
Heat Quotes

There are 971 quotes

"The sun blazed even hotter after lunch, and the heat waves rose off the asphalt."
"This heat, sometimes called Agni, is the purification method, so you'll notice that your body gets purified or heated up from the inside out."
"Every time I spit these lyrics I'm about to make it felt, My bars are way too hot I'm making other rappers melt."
"You're worse than the things sweating over here."
"Altogether, that's 291 trillion extra Joules of heat."
"Expect that it's going to be a very, very hot summer."
"It is so hot outside today... you could have rung the sweat out of my shirt and filled up a bucket."
"It's like God made the heat so hot to cleanse the atmosphere, to purify."
"It's supposed to be a really super hot, hot spicy dish."
"I'm just hoping you're just melting just like me, oh it feels so good to sweat."
"You know, when you're battling, it's all about heat for heat. So right, you know, to me, I never, y'all know, I never really had a big mainstream career."
"The real estate market, especially in Southern California, is very, very hot."
"The primary source of heat that causes motors to overheat is from the copper loss of putting amps through the windings in order to make torque."
"Half the power that we're dumping into this motor is just turning into heat."
"We will be very well prepared for heat-related emergencies."
"I'm feeling like weather has actually cleared up guys, beautiful but bloody hell is it hot."
"It was hot when I first took it, hot as a gleed, and my hand was scorched, so that I doubt if ever I shall feel free of the pain of it."
"The ring misseth, maybe, the heat of Sauron's hand, which was black and yet burned like fire, and so Gil-galad was destroyed."
"Oh wow, oh that's hot, oh it's still on fire, oh it's so good."
"This type of reaction is called exothermic, that means it makes heat as part of the reaction."
"Immersion of the individual in a hot bath or placing them in a heat cabinet... would enhance the immune system."
"We've got a chemical reaction that produces heat which in turn creates pressure on the piston in the combustion chamber."
"Enjoy this weather because it's about to be so, so hot."
"It is a thousand degrees here currently, and even though we still grill every day, we are finding that we're using our air fryer and doing indoor cooking a little more often."
"Heatran's metal exoskeleton is actually melting from the heat it gives off."
"Heat is the core of this game, the beating heart of the game's engine, if you will."
"This cloud just lit up, felt like you could feel the heat."
"Heat is actually a vasodilator, meaning it's going to open up your capillaries, brings blood flow into an area, and actually helps those muscles, those knots, to relax."
"Why do we do this stuff at night so much? It's because it's so hot and easy to work."
"It's so hot you can fry an egg on the street."
"It's feeling like summer as hell."
"Endothermic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbs heat from its surroundings."
"There's a lot of heat going on in this snow cave because the heat is reflecting over there, and it doesn't get smoky in there because the smoke is pushed up by the heat."
"I am sweating my balls but I wouldn't want it any other way, I heart summer."
"Hot day, worked hard cutting and bucking huge trees."
"This year's test is incredibly hotter even more hot than last year's"
"Um, I'm pretending I don't already want to leave. Just kidding. I want to say this. We normally record in Dallas in our studio and there's no AC, so the interior temperature is 110 degrees of our studio. So this feels phenomenal."
"It's time to dive in, eat it while it's hot, yum yum, get me some."
"You can feel the heat that's coming off of the water that is coming out of the spring."
"...with that increased heat I'm isolating it from the rest of the shop which is nice this stuff just is ready to go pretty quickly."
"It's been a scorcher of a summer so far, one might even say a flaming hot summer."
"You don't need super extreme heat to just bump the ends."
"I don't get brain freeze. My head's running too hot all the time."
"It is scorching. I actually quite like this temperature."
"When it comes to Urban heat, some solutions really do grow on trees."
"It's like any computer isn't it? If you switch off the fan, it's going to get really hot."
"Most of the heat stored in its interior during the planet's formation has been lost."
"It's hard to be goth in this damn heat."
"It is hot as hell's bells outside."
"I'm literally so hot from the stove being on."
"Sweating has nothing to do with hot sauce, it has to do with the heat."
