
Financial Influence Quotes

There are 238 quotes

"In the '90s, Hollywood supported Tibetan freedom, but the CCP money came in, and they shut up."
"You have to vote now with your paychecks, you have to vote with your wallet."
"If you're a human being that's willing to look the other way for money, you're not a good human being."
"They have unlimited money because of politics, dude."
"The biggest proof of AI's influence is the entire money of this trillion-dollar industry... from advertising. It's free to you, but they become the richest people in the world."
"He's done more to change the world than anybody I can think of."
"We need to get involved politically, not just with our wallets." - Michael Knowles
"Money only impresses lazy girls. If all your partner looks for in you is money, you're bound to have an unhappy life."
"If you're willing to pay enough money, skill talks."
"There is one God in football and it is money."
"Aladdin controls more wealth than the entire GDP of the USA."
"The Rothschild family played a vital role in shaping the financial landscape of Europe."
"Their influence still stretches into Political circles, for example, Emmanuel Macron, who used to work for them went on to become the economy minister of France."
"Money becomes a fulcrum instrument for change."
"Money is the only language the ultra wealthy speak. There is nothing else."
"Money make [__] attracted to you even if they don't like you. They don't vibe with you."
"Playing for keeps. George Soros spends every waking moment advancing his vision."
"We need a president for the people not by Wall Street."
"The tides turning and if you've got someone who's going to be as big with the financial clout of Lord Sugar."
"This is setting a huge precedent for a huge Nation with millions of people with a lot of money I mean Brazil of course maybe it's not the richest country in the world but damn it's got a lot of money and it's got a lot of financial power."
"Maybe the reason the US government took this radical and sudden unexplained turn against Qatar is because Qatar wouldn't give Jared's family any money when they asked for it."
"Why do you think you're paying out the nose for a place in Vancouver? It's because all the corrupt money out of China ended up in the real estate market there."
"There is a pretty robust correlation between money and happiness."
"We're getting a load of money from Qatar. It's this year, don't worry about it. Everyone will be going, but you're ruining the Integrity of the Premier League."
"Make sure you're not letting that money define you."
"You can't win a woman over unless you got some Benjamins, or unless she's young, dumb, and doesn't know her value."
"Money talks and nobody is going to willingly lose money."
"If people are taking money from the very entities that they're supposed to be critically covering, they are submitting themselves to the bias of the for-profit incentive."
"Just because you're biased doesn't mean that you're owned by a hedge fund or you're controlled by a hedge fund."
"When you're sitting on a billion dollars, you can have more of an impact by having decorum."
"Now you're treating me bad because you don't need my money."
"It really doesn't matter, the United States is the global currency."
"That's how you vote with your dollars everybody."
"He's a legit capable half billionaire... If Trump doesn't utilize him, that would be a mistake."
"In light of the money, I guess I'll be merciful and save his life."
"This drastic loss of financial power on West's part will be seen to his supporters as proof that Jewish people do have control over finances."
"Money makes people crazy. Money makes people do stupid ass things."
"Money gets you everywhere you want to go in Vegas."
"They've got tons of money, 100 billion reasons to do it."
"Money makes the world go round even if you're a dictator."
"An org is not going to change until the money and the audience says, 'Yo, you need to [ __ ] step up and change it.'"
"The president fully understands the impact of putting money in people's hands right before they go into election polling place."
"People's tired of it. There are big people out there with big money who are tired of this. They want people to have more rights, not less rights." - BitBoy Crypto
"In a day and age where there's so much money in the game... it is about man management."
"The news is biased because people who have money own the news."
"Kathy Wood is as infamous as an investor can get, almost overnight she became an internet sensation who captured the hearts and the attention of millions of retail investors."
"Money talks and BS walks. Zion's bank, why did they pull out? Because money talks and they looked at it and said the amount we're sponsoring this for and the amount we're going to lose over this is not worth it."
"In business the sack of money usually finds a way."
