
Public Interaction Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"People are gonna boo, you might as well come out here, fire some shots, see if any come back at you."
"I'm a dedicated worker and a people person. I enjoy working as a team. I also like to be in contact with the public."
"So today, i'll be asking complete strangers to play catch with me and trying to get them more interested in baseball."
"I just want to thank you all very much and we'll see you probably tomorrow sometime."
"It's an interesting ability to have to constantly get people in the frenzy because it really does show how much you mean to people."
"I don't want people to leave here talking about me I want them to leave here talking about you."
"Anarie, what do you want the crowd to know about you? Hello New York, I want you to know that I am happy to be here on Valentine's Day, dating in New York is hard and hopefully it's about to get better."
"What kind of happened is that yesterday when she was beefing... a lot of people were saying, 'Where's Kisha?'"
"You're getting feedback of things that you have put onto the internet."
"It's almost every day that someone approaches me in a restaurant or at the airport or somewhere in public."
"I know you guys don't know me... that's why I felt like it was important to get on here and speak."
"Cancel culture threatens to make our public discourse coarser, falser, and crueler."
"Everybody that I talked to, they're like, 'Oh my God, you guys.' I couldn't hear anybody."
"If you want us to save you from all these [__] out here, you're gonna have to refund us." - Villanueva, Los Angeles Sheriff's Department
"The question I get asked most often is, how do you not get angry with some of these people, especially the ones who are sort of spewing hate?"
"I have made videos with Jessie Lee Peterson even Ray Comfort reached out to me and we had a Skype interview on my channel I'm clearly not opposed to speaking with people who are different than me."
"Thank you for being here, where can they find you?"
"What’s the point? Every time I go in public. I smile."
"Also, some people are just assholes, they really are."
"Cops don't like being recorded and they have the power to do something about it."
"You don't want anyone filming you being a jerk, okay? Yeah, you just want to yell at this, like, you know, barista for messing up your drink."
"Maybe just maybe I'm wearing the mask because I just don't want to be that dude who's making the employees come up to yell at me."
"Another important aspect of good urban design is opening up the buildings to the pedestrian realm."
"I'm not sure that I agree with you, Esther, because I think there's a great pull for a lot of young people with him."
"Since it's been two years since you've heard, since you last appeared on camera, why don't you introduce yourself to the audience?"
"You would never see me sweat... I'm not stressing... I'm not tweeting nothing... mind your business is what I'm saying."
"Public engagement with satire is different from private jokes among friends."
"The more confident the officer, the more calmly they can address civilians."
"I'm an over human being like everybody else, you know I don't show up to everybody else's house or their jobs if I'm a fan of them."
"I think a lot of people that say stupid [ __ ] to me like I'm a piece of [ __ ] have never watched anything I've ever done."
"I get comments like that reasonably regularly on my YouTube channel and on Instagram, I do not find them offensive at all because they are jokes."
"It is weird, like him and all of his fans, they were like 'oh Elon owned NPR so hard that they left' and now it's like..."
"But I think uh you're living it well we appreciate your time and we'll look forward to seeing you back on the top of the podium at some point soon."
"Guys, comment down below what you think is going on because I'm honestly very, very confused."
"Thank you. You're just adding to the excitement. See, I know how to get it going." - Kanye West
"Let them ask them questions, answer the questions them, and that way you have a communication, you know, a kind of relationship with the people. That's a good thing."
"I'm not the type of guy to get extra fusee with tens of thousands of people I don't personally know but thank you."
"I would just respectfully ask people outside their home, go home, give it a break, get a good night's sleep, leave the Laundries alone."
"A mature woman stealing in public and then playing the victim."
"Samson humiliates Stephen Crowder after a surprise debate appearance. The internet laughs."
"Can't believe he opened his mouth again... smile, you're on CCTV."
"So could I publicly request my face to be blanked out? Yeah, yeah. Is it okay to come another conversation?"
"We're the bosses here sir, you don't disrespect us."
"This girl just commented on Facebook, I won't say her name but she made it a public comment."
"No, I support it, it doesn't honestly matter, and I hate when people tweet as well, like, 'Oh my weird.'"