"Food is expected to be hot like they shouldn't be allowed to sue for stuff like that that's ridiculous if you go to a restaurant you're ordering like a burger and fries or a steak or sizzling fajita guess what it's probably gonna come out hot."
"This thing is running perfectly, super heat's a little low, but not enough to cause any issues."
"It's just incredible cornhole being played Wally yeah I wouldn't know I don't plan on stepping outside it is hot."
"The turbochargers generate quite a bit of heat."
"Would it take a significant amount of heat to create that char mark? It would, and it would have to be sustained heat, so not just a quick, without some type of ignitable source."
"Temperature is something you measure with a thermometer, and heat is a measurement of how much wiggling there is occurring inside of the atoms."
"Compost piles can produce substantial heat, even in the winter."
"Water is marvelous at holding and transporting heat. The Gulf Stream carries an amount of heat to Europe equivalent to the world's output of coal for 10 years."
"We're out of gas, yeah, it's hot outside."
"This world is a strange one. Summer can sometimes be a drag, often times it means hot unbearable temperatures and sticky t-shirts."
"One thing I absolutely love that I did there was I didn't use any heat on my hair."
"That's some Louisiana heat right there."
"Heat, such as from a blow dryer or flat iron, opens up the cuticle layer for us."
"It's the source of fire, it's the source of light, it's source of heat in the heavens."
"Hotter than the goat's butt in the pepper patch out here."
"And this will get even hotter, and on the condenser, the heat is ejected on the outside."
"Heat training versus heat damage there is a debate even amongst the experts."
"The key is here we're hanging this for now... I'm going to put at the top of my track so it's hanging on that track right so it's got the ability to grow and expand in heat."
"Oh my God, it's so hot, hand me my element."
"It is clearly visible that more heat will increase the allowable maximum flow of our hotend."
"Desperate to try anything that might beat the heat."
"What's the point because I've never been on holiday somewhere hot until I felt this heat."
"The Mediterranean has now had 2 back to back summers, where in terms of heat, parts of it have been pretty tough, at least for a few weeks."
"I'm so impatient when it comes to letting things be hot enough"
"First off, let's do that. Sorry I invited, I'm heated."
"Conditioning 41 degrees in the shade and we've got no air conditioning. We have survived."
"Think of a blue blow torch as a blue flame, right? Really, really hot."
"I'm just way too hot in here to have them off."
"If you have a liquid with a very highly polar molecule, then it's going to require a lot more heat to make those things fly off into the gas phase."
"The heat coming off there, this poor chap must be absolutely sweltering."
"It's hotter than a center in a church on Sunday."
"Wow, this is so hot! Just put your hand up, gosh, you don't wanna get too close to that."
"Love heat but dang, the beef is worth it."
"Adjusting the screen brightness to around 50 to 60% can save battery and reduce heat generation."
"How do you survive this heat? He don't work. It's very hot."
"It's a source of water and heat inside your castle, no matter how cold the long night gets."
"It's not closed up, it's a relish, okay, because it's with it, because you always add pickles, always add a little bit of vibrancy, a little bit of pecans to a little bit of heat, it's like a chutney."
"I'm so hot, I just want my candy."
"No matter what you're out in the heat, the water's like a hot tub."
"Summer rolls around though things can get pretty darn hot."
"Steaming tactical nuke, in hotter than a jalapeno, 4,450 times hotter than Tabasco and nine times hotter than a ghost pepper."
"So, whenever we have excessive flow of current, we're going to create enough heat to the point where it's going to melt that fuse."
"Sometimes when you see me riding without proper gear it's because I am very prone to blacking out when I get too hot."
"The best thing about riding an e-bike for me is that even on the hottest of days, it's still just so relaxing."
"It's going to be sticky icky sticky icky hot pillow sticky icky."
"'Heat' is a film about the irreconcilable differences we all have within us."
"Heat is contrapuntal - the counterpoint between what we are and what we want, the counterpoint between devoting oneself entirely to a single cause and how impossible that is as a complex human being."