"The problem with our elected officials is 99 of them show up in office already enslaved by the dollar of another man."
"Know who BlackRock is, know Larry Fink and when he speaks, take a note."
"You're amazing just like that, but with a little bit of money you can get even better."
"Innovation requires two things: competition and money."
"One of the most influential money managers in the world."
"Blizzard's morals will only hold out for as long as the cash flow does."
"I just want to see Man United winning things and the way football's gone we won't win things by being moral Crusaders we need wealth."
"Ethics and principles mean nothing if they just bend for money whenever it's convenient."
"Wall Street being powerful, having lobbies, having lots of money, step-by-step captured the political system."
"My problem with politics right now is the influence of money."
"Money just makes you more of who you already were... if you were kind, you become kinder."
"Money is power and he who has the gold makes the rules."
"Don't let the money change you brother let it change how you treat your family your kids and all that but don't let it change you as a person stay 10 toes down."
"We want to hit $100,000. Y'all, money makes this possible."
"This is the latest example of basically Western countries paying off other countries to prevent migration."
"Money talks, and you have to follow the money. You follow the money, and you will be surprised of what you can find."
"If you got a family member eager to put you in the game, watch them too. Some people are just clouded by the money."
"BlackRock is the largest asset manager in the world... it owns a lot of Russia as well."
"So what's gonna happen is the movement there's gonna be a movement and really where the money goes where the people are."
"Eventually they're going to figure out... that check doesn't trump their natural instincts."
"The dollar is going to get worse. We will have less clout."
"The only language that rich people understand is money."
"People saying like 'oh yeah, our players should stand against it and turn against it'... they're gonna if we offer them to double their wages they're not gonna say anything."
"Trillions of dollars coming into the marketplace, controlled by a small group of people."
"They're spending millions upon millions of dollars in obvious bribes to our politicians, and no one even bats an eyelash."
"I worry that with all the money and power at stake with football it really makes it easy for somebody to discount the dangers of this disorder."
"The real battle in healthcare is one of truth versus money."
"New York City is gritty, tough, beautiful, artsy, eclectic... New York City is [__] awesome!"
"There has to be an amount of money that could fold Dana's ego... Is there a point of money if the Saudis came and said we want to see this fight?"
"We fail because we are run by bankers we are run by people who want money out the club every good football club in history has a vision roman abramovich for all his problems wants chelsea to be the best football team in the world."
"You vote with your wallet and your attention."
"People are able to walk with their feet as well as their wallet."
"Money seems to be the only language that a lot of studios talk, but congratulations, that's all it's doing, a lot of talking."
"The money sometimes can change how you approach the work, you know?"
"Money should never be the determining factor of what your impact is on a grand scheme."
"The people that rule this market are the whales not the small guys."
"Coinbase went and became probably one of the biggest financial institutions in the entire United States."
"A work of art that would stay with them rather than one that would make a quick buck."
"The dollar is king when it comes to Hollywood."
"Money can buy happiness, happiness is a temporary emotional state."
"You know, everybody's your friend when the money's flowing and the parties are flowing."
"This ability of people to blindly pander to whoever will give them money at the time, whether it is based on greed or vanity, is a cancer."
"The ballot that matters most is the green ballot."
"You don't snitch on the guy paying you millions of dollars."
"You can't crush creativity because there's not enough money in it. It's a very basic human desire to be creative."
"The quality of your life has very little to do with money."
"Dollars bring dignity, and so everybody in America knows that when you got a little more money, they treat you a little better."
"Government by organized money is just as dangerous as government by organized mob."
"Money buys happiness because it's like the key to like I might if I just had unlimited money I could just go to [__] Greece with my boys for a week."
"Chelsea became something entirely different—the first club that truly realized the raw power of money."
"Money has never been able to change me. I keep that in the front of my mind every single day."
"it's not fair to say that they're just coming over because someone threw money at them but that does seem to be a big part of their calculus"
"This is actually a democracy that's up for sale... it's on sale to the highest bidder."
