
Political Manipulation Quotes

There are 220 quotes

"Politicians who will say, for example, that climate change is not happening because of man-made activities. They will promote that publicly because that protects the special interests who fund their campaigns."
"If you share a common goal with the person whose literal job it is to do spin for the White House, you're not a member of the press; you're a member of the lapdog media."
"We know without any doubt that the turnout of the recent election for a national constituent assembly was manipulated."
"Once they were out of power, once they were not in the mainstream, they posed as liberals to be given a fair hearing, to have their speech heard, to have themselves included. But the moment they were included, they changed their stripes, they showed their true colors, you might say, and they became the illiberals, the intolerant people that, at bottom, they always were."
"And those who are now pushing a change or an end to it are not doing so because they believe in a better country. They're doing so for pure partisan power."
"We really all just want health and prosperity and freedom, we're all after the same objectives and the ones that are trying to to pitch you against each other they're the enemies realize that they're the dividers."
"Words matter, they told you but they selectively edited the president's words over and over again."
"They're giving committee chairs unbalanced discretion over which witnesses can testify, rejecting pandemic safety procedures like remote voting, and trying to force an end to the Congressional staff unionization."
"Manipulated everyone into saying... we have to ban Tick Tock... they bring in this Patriot Act 2.0 type situation."
"The most dangerous attacks on American democracy are happening at the state level."
"Once you weaponize the judicial and legal system for any political ends, you discredit the legal institutions and our judicial institutions for their own purposes."
"No longer are big Tech Giants simply removing specific threats of violence they're manipulating and controlling the political debate itself," President Trump emphasized.
"The cruelty is a part of politics specifically the way that it is used to demonize certain groups so you can justify denying people their basic rights under the constitution."
"African-American history is being used as a political pawn for the governor's own aspirations." - E. Patrick Johnson
"All I want to do is this: I just want to find 11,780 votes which is one more that we have."
"If Ukraine was so confident that the majority of the Crimean people were going to vote to stay in Ukraine, why did they prevent the referendum from taking place?"
"Mr. Trump betrayed his supporters by conning them on January 6th."
"The economic and even political disruption such an act would cause would again distract a population and even have them pointing fingers of blame at foreign powers thus sowing the seeds of discontent."
"You think you're free until they pick your president."
"He understood the power of weaponizing religion for power... to justify that coercive power."
"As long as COVID keeps raging, you can keep the politics of fear and panic alive."
"They let all of this happen because they thought they could leverage it politically and it almost burned down the U.S. government."
"Donald Trump didn't just want the Justice Department to investigate. He wanted the Justice Department to help legitimize his lies."
"No one believes life begins at conception. No one believes embryos are babies or children. Those who claim to are trying to manipulate you so they can control women. Don't let them use this question to call them out. Reveal them for what they are."
"Denying elections is not a fascist move but manipulating and stealing elections overriding the will of the people trampling on their rights, yeah these are actually Paul marks or Fascism."
"The plan as outlined to me was to form an organization of veterans to use as a bluff or as a club at least to intimidate the government and break down our democratic institutions."
"It's basic freedom, it's basic decency, and that should never be weaponized into this political issue like Republicans are doing today."
"They want to equate their illegal activities with conservatism and then they want to claim that they are being canceled, that they are being somehow discriminated against, that they are being targeted for their conservatism not their crimes."
"How Russia harvested American rage to reshape U.S politics."
"Dictatorships are excellent at using groupthink against people, using groupthink to control."
"Gerrymandering... is an example of how the system is very biased."
"They love the fact that none of what he's saying makes sense because he's promising them a better world."
"There will always be in democracies strong men who will... create an external enemy and then tell people we got to get rid of this Freedom."
"If you're a progressive and you nonetheless want to impose that and you can't win under the normal rules you've got to change the rules, yeah, so that involves removing the president who won."
"Increasing the number of justices under an executive's authority is a recipe for an authoritarian regime."
