
Literalism Quotes

There are 62 quotes

"Words are literally violence when there is literal violence that is happening."
"City begs for these kinds of debates; it is undeniably literal, a flawlessly honed crater carved out of the desert."
"We firmly believe that the Quran is the literal word of Allah."
"Many if not most Christians... don't read the Bible in this hyper-literal fundamentalist-like way."
"It would be the death of us, and I don't mean that metaphorically."
"His argument is literally that a dinosaur was found buried, therefore flood. And if flood, then dinosaurs walk among us."
"Take the Bible seriously, literally. Every verse impacts and is impacted by every other verse."
"Literalists are confused by the genres of God."
"The Bible is the actual word of God and should be taken literally word for word." - Gallup poll
"It's funny sometimes when it's internal but still very literal like that."
"Taking this stuff literal is missing the point."
"What's driving this literalism then? Is the left hemisphere dominating us biologically, or is there some kind of feedback mechanism in our culture?"
"...shows that when the author says the waters are above the rocky, as the final resulting action of their separation, he means this literally..."
"Literalism only works if you cherry-pick."
"There's no easy way around it. One could say that the real culprit is the literalism of the fundamentalists."
"The Bible doesn't use metaphors ever is what he just said there is no metaphor in the Bible or poetry literally what he said just now uh the Bible doesn't use those things God means what he says."
"Bible prophecy is meant to be read literally."
"The cheese is gouda, like, literally gouda."
"Literal interpretation is the best type of interpretation."
"I really do like how literal they are with the Driftwood Throne"
"Most people would say 'I don't understand,' yeah, okay, literally."
"He was not born in a spiritual Bethlehem. He was born in the Bethlehem of Judea. There was no way of spiritualizing that prophecy."
"Was that literal? Tell me. Very literal, wasn’t it? Horribly literal."
"The Genie just seems to take everything far too literally, interpreting every wish with no regard for normal speech and colloquialisms, even disregarding the safety of the person making the wish."
"If it means you have to interpret this one over here figuratively, you have to interpret this one over here literally."
"The Bible is literally true, scientifically accurate in all details."
"If the Bible in Genesis 1 and 2 is literal it is wrong, and if it's figurative then it's ridiculous."
"What would my life look like if I took this literally?"
"The Bible is not always literalistic in how it relates history."
"You only live once, it's kind of matches literally."
"This book means what it says and says what it means."
"The prophecy so far as they had been fulfilled had been fulfilled literally."
"I believe in a natural interpretation which means it is as literal as the context makes appropriate."
"I always liked this notion that you could be very literal in film sometimes and then create something different than the expected."
"If you're top of Mount Everest, any direction you go, you go down."
"I believe the Bible means just what it says."
"In reality, the best way to his heart is actually through the fifth intercostal space, out of the left midclavicular line."
"Malicious compliance is just that: when you do what's literally asked, but not the spirit of what's being asked."
"This is weighty evidence of the reality and truthfulness of Noah's Ark and the Great Flood because Jesus referred to it as being a literal event."
"If the literal sense makes perfect sense, take no other sense lest you make nonsense."
"Being literal is the death of a creative person."
"...all of God's prophecies should be taken in the most literal possible way."
"Take the words for what they say."
"I love the fact that there is an arrow that says 'arrow'."
"The ship itself is literally the event horizon."
"I took the Word of God at face value."
"God's word is always fulfilled literally."
"I tend to be a more literal kind of girl."
"The sign said 'All you can eat'. I was just following the directions."
"It's the most literal interpretation of a movie: it's about time, so let's have clocks; it's about romance, let's have hearts."
"Focus on meaning and be super literal."
"The word of God is to be read, believed, and acted upon exactly as it is, exactly what it says."
"...creationism is a failure in a sense of the interpretive arts. It's a failure to realize that texts are not meant always meant to be taken literally, that there are texts that are meant to be taken metaphorically."
"The most important thing to remember is this: never take any advice too literally."
"The book says X and I don't care how you read it or what you read into it, you can't make it say not X."
"We're just going to take a literal reading without doing any of the deep work."
"The more I've studied it over fifty years, the more I've leaned towards taking it all literally, not symbolically."
"The Bible says what it means and means what it says."
"Stop being so literal, it's a European that gave that to you, ancient Africans weren't so literal."
"It's sweet and sour but it's called sweet and sour pork, not sweet and sour goo."
"If these rules and regulations were to be taken literally, then it has no purpose in your life."