
Exasperation Quotes

There are 196 quotes

"This is madness, mate, this is absolute madness."
"Wow. Oh no, what the heck? What a shitload of [ __ ]."
"Everybody needs to go to their corners. This is insane."
"They're pricks, fam. They're pricks every week, every season, every [] week. I've had enough of this []. I've had enough."
"They have a golden opportunity here, and they're gonna blow it with more of this goddamn silly horseshit."
"Give me a break! I mean, I can't name something that isn't racist."
"How can you not know this?" - "How can you not know this"
"It's time to stop. It's time to stop okay, no more."
"It's just, I mean, that's just insane, right?"
"This is just a damper man just a big goddamn."
"When does it end? People be so... what the... you know what I'm saying?"
"I mean, come on, who the [ __ ]? Why are people so dumb?"
"This is so [__] weird, every time. God damn."
"Dude, just retire already. Jesus dude just retire."
"I'm sick of it, I'm absolutely sick of this bullshit now."
"Give me a freakin break, this is a forest fire."
"What the fuck is this thing? It's a gravity lift."
"Just nominate everything under the goddamn sun."
"That's what it's always been like. I'm sick of this [expletive] really. That's what it's always been like."
"Jesus Christ, that's what I have to say about that."
"Bloody hell, what else is there? What else is there?"
"Here's the mail, it never fails, it makes me wanna seriously."
"This is a madness, this is an absolute madness."
"Oh my god, that's insane. I want to fill my tank."
"Y'all gotta be kidding me. Y'all gotta be kidding me."
"I'm not spending another 11 hours doing this. Oh, come on!"
"The perspective... it's over, dog, it's done."
"Why is this happening? What the hell is going on?"
"Are you seriously not gonna get it? It's just there, squeeze in, oh my god."
"One more question and then I'm going to get that hemipteran that's been plaguing us oh my god they really suck."
"Shut the [] up shut the [] up shut the [__] up."
"This opinion is absolutely full of [] and I'm not a lawyer but I can read it and be like this is this is lunacy this is [] crazy."
"It was an absolute mess. What was that? What was that man? What the hell was that? Honestly, my brain is still recovering."
"Life shouldn't be this complicated, I mean holy moly."
"Enough's enough, man. It's too much nonsense going on."
"Oh, for the love of God and all things holy, Scaramouche, please come back and reconcile these damn stars because I can't take it anymore."
"The whole situation is ridiculous."
"God, what a way to go," I muttered to myself.
"Okay, fine, you're getting crazy girl."
"What the (beep) going on? What the (beep) going on? No, what the (beep) going on? I'm not gonna do this to (beep) day. What the (beep) going on!"
"Oh my God, what a bunch of idiots!"
"Some stuff is just messed up, you know."
"I literally can't believe you, James."
"This is always where it falls [__]. God damn."
"Darman you can't see me but my forehead is in my palm"
"My dad is a temperate guy. That's why it's not... Oh my gosh, please."
"I've had this the whole time. You're killing me."
"Continuous. This is insane, dude."
"did you hit someone yes he goes you goddamn kids are gonna kill me."
"What the hell is your problem, man?"
"Oh lordy lord lord, why is this sound heavy?"
"I'm losing my mind. This is so [__] insane."
"It is a [__] nightmare out there it's a nightmare unfucking believable."
"Ah, good morning detective! Why does stuff like this always happen to me?"
"I can't. There's three [__] hours and it's goddamn abysmal."
"Kill me now. You don't deserve my name, you ass mother."
"Whoa, you know? Dude, I'm like, 'Damn, this is stupid, you know?'"
"these customers are crazy bro yeah yeah"
"Oh my God, I cannot stand you right now."
"I don't have time for this, what the French toast."
"Meanwhile in the U.S... okay goddamn okay."
"That kind of stuff makes me crazy. Crazy! Crazy!"
"Oh [__] why are there so many sperm [__] puns?"
"What's up? Oh... Oh... Oh... Damn it!"
"I mean, seriously, you cannot imagine the pain. So, he was always a little monster from birth, okay?"
"I don't want to think about it, I don't even want to think about it, Jesus Christ."
"Damn bird [__] on twice, double homicide."
"That son of a [__]! Oh God, this went on."
"I mean, come on, man. Come on, dude."
"How have you not slapped the [ __ ] out of Dan at this point?"
"Let's do one more, let's do one more then yell at Nick Kroll."
"How dare you make me think under these conditions?"
"Damn, just like this is a long intro. What the hell?"
"Can we just admit this is [__] nuts?"
"What the hell is this nonsense, dude?"
"That book is gone, [__] that book!"
"I have never seen so much [ __ ] drama in one place in my entire [ __ ] life."
"I literally can't deal, like he's just gonna be a little little guy."
"These fools are [ __ ] something else."
"Absolute disgraced a lot of you what are we doing what the [__]."
"You're giving this kid a defense, this guy a defense, it's like [__] Jesus how much more of a defense could you run for this [__]."
"Mercy, oh my god. I'm done. I'm actually done."
"What the [ __ ] is the matter with everybody anymore?"
"Why has no one come to pryney out of here? How can they leave me like this without so much as a fire? I am their queen!"
"Who's been scoring from the back? Oh, for [ __ ]'s sake!"
"I'm surrounded by four bloody women."
"Oh, bless, it would be the last straw for you."
