
Renewables Quotes

There are 56 quotes

"Ninety percent of this energy today still comes from fossil fuels, and ten percent only from others—greener, possibly—sources like nuclear power and renewables."
"Renewables...are diffused. They all have a small power per unit area, and we have to live with that fact."
"At the start of this video, I talked about the similarities these games share, which are substantial. Despite how similar these games are in a lot of ways, the biggest difference I found is how I felt after I finished playing them."
"Do not double down on an obsolete business model, lead the transition to renewables."
"We focus on renewables, but innovation means doing things differently in a much more modern way."
"Renewables are now between seven and nine percent cheaper."
"Renewables in Europe have beat fossil fuels in electricity generation for the first time in history."
"When machines stand taller than world wonders, you don’t want them — or hope in renewables — to come crashing down."
"Home batteries are really the holy grail of renewables."
"Our idea is a national energy guarantee put forward by the experts. It allows for a greater role for renewables, it keeps coal and gas in the system, it makes up for the mistakes of the past, and importantly, it lowers power bills."
"Nuclear power makes renewable energy sustainable."
"We need more nuclear power more importantly than we need more renewables."
"Renewables have proven to be resilient and offering solutions to the challenges that the world is facing."
"Digital systems can make renewables more effective."
"That is not the case at all, to Cathy's point, we're seeing mining being concentrated around renewables, hydro and often actually utilizing power that would otherwise go wasted on the grid."
"It's not about being left-wing or right-wing. It's about taking climate change seriously and becoming a world leader in Renewables."
"Alternatives for fossil fuels include renewables, but renewables also have consequences."
"Regeneration means that the motor is generating energy rather than using energy."
"Energy storage is this new grid asset, it enables the growth of renewable variable renewable energy generation."
"The cost trajectory of renewables and battery storage tends to be a lot faster than fossil fuels or nuclear."
"By the time we need storage and transmission for 90% variable renewables, it will be cheaper than our current assumptions."
"Hydrogen offers great opportunities for dispatchable low-carbon power, especially when renewables aren't generating."
"We're using more renewable energy sources."
"Renewables leading the race as they go to the final corner."
"Adding more renewables is now cheaper than continuing to run existing coal plants."
"We are all for the transition and clean energy and the use of renewables."
"These renewable energy systems will make us less dependent on foreign oil and for energy."
"DTE believes to lead we have to do what's right."
"So we are tripling renewables and cutting carbon emissions in half over the next 10 years."
"With climate change and pollution going on, we need to invest in renewables as good as we can."
"The cost of renewables are falling and deployment of micro grids in parallel continues to rise."
"When it comes to renewables, it's clear that the winds of change have begun to blow."
"One energy supplier that's pushing hard for a sustainable future based on renewables, including solar and wind, is Octopus Energy."
"Our speakers too come from many continents and they're ready to showcase their experiences and of emerging innovative solutions that can fully unlock the potential renewables particularly in industry and transport."
"Renewable energy includes solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal."
"We've changed our energy sources plenty of times from wood to coal to fossil fuels to renewables. Why not try that?"
"Forecasting is increasingly necessary to optimize the system's flexibility to respond to solar and wind."
"With our software, we are helping distribution system operators to integrate renewables fast into the grids."
"The transition is taking many forms; it's not only the transition from fossil fuels to renewables."
"The world is moving to Renewables in a massive way."
"Every bit of money spent on nuclear power is a step away from renewable energy."
"By 2050, maybe 35 to 40 percent of total energy will be supplied by renewables."
"We're reducing the amount of gas we're burning, and all our electricity's coming from wind and nuclear."
"Our energy security will be greatly enhanced as we transition to renewables."
"What is the impact of increasing renewables on our grid cost dropping as well as cost of storage dropping?"
"We now have the Holy Grail product offering and that is dispatchable renewables."
"Renewables... is represented 21% of the total generation mix in the U.S."
"Renewable portfolio standards are state level standards that mandate that utilities that operate within the state have to generate a specified percentage of their electricity from renewable resources by a date certain in the future."
"The precipitous decline in the cost of building wind and solar projects in the U.S. have brought those costs for those types of renewables products down to a point now where they are effectively competing with natural gas if not beating natural gas on price."
"Fossil fuels are old, we're moving on to renewable energy."
"The cost of Renewables has fallen spectacularly."
"The Homer software compares thousands of possible combinations of solar, wind, storage, load management, and conventional generators."
"We don't want to trade the old dependency on oil from the Middle East for a new form of dependency on renewables and the components of renewables."