"One anti-semite is too many, but the scale of the problem was also dramatically overstated for political reasons by our opponents inside and outside the party as well as by much of the media."
"They vilified him and they knew what they were doing and they knew why they were doing it."
"Gerrymandering results in districts that look like this this and this one that's giving the finger to black people in Detroit."
"Republicans are incredibly good at reading the system in their favor. Republicans are rigging elections."
"You're the ones that are being used the worst because you believe this, the rest of us at least have our eyes open and we can have we have the tools to fight back but you're in the most danger Trump supporters absolutely."
"There's a selective engagement and endorsement... when protests are against targeted governments."
"Putin is orchestrating this to keep these two powerful forces at each other's throats."
"This virus for their own political gain absolutely this has happened this is not to say the virus itself is not real because i think it is real"
"Biden's victory was a victory of corporate puppeteering."
"Otherwise, sexual harassment, sexual abuse, these are just gonna become clubs that you can wield against the other side rather than a real attempt to cleanse the Society of a grave evil."
"If Putin can make his neighbors mistrustful of their democracies... then he knows these nations will be too internally distracted to oppose him on the world stage. Or simply won’t care."
"Stalin's main tool to maintain his cult was the press, presenting him as a wise, much-loved genius."
"They don't care about representation, they don't care about the systems of law in this country, they care about simply doing whatever is necessary to win an election, whether legal, that's weird, whether legal or not."
"This country, there's a lot of healing that needs to happen. There are elements that are really pushing polarization for political ends, and I'm concerned about where it's leading."
"This action is less about election integrity than it is about attempting to overturn the will of the electorate."
"All totalitarian regimes strive to destroy the close-knit family in order to remove any loyalties that might be higher than to the state itself."
"Sexual assault allegations should not be deployed strategically for political gain."
"Was this an intentional effort to politicize this system and use it against sitting public figures? We don't know the answer to these questions."
"It's like Nixon's henchman once said, 'When you've got them by the balls, their hearts and minds will follow.'"
"We do not want any of our young people to become useful idiots."
"The funny thing is, a lot of those conservative channels back in 2015-2016... literally were astroturfed."
"Keeping the public in an ongoing state of emergency... politicians finding ways to find that useful."
"Creating or capitalizing on crises to consolidate control."
"They use censorship to manipulate the elections, but it's not going to work this time around."
"Every claim that was filed in this lawsuit was frivolous, most barred by settled law, well-established existing law. These were political grievances masquerading as legal claims."
"Trump made a call to the Republican Secretary of State of Georgia trying to find 11,000 votes."
"1984 and the power of language: Newspeak and control."
"The rule wasn't changed, the Federalists just made that up."
"They see these dirty legal tricks for exactly what they are: a pernicious attempt to steal an election through an abuse of our system of justice."
"Mussolini's henchmen used the debacle... deliberately stoked up."
"In the novel 1984, George Orwell makes this manipulation almost comically obvious by revealing the three slogans of the party in power: war is peace, freedom is slavery, ignorance is strength."
"That's when the Democrats were removing people from the ballot then they were removed Abraham Lincoln from The Ballot leading up to the Civil War now they're trying to do the same thing president Trump."
"Now they can do this thing where they get these like propped up constructs if somebody's running for office it might have a chance they can have some bad person endorse them or stand next to them."
"Imagine how I felt when I saw Donald Trump post a video of my friend giving people money for supplies and asking them to move picnic tables."
"Cuomo uses the egregious over-the-top nature of one so as to attempt to legitimize and justify the other."
"It's not simply that people... are just smarter... their fears and insecurities are being exploited for profit and political gain by a lot of rich people." - Dan Pfeiffer
"They're actually using their other hoaxes to create what I'm going to name the wrap-up hoax."
"They're rigging it... effectively disenfranchising the Democratic voters from having any choice."
"The modern satanic panic started in the 70s and it kept growing as an excuse for Christians and politicians to use."
"Diplomacy can get spicy - manipulate relationships with various factions for your advantage."
