
Design Appreciation Quotes

There are 729 quotes

"I do like the badge design-wise. I am a big fan."
"I think it's brilliant. I love the color match."
"Damn, these had a few problems, but I was loving the designs."
"It's really a design masterpiece. What do you think?"
"This might be the favorite car of mine yet... To me, this was the pinnacle."
"Guys, look at the interior! Oh, nice, I like it."
"It represents one of the coolest designs this decade, and I can't get tired of looking at it."
"Visually, it starts to not matter because this is just so pretty."
"Honestly, this season's pretty cool, I think the skins are cool."
"I love you, I love this design dude, I love it."
"Legacy is a game that makes you feel creative... the fact that your design has gone on to be seen and appreciated by other people... is the big thing."
"Some prints and patterns that are like reminiscent of traditional Mexican garment making and embroidery. So I do love that."
"I'm gonna put it up to the S tier because I love the way it looks I love how easy it is to work with it it's just fantastic."
"It's just really cool, just looks really good, clean design."
"These are fire because back then, no one really liked brown and green, but you got the cement elephant print on there."
"I like what they're doing with their shapes, I like what they're doing with their designs."
"This is like the most organized drawer, it's so cute."
"Overall, it's just a well thought out design that really feels like the artist had fun making it."
"As much as this is a little bit silly and a little bit of a joke game it's also like really well thought out this is really impressive."
"Love the style, the wheel, the brushed aluminum."
"It's just so clear that calamity Ganon is an amazingly designed amazingly fun boss."
"I absolutely love them and I think the design of many of the creatures impressed me for sure."
"Just stare a little longer at something that you've overlooked because that desire to connect and the depth of that desire, you can see it in everything, fonts."
"Jin is really just like a masterpiece of a champion design."
"I love the designs first ever ghost normal pokemon I think they're really cool."
"Things just pop out, they just look amazing."
"It looks fantastic. It is unmistakably Forerunner...but it is also clearly been modernized."
"I absolutely love this car, I think it looks fantastic, I think they've done a really really good job at designing it." - Phil
"That octagonal K shape is destined to become a future classic."
"I think she is one of the most well-designed units that we've had in a while."
"The look on their faces and their eyes, you've changed their lives."
"Ooh, I like your design, that's very very cool indeed."
"In terms of design, it's slightly different but still really awesome."
"The true determining factor whether a logo is good or not is whether it ends up on one of these lists: clever logos with hidden meanings or hidden symbols."
"I think it's a great looking sneaker, I love the backwards Nike swoosh, I love the materials used on the upper."
"Whatever it takes to get you to a point where people can't manipulate you, that's always a good thing."
"Very tasteful use of detailing and I'm really, really digging this build."
"It just feels a lot more solid and nice thing about it has a very nice streamlined thinness to it."
"We need to bring this design style back. The craftsmanship and detail is just levels above what we do today."
"I just love it. It's everything I love about these types of games. They understand what drew us to driving games in the first place."
"The Borg, for me personally, they're my favorite Star Trek villains. I think they have such a cool concept, such a scary concept and such an awesome creepy design."
"That bit of originality is the icing on the cake for me."
"There's something that the pixel does that makes it feel like the friendliest phone and the animations that apple added to dynamic island feel very like delightful."
"Camerupt is the epitome of perfect design from Nintendo."
"Sigilyph was everything Sigilyph should have been but designed beautifully."
"It's honestly pretty insane how much detail and comment put into this coaster."
"I really appreciate the aesthetic design that went into this truck."
"There's something so special about it, this red interior is so vibrant and just puts a smile on my face."
"They are bizarre, still inherently good value and beautiful designs."
"I love the fact that it looks like a cute dumpling."
"I just can't believe how happy I am right now."
"Sad Man's daughter: touching letters from a child."
"Short demo but effective. I like the design."
"People have a more contemporary appetite for design now."
"It does not want you to feel triumphant. And I really appreciated that it actually did it."
"I love the design of the aesthetic in general actually for this game it's really, really nice."
"I very much love this, it's so simple but so pretty."
"It looks great... the most AMG looking S-Class ever."
"Stylistically you would really have to be quite a cold person to say that this isn't a fantastic job of design..."
"Despite the legacy appeal of its 16-bit sprite designs, still used to this day, and tremendous critical acclaim."
"I marveled at just how they managed to fit everything in such a small space."
"That glass panel at the back looks [__] awesome."
"Protect black women and has a beautiful design."
"The mere concept of a glowing Trail isn't new but I love the flavor of the implementation."
"I'm obsessed with the Irma's picnic bag. It's the best bag that has ever been designed for summer."
"It's definitely up there... I'm absolutely in love with the whole shape, look, and style of this car."
"Knight faye is pretty much best across the board thanks to uh the soul binds that's what ended up happening."
"All of these specs in my view are very very fun for their own reasons and I love them from a design perspective."
"I love the basic design, I'm such a basic human."
"I love variation and just the design of the house is amazing."
