
Ancient Quotes

There are 725 quotes

"Ancient, protective, worn but sturdy, like the walls of an old Moroccan castle."
"Shigakuni Genryusai Yamamoto, an incredibly ancient stalwart defender of Soul Society, the founder of the Gotei 13."
"Present within the shrines that were built over 10,000 years ago."
"The Daintree Rainforest possibly the oldest rainforest in the world."
"Humans have been around the world for an inconceivable amount of time."
"Le is over a thousand years old... making him truly dangerous."
"It's ancient construction on an unimaginable scale."
"The Parthenon: a 23,000 square foot Temple held up by 69 marble columns."
"The Great Sphinx of Giza: one of the largest statues in the world."
"How fun is that, ancient teeth from arctic hyenas!"
"Since before the construction of the pyramids."
"Ancient grains of stardust were discovered inside a meteorite in Australia, forming five to seven billion years ago."
"Ancient Indian civilization is the oldest in the world."
"In the 15-hundred years before that in the Bronze Age the locals buried their dead in the Barrow."
"The technology that's there is Atlantean technology. There's even pre-Atomite technology there."
"Archaeologist gabino Lopez arenas investigated skulls jaws and other bones that were found as remnants of offerings inside the temple."
"The history of Wano doesn't just stretch back a hundred years or so, it stretches back well beyond the Void Century."
"This being is billions upon billions of years old, there is no doubt this is a living entity."
"The harpy eagle... have claws as long and sharp as those of a grizzly bear."
"There was something ancient held behind this gate... I felt its presence."
"Dwarka will soon be recognized as the oldest city we've discovered to date."
"Khufu: Builder of the Great Pyramid."
"The golden landscape formed in primordial times."
"These beasts were so massive that the ground shook when they walked."
"The Sunken City of Dwarka... over 9 thousand years old, predating known Indian civilization."
"Most importantly is the Pensieve which legend has it was so old it's older than Hogwarts itself."
"The challenge is how do you reconcile that clovis spear point with the carving of the sphinx?"
"The long lost golden city... is considered the largest of all that scientists have ever found in Egypt."
"One such ancient civilization that held many strange secrets was the Egyptians."
"One hieroglyph can convey a complete understanding of something; it doesn't mean just one word."
"What this did was it gave two ways of measuring the perimeter of the pyramid's base."
"I think what's the most important point about these artifacts of history is their age...they're 10,000 years old or more."
"The settlement dates to the early part of the 6th Century BC."
"Ancient bone pendants made from the remains of a prehistoric sloth were found in Brazil."
"Bagan is an ancient city in Myanmar that's been classified as a UNESCO world heritage site."
"The silver scrolls are among the most important and ancient biblical texts ever found. They were discovered in the Hinnom Valley in Jerusalem in 1979 and are inscribed with the oldest passages of text in the Hebrew Bible."
"Harab portrays himself as a scribe, which means he is a man who knows how to read and write."
"Adam's Calendar has two Central pillars of rock and about 17 other Standing Stones arranged around them in a circle."
"The Great Sphinx: 66 ft tall, carved from a single chunk of limestone."
"The city has been dated to be 9,500 years old, making it one of the most ancient places on today's list."
"About 2,400 years ago, Persian engineers built the world's very first refrigerator."
"The Temple of Hercules was one of the largest temples ever built by human hands."
"It's insane to be able to know that how they cut it to the exact shape perfectly and placed it to create a hallway that goes to a tomb."
"The Emerald Tablet is said to contain the secrets of the universe."
"It remains one of the most impressive sites of the ancient world."
"We have so much evidence for ephemeral hunter gatherers but not evidence from an advanced civilization that is global."
"Here was a massive pyramid, as tall as a five-story building, constructed from clay, stone, and reed."
"So this is a lesson, a legacy, that those ancient humans have left us. They can teach us so much."
"The Sphinx looks due East at the constellation of Leo at the moment the sun bisects the horizon."
"Our kings were not confined to the first dynasty onwards; there were rulers who went back thousands and tens of thousands of years before that."
