
United Kingdom Quotes

There are 165 quotes

"The energy consumption of the United Kingdom...is as if we've all got 125 light bulbs on all the time."
"It is vitally important that we create a strong United Kingdom that is confident in itself."
"I've been charged with six counts. The first three are dangerous driving, one for dangerous driving with an unauthorized fuel cell, dangerous driving on roads within the United Kingdom, another dangerous driving within roads of the United Kingdom to sort of double it up."
"In the United Kingdom, where post-pandemic excess deaths in similar demographics also persist, a government-funded independent inquiry is underway."
"These celtic languages play a key role in the identity of the United Kingdom."
"Britain is the least racist country is still racist."
"I want this United Kingdom to emerge from this period of change stronger, fairer, more United, and more outward looking than ever before."
"Necessity is the mother of invention and there's no greater country in the world than the United Kingdom in inventing products and trade."
"Let's for once be immodest and recognize the United Kingdom is the greatest country in the world."
"BrExit was an earthquake in the British political system."
"Pixies are a type of fairy common in the United Kingdom, particularly in Devon and Cornwall."
"For most of us, this will be the only monarch we've ever known. She's reigned for 70 years, the longest reigning UK monarch."
"Big Ben, the beating heart of the United Kingdom."
"The sovereignty of the United Kingdom and its four nations will not be compromised."
"Boris Johnson will attempt to return to the throne after May."
"The reality today in Britain is that our political class are no longer fit for purpose."
"His standing here in the UK is about as low as you can imagine it going."
"The daring woods, situated in the United Kingdom near Kent, are reputed to be the most haunted woods in Britain."
"I think Beatrice has immense and deep respect for the United Kingdom and the role her family plays."
"The UK's vaccine program was one of the most successful and effective initiatives in the history of UK science."
"Here's our honest guide to doing van life in the UK."
"The consequences for Scotland and the United Kingdom are some of the deepest reasons why I think a No-Deal Brexit would be deeply damaging."
"Campbell and Tony Blair is the best thing that has happened to Labour Party and a very large extent to the country."
"The unsolved disappearance of Suzy Lamplugh (lam ploo) is one of the United Kingdom’s most well known missing person cases."
"I had no idea that the UK had such a far-reaching influence."
"There's a possibility that Europe and the United Kingdom may be in pretty bad shape."
"Perhaps the greatest soldier the United Kingdom has ever seen."
"I think it's absolutely clear that we needed a Brexit Prime Minister that believed in Brexit."
"Britain is home to some of the most infamous true crime cases in the world."
"I think we are going to see the breakup of the United Kingdom."
"Westminster Abbey, founded in the year 960, is one of the most historically significant churches in all of the United Kingdom."
"We must back Britain now, get behind our country."
"We enjoy being in the UK... especially around the Solent and the West Country, it's some of the best cruising areas in the world."
"The UK is just such a unique region in the world, and I hope all can witness its beauty and history."
"No school shootings in the United Kingdom since the tragic events."
"You don't need to be a feminist to say that women should have equal rights. What she is is a coward, and unless she steps in, that is one part of the United Kingdom where not only gay people but women do not have the same rights as other parts of the United Kingdom."
"As expensive as it is to legally watch football in the United Kingdom, an awful lot of people still do it."
"The United Kingdom has claimed its fame in the field of sports, literature, and conquering the world. Rugby, soccer, boxing, cricket, and golf were all invented in Britain."
"The voice of America relay station in the United Kingdom."
"The United Kingdom finally grants independence to the colonies that request it."
"The people of Scotland exercised their right to self-determination and voted in 2014 to remain a part of the United Kingdom."
"The people of the United Kingdom voted last year to leave the European Union."
"...the flexibility that life in the United Kingdom affords you as a doctor is something one should consider."
"...it really makes you appreciate the Royal Air Force and everything to do out there the Army and everyone who's uh committed their lives to actually protecting the United Kingdom."
