
Ethical Choice Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Because of her faith, at the age of seven, Naseem decided she would forego the consumption of any animal products as she viewed animals virtually the same as people."
"All you have to do to end this intolerable misery, this unimaginable cruelty, this inexcusable contribution to moral, health, and environmental catastrophe, is choose something else on the menu."
"Do you want the guy who's gotten rich off other people's suffering, or do you want the guy who has been suffering because he had a stroke, which millions of Americans have had, but is otherwise completely healthy and mentally alert and ready to do this job?"
"This is the judgment that the light has come into the world and men loved the darkness rather than the light for their deeds were evil."
"Forget the lesser evil, fight for the greater good like your life depends on it because it does."
"They did it selflessly because they felt they needed to do the right thing."
"When surveyed, most people say that they'd pull the lever and sacrifice one person to save five. It's for the greater good."
"Which side would you want to be on? I would rather not be the people doing the evil."
"I'd rather choose guidance over a racist pedophile."
"A good person is someone who, when there's a decision to do right or wrong, they naturally choose right."
"I just had to do the right thing, I had no choice."
"All else equal, I would rather not kill an animal for my culinary pleasure."
"I'm not a heartless dude. I'd save the employee."
"When you're a vegan, you're anti animal abuse."
"Adoption is this loving choice that not only helps a birth mother in a difficult situation, it saves the life of a human being."
"This kind of ethical tourism is what we should all be supporting."
"Why would you choose to kill another animal and eat its flesh when you could choose not to?"
"Money comes and goes, but these little babies' lives don't." - Clear decision for cruelty-free
"You go vegan for the animals, not for anyone else."
"It's okay to say you know yeah I could be making 30 million I could be making more money if I went ahead and sold my soul and cater to their value system but you know I can still be rich and be free."
"You are making a selfish choice for your own health, which is fantastic, and you are making a selfless choice for the environment and for the animals, which is also fantastic."
"Wanda decides she is going to do what is right by her."
"We have to depart from their evil, not usurp it."
"Going vegan, it's not the most we can do, it is literally the least we can do."
"I'd rather want one more person to live forever than have a little more money."
"How embarrassing that you are choosing your nostalgia, your memories over the rights of actual human beings."
"You did the right thing and that's great because it's hard to say no to that much money."
"Would you rather save a million people or do nothing and witness every one of them die?"
"When it comes to shopping for clothing, I believe that buying something secondhand is the most ethical choice that I can make."
"If you want to get amped up on it from an animal protection reason, that is something, if you are a person who just does not want to consume animals, there's no conversation here."
"We choose not to disbud or dehorn our goats any longer."
"The goal is not to vote for the lesser of two evils. The goal is to vote in a way that lessens evil."
"I think it has to do again with some people like, 'Look, I don't want to hurt animals.'"
"It's more sustainable, and obviously, the big thing that people love the most about is you're not taking the life of an animal."
"For I would have the power though not give the pain."
"Just because one can do a thing, does not necessarily mean one must do a thing."
"You're freeing animals, that's what I always thought."
"Why should I kill an insect that hasn't bothered me? I just don't like that behavior."
"I gave up my fur coats years ago; what an ego trip, walking around wearing cut up animals. Besides, fur coats don't last, I'd rather have diamonds."
"Thank you so much for rescuing your guinea pigs instead of getting them from a pet store."
"I love to feel still like I have luxury, and everything looks so pretty, and I am not compromising the animal population."
"If you do choose to eat meat, then you should be choosing ethically farmed animals."
"All of us face the choice to accept in fairness or advocate for justice."
"I'm not acting out of fear, I'm trying to do the right thing."
"Veganism isn't just a diet, it's a lifestyle."
"I know as painful as the choice is, you made the right decision, you're doing the right thing."
"Lab-grown diamonds are better than real diamonds because they don't destroy the Earth."
"It reduces the need for puppy mills."
"I'm really glad that it's faux leather because I don't really feel the need to buy leather when it's unnecessary."
"Save your family or save humanity. Make the choice."
"It's suitable for vegans and it's cruelty-free as well."
"Why choose to cause more harm when we can choose to cause less?"
"I made the big decision to go cruelty-free with my makeup, skincare, and haircare."