"It really is, you know, that is taking us for a mug really, and I just don't know how the trauma that is going to come out of this associated with that image of Michael Gove."
"A hostile government inserted itself into our electoral process in a significant way into it in doing so with biased intent."
"It's a total distraction they don't care about the black community they care about the black vote"
"I do love how people are trying to stir up Discord between Trump and DeSantis fans they're doing that for a reason don't be taken in by the bait."
"Republicans are trying to steal future elections by rigging the system to change the laws." - Roland Martin
"Gerrymandering is pernicious, especially when it's abusive."
"The Communists had drafted dissidents from each of these parties, heralded them as the party's legitimate representatives, and then sidelined the genuine party leaders."
"It's sad that he used this man's death for political gain, misled people."
"He justified his manipulation and violence by appeals to communism and Soviet glory."
"This January 6 psyop was largely manufactured by the intelligence community like they do all this stuff, was there to make Maga and Trump and his followers unacceptable in polite society."
"It's important that real moments of anti-Semitism, like statements made by Ye, are not minimized by those seeking to fight geopolitical battles."
"This world is not just static, there are things happening here, like people are manipulating politics."
"We deserve to live safely. And it's the biggest trick that the Republicans have ever pulled, convincing us that gun control is not part of national security."
"The entire Chinese virus thing is a distraction and it's letting Trump take control of the narrative."
"Mr. Putin has played the world democracies and free markets like a fiddle."
"An attorney who devised and attempted to implement a strategy to leverage the vice president's ceremonial role."
"The White House will start abusing this misinformation to censor content politically damaging to them."
"They try to remove him off ballots, they imprison anyone who even works for the dude, they try to disenfranchise anyone else who thought about it. It's crazy."
"No matter how hard they try to rig it, I'm a strong believer that the people in this country will defeat all methods of rigging which are being planned."
"Republicans have ultimately gerrymandered this state into Oblivion giving them an undeniable majority election after election."
"You see how people are trying to pander and manipulate the black vote without doing anything? We're so on code they're losing their minds."
"What is spelled out today is that Roger Stone concocted a cover story to say the way he tried to get information from Wikileaks is through this guy, a guy who Roger Stone knew and had a radio show on which he interviewed Julian Assange."
"Donald Trump as the diamond puts it tried to exploit and did exploit the violence at the Capitol on January 6."
"People fixed in their beliefs are the pawns the demagogues need."
"The greatest trick politicians ever played on the American people was to make them believe that the power belonged to the politician."
"Christian nationalism has been able to persuade a large section of the American public to vote for political candidates that the movement favors."
"They were out to frame the President... they can do it to them, imagine what they can do to you or I."
"The people in the United States don't yet know what the oligarchs are up to."
"Politicians play to stereotypes by saying or tweeting radical things to fire up fringe view supporters."
"People are trading freedom for innocence, and populist leaders are perfectly happy to tell people they're innocent in exchange for more power."
"He's got his Department of Justice working to jail his opposition... and get out of jail free card for himself and his son."
"We used to believe in the constitution now we bend it and twist it."
"I've seen the joining of dark forces that work together to bring him down... and I could even list the signed documents they will have produced to achieve what they achieved."
"Gerrymandering is pure self-bias, redrawing district lines to favor those in power."
"It is clear from the evidence that I have that this is part of a move by the communists, especially the North Vietnamese government, to divide the American people, disrupt our war effort, and discredit our government for the entire world."
"Trump's been hinting at a 2024 presidential run using the big lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him, and it's working."
"Well, look, I think the pattern is pretty clear: the left seems to be completely aware that if they let the truth get out, they couldn't be in charge."
"He became a symbol and was made to be by those who wanted to manipulate divisions in our society."
"Those who use the word freedom, those who want freedom, like most people in this country, are actually just parroting a far-right talking point."
"It's not important who votes, it's important who counts the votes."
"It's sickening. It sucks that they are employing such an obvious and, you know, time-honored cheat code to political persuasion: just tell people that the people they hate will rape their children."
