights a fire under you to say enough is enough."
"But God was put God has put something on my heart not to back down."
"I'm not the kind of girl who gives up just like that."
"You've got to have more faith and you've got to choose that faith in yourself."
"I want to stop music, I don't. I want to keep doing music."
"I wouldn't be okay with that at all actually I would go right back to Narnia."
"I don't have a fallback... I don't plan to fall back." - Anthony Ramos
"Like I said, you guys can keep pointing these cameras, dicing these dumbass questions. I'm gonna keep doing what I'm doing, which is winning in life."
"Just not willing to stop, just not willing to give up."
"We're done, it's over, it's done. Last but not least, I need to dig a very long tunnel."
"The masculine seems to have already made his choice here within his own mind to move forward."
"Don't give in. Take up the challenge and focus on your commitment to the future."
"My revenge was that I never had to get revenge."
"She really is just sort of resolved to going through the motions."
"My doctor said, 'It will come back. Your mother killed herself. You have manic depression.' And I said, 'You know what's not coming back, doctor? Me.'"
"There comes a point where you just have to say, 'This is how it is.'"
"The time has come; I know what I'm going to be doing today."
"The eyes are afraid but the hands do." - Fred
"He would say things like 'the monster will not win, I will not be that type of man.'"
"I'll be going out to live and do my thing until they tell me it's over."
"You either throw all your cards in and say, 'If this is meant to be, it's going to happen.'"
"I don't ever give up. I mean I'd have to be dead."
"It's a whole new ball game, and I am scared, but I am determined."
"I'd prefer to die standing than live on my knees."
"It takes guts to turn the car around and drive away from what you've seen."
"I'm a stubborn individual. If somebody from the outside is telling me I can't do or I shouldn't do, I'm like [__] you, I'mma do it."
"Once he sets his mind to something, he'll get it done."
"Instead of talking about it to the people that wouldn't listen to it, he decided that he had no choice but to prove it with Real Results."
"I will be there and I will say my peace, no matter what you do. You can't stop me from speaking."
"You're either up for the challenge or you're not."
"She's willing to fight as strong as she possibly can just to protect them."
"I didn't eat that junk food again, I didn't put it back in my system."
"I will not be shamed into being quiet. Never again."
"There is no stopping him. He is here to stay."
"You got to tune out the noise and make a quiet decision."
"I found myself towards the end being like bloody, you bloody leave him."
"Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to survive."
"I don't know if it will work but it's all I got right now."
"I will never shut my mouth and I will say what I want."
"I started as a ten-year-old, and I made a decision that I was going to be a makeup artist when I grew up, and I also decided I was never going to grow up." - Rick Baker
"Crying about this [ __ ] ain't gonna help at all."
"I'm like Bricktop, you're on thin [] ice OverWatch, and I'll be waiting for you under it when it breaks. [] believe it."
"Do not let fear dissuade you from what you feel you should do."
"I have one thing on my mind, and that's to send all six of them to hell, and I ain't gonna rest until it's done." - Cynthia Hoffman's father
"I'm not afraid to love wholeheartedly again."
"I will return, brother, and when I do, I will be stronger than ever before."
"The ones I went on with Amia, as long as you're here by my side, I'll keep doing my best."
"The double-minded man is unstable in all his ways. It's time to make a decision."
"I refuse to fail and I will not let you down."
"You better believe that I will when it's done. It is trial week for me. There's so much that I wish I could say and I can't say it yet." - The truth will come out eventually.
"Eventually, Hohenheim mustered up the resolve to find the answer to getting rid of his immortality, to make things better for himself and his family through allowing him to finally live life with sincerity and abandon."
"I'm going to love people, that's what I'm going to do."
"Start fresh, this moment's different, and you're going to decide here and now, 'I'm ready for that.' It's going to work this time."
"I'm not quitting. I don't care what anyone says, I'm not quitting."
"I might fail. I'm not gonna let anybody tell me I can't fight for it."
"Somebody here has that determination of I gotta figure this out, I gotta get the resolve."
"Whatever I have to do to be the best mom, that's what I'm gonna do. Period."
"I won't shun you. I thought it through, and I won't do it. I'm not about to pretend that you never raised me."
"I'm not going to let these people stop me. I just have the truth on my side."
"You have that power with the words of your mouth, and you have to make a resolve in your own mouth that I am going to use my mouth to bless."
"Steph Curry said forget it, I'm taking us home."
"I'm disgusted and I'm not living like this any more."
"I was trying to think of that, well, I just thought, I think there's a time to defend yourself and this is it, you're not taking another one."
"I think you can Will yourself to die… I refuse to let that be the outcome… I made it a point that I was going to go back to school."
"I will not bow, I will not break, and I will not be intimidated by anyone." - Tishy James
"Once your mind is made up, there is nothing that can stop you."
"I will honor Christmas in my heart and try to keep it all the year."
"Voodoo is a traditional way of appeasing Loas, a type of divine magic that combines shadow and nature magic with some alchemy on the side."
"If we've made up our mind, we're gonna do it, no matter what."
"Let's not pretend that everything be the same when I went in there."
"You're done dealing with the BS and you're not gonna deal with it anymore."
"I'm not going to change it, I'm not going to stop doing it."
"Either I shall die first or the regime will."
"I will never own a second property and this will never happen I'll never I don't know if I ever own a single property but never for sure own a second property."
"Come on, it's around a new man coming down. I'd rather die taking them down than die giving them what they want."
"I just wanted them to know that I wasn't going to stay silent anymore."
"Regardless of the consequences of the attacks against me, I will continue to condemn injustice."
"You're not going quietly into the night, you understand that you have a decision to make."
"If I'm gonna die, I'm gonna die being who I am." - Grant Cardone
"Enough talking, enough jibber-jabber, I'm gonna have a ride."
"I'm gonna win, I know how to beat this guy, I know the strategy I have."
"You have to have an incredible amount of resolve and tenacity to get to where you want to be."
"You're forging ahead, saying 'I got this,' despite the obstacles."
"Stick to your guns because look at that six of wands energy."
"It's not so much the size of the dog, it's the bark in the dog. I think that's what's important in this fight."
"Even the noble act of standing tall in the face of immeasurable suffering can have its negative side effects."
"I will not give in, I will not give up, I will only serve Justice and enforce the law."
"I stood in that line of failure and I went looked around and went kavanau read up my scores fail step back and I looked around I said I'm never [__] going to be in this line again."
"I've peaked no more bags for Lydia ever again don't hold me to that but for now for a very long time."
"I'm not giving the enemy a seat at my table one more day."
"Nothing's going to stop me, there may have been distractions, temptations that led you astray in summer."
"I'm not a loser until I give up and I'm never gonna give up."
"We need a little bit more of that and you know it's what I think I'm going to continue doing in this race."
"I choose not to give in to hate. If I allow myself to be chained to hate, I will again become his prisoner." - Christy Friendly
"I realized I am testing my resolve to live in the energy of love."
"The decisions that we make to stay on and to fight, these decisions will stay with us for the rest of our lives."