"I don't know if there's any amount of money that someone could pay me where I couldn't answer a question honestly."
"As you're earning money because it's really really interesting the way the world works if you have enough money you control the police you control the government."
"Money does make the world go around, let's just be honest."
"Big media today is so much part of big money that we need decentralized media to regenerate democracy."
"Every failed technology rejected by science, rejected by democracy, has been picked up by his money."
"Money can really make you do just the most terrible of things."
"Bitcoin broke 44,000 dollars because Elon Musk has bought 1.5 billion dollars worth of bitcoin."
"We have to get money out of politics to handcuff the military-industrial complex."
"The future is very bright especially when you have all these rich people just sloshing around money into the market."
"Being an idol comes with its own trials and tribulations, but imagine being at the peak of your career and subtly losing your ability to perform overnight."
"Give me control of the flow of information and I care not who controls the currency."
"Money is power every time you spend a dollar you are transferring your power to another person."
"Will it go up or will it go down? It's just a matter of, you know, the whales, if you will, trying to decide exactly where the price needs to end up going."
"Most of humanity's issues it boils down to money."
"Simons wanted to have more money to make real changes to the world."
"As you get worth more and more, the only thing that really changes is that your worldview is so much bigger."
"If you are around people that make more money, you have the ability to see what options really are."
"Money will turn a person's morals inside out if they don't have the right foundation."
"There is no way that the individuals or those countries from overseas that gave tens of millions of dollars for access to the Clinton Foundation were doing so out of goodwill."
"Any man who tries to lead with money is that same now bridging where if them ask me for the shoes out from my foot I'm getting it but I'm telling the truth you're asking you cannot buy loyalty you cannot buy love."
"Money is the only reason the CCP is in power."
"Money talks in January. It literally opens its mouth and shouts at people."
"Money is the biggest tool of war that we all have."
"They wanted the divisiveness, they wanted NWA, they said 'Hey, who is that? Let's get them the money.'"
"It's about the money in America. It comes down to the money." - Roland Martin
"Treasury is money, right? Power. Money, money, power. If you don't have money, you don't have power. You don't have power, you ain't getting money."
"Money is what motivates Hollywood from the studios to the theater owners."
"In this industry, nothin’ talks louder than money." - Video Narrator
"Money corrupts everything but you can't live without money."
"It's not a left thing, it's not a right thing, it's a Wall Street thing."
"Without an agenda that is written and clearly known, and without the money with which to push that agenda, we will get nothing but promises."
"Money talks, man. It does. Everybody likes a little cheddar in their wallet."
"The most well-funded, well-informed, and influential traders on the planet are draining the markets of physical silver."
"Money does talk and as they say money doesn't make the world go around."
"To let money make your decision for you is appalling, it's just a mistake."
"It's like a supernova, the gravitational pull of the star is just too big, and it pulls all the money into the core."
"Money doesn't change you, money makes you more of what you already are." - Channing Crowder
"True activism comes with action. We have to put our money where our mouths are. They only hear dollars, they don't hear people."
"Ending it at its peak, continuing a narrative with money as a motivator can sometimes be a bad idea."
"Importing players right off the bat is not some god-given right that you have just because you spent money in America."
"Driven by greed and the demands of an extravagant second wife."
"He's kind of like Anthony. He just wants to feel something, and sometimes money can provide that."
"Where did his Redemption Arc go... it's sad to see that because of money... we have degraded down to stealing from his viewers."
"A person who's already loaded is a person who's motivated by money."
"You never asked anything, why are you thinking about strategy to go back to dangling money in front of her?"
"Steve Ballmer is the best owner. Not because of team success, he just spent his money. He's just like, 'I got more money than all these owners, and I'ma spend it.' He's killing it, man."
"Money also played a big part in the signing of Hulk Hogan to WCW."
"Imagine if two million reddit users, each with maybe thousands of dollars to spare, that is a lot of money to play around as a whole community."