"These individuals run the risk of not only getting infected themselves through constant interaction with the general public, but also risk unknowingly passing it to their loved ones."
"All four of them engaging well with the crowd and having that rapport."
"I want to read this one from CJ Diane, he says Tim, your moral compass is on point and your head is on straight."
"There are people that reach out to us all the time publicly and privately."
"If some people might have seen on Twitter this week..."
"Super friendly, super polite, super professional. It's what you want from your government."
"When you see a police officer on the street, just take one second to stop, shake their hand, and say hey, thank you for what you do. We do appreciate it."
"Mr Heinz gets an A because although he could have exercised his right to silence more effectively, he remained calm and collected throughout the encounter."
"Should these guys have been arrested for refusing to leave the store when asked?"
"It answers a lot of the questions you see repeatedly asked of me."
"CNN's like are you mad that Trump kept talking about this?"
"It's like the haters ball... it's because they want your attention."
"You can't walk up to some random stranger on the street and be like what's up fat ass."
"I respond to everybody because I respect everybody."
"There is no time of the day if I'm in public where there isn't somebody trying to figure out what I am and that's exhausting."
"Of course, I'm not even sure if it's officially allowed... please go ahead, we'll have a nice viral video then."
"Yo, chill bro, chill. You talking too loud."
"People are so dumb and comfortable on social media. They think they can just sit there behind them and harass them and nothing's gonna happen."
"Courtesy, it's an incredible thing when everybody's just trying to be in the same spot at the same time."
"Even if you are tired of hearing about masks, maybe it's on you to correct people in a respectful way."
"He's hiding from reporters, he's hiding in the basement." - Chris Wallace
"Mr. Beast is Jesus too because there was like an entire family and like their toddler being like, 'Mr. Beast give me money, Mr. Beast.'"
"It is remarkable to see that it has maintained a level of peace because there is such a volume of people out there right now."
"It'll be interesting to see how Calgary police deal with Rebel News."
"People will say negative stuff to get your attention and then when you smack back at them, they're like, 'No, no, no, dude, I'm your biggest fan.'"
"If you're easily offended, you should just stay home. You shouldn't show up."
"You're making everybody uneasy. It's a First Amendment protected activity, sir."
"What a great idea! They've made it into an area where people could come and check it out to make it a feature at the area."
"We make something, and then we send it out into the world, and the world reacts to it."
"Presence of others, I'm trying to keep my social distance, okay?"
"Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez opened her Twitter DMs for four minutes to allow people to slip Dodo Codes into her inbox."
"Do something nice for somebody when you're out in the public today."
"Everything gets better with visibility and interaction and being public."
"And I'm also a no fun... (crowd booing) Aren't you embarrassed?"
"So, when it comes down to how everything is and how it was wrapped in here now, like, we gotta show we can joke around on streams."
"Social situation is not my forte, being surrounded by people asking for autographs."
"Arsenal fans demanding the public execution of Granit Xhaka, more storming of the pitch, swearing at the fence."
"If it's accessible to the public, you really shouldn't be treating members of the public like that."
"Thank you Paris! Thank you Paris! Thank you! Oh, we're gonna send Paris a postcard."
"Don't tase me bro, I haven't done a single thing!"
"Everybody in the line is laughing hysterically because this four-year-old this five-year-old is talking so much about all of his frustrations."
"Some claim they initially did contact the police with their information, but they were never asked to give an official statement."
"So call me at 1-800-743-CNBC or tweet me Jim Cramer right now."
"Never in my life have I received more comments on people who are reading the Old Testament commentary."
"Harassing people out of restaurants is an act of selfishness and void of decency."
"We're excited to go on tour we're excited to finally Kiss An NYPD police officer on duty and then if they're a cop they have to kiss you legally."
"I kind of like seeing him so publicly troll all these politicians."
"Billions of people around the world are mocked, ridiculed, laughed at, and embarrassed by their friends, family, and even strangers."
"Everyone was looking at me, everyone was smiling."
"If you don't wear a mask, you might get accosted."
"Have you seen any of these mysterious satellite images or are there some we haven't covered let us know in the comments."