"The Norman Conquest, the formation of the great state that we now know as the United Kingdom."
"I've never been to the UK. It's a dream of mine."
"I'm an aspiring knitwear designer and I live smack bang in the middle of the UK in the Midlands with my husband and two little kiddies."
"These changes will benefit 30 million people across the UK."
"The United Kingdom is an immeasurably better place to grow up as a gay person than it was in decades gone by."
"Taking advantage of our freedoms is going to drive growth in jobs and prosperity in the United Kingdom."
"Northern Ireland has such a precious and integral place in the United Kingdom."
"It's the right agreement for Northern Ireland and it's a way for our United Kingdom to move forward together."
"It is to be Prime Minister of the whole United Kingdom and that means uniting our country."
"This is some of the most beautiful coastline in the whole of the UK."
"All four corners of the UK are on this board, and we're going to play it in real life."
"I'm going to Europe in September for a wedding, my own wedding in the UK."
"In 1815, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland emerged from 25 years of war as the world’s sole superpower."
"It's London, the center of the UK, the capital of a fine country."
"It fast became the largest vegan community in the UK."
"Keep yourself updated if you are interested in moving to the UK."
"In Schofield, the UK has produced the best blues guitars from any country in decades."
"It's an archipelago off the southwestern tip of Cornwall, England, United Kingdom."
"In general, the UK is actually pretty safe to visit."
"You will really enjoy visiting the UK."
"England's population is dramatically larger than Scotland, Wales, and Ireland all combined."
"I've wrestled in England, Scotland, and Wales; only Ireland to go, and then I've wrestled in the whole of the UK."
"It's always hard to say goodbye to the United Kingdom, especially on such a beautiful day."
"The United Kingdom is the only monarchy in Europe which still holds coronations."
"Let's reveal our five UK world heritage sites."
"We're on a mission to find the best thing from every city in the UK."
"This extraordinary period as the beginning of a new golden age for our United Kingdom."
"If you want proof that we're a posey bunch in the United Kingdom, it's that we buy more convertibles than any other nation in Europe."
"The sun has come out which honestly, if you're from the UK, you will understand the weather has been tragic."
"I'm wishing you the biggest success in the United Kingdom with this."
"The UK is so much more than London, being here in northern England I'm just shocked by the number of parks and cycling routes and just nature that there is everywhere."
"This is the original Roman, and I want to discover which towns across the UK can claim to reveal the most about each period in British history."
"It's the oldest music festival in the United Kingdom."
"I left the country for the first time by going to the UK."
"The coronation of Charles III and his wife Camilla will anoint them as king and queen of the United Kingdom."
"The United Kingdom is a very complicated country with a long and fascinating history."
"The physical geography of the United Kingdom is quite different from much of its neighbors."
"The UK is also home to significant rivers and lakes."
"I hope you enjoyed learning more about the United Kingdom."
"Put to the test, the United Kingdom has been resolute in the face of adversity."
"It was the Hawker Hurricane that I feel won the Battle of Britain and largely saved the United Kingdom."
"We want to be able to ensure that people can access the services they need wherever they live in the United Kingdom."
"Right from the start, this United Kingdom has been an outward-looking international trading nation."
"We will strengthen the union of the four nations that comprise our united kingdom."
"We will negotiate as one United Kingdom, taking account of the specific interests of every nation and region of the UK."
"My view is that any of the three triggers would mean we would start taking a close interest in considering risk to the United Kingdom."
"The UK is really, really beautiful."
"Britain has to make some tough choices."
"The brilliant part about the UK is there are so many beautiful places for you to visit."
"The closest thing to a national religion that the UK has is the NHS."
"Our future economy needs investment in green industries across the United Kingdom."
"If you have a desire to visit the UK, they cannot stop you if you meet the requirement."
"This is fantastic for the UK; it means 6,000 jobs right across the country."