"These are ancient books that purport to contain the wisdom of one of the greatest sages who ever lived: Hermes Trismegistus."
"There's no intervention more ancient than 'don't eat for a while'."
"It was a pyramid unlike anything the world was used to seeing."
"The circle is a geoglyph and it's 3,000 years old."
"Legend states that the Roman Kingdom was founded around 753 BC."
"The Nephilim... described as heroes of old, men of renown."
"These aren't clay pots at all; they are in fact the ancient equivalent of a hand grenade."
"When we begin to study the sites around the world that were built before these great cataclysms, archaeologists continue to discover that they were built with a purpose that is beyond our understanding."
"The record for largest granite block ever carved by humans belongs to each giant monolith in Baalbek, Lebanon."
"They're very old, that they were here before we were, and that they came from the spirit world."
"Jellyfish are over half a billion years old."
"The Antikythera Mechanism is regarded by many as the first analog computer, estimated to be made around 100 BC."
"These ancient builders used natural andesite volcanic sand that's not pulverized by using a geopolymer method."
"The walls were stacked with ancient stones carved into the surface of the flat rock."
"Whispering truths from epochs long past."
"It's hard to imagine that this wood is from 1000 A.D."
"The cone-shaped things that peopled our Earth a billion years ago."
"When these things had come to the Earth, they had built Mighty Basalt cities of windowless towers and had prayed horribly upon the beings they found."
"The Celestials are the oldest race of deities in the entire universe."
"When we are talking about Tiwanaco we're talking about thousands of years of history."
"Quarreling between good and evil supernatural powers over the fate of a human being has its antecedent in the Dead Sea Scrolls."
"There's evidence of massive creatures from the past trapped thousands of years ago."
"Our ancient Planet still hides its secrets."
"Sacrificial protection is ancient magic, and it's an extremely powerful counter charm."
"The history of the Kyrgyz people goes back more than 3,000 years."
"What could we with our smartphones and driverless cars, our 3D printers and satellite technology possibly have in common with the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, or Romans? A great deal, as it turns out."
"What we see of Arrokoth now is like a time capsule from the early solar system, an object that has been preserved for billions of years."
"The Epic of Gilgamesh is known as the oldest written story."
"That monstrous lair of elder secrets which now echoed for the first time, after uncounted epochs, to the tread of human feet."
"From ancient Genesis to the modern screen the name Written in Blood."
"Another mysterious ancient staircase dates back to 9,000 years ago; it's in a forest in Italy."
"Ancient peoples were as creative as we are today."
"The largest urban civilization in the ancient world in terms of size."
"India has the largest literature from the ancient world."
"The tree is roughly 4853 years old, making it not just the only non-clonal living tree in the world, but also the oldest confirmed non-clonal living organism period."
"The Parthenon is an awe-inspiring remnant of antiquity and one of the world's most iconic landmarks."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza still stands today as a testament to the ingenuity and skill of the ancient Egyptians."
"The ancient ruins of temples and amphitheaters appear, whispering tales of history and mythology."
"The coins were minted decades before the Romans invaded Britain."
"The practice of telling the future in ancient Rome before the Romans ever came to power was done by special members of society called harus specs."
"The book of Abalin the Mage is an ancient grimoire of magic, a Tome that said to hold all kinds of secret and Forbidden Knowledge."
"Egypt is an ancient and mysterious land."
"That's awesome, man. Like nobody's been here in 200 years. Yeah, it's definitely the land that time forgot."
"It's interesting because if you see the paintings that they found in that cave in France those are 30 plus thousand years old."
"Our understanding of more recent demographic changes in the British and Irish Isles has been expanded by a large-scale sequencing of ancient genomes."
"We're almost sure of that hidden beneath this well-camouflaged house in the woods exist the subterranean ruins of the ancient sanctuary."
"Everything had been orchestrated to get us out here, to trap us down here. This place was an unholy sanctuary to some ancient and terrible god—subterranean and evil."
"The antikythera mechanism is a 2,000-year-old computer that changed our understanding of human history."