"It's time to put to use what you have been preparing for or manifesting or to be more outward in the world."
"Donald Trump is so good at ritualistically humiliating his interlocutors."
"The strangest thing I've seen on the strip was a guy riding a bicycle with a tin foil hat."
"Please just, if you are doing this, be respectful of employees. Be respectful to the people around you."
"Recognition, success, being looked up to, likes, comments, subscribes, people messing with you."
"Do you pinch yourself in moments like this when all these fans are yelling your name and you're winning? Every time I come out and say they, I always take a moment to look around."
"The Russian army observed that the plaza was deserted, it opened fire in the air to Rouse all of the Ukrainian people in retaliation."
"Keanu Reeves was very handsome and incredibly polite when my aunt had dinner with him."
"I love Kevin Durant on Twitter talking about it. I know it rubs some people the wrong way, but I just think Kevin Durant loves the game as much as anybody."
"It's a strange thing when you've worked really hard on something and then you kind of just release it to the world."
"The most intense poll I've ever seen in my life."
"You don't know who people are, that's why, you know, when that situation was even going out with Nelly back in the day, the whole bus situation."
"Many others went on to reply to Elon Musk's tweet, including Dr. Sahai Hawas and Dr. Sarah Parkhack. And I don't think they took it as lighthearted as the minister did."
"It was literally an example of a big government yelling at the average citizen and telling them how they should act."
"Just being able to be 'Little Simsy' in public was really good for me."
"I often say the cops are arrogant because even now when the citizen has argued his position and the officer realized that he was wrong, there was still no apology on their part. The police should have the courage to admit their guilt."
"The price of a social media mistake is infinite. Maybe it would be appropriate for us to think about the media access that individuals have now as an amplifier, you know, rather than something that's necessarily negative or necessarily positive."
"Comment down below if you think that Liz and I should be a little bit more romantic together and kind of put the past behind us."
"If a woman is alone on the streets or in public, don't ask her out. Most women would rather be left alone. If she's in a group of friends, maybe in a bar or something, you could go over and try and make conversation and see if she's interested."
"Once art has moved from the shadows of its creator's studio into the bright uncontrollable world, it belongs as much to those who see it as it does to the person who made it."
"You never know who you're gonna offend or what belief system you're gonna offend."
"You just never know what's gonna happen when you say anything."
"Apple needs to stand up for what's right. Anyone can type and send those hot takes in a hot second without knowing or caring much of anything about the consequences."
"He didn't want to do signatures, he didn't want to do anything... that man is an example."
"Remember that tweet that I wrote last year... shenanigans were afoot."
"Who are you showing off to? Oh, is it the two people behind you that were just standing there staring while you attacked a big massive creature?"
"Now I know people like to make fun of these Q&As a bit including us, it's true but honestly I think they're so important."
"It was really a lot of fun to see families and see kids come by and recognize their favorite things from the LEGO movie too."
"Can we give her a massage right here? Yeah, give a massage, perfect!"
"Every day across America and around the globe, people encounter our courts."
"I actually talked to Dream in private yesterday to do just that, and I offered to end the drama. But the man ignored it and streamed to 300k people."
"It's nice to have physical places that many people can visit."
"Elon Musk went on Twitter and put up a poll saying, 'I don't get this roast.' Do you see him roast the guy who was making fun of him?"
"Good morning to them as you pass them on the street. Common decency and manners is going out the window."
"You don't want a picture like but you're famous I'm like I'm not famous I'm not famous."
"Every time when you have 40 million people who follow you, there's a great response for how much is given, much is required."
"We see everything and we read everything... our feelings get hurt too."
"It's insane to me that people know who I am because they've listened to my thoughts."
"I would not answer it, but if he approached me somewhere in public, then yeah."
"Don't worry, it's not just me; everybody watching this can see you."
"Intersections of disability with things like gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity strongly affect how we interact with the public."
"If you're Beyonce, you're not doing petty meet and greets."
"People say things so openly without knowing your life or your situation."
"When I say, 'If you do see me in public, come and say hi,' genuinely I mean it."
"My goal is to be somebody that everybody looks at and wants to [__]."