"You are absolutely determined to kill me."
"And I was just like, 'God damn, man, enough,' you know?"
"The Virgin Mary would tear her hair out bind his ball breaking."
"It's just more of an eye roll at this point."
"What do you want me to say? Good God."
"I literally cannot handle the stupidity right now."
"I guess yes, no, I don't know. Stop hitting me!"
"everybody just shut up okay just please are you still doing it"
"'Screw this [__]! I'm tired of these bastards!'"
"Yo I will (Beep) you Maveric... Jesus bro this little parrot WON'T SHUT UP"
"You two are literally killing me with every moment I'm forced to spend with you."
"What's the matter with you bozos?"
"Just remember this yeah yeah bloody help."
"It's like I'm dying, cancel my subscription to goop. Jesus."
"Like for the love of god, like this is insane. This is insanity."
"I mean damn guys it's been a week."
"Quit copying me, Jesus! God, Mary Magdalene, come in!"
"Oh my brother, what did I just say, Joel? Come on!"
"It's all the same bloody hell people it's all the same."
"The [ __ ] is wrong with you kids?"
"It's one of the most annoying things in the universe."
"Y'all, honey, this rain's a mess. It is a mess."
"Human beings are [ __ ] crazy, dude."
"For the love of Christ, why the [__]?"
"What the [__] is wrong with these [__]?"
"Gourmet, if you dare, I'll kill us all. Jesus Christ, goddamn [ __ ] blocking woman. I just want some new [ __ ]! What was that?"
"It's messed up, man. It's really messed up."
"I mean Jesus Christ man what a [ __ ] what a letdown."
"I'm losing my freaking marbles over here!"
"At the end of the day, the reason why Kim gives it to me and the reason why I prefer doing it is because she's probably gonna drive me insane."
"I just wanna put a spear in my (bleep) eyes."
"Are you kidding me? It's getting worse."
"Seriously, if all satyrs are like that one, I'm going to scream bloody murder," Grover moaned slightly.
"I cannot make this [__] up. I am so tired of this [__] man."
"Goodbye, goodbye, [__] the notification, [__] this, [__] everything, [__] you, [__] everyone!"
"Why would you open it, you [__] idiot?"
"It never ends, oh my God, what is wrong with you, man?"
"Put it on, groans, many Poles, oh here we go, here we go, yeah, yeah, yeah."
"This week was a lot like I can't even."
"I felt like, oh Lord, help us all."
"Hormones, man... Hormones are [ __ ] crazy."
"What the hell was even that? Earth to Elizabeth!"
"No more doors please, please no more doors."
"Oh, this is a [ __ ] nightmare, right?"
"I swear to [ __ ] God he tried to roll it down."
"It's honestly just so infuriating."
"What the [ __ ] are you saying now, man?"
"How are you bathing, you [ __ ]? Get it off! What are you doing? Just keep bathing, keep scrubbing! You don't want to see any skins. Get rid of all the extra skins!"
"Damn you, Doctor, about you, damn you."
"Oh, cleaning again? But, every week?"
"Literally, just... oh my god. 30 minutes of my life that I'm never getting back, bro."
"What do we do?" I asked, exasperated by that point.
"She threw her arms up hopelessly. Your earthways are so nonsensical."
"Hey, get a room guys! Get a room! Jesus!! GET A ROOM! GET A ROOM GUYYS!"
"Unbelievable. This lady needs a serious dose of go f yourself. Arrow, please."
"It's not a goddamn farmer's field, it's the Himalayas for Christ's sake!"
"This is my biggest problem with all this [__] dude, holy [__]."
"Lord have mercy," said Derek, "today's youth and their rude responses."
"Well damn, Jackie, I can't control the weather."
"It's 2024, I don't know why I have to say this to people."
"Just let the girl live, goddamn it."
"Holy macaroni, lane discipline anyone?"
"I am not repeating myself again," said every mom.
"Let's have some freaking lightness for God's sake."
"Oh faithless generation, how long will I be with you? How long will I endure you? Bring him to me."
"How can the same [expletive] happen to the same guy twice?"
"You're impossible," he said under his breath.
"I'm so sick of monsters and gods showing up and threatening the universe."
"He's possessed. I can't handle him."
"Oh Lord," she muttered, "what you need is a keeper."
"Oh damn you, Jareth, and damn me."
"Yes, you idiot, I am so freaking in love with you."
"How shall we contrive to make a miracle?" she said in thinnest exasperation.
"Enough is enough already with all that madness."
"I'm over here saying, 'What the [__] are the rules?'"
"Sometimes I wonder if I teach at the zoo or the circus."
"I can't even believe we're talking about this."
"I then had to drive a hundred miles around... oh my goodness."
"This boy is going to be the end of me someday."
"I would never choose that; please give me a break."
"This is really getting ridiculous."
"What world are we living in, man? What is going on?"
"What the duck is wrong with people?"
"You're the most exasperating man alive."
"My holy sweet baby rays, this is why I could never be a teacher."
"I'm getting sick of living in unprecedented times, I'm done with it."
"Can't we just chill on the drama, guys? Jesus Christ, you guys have been super dramatic."
"Yes, it rings in my ear as kind of, 'Will no one rid me of this meddlesome priest?'"
"For the love of goodness gracious."
"I was just like, God, universe, why did you give me so much hair?"