"It's believed that some alar trees May have endured for over 3600 years, making them among the oldest living organisms on Earth."
"Astrology is one of the most archetypal remnants of ancient culture."
"The roots of modern Western astrology can be placed back at least as far as 1700 to 1900 BCE."
"There are dark and ancient things in this world. Stay safe."
"He needs 100-year-old black-blooded Jinang."
"I find ancient religions absolutely fascinating."
"This deck feels ancient, natural, and powerful."
"It's good to be an ancient god of time, an old one as the more ancient of our kind were called."
"The Great Sphinx used to be a lion because the lion was the great protector and guardian of the ancient world."
"I think we need to be careful that we're not high and mighty and hypocritical as we judge the ancient Israelites for living very lives very similar to our own."
"Ancient Egyptian literature is fantastic."
"It's amazing to think that the mathematics here is absolutely ancient, well over 2,000 years old, and we're using it to solve some stupid DVD screen saver problem."
"Death is almost the oldest creature in the universe."
"You are anointed soul, sacred and ancient."
"A being which had been sent to help us, both ancient and wise."
"In 500 B.C. fingerprints were used on tablets like signatures for Babylonian business transactions."
"Don't miss this opportunity to unlock ancient secrets."
"This is the grave of two ancient infants in modern-day Austria dated to 31,000 years ago. It is the oldest known burial of identical twins in the world."
"For the serpent is aeons more ancient than our race and will endure aeons after our fall to dust."
"The pyramids probably more so than any other monument of the past seem to have gripped the human imagination. They were a tourist attraction in even ancient Egyptian times."
"Everyone has heard of the Suez Canal. But how many have heard of Darius' canal?"
"Ancient works continue to demonstrate the power of storytelling, especially in the Greek epics."
"Ancient Greek physics is just too cool for school."
"Some xenos threats to the Imperium are more ancient than Humanity itself."
"It's a bit like me smell a leather you can still smell it 1900 year old leather isn't that absolutely amazing."
"'Mel's gaze fell upon the gate, ancient hieroglyphs adorned its surface, and he took it upon himself to decipher their meaning. The inscription delivered a cryptic message: 'Do not try to survey.'"
"The great Zimbabwe uncovers an ancient message in stone that's relevant to us today."
"This represents in some ways the end of a 13,000 year old story."
"You are something ancient in the flesh."
"The sisters olive trees of Noah may just be the oldest trees on the planet."
"Both theories offer a tantalizing glimpse into the possibility that ancient myths might hold more truth about our universe and Origins than we've traditionally believed."
"A vast collection of over 8,000 life-sized clay soldiers."
"The world's first known analog computer."
"This remarkable 1,800-year-old ring with an evil eye was discovered by archaeologists in Croatia."
"Gobekli Tepe dates back to the 10th millennium BCE, making it the oldest place of worship in the world."
"It's thought to be the oldest musical instrument ever found in the country, with an age of around 8,500 years."
"The Wicker Man was supposedly used by the old Druids of Europe over 2,000 years ago."
"Gideon, bridging the gap between the ancient and the modern, carried the weight of his encounter with the ropin, his story though steeped in the fantastical was grounded in the reality of his experience."
"The Pyramid of Djoser holds the title of being the world's oldest intact pyramid, built sometime between 2600 and 2700 BC."
"For all the marvels of our modern technology, though, there's still a great deal about ancient technology that we don't understand."
"We have the nine-millimeter shell casings in an ancient work."
"I do believe that whatever lives there might be older still."
"If the University team can successfully recreate a fully functional replica, it would lend further weight to the notion that the knowledge and technological sophistication required to build such a device were far more advanced than previously believed."
"An atlatl -- a simple wooden shaft that launches long spears called darts at prey animals or enemies."
"There's something old and terrifying there, something that seems driven to kill."
"Ancient weapons used for peaceful purposes, misunderstood as weapons by the government."
"Mind-boggling to think that this ancient being was alive for thousands of years."