"Y'all have to stop throwing y'all morals out the window for pennies."
"Somebody powerful, an entity so powerful they want to manipulate this stock higher at any price"
"If you don't get the money out, you can't win on any of these issues."
"The gods of their universe, the comic book writers, have a kryptonite-style weakness to the power of money."
"You acting funny when you get money, yeah. But he been had money, but he acted funny because he got power."
"Money talks, who were Man City before the money came in?"
"As long as we process payments, people follow the crazy shit that people do. They follow the money."
"Nobody gives billions of dollars without the explicit intention of influencing."
"Real money's involved and whoever's got the most money tends to steer the herd."
"But quite clearly it's to claim back some ground, some territory on UEFA on the European super clubs who dominate the financial landscape."
"It's a shame how money has ruined this company."
"Money talks and all these schools that had been in these storied leagues for a long time just [__] it."
"Money Talks. If this starts to affect Florida tourism, that'll be interesting."
"They pay a huge amount of money to be the finale and Formula One unfortunately runs on dollar dollar bills going into the bank account."
"I love people that have no idea how wonderful they are and just wander around making the world a better place."
"But man, Money Talks y'all. This is a fact. If y'all ain't learned nothing from this channel, one thing for sure you should have learned is, man, money really does talk."
"Everybody is connected to EpiPen everyone who has a big bank account is connected with EpiPen in some way it's absolutely nuts."
"You need money to be successful you need money I'm sorry in football you do."
"Money is the great motivator." - [Channel Owner]
"Everyone has a price people like to say they don't but once you open a briefcase full of fuckin cash there the tone changes a little bit."
"I used to believe that only cash and big machines could move mountains."
"You have a system that is completely vulnerable to financial interest."
"Money is one of the biggest magnets of all time to pull you away from goodness."
"Money talks. At the end of the day, money talks."
"Everybody knows there's something wrong. There's somebody, the big money, the big influencers, they're in too much control."
"Money makes you more of who you are, you know."
"Money talks and the problem with censorship is the advertisers."
"Money corrupts a trillion dollars guarantees corruption."
"They pulled out all the king's horses and all the king's men, I mean they republican billionaire donors giving to chantelle brown."
"Bellingcat was somewhat discredited both by spreading this information itself and by being willing to produce reports for anyone willing to pay"
"Proof of stake is the more money you have invested in the system the more votes you have."
"The way that you spend your money is a really powerful tool in how we can help make the world a better place."
"There's just too much money and influence wielded by these organizations."
"Money, my boy! It makes the world go ‘round."
"This is not about trading, this is about a cottage industry of very wealthy billionaires who have been able to pound stocks into complete submission." - Charles Payne
"This person throws money at situations and uses mental games as well."
"Yo, it is nothing coincidental that the founder of Cash Out just passed away right before this."
"Money is blocking love, and it may be the way that you approach it."
"Divide and conquer, using their newly established financial power to ensure their own men and policies secure the limelight."
"In their mourning, the Brown family is outraged by suggestions they were influenced by financial dependence on Simpson."
"Soros family used their finances for a greater purpose."
"The real power in America rests with entities like Wall Street."
"Money was going to be the thing gagging him; wasn't going to work."
"Money talks and money walks, and at the end of the day, these companies are seeing that corporate responsibility is the thing they have to be much more conscientious about."
"Feminists... silent... civil society institutions and the media took the money."
"His role not only elevated the status of the medich bank but also granted it access to vast Financial Networks."
"The money was this and this and this, teams were more handicapped then than they are now. He went to the best team that had the most money, so what Gil is saying, it was physically impossible for him to go join Chicago."
"Money makes the Disney World Go Round."
"...when you're really leading a movement like that, it's, I think, money is the root of all evil, so it doesn't matter like who you are or what Corporation you are, it can sway a movement."
"I'm basically voting with my money."
"Do not expect a man to understand something if his income relies on him not understanding it."