"No one has rigged the system like this since Richard Nixon. That’s bad for our constitutional republic."
"It is becoming distressingly common in this day and age that discussions about culture are hijacked by politicians in the media."
"Democracy works for the globalists when they're winning elections."
"I feel like they're doing a fluff job of making up a fake investigation to try to put that man at a deficit."
"So for them the issue is always to prepare the population so that the election never does what it could do so that it's an empty potentiality never realized."
"The awesome power to prosecute ought never to be manipulated for personal or political profit."
"The Deep State knows this and is trying to sabotage or slow the process forward, but it's not happening."
"And with Bill Barr at the helm and doing what he’s already doing, which is spinning this, like he did with the Mueller report, how can anybody trust it?"
"An unassuming smile fool you, Mr. Saharto was a cunning and manipulative ruler."
"The politicians are just puppets... controlled by these behavioral psychologists... these demons are reading the collective human psyche and systematically working out how to manipulate it."
"We destabilize your country, install our own puppet government, and then take over your industrial base."
"All the governments are sort of creating stresses where there really aren't stresses in order to justify their own existence."
"It's dope, right? But I [ __ ] hate it because the cannabis community is always used as like a pawn when it's vote time."
"Authorities Global elitists corrupt individuals will use catastrophes to advance their own agenda."
"The law is not a game for politicians to play, justices are not in place for rich politicians to refer poorer ones to."
"It's gas lighting taken to just a the word orwellian is used too often but but it is truly orwellian."
"At the end of the day, those who were pushing for war didn't want anything to do with it because it messed with their narrative."
"People are exploiting her pain, her tragedy, her vulnerability to try to push a political agenda that is centered on the glorification of death. And I'm not sure there is anything really more wicked than that."
"Basically, Bush just kind of ordered the CIA not to give the Miami police the information they needed."
"Remember, Putin has spent a lot of time seeking to pit the United States against Europe."
"Politicians weaponize fear of the other to turn Americans of different backgrounds against each other so we don't notice that a Rainbow Coalition of diverse crooks are screwing us all."
"Do you really think these forces... would stop at it like they have any limiting principle when it comes to putting the people in power that they want to put?"
"A lot of people are shaking their heads in disbelief with the extent of the ill doings on the part of the deep state."
"They're making y'all react and respond to get sucked back into politics."
"We can break our politics, we can take our institutions and weaponize them for political purposes on both sides. You think this ends here? The next Republican president is going to be under tremendous pressure." - Marco Rubio
"The US government colludes with private companies to control information flow for foreign regime change and preventing populist uprisings, particularly in Europe."
"With taxpayer dollars funneled into partisan agendas the ominous Spectre of political manipulation looms large casting doubt on the Integrity of our Democratic institutions."
"They want to silence your participation in the next election." - Michael Shellenberger
"It's all designed to lead you to accepting a new world order."
"President Trump wanted to get to the truth... then at the end he asked Mr. Pence to pause the voting for 10 days."
"Democrats don't operate strictly on emotion... it makes it very easy for the left to be manipulated into believing and supporting nonsense like straight up illegal immigration."
"Obamacare is one it is now so popular that even Trump is pretending to be in favor of it and just oh golly gee the only thing I want to do is not terminate it like I've said a couple hundred times but make it better."
"They've created wedge issues like abortion and guns to convince people to vote against their own interests."
"We are hamstrung by the political apparatus, which has a perverse incentive to manipulate data."
"The system wants to narrow this down to a two-horse race between Donald Trump and a puppet who they can control and it has become increasingly clear that puppet is not a."
"When democracy exceeds itself... there are ways to undermine the vote."
"Every dictatorships the first thing they go for children."
"Operation Car Wash was a U.S backed lawfare campaign to destroy Brazil's electoral left wing."
"I don't care who votes or how. I care who counts the votes and how."
"The ignorance and the disinformation that has been promulgated and perpetuated by Trump and the people around him was literally weaponized into a riot."