"The stakes were unimaginably high, and the United Kingdom needed a rapid response guardian, and it needed one fast."
"The UK has undergone such significant changes... from a society that was very conservative... to a society that's much more plural, much more diverse."
"The United Kingdom has thousands of years of history, so it's no surprise that it's one of the most haunted places in the world."
"Britain consumes 95% of the world's baked beans."
"This actually reminds me of like the Peak District in the UK."
"Money laundering within the UK costs the UK 24 billion pounds a year."
"The only countries that did not adopt the currency were Denmark and the United Kingdom."
"It's been such an amazing trip, it's just made me love the UK so much more."
"I've decided that I was only going to look at plants that I found in my own area of East Devon in the UK."
"It's kind of a long-standing ambition of mine to be invited to the UK to speak."
"My family has this long history of coming to the UK."
"The UK coastline stretches approximately twelve and a half thousand kilometers around the island."
"Caterpillars have taken over the United Kingdom."
"The United Kingdom has thousands of years worth of history, so it's no surprise that it's one of the most haunted places in the world."
"If you live in the United Kingdom and you haven't been to North Wales, I more than insist you go."
"The British government is completely committed to ensuring that Northern Ireland remains a fundamental part of our United Kingdom."
"Our United Kingdom stands above all for freedom of speech, thought, and belief."
"Teachers are wanted in the UK urgently."
"Applying to come and work in the UK, there are some things that you should look out for."
"TES is one platform I love so much, especially for people that genuinely want to come to the UK to look for teaching jobs."
"The UK has a system that works... everything just works."
"There are lots of things that have been set in place to make life easier for you in the UK."
"King Charles has officially been crowned Monarch of the United Kingdom."
"Hello everyone once again from the dystopian capitalist hellscape of the United Kingdom."
"Armed Forces Day in the United Kingdom is a tribute to the British Armed Forces' past and present members, their valor, and their commitment to national and global peace."
"I want to live and work in a foreign country, even if it's temporary, just get out of the UK."
"It's been such an amazing year for UK projects."
"We're told we should spend a third of our lives doing it, but we don't, making Britain one of the most sleep-deprived countries in the world."
"I've always dreamed of being in the UK."
"I love London even more now and I love the UK and I love British people; they just got such a good heart."
"It's the biggest fronted house in the United Kingdom."
"Never before have so many Ice Age animals been found in a single spot in the UK."
"The United Kingdom has attracted the highest level of foreign investment of any country in the OECD in 1991 and 1992."
"The history of the UK is really one of quite slow accumulation of its constituent parts."
"I love the UK; it's a place that really changed my life, turned things around for me."
"King James the first formally King James's ticks of Scotland becomes the first king of the United Kingdom as we know it today."
"Rihanna's estimated net worth is more than 500 million dollars, making her the third wealthiest musician in the United Kingdom."
"What will it do for a society, a happy fulfilled well-rewarded workforce seems to now be further out of reach in the United Kingdom than almost anywhere else in the western world."
"I love the UK... the Union flag is a merging of three flags."
"He's made history for the United Kingdom by doing that."
"There's no place like the UK, I actually just love the UK."
"Brexit may be done, but the UK may be undone."
"The United Kingdom will supply Ukraine with the most substantial military assistance it has ever offered."
"When I'm King, I'm gonna make such a good country out of the UK."
"I love the UK... it's one of the first places I want to get back to."
"The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is the constitutional monarchy which includes the island of Great Britain, some small nearby islands, and the northeastern part of the island of Ireland."
"The UK is just an island of actors. They're just brilliant and talented."
"Britain was the fastest growing G7 country other than the United States."
"It's probably one of the most idyllic you'll find in the whole of the United Kingdom."
"It's a fabulous organization here in the United Kingdom."
"If you ever come over to the United Kingdom, whatever you do, do not call England as a whole because it's not okay; you'll piss a lot of people off."