"The new entry looks really good, and people feel appreciated as soon as they come in through the door."
"I love the design of this. I think it's absolutely perfect."
"everything that they've done has a sense of purpose and it tells a story"
"This thing looks cool actually like the design of it there's black and blue it looks slick."
"The design is just incredibly unique and I love things that are unique."
"Overall, the design came out pretty nice, I think, and I hope you guys like it too."
"There's lots of maps and they actually look really, really good."
"I mean talk about a centerpiece, absolutely stunning there."
"Roundabouts are the best. Things like this, they're basically designed so that you can like keep your speed everywhere."
"I think it's fantastic, absolutely fantastic. The definition of the cabin and the haunches sits just right. No, it's super."
"The aesthetics were awesome; this one looks like a Rube Goldberg machine."
"Now that it feels like there's a purpose for some of these things, and I like that."
"It's cute, it's cool, I love the shapes, I love the colors."
"One of my most favorite designs in the entire game."
"These dimensions are really, really cool. They're one of my favorite parts about the game."
"It's a really simple design but I think he's really cute."
"I am a big fan of these 3d textured rear lights."
"Now let's talk about the rear design... the things that they've changed have really just made it look so much more upscale and I'm a big fan of it."
"That new logo up at the top right is pretty dope, I'm digging it. Factory to the freaking moon baby! Thousand freaking x."
"Lovely design aesthetically amazing and functionally amazing all at the same time."
"This thing is insane. I love the cannon on top and just the design."
"A very classy and cool exterior, I love the paint color."
"I love the bdus make the marines look so badass and dude the mask the goggles that combination I love this design so much."
"This build is amazing, the attention to detail is fantastic."
"The designs are so good they really do remind me of the old school animatronics."
"It's hard not to like this design because it definitely evokes those same things that Gengar does."
"This offset design is really pretty cool and it does make it easier."
"The rad roach, the power armor, the radiation bear. It looks amazing!"
"I mean, this is awesome, the entirety of it all, the slopes, all the different hinges that they use to make this come together, all the different ventilation pieces that they used. I mean, everything about this, the design is phenomenal."
"The Aston Martin looks fantastic... it's a wonderful looking piece of machinery."
"This entire set, design and everything about it, it's an iconic vehicle that we've seen in all different areas of the Star Wars universe and it's great to finally see it made into an official set."
"This just makes for one of the best Iron Man suits that Lego has ever produced"
"The engineering and design for this blows me away."
"That is so great right there, yeah first impressions are like this thing looks really slick."
"I actually love Plantera bulbs conceptually."
"I kind of like that design. I think that's really nice. Let's put that out of the way though, moving on."
"Look at this so I love the entrance I love the flags coming up we've got a moat kind of situation okay I kind of low-key absolutely love this."
"Star-Lord, with mask on and off, love the variations."
"White Tiger, pops up in the story, cool character."
"Black Cat, one of the favorite female characters, cool model."
"I like the fragmentation of like the robot right there too it looked really really nice."
"I like these designs for the turtles quite a bit."
"I love the way it looked, I loved what the chromophore, I just thought they did a fantastic job."
"The Omega Seamaster dial just captures the best elements of the 90s dial version."
"Seiko cocktail time... just creates a design that also just feels incredibly well done."
"Epic Glau my favorite variant I have ever seen inside amazing monsters."
"It's very understated, it's not shouty by the looks, but it looks really good."
"Looks really nice, soft touch plastic right up here."
"Feels very high-tech, everything on it looks really nice."
"It's a really neat thing, I really like that a lot."
"Just love the e46... everything is just so classic, the lines and everything."
"The coolest thing about this design... is the leaf inside of the E."
"Looks really good, reminds me very much of the charger and challenger."
"The follow-up to Century Spice Road and the thing that did it for me was the board."
"I died, I was gagging, I was shook. This is the nicest bathroom I've ever seen in any of the houses that I've looked at, and it was all white, so it was totally my style."
"I really love the look of this robot mode... it's almost identical to what we saw in the film."
"Overall, such a fantastic mold, and to me at least, this color scheme is just to die for."
"This packaging is so cute... I'm really really excited about that."
"This looks so good, it's like a grid format - man, this is absolutely mad!"
"It still holds up today it is still so cool to see that because it's just cool the cool factor is through the roof with this."
"The wagon is the one that almost seems like this generation was designed for."
"It actually seems like a pretty elegant design to me."
"Really smart design going on here and we love the functionality and the minimal aesthetic."
"Many people are polarized by the look of the Cybertruck, but personally, I'm a big fan of the design philosophy of function over form."
"I absolutely love it. I think it's a big step up from Jewel. There's just so much going on."
"And if I were going by which was my personal favorites, right now, it would be this however, for its sheer value, and excellent design at the price, I've gotta."
"It's almost a timeless design. It doesn't look like the period it lives in."
"I love this sneaker, this is a gorgeous sneaker."