"More democracy is better for us as a whole, but sometimes more democracy can be a tool for bad actors to come in and those bad actors are usually well funded."
"I mean it does really show I suppose the risks of weaponizing issues about racism in such a cynical way."
"They have to rig the system so they can stay in power."
"If we can't prevent black politicians from getting elected, then we can choose and influence the ones who do get elected."
"At the very least, it is a crisis that is going to be exploited by the people in power to get them more power."
"Whenever government wants you to think and act in a certain way... they must make the person they hate a boogeyman."
"This has gone to the most powerful wings of government... deliberately fabricating or misleading investigations for reasons of political expediency. It is terrifying."
"What I object to is being asked to gather intelligence to help fix a vote at the UN and deceive the world into going to war."
"History is a lot more diverse than you're led to believe and that's something to remember whenever you see people trying to claim elements of history for their own political ideology."
"Do you regret saying that...? Yes, because it was used for political gain."
"The majority's perception of reality especially in the political arena is not their own, it is shrewdly imposed upon them without them even knowing it."
"The anti-intellectualism and the ways that that is used by the far-right and fascist nationalist movements, even though those people benefited from that exact system, are used to then dupe working folks into never achieving higher education."
"Support for his attempt to overturn the last election and if necessary a willingness to help him steal the next one."
"Disinformation is a crude form of propaganda and censorship."
"He's been taken over by the left in this country. They pressured him in his grave to speak out against us."
"Public discussions are necessary to prevent hidden agendas and power plays."
"Useful idiot: a naive or credulous person who can be manipulated or exploited to advance a cause or political agenda."
"Evil Morty does a great job presenting himself as a suave and compassionate politician but as soon as he wins the election he's revealed to be totally sadistic manipulative and even tyrannical."
"They had to break our spirit and they chose politicians who were once fiercely anti-NATO to lead the way."
"This is an Alinsky shell game with language in order to gain power."
"Democracy is only a weapon that they use to achieve their ends."
"The FBI wanted to go get evidence of their own criminality back. They wanted to go reobtain those documents. But what I think probably the bigger overarching thing is they want to sideline Trump in the next election."
"It's crazy that so many people have bought into this, that there's a hurricane, there's a drought, there's a fire, there's a flood, as there has always been, and now they've taken that, they've taken the weather and they've weaponized it."
"Constantine turned Christianity into a tool of fascism."
"It's like a writing exercise he puts him in a room with Steve Miller, a piece of paper, and a pen and is like 'You have 30 minutes, give me a thousand words on how to steal the election.'"
"Real racism is using race for your political or economic advancement."
"They don't care about bodily autonomy, they don't care about human rights, what they care about is controlling you forever."
"I think we saw the weaponization of fear for the last few years."
"It's gaslighting to get us to attack the government."
"The propaganda campaign launched against the American people will be unlike anything we've ever seen before."
"All they did was trick us into thinking we select who speaks for us and who governs, but they're still in control of that person."
"Now they're using climate refugees as another excuse to send the masses in some other direction."
"We just want to find uh 11,780 votes which is one more than we have."
"This is a manifestation of Palpatine's ultimate goal the force which was initially created as an army or at least Justified as an army is now being used as a police force to keep people in line."
"Big lies are springboards for authoritarians."
"If he can shut the lights off in neighboring countries if they're dependent on Russian gas."
"I think the strongest argument is ultimately the same way that the alt-right was able to hijack internet irony and memes in order to radicalize people and push extremist ideologies I see no reason why people on the left are somehow above this."
"...populism doesn't happen from the grassroots up, it happens because demagogues go to those people and say I know what your problem is..."
"Manipulation of people's attitudes and beliefs in the political sphere is a somewhat different matter."
"Conspiracy theories are often generated and created for political ends by people who stoke them in order to gain a group of followers."
"National identity is a very important concept in politics and government, partly because it can be manipulated by politicians and it often drives wars, revolutions, and other major political upheavals."