
Exodus Quotes

There are 94 quotes

"The archaeological evidence not only supports the biblical account of the Exodus but points to a Ramesside date."
"Anyone who can get out is getting out, and they're taking their skills with them."
"A compelling case has been made that the Exodus is a historical fact."
"Most experts now agree that the exodus and Jewish conquest of Canaan never quite happened as depicted in the Bible."
"What we see, exactly as depicted in the Book of Exodus, is an Egyptian charioteer chasing Moses across the parted sea, then Moses turns and faces his pursuer, walls of water rise and come down on the Egyptians, and finally, rider, chariot, and horses are drowned."
"The Ahmose Stele may, in fact, hold the key to the Exodus enigma."
"Moses is chosen by God to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and back to the land of Canaan, the promised land."
"The Exodus involves several famous events such as The Parting of the Red Sea and God giving the Ten Commandments."
"There's a mass exodus of guys leaving the church."
"It's become totally dystopian, and a lot of people are leaving."
"I'm really looking forward to talking about Exodus and the mosaic stories."
"Everybody else is leaving, lots of people are."
"When Israel went out of Egypt, the sea saw it and fled; Jordan turned back."
"Our livestock too must go with us; not a hoof is to be left behind." - Exodus 10:26
"The things that Exodus are describing... are as relevant to us right now as any psychology, any cognitive science, any theory of evolution."
"This is a return to the more familiar Exodus if you're an older fan."
"Is it really possible that the 40-year Exodus as described in the Old Testament never happened at all?"
"What's Exodus? It's a half-baked theory first put forth by Dr. Shepard's mentor, Oscar Alan. Yeah, it's anything but half-baked."
"The Passover Lamb is actually a sacrificial lamb, as hinted in Exodus 12."
"...Jesus chose Passover as the moment to go to Jerusalem... Jesus understanding of his own vocation was to accomplish once and for all the new Exodus for which Israel had longed."
"Remember that you were a servant in the land of Egypt and the Lord your God brought you forth from there with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm."
"Looking at it visually, you could say that Chapter 1 and Chapter 12 of Exodus represent bookends of a process that began hundreds of years before."
"The Exodus of the Israelites under the leadership of Moses has always been a story of a dazzling escape and a desperate battle for survival."
"The whole of the Exodus story is correct."
"Who was the Pharaoh of the Exodus? Well, we think it was Amenhotep II, and Doug Petrovich, who has made the case for this Exodus Pharaoh, is with us today to lay out the evidence."
"I intentionally invoked that story of Exodus when I wrote the song 'Free'."
"God found three million slave Hebrews in bondage in Egypt and He gave Pharaoh a shot."
"The Exodus narrative is entirely plausible within a genuine historical environment."
"One of the things that I liked about the Exodus series... was impressed at how much intellectual pandemonium was going on."
"There are more and more people who are leaving Scientology all the time, primarily because of the internet."
"Come out of Babylon, come out my people out of Babylon."
"The greatest Miracle since the Exodus. Unprecedented. Nothing ever happened subsequent to that ever parallel that event."
"Their national origin story involved the Exodus."
"The second harvest is the growth of people leaving the Mormon Church, really."
"Half rich people in Chicago are being taxed to death."
"The mass exodus from the earth to tranquility base Hotel and Casino is implied to be a harbinger for some kind of impending apocalypse back on our home planet."
"You yourselves have seen what I did to Egypt and how I carried You On Eagle's Wings which is you know a reference to about his grace and brought you to myself."
"The story of Exodus actually begins with an extraordinary tale of female bravery."
"The never forgotten days, the story of the exodus from Fortune Bay to Lourdes."
"Moses went before the burning bush, brought down the ten plagues upon Egypt, split the Red Sea, and brought the Israelites out of Egypt, and gave them the law."
"I'm the Lord thy God which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt."
"Every time they went through this ritual each year, they believed that the original Passover event from Exodus 12 was mystically made present to them."
"When we celebrate the Passover, it's as if we are walking out of Egypt."
"You yourselves have seen what I did to the Egyptians and how I bore you on eagle's wings and brought you to myself."
"The Old Testament authors consistently look back at the Exodus from Egypt more than any other event."
"The Lord is a warrior; the Lord is His name." - Exodus 15:3
"Scripture describes the chronology related to the Exodus pretty specifically."
"It reminds us of the power of God and our salvation and bringing us out of Egypt."
"Carnival club 10 out of 10, the experience on the road with Exodus was great."
"By strength of hand the Lord brought us up out of Egypt."
"For that night, I will pass through the land of Egypt."
"On that very day, Adonai brought the people of Israel out of the land of Egypt."
"There is a great full color spread on the plagues of Exodus."
"Moses strides toward the Red Sea with staff upraised, leading the ancient Israelites out of Egypt."
"These are all stones that were available at the time of the writing of Exodus."
"Martin Luther King can refer to the Exodus in a speech that's very powerful."
"And it came to pass when Pharaoh had let the people go."
"I am ready to die, and God will surely visit you, and bring you out of this land unto the land which he sware unto Abraham, unto Isaac, and unto Jacob."
"The Lord said to Moses, 'Depart, go up from here, you and the people whom you have brought up out of the land of Egypt.'"
"We're talking about evidence for the authenticity of the book of Exodus and the events that are recorded in it."
"After several hours of devastation, Duke Beren's domain saw its production capacity reduced by 85% and its military capability by 98%, with all NPC residents fleeing."
"The exodus event in the Hebrew narrative is now universalized in Messiah."
"Exodus is leading them out of the desert to the promised land."
"This sea is called the Red Sea which was crossed by the twelve tribes of Egypt."
"The exodus is the prototype of salvation."
"All the waters that were in the river were turned to blood."
"The book of Exodus is a foreshadowing of another Exodus."
"That's your testimony, that's my testimony, and those are the two themes of the book of Exodus."
"The reason for the Feast of Unleavened Bread is to remind us that Yahovah took us out of Egypt."
"We do get together and tell over the story of the Exodus."
"We are free, dance out of Egypt with me."
"Imagine that many people just pulling up stakes and moving out into a desert wilderness, and you'll get some idea of what Moses had to put up with."
"All this put together gives us a range of the Exodus somewhere around 1270 to 1235 BCE."
"The story of Exodus is the tremendous story of how God set His people free."
"The story of The Exodus has been used so much since its original account as a Liberation tale for other groups that are oppressed."
"The Exodus event itself is in large question, just being that this was a mass migration of such a large number of people for such a large number of time."
"There's too many pieces of evidence that corroborate that basic narrative thread to dismiss the historicity of the Exodus."
"The evidence for the reliability of the Exodus is very strong."
"Go ye out from Babylon. Be ye clean that bear the vessels of the Lord."
"Ye have seen what I did to the Egyptians, and how I bear you on eagle's wings, and brought you unto myself."
"Moses led the Israelites out of slavery in Egypt."
"Can you think of a more dramatic example of God's miraculous power than the parting of the Red Sea?"
"God calls his people out of Babylon."
"Sublime song of The Exodus is one and indivisible; true poetry has reached its climax."
"The story of Israel's salvation... is by remembering the Exodus."
"The story of the bondage in Egypt, of the use of the Jews as slaves in great construction enterprises, their rebellion and escape or emigration to Asia, has many internal signs of essential truth."
"God himself is with you to lead these people out."
"The Torah opens up in Genesis chapter 5 by telling you about 10 generations, 20 generations, and it culminates in the book of Exodus for 26, even Moses as a 26 person in the Hebrew Bible."