"A striking red dress with a gathered collar is actually nice and one of the only semi-dynamic looks from the collection."
"The devil in these power units is in the detail, and the details on them are just beautiful."
"They really managed to make something that is like cool and modern but also just like not over designed."
"The design work that they do just never ceases to amaze me."
"It's got fantastic design, the aesthetics, the environment design, the sound design, everything looks awesome."
"Obsessed with this final design... would move into this... take the corner seat every single day."
"Tex-Mex: where Mexico and Texas meet, a little bit of Texas when you see cheddar cheese, and a little bit of Mexico."
"Honestly, it was so refreshing to use all these different decorations, furniture pieces, and wallpapers."
"Wow, this hobby is pretty sick. I like the design, it looks really cool."
"That looks so cool with those different colors of glass! That looks great. That is super, super futuristic. And then combined with that, once you get the board around the bottom, honestly, that will make all the difference."
"I love it because it's got that little burgundy trim around it."
"Can you tell the little green pattern like my for green is just really really insane?"
"Look how freaking awesome that is, I love it!"
"I just love the way these things look slammed out to me it just makes everything look so much tougher so much cooler."
"Just looks like it's meant to sit there, like it when things can be built and then done and then they're neat."
"Even if something aesthetically is not really my taste, I always love when something feels very intentional and it feels like it really serves a purpose."
"I like this look, I like this with a different color, different color shops on the bottom there, yeah very cool."
"I really do like the design, I like the look and feel of it a lot more than I did the previous IDE."
"Normally a dress like this full of glittery embroidery on a sheer nut fabric would disturb me, but when the dress radiates such a beautiful aura, I don't really care who would buy it."
"Self-care is essential for battling loneliness while living alone. Get out of the house and socialize, it helps deal with social anxiety."
"This just feels like a super realistic layout."
"I just love how Sig put their own twist on the 1911 design."
"I actually really like how it turned out. I think it's really bold but also kind of elegant."
"This is such an appealing design. It's really fun to build and really nice to look at."
"I really like the design of this, it's just, it's lovely. I really, really enjoy looking at it."
"I'm absolutely blown away by how cool that vehicle is."
"Eagle Warrior Reaper: it's such a cool design for a skin and a weapon, I love it, I love this skin."
"Royal Guard Genji: I love this skin, I love how they designed his helmet, it just works so well."
"It feels premium, it's expensive but it's all metal, the shape is lovely."
"It's a really nice outfit, it really is a nice outfit. I love the color scheme too, it was very well done."
"The presence that this vehicle has from the wheels alone just give it a stance that a lot of people really just end up doing a double take on."
"This Defender is something to consider if you like this type of design."
"I'm liking this design because what it does is it just updates the original robot design."
"Every inch, every nook, every line of this phone... HTC absolutely hit this one out of the park."
"It is very nicely made, it is very nicely put together, it is very well designed, and my kind of thing."
"The orange really brings it together and just to bring it to life that little bit more."
"Don's out of his [__] mind. I'm... I get it, the wonder weapon was pretty cool, the map itself was laid out well, plus it's absolutely wonderful."
"I'm blown away by the interior of this coach."
"Overall though I'd say this was a great color choice from apple to complement the sleek matte frosted glass back on the 12 pro."
"From controls to game design to its presentation, Sonic CD is a gem of a game even today."
"If you don't honor its logos, its reason for existence, its design, what the designer put into it, if you don't honor it, it can't reach its potential."
"It's not every day you get to see where your Grail watch was designed and produced."
"I like the vibe, the color choices, and the tile choices. It all feels good."
"BMW, you did a fantastic job with the new 7 Series."
"Looks amazing, super sleek, super gorgeous inside and out."
"I really like the sleeves as well because it kind of feels like quite a simple dress but then because it's got the sleeves it just makes it like add a nice little bit of like, I don't know, like elegance."
"This is the sweetest MacBook Air that we have ever seen."
"Number one right here, the simple elegance of the titanium framed RIL sage."
"Love this shifter, this is probably the highest quality thing in the car."
"The Marantz, to me, heads and tails better design, I mean it's on another planet."
"His shape design is outstanding... he's not only a great illustrator, he's a great designer as well."
"I'm gonna tell you guys exactly what I think... if I think it's one of the best designs in existence... it's gonna be on this list."
"The Super Shotgun is everything a double-barreled shotgun should be in a video game."
"This thing is really nice. It's got this kind of Jekyll and Hyde thing going on."
"I love how much time Mishimoto puts into their design work of their projects."
"The seats themselves, they're perforated for the cooling but I love the design."
"This is the coolest looking power supply I've ever seen."
"The iPhone 12 Pro: my favorite smartphone design in years."
"I've seen a lot of new characters... the b1 battle droid in my opinion is one of the most unique characters ever developed."
"This is one of my favorite looking system designs of all time."
"This looks really neat, it does, it's like a hair dryer here isn't it."
"Absolutely impressed, I just love all the kind of a weave of design and innovation."