
Oncology Quotes

There are 100 quotes

"I think if it hadn't worked, I would have probably followed the classical oncologist advice."
"Most doctors who are oncologists don't look at stool tests... I mean wait if you're a breast cancer why should look at your poop."
"Researchers might have found a way to treat tumors and only tumors by exploiting their love for iron."
"Effort will be undertaken to train a generation of oncologists, oncology nurses, and pharmacists."
"It's really an exciting time to be an oncologist or researcher."
"The importance of next-generation sequencing technologies is clear, identifying the mutation responsible for driving the cancer and using that information to determine the course of treatment is a big advance in oncology."
"If you have this oncogene in your tumor, number one is your survival worse? The answer is, yes, it is worse."
"Our approach here at Sylvester cancer Center for a patient with a primary extremity sarcoma is limb sparing surgery."
"Hope is part of our job as an oncologist because our patients are diagnosed with cancer."
"My goal when I see a patient with a newly diagnosed sarcoma is to cure them."
"Pathology is really one component of the entire oncology care team to really help patients obtain the most advanced care available to improve their outcomes."
"This one drug that came into clinical use really just propelled oncology forward and really saved men's lives."
"Organ segmentation is essential for radiation beam planning in cancer treatment."
"Precision oncology is the right drug for the right patient at the right time."
"Precision oncology refers to... the right drug for the right patient at the right time."
"Consequences for cell transformation and tumor formation."
"Good afternoon. I'm Chris Lou, GI medical oncologist from the University of Colorado."
"My name is Sager lonial and I'm the chief medical officer at the Winship Cancer Institute."
"Every single tumor will have mutations; what matters is what the specific mutations are."
"I enter into this virtual space with immense empathy, not only as a breast cancer medical oncologist but also as a motherless daughter."
"The more mutations that your cancer has, the more chance that there's abnormal proteins being expressed on that cancer cell that your immune system can recognize as being abnormal."
"The calic acid axis of immune modulation is quite significant for a number of tumors."
"We had never seen a hazard ratio of 0.49 in a frontline non-small cell lung cancer trial that was not using a targeted therapy."
"Any patient that comes through the Department of Radiation Oncology will interact with each one of these people at least once, and often multiple times from start to finish."
"These efforts have identified core sets of driver genes that are frequently mutated."
"Oncology is changing from a one-size-fits-all approach to trying to personalize therapies."
"We've moved now into an era of molecular oncology."
"We've had, in a period of seven years, this dramatic change in the field where the whole idea of how we treat cancer is different."
"It's really an exciting time to be a researcher or an oncologist, because it's a better time for patients."
"Our team, like many brain cancer teams around the country, work together utilizing oncologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists, and a variety of other specialists to help optimize outcomes for patients."
"The field of car therapy is one of the most creative and innovative fields in oncology."
"Virtually every oncologist nowadays knows that soy is actually a cancer preventer."
"Lymphoma means a tumor derived from lymphocytes."
"Hodgkin lymphoma is all about the B cell."
"Dr. Saad is an oncologist in Saudi and started the first bank of breast tissue in the Middle East."
"As a radiation oncologist, I never imagined that I would be doing what I'm doing today."
"A tumor or neoplasm is defined as a mass of abnormal cell growth."
"Oncology is one of the first areas that we actually realize that cannabinoids could be helpful in those patients."
"The ketogenic diet has shown some promise in the field of oncology."
"Cancer needs something to grow onto; it needs a bed, and that bed that it grows onto is connective tissue."
"I'm thinking like oncology right now."
"Lymphoma is a complex family, there's a lot of different types of lymphoma, sometimes they're slow growing, sometimes they're faster growing."
"Brain tumors, aggressive solid tumors, endometrial cancers, maybe certain GI cancers, maybe lung cancer are responsive."
"All cancers display eight fundamental changes in cell physiology, these are called hallmarks of cancer."
"Immunotherapy has changed our treatment landscape in lung cancer."
"Artificial intelligence is helping to advance cancer treatment by quickly understanding how cancerous cells become resistant to anti-cancer drugs."
"The goal is really to customize the treatment plan based on the patient's tumor biology."
"No matter how hard people think it is to be a pediatric oncologist, it's much harder being a pediatric oncology patient or being a parent of a child with cancer."
"Cancer looks very different to a professor of oncology and to a young woman of 20 who's just been told she's three months to live."
"You've made a difference in so many lives... there are people like me, I'm just one patient of thousands that passed through the cancer program."
"If you have an oncogene mutation, it's like having an accelerator stuck to the floor."
"The hallmark, the standard for metastatic treatment of metastatic disease, have increased and changed drastically during my 29 years in medical oncology."
"Radiation oncology is the center stage. It is the main modality for almost every single cancer patient whose journey you're going to be a part of."
"Prostate cancer is very slow growing cancer."
"The hotter the tumor, the worse the prognosis; the dimmer the tumor, then the prognosis is better."
"In my professional life, I'm an oncologist."
"The main message is that they are driven by these oncogenic fusions."
"People still get cancer, and we treat it and usually cure it, but we can't cure everything."
"A PD-1 monoclonal antibody, Scintilla map, has demonstrated significant clinical benefit in multiple tumor types."
"The landscapes change in the treatment of lung cancer."
"Keynote 189 was a landmark study that completely transformed the first-line treatment of metastatic lung cancer."
"The dosing, the calculation of the dose of radiation that they're going to get, depends on where the cancer is and where the radiation is going to treat."
"Mutations in the ras proto-oncogene and the p53 tumor suppressor genes are pretty common in human cancers."
"The mutation frequency went from 3% to just 0.5%, meaning most of the mutations found in melanoma would be presumed to just be passenger events."
"We're really getting good at taking care of cancer patients."
"You're not just treating oncologic emergencies; you're also treating patients and their families."
"Science has been utilizing gold in cancer medicine and in tumor medicine."
"The real paradigm of immune oncology is that historically we were treating tumor cells... whereas now we are trying to boost the immune system."
"Because cancer isn't just what we do, it's all we do."
"Clinical trials are so important, that's how we advance the field of oncology."
"Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant bone tumor in children."
"I realized at that moment that I was going to be a medical oncologist."
"These are neoplasms composed of immature B-cells or T-cells which are referred to as lymphoblasts."
"PD-1/PD-L1 inhibitors have grown to become the leading class of immunotherapies in oncology since they first gained regulatory approval."
"It's only going to get better; we need to find more tumor antigens and tumors that can be safely and effectively targeted."
"It's really an exciting and great time to be an oncologist because it's a better time for patients."
"The surgical oncologists have played a major role in administering that treatment."
"We don't care where the tumor was born, we just care about the genetics of the tumor."
"I'm here at Stanford and I have a special interest in taking care of the skin needs that occur in patients who are undergoing cancer therapy."
"The work being done in Dr. Dunn's laboratory aims to provide a better understanding of the genetics of brain cancers and how they interact with the immune system."
"The difference between low-grade tumors and high-grade tumors is dramatic."
"Tamoxifen is very, very powerful anti-cancer compound for tumors that are estrogen sensitive."
"A gene that leads to cancer is called an oncogene."