"I love my job, I hate the public but I love my job."
"If people stop interfacing with the criminal justice system, the system won't work."
"The 56-year-old white man was at his storefront in Warren, Michigan. Everything was fine until a black man offensively and without warning went walking on the sidewalk near his business."
"It's bedlam. Last year I accidentally slapped a member of the public."
"If I saw David Chase, I would call and say, 'Who do you think you are coming through on there?'"
"And so when somebody comes in who's famous, people fall all over them."
"You have to stand for what you believe in while trying not to alienate people. But you still have to do it in a non-belligerent manner."
"I literally people said, 'Michael, who's she?' Oh, that woman there, yes, Madonna."
"It's just so crazy... somebody was actually watching one of my videos while they were out eating dinner with their family."
"My wife repeatedly asked them to give it back but they started laughing and recording."
"It's hard because people ask these questions, 'What does this mean to you?' and it doesn't mean anything other than being very grateful that I'm able to do it."
"After speaking with Mr. Turner, the sergeant realized that he was not a threat and was within his rights to film the traffic stop."
"A lot could happen there, man, lots of questions coming in today."
"They still are there, you know? Tons of people, it's amazing. Like, I get constantly reminded when I'm out in public, because, you know, I get death threats."
"Um anything you want to say to to the fans before we get going uh no just don't over promise then I'll just um appreciate everybody's."
"There wasn't a kind of one Eureka moment like that but I think people stopping me on the street and saying they've seen the movie four and five and six times, yeah, that has been pretty staggering."
"Some rude person on the train told me how tired I looked and I was like, 'Oh, thanks. Why would you bother opening your mouth?'"
"In an era where the public doesn't really interact with trains or railroading anymore unless something derails in the news, there's still one last holdout where the public has to interact with the train, and that is the railroad crossing."
"It feels good, you know? I felt incognito when I was in public earlier, you feel me?"
"I wish I could buy a green card and then if people try to talk to me in public I could just raise the card and they'd go, 'Oh, he's got a cardigan.'"
"Sometimes some people want a picture, just walk away like they're not trying to like bro you know what this is."
"People in traffic, they'll hear it, now they're sort of like they sort of smile when they open it up next to them, they love it."
"Honestly, if it wasn't meant, we wouldn't have so many people running up to us in public."
"He was mobbed in the streets everywhere he went women particularly groups of women would pursue him looking for buttons or locks of hair men wanted to touch him and shake his hands."
"Then the kid out of nowhere rolls right side of his jeans up and detaches the artificial leg and keeps it in front of entitled Mother."
"People were asking me on the street if I was okay."
"I think if you go up to anyone in the street or in a shop and start filming, they've got the right to say, 'Mate, why?'"
"Definitely within your right to do that, I don't have an issue with that."
"After my anxiety storyline, I get people coming up to me in the street and one guy was like, 'Mate, I appreciate what you went through as Jackson,' and just gave the guy a hug."
"I love her to death and it's so cool for people to actually hold a green anaconda."
"People like me for who I am when I meet them in real life."
"If you see us anywhere in public, come up, knock on a window, say hi, anything you want, please do that for sure."
"It's best if you treat a member of the public with respect."
"The composer is the only one of the creators of today who is denied direct contact with the public."
"Be quick to encourage, slow to criticize, especially in front of other people."
"Public space is the place where citizens can meet as equals; it's the place where society builds trust."
"People actually smile at you in the street when you're wearing bright light colors in winter."
"True to his word, President Moon has been proactively engaging and interacting with the people whenever possible."
"It's the coolest thing to be able to stumble into people and know who I am but I don't know who they are yet."
"Treat the members of the public with respect."
"We're still socially very vulnerable, so please, if you ever meet a person in a wheelchair in public, just don't treat us like we're taking up too much space."
"I don't know why people are cruel to each other, especially in public."
"It was a beautiful experience also to share the emotions with the public just around you."
"If you see me in public, you can definitely come up to me and say hi."
"If you ever see me around in the stores, please don't be shy to tell me hi, I don't bite."
"Never talk down to him, emasculate him in public, or embarrass him."