"Heat contemplates whether we can ever truly be whole as people when each of us is made up of so many contradictory, destructive elements."
"The diner conversation is the fulcrum of 'Heat' - the moment our two adversaries meet on a playing field that has been leveled by the first half and fully acknowledge themselves in one another."
"Man's script, which had originally been written in 1979 and turned into the failed TV pilot turned TV movie 'La Takedown,' may rest on bank heists and hot pursuits, but it's really about the characters, not the plots."
"Perfect balance between the heat and the spice."
"She can compress the air to make it heat up to six times hotter than the surface of the sun."
"I almost wish I would have enjoyed that pickle boat a little bit more if it wasn't just so damn hot."
"So hot, like you know, like you know when you're at the store and you're like damn, I need to get some ice cream."
"We're out on the Strip, yeah it is hot, girl's hot like my hair getting messed up too."
"It's boiling... it's actually boiling down out here... looking out onto the sea... oh my god wow."
"Dual burner induction cooktops offer serious heat if required."
"$39 is pretty good if you're hot as hell and you just need cold air, right?"
"Stay back. You can't take this much heat with that body of yours."
"I'm so hot like I'm dying oh my god it's hotter."
"When the Sun's shining down and the day getting hotter it's hard to stop the fun to grab a little drink of water"
"It's gonna be a scorcher today, it's gonna be absolutely roasting."
"It's hotter than two rats making love in a wool sock."
"I mean the only thing I have to add is just that I was sweating from how hot."
"It's also been so hot this week and I haven't been getting sunburned with these which is another bonus."
"Altering raw ingredients with heat."
"I thought I was to hear and it was just been really, really hot outside."
"Rock pretty much destroyed every town e-pass root like well hurricane Rock was as good at working a crowd as ever but instead of drawing huge pops he drew heat the likes of which you so rarely see today."
"Repeatedly fanning the brakes without allowing them to cool can generate excessive heat and reduce braking efficiency."
"You're going to be a spiritual mother... What the actual kids, there is a difference. It's getting hot in here."
"Okay, if you don't think it's hot in Ohio right now, you're right. It's not. It's blazing hot."
"...you're not going to have to turn your heat up and bring it to a boil or anything but you do want it to cook just a bit in this sauce."
"It's hot, wow, it smells so good."
"Heat makes me sleepy too, the living sea must be part cat."
"Once it's got a lot of heat into it, it should be buttery smooth."
"...it brings down the auxiliary heat... below the balance point temperature of the house, so that means it needs additional help from time to time."
"It's burning up in here, it's June in Houston and it's 97 degrees in here right now."
"Calabrian chilies, which is actually pretty spicy."
"He put me in a valley of dry bones which means in the valley in which the bones were the heat had worn uh beat down on the bone so much."
"It's so refreshing, especially in this heat."
"Now I understand why you guys love this in the heat."
"In any kind of soldering, the primary requirement beyond the solder itself is the use of heat."
"I am up to my third outfit change of the day because it is now so unbelievably hot out there."
"This 4D neck massager with heat has four massage heads that simulate real hands and fingers."
"Whittle down what you carry in your pockets to a minimum to avoid excess bulk that can press against your skin and make you feel hotter."
"I think I have to use a fan here very soon."
"It's too hot out there and I'm gonna just you know watch some Desperate Housewives."
"Heat penetrates every substance in the universe."
"He pulled off his leather jacket and threw it over his head as primitive protection against the Heat then ducked through the fence."
"The heat was nearly unbearable, it beat upon him from every side cooking his thoughts to incoherence."
"Wow. You know it's hot when, even the goats are using your Jeep as sun protection."
"To add the cheddar, I'm gonna take it off the heat and treat it a bit more gently so it doesn't break."
"These pictures are going to be pretty painful to take too because it's so hot."
"It's a great fragrance and I think it's perfect in the heat."
"I was immediately enamored. It is very hot."
"There are areas in the parks that feel like you're walking around inside a giant toaster oven because there's literally zero shade to depend on."
"Infrared radiation is associated with heat because everybody in the universe, even if it's not reflecting any actual light, is going to be radiating energy, and some of that energy is going to be infrared."
