
Moons Quotes

There are 85 quotes

"Moons can have life. There's no rule against it."
"Are we alone in the universe? That answer may just lie in the plumes of a distant tiny moon."
"True color portrait of Pluto and Charon with the newest moons Nix and Hydra."
"There are probably more than 200 moons in the Solar System: Moons orbit planets and asteroids in our solar system."
"Neptune is actually the first planet to be located through mathematical calculations rather than a traditional telescopic discovery."
"So initial calculations do indeed suggest that yes, you can have moons of moons and perhaps you can even have moons of moons of moons."
"It looks like all of these moons, or most of these moons, are flying away from us."
"And only a few days after actually it looks like the bigger moon started to change the orbit of the smaller moon already..."
"Under The Starry Sky watching the two moons."
"Saturn's moons are truly unique. Mimas could potentially be housing a liquid ocean."
"Moons in our solar system are now the prime targets for the search for life."
"The search extends to the icy moons of Jupiter and Saturn, such as Europa and Enceladus, where subsurface oceans beneath their frozen crusts could provide habitable conditions for life."
"Some of the moons are as interesting as the planets."
"Saturn now has 82 moons, making it the official record holder for the most moons in the solar system."
"One of those mysteries is of course the fact that we don't even know how many moons there are around Saturn."
"Mercury doesn't have its own moons because of its small size and weak gravity."
"Exciting candidates to explore: the icy moons of Jupiter."
"We have often contemplated settling moons of gas giants though, see colonizing Jupiter for more discussion, and in many cases these mini-solar systems will be preferable colonization targets so long as you’re not focused on having a planet with classic open air and skies."
"By the twin moons are those habitats!"
"These moons demonstrate the wide variety of environments and geological phenomena that exist beyond Earth."
"No moons or rings." - Noting the absence of natural satellites or rings around Mercury.
"Saturn has 62 confirmed orbital satellites, many less than 50 kilometers in diameter."
"Some distant moons may hold the greatest potential for life beyond Earth."
"There are so many questions we have about Jupiter's icy moons."
"Some moons are just lumps of rock, barren and empty. Others are absolutely fascinating."
"The moons of our solar system, the silent companions of the planets, are unique worlds in their own right full of mysteries just waiting to be investigated."
"Is it conceivable that we could settle there in the future? Or are these just science fiction fantasy on moons makes sense? Yes, but the moons would have to be at least as large as Earth's moon."
"Moons are fascinating worlds in their own right and some may even be candidates for extraterrestrial life."
"The moons of our solar system, especially the ice moons, are some of the most fascinating objects in our solar system."
"In recent years missions to study the gas giants have become more aligned with the study of their moons."
"We could be seeing the material that would go into forming a system of moons around a giant planet or little planets around a brown dwarf."
"Pluto also has no less than five moons."
"My favorite is when you could see Pluto and like the four moons lined up in line."
"The sky was a deep purple like a bruise, dotted with stars and three massive moons that hung overhead."
"The search for life in the solar system is now really centering on the moons with liquid water under a thick shell of ice."
"There are six moons and every one of them is like a yellow lantern."
"You can actually see up to four, sometimes five of its moons that are actually going around it."
"Jupiter and its moons are a kind of miniature solar system."
"Jupiter and Saturn are like the best things to look at through binoculars because you'll be able to see the moons."
"They were revolutionary; the Voyagers discovered many moons around the planets we never knew were there."
"Darkness lay quietly over the valley, one of the moons was a sharp crescent just over the peaks, while the other two were a little more full and higher in the sky."
"Mercury and Venus are the only two planets in our solar system that have no moons."
"Mars has two moons, and they're tiny; they're called Phobos and Deimos, those names mean fear and Terror."
"Saturn has 82 moons as far as we know."
"Pluto has five moons but only one of them is big; it's very big, it's half the size of Pluto, it's called Charon."
"Saturn has 82 moons we know about."
"You can very clearly see the bands of Jupiter and honestly one, two, three, four, five different moons."
"March 21st is a new year for little people we have 13 moons and so our new year begins on on March 21st."
"These moons have a unique ability to excite our imagination and spark scientific curiosity."
"Picture if you will a fantastic world where not one but twelve moons crisscross the sky."
"Saturn has 82 moons we know about, 53 confirmed and 29 more that are still on the waiting list to be confirmed as actual moons."
"Saturn effectively was a world with a million moons."
"Mars has ice at the poles and it has two moons, Phobos and Deimos."
"My satellites, Enceladus and Titan, could possibly support life in their internal oceans."
"I am Uranus, the seventh planet from the sun, with 27 moons named after Shakespeare characters."
"I have 5 moons - more than Mars, Earth, Venus and Mercury, My largest moon Charon is half the size of me."
"I love moons. If you ever came to my house, you're going to see moons represented a lot in my decor."
"Wouldn't it be amazing if it turned out that life in our universe predominantly lived on moons rather than on planets?"
"The gravity from little moons... that's what causes the little gaps in the rings."
"Every planet in our solar system has at least one moon."
"Thousands of exoplanets have been discovered, and it's likely many of them have moons, too."
"If you look through a telescope, you can see moons flying around a planet."
"Most moons in the solar system are actually tidally locked with their planets."
"There are 79 known moons of Jupiter."
"Jupiter has 67 confirmed moons orbiting the planet."
"Both our moon and Sharon formed in a colossal giant impact."
"The interaction between Pluto and Charon is a kind of gravitational ballet."
"Mars has two moons called Deimos and Phobos."
"They are all in resonance with each other, kind of like Io, Europa, Ganymede."
"The current head count is we have 213 moons."
"What lies beneath its hazy surface? Could its moons hold the key to life beyond Earth?"
"Jupiter is truly the king of the solar system; it reigns undivided with a court of 92 moons and several satellites."
"Oh my goodness, you know me and fairies, fairies and moons, and we've even got a butterfly."
"Galileo... showed for the first time that Jupiter had moons... proving that the bright object in the sky known as Jupiter was not some mysterious orb, but instead it was a world in its own right."
"Those moons are so pretty, I love them."
"He watched the moons on his first night in the forest."