"It looked ancient and the leather was soft and worn. I flipped the book around in my hands and noticed stitching on the spine."
"Number one: a book had to be ancient in order to be accepted as part of the scripture."
"Civilization might be much older and more mysterious than we thought."
"A Lost Civilization and a fairly Advanced one."
"Newgrange... an ancient wonder that still holds secrets from millennia ago."
"It's too ancient, it's too big for that, you know."
"So in the ancient Vedic religion in northwest India, Pakistan region..."
"Monotheism occludes vibrant aspects of ancient Mediterranean religiousness."
"That's awesome, man. That is beautiful from 35 million years ago."
"Elves are an ancient people whose civilization dates back tens of thousands of years."
"Just walls and walls and walls of ancient history."
"Sharks have lived on earth since before the dinosaurs."
"Some ancient secrets are best left hidden."
"Heed these words from the Ancient Ones: There is much to be learned that is hidden here."
"Ancient Greeks cured hangovers by wrapping their heads in cabbage."
"The mysteries surrounding it have puzzled generations of scholars and explorers since biblical times."
"Ancient forces stirred, awakened by the expanding reach of the Galaxy's inhabitants."
"I am the ancient one. We have awaited you."
"The Quran remains completely unchanged after all these years."
"The ancient tactical strike fighter."
"...there aren't just two gates but a vast number of them and that he had essentially skipped from the first gate to the last gate thanks to the ancient ones."
"What if I tell you a whole new room has been discovered in the Great Pyramid of Giza? The void stretches for at least 30 meters above the grand Gallery, an ascending Corridor that links the Queen's chamber to the king's chamber in the heart of the pyramid."
"The Great Sphinx of Giza may hold ancient secrets."
"Rumor has it that a secret lies under the Great Sphinx in Egypt, the Hall of Records, an ancient Library full of hidden information."
"When an oath was made in the ancient world, you would rather die than violate your oath."
"Hinduism is said to be the world's oldest living religion."
"Laughter is about a million years older than language."
"We're rediscovering a more ancient understanding of obedience."
"Scientists find perfectly preserved 9,000-year-old Bison in Siberia."
"Saturn, to the ancient astronomers, it was the end of the line, the last stop for the stars."
"These Psalms have value for understanding ancient contexts and challenging consensus views."
"This is a story that has not been told since the days of Hippocrates of the ancient Greeks."
"180 miles from the Preseli Hills to Salisbury Plain and then lifting them into position."
"The bullheaded lyre of Ur is recognized as one of the oldest stringed instruments ever discovered."
"We're finding this fish ancestor 500 million years ago."
"Ancient wonders have never been adequately explained."
"The carvings on this 11,500-year-old large idol were made with a beaver's jaw and teeth. It is the oldest ritual wooden sculpture of a human figure in the world."
"It's amazing to think that this technique dates back thousands of years."
"The great pyramid is part of an attempt to create a three-dimensional model of the afterlife realm."
"These ancient whale fossils, some as big as buses, were found more than half a mile from the ocean."
"An ancient city with a history stretching back to Roman times."
"Scientists recently unearthed DNA fragments dating back to 1 million years ago."
"The Great Pyramid of Giza is world-famous."
"The Enneagram has ancient origins."
"Desperate measures are called upon, bringing forth the awakening of ancient lords."
"This banded agate about an inch in diameter... was probably worn in a precious setting... all the way around the rim."
"Who on Earth were the Nephilim, the Fallen ones?"
"Ancients tended to be more general and shorter in their biographies."
"It's altering your whole sense of existence as you're walking up to this ancient city."
"...built all the way back in the 8th and 9th centuries...way less people...so much history."
"Ancient history is much different than modern history."
"The chilling memory of those creatures lingered, a reminder that ancient Mysteries still thrived."
"When you focus on your interests and really dwell on that it takes you to a connecting place where time really kind of bends and you can be in contact with the ancients."
"As I set my foot down onto the dirt-packed floor of the basement, the old farmhouse had an ancient relic of a basement I realized."
"We're going to delve into the old dawn singer powers."