"I feel better when it gets hot in the kitchen. I cool myself off with a nice refreshing [beverage]."
"This is something that can happen in the Heat of the Moment."
"The Straight Edge Society had so much heat grandmas were cursing punk out at live events and it was crazy."
"One heat apiece for two guys who should have all the pressure in the world on them."
"Heat doesn't offer any answers instead it's almost like a form of catharsis, a way for men to process and meditate on the alienation and dysfunction of the present era."
"I swore up and down that I heard and saw someone doing it already but my mom chalked it up to the heat of the summer getting to me and that's one I'll never forget."
"It's kind of hot. I'm down bad, I see a human vagina and I'm interested."
"...the reality is we've got like three foot tall grass out here and so we can see heat immediately."
"If lava were to cover your car, it would melt. It's hot enough to melt iron."
"I'm actually like little beads roll down my face because I have to turn off the AC."
"I ain't going to lie, y'all, it's too hot for this robe."
"These are brutally hot peppers, but they also have amazing interesting flavors."
"Not overwhelming, perfect heat level."
"Now heat and iso heat work basically the same way that a glycol-based antifreeze does in your radiator."
"It was almost 50 degrees centigrade, and we had to wake up at 3:00 in the morning to start riding because it was so hot."
"I am starting to feel the effects of the heat though."
"It's literally molten metal right now, guys!"
"Super fun day in the water, it was hot as heck out here but I was in the water so it kept me cool."
"In fact all glowing bodies, from a coal in the furnace to an ember in the fire, from molten iron in a steel mill to the filament in an incandescent light bulb, the behavior is remarkably alike."
"Wherever you have stone, you're always going to have the potential for more heat and more fragrance because the heat bounces off the stone heats up the oils and the plants."
"Every chili has different types of heat, but all of them have different types of flavors as well."
"Guys it is starting to be hotter than Satan's butt crack."
"Speaking of how hot it is I am just going to reapply my sun cream this is actually a dermatical one I talked about in a few Vlogs back love it."
"I think I'm dying, it is very, very hot."
"It's hotter than Satan's ass crack out here."
"It's supposed to be like breaking... National Heat record to the Death Valley."
"We have to keep the heat in because there's a process going on, a chemical process that makes this mixture into the actual soap."
"It's hot, and the natural consequence of boundaries is that people don't get the things they want from you all the time."
"Exothermic reactions give out heat as they proceed."
"I love how when I use my Frixion Pen my lines disappear. If you don't want them there then definitely use a Frixion Pen because they will disappear with heat."
"Heat is life, because heat is friction, heat is energy."
"It's getting a little spicy in here."
"It's stupid hot but still has flavor."
"If it is what I'm thinking it is, it's about to be some real heat."
"It's really hot though, it's like steamy."
"I think John's pretty good at getting heat."
"Someday he said to himself it'll be so hot that nothing will keep this place from melting."
"Once the tools start and get really hot, that's when the cutter is probably getting to the end of its life."
"This is lunch and I want to heat it up in the microwave because I'm not turning on that stove if I don't have to because it is hot as heck."
"Cotton is the best material and this is like a t-shirt because in the hot summer time in Louisiana this keeps you cooler than any of it."
"We made it to the airport. It's only about 1 million degrees out here. Holy crap."
"Fantastic heat as far as flavor goes."
"When energy has no place to go, it turns into heat."
"It is such a beautiful day out here, it is ridiculous how hot it is."
"Extreme heat is usually only welcomed when accompanied by a large body of water."
"When you scrape at the heat evolves is so intense that you can use it as a fire lighter."
"Nothing's eating those cookie crumbs so it starts getting very very hot."
"Pasteur demonstrated spoilage bacteria could be killed by heat."
"...we come with the heat all day all hits no misses."
"...it's amazing how much heat can come out of a simple stainless steel fire pit."
"I'm honestly really hot right now so I might change. Honestly feel inspired even amongst this chaos."
"Are you ready to feel the heat? Yes, experience the heat of the PH."