
Artwork Quotes

There are 268 quotes

"Artwork is such a great way to highlight a mood or a color scheme."
"Berserk is easily one of the greatest mangas when it comes to artwork and attention to detail."
"Just having the card with some awesome artwork of a Pokémon in a realistic location, as if it were a photograph taken on a safari, was enough for us."
"I love her and you did her saggy grandma boobs so tastefully so congratulations you did so good with the collar."
"The most iconic Marvel vs. Capcom artwork, it's perfect."
"The artwork in Akira is gorgeous. It's a masterful blend of simple and detailed characters, with incredibly realistic backgrounds."
"I love Yu-Gi-Oh cards because of the artwork, the nostalgia."
"Fantasy Star IV requires no real knowledge of the Fantasy Star universe to play and contains the perfect combination of engaging story combat and artwork."
"It's been a while since we've seized it, awesome God I love that we got the Gyarados full art EX very nice texture on there a little bit different than the other exes that we see in the set."
"Whatever her purpose was she was likely very important as she is literally seen riding a legendary Pokemon in both pieces of art."
"But if you go check it out, you will see some of Jess's work."
"Galarian Zapdos V card, full art! It's almost like old chipped paint down there."
"Our team is so cool, man. I love that new artwork."
"This painting right here means so much to me. I took my time, I took so much time to paint this."
"That's the first time we've seen a custom cut out piece of paper; it's evolving, it's never-growing artwork."
"Shout out to BJC for this beautiful artwork, this painting. We appreciate you so much."
"This card is definitely the best alternate artwork Charizard card, bro."
"Album artwork can enhance your listening experience."
"This artwork is a perfect visual for Kanye's mental state on this album."
"We're going to need some JavaScript if we want to begin rendering out artwork."
"Athena is able to offer readers a different take on a female warrior with a title that not only develops the character for the future but also celebrates her past with fantastic artwork at a respectable hero."
"Honestly, nobody beast kind of viseta. Check him out if you haven't. He's honestly some of the artwork's just really [ __ ] cool, that's all I'm gonna say."
"...the greatest measure of success for any piece of artwork is will it be forgotten..."
"Five out of five. Great stories and absolutely mind-blowing artwork."
"The artwork alone is enough reason to visit, period."
"The Owl House crew and fans like pointing out these small details made the artwork even more enjoyable to look at."
"I love the album cover; it's one of those album covers that makes me want to listen to the album."
"Combine mediocre assets smartly to drive the quality of the overall artwork."
"Adding artwork to your kitchen is really going to help it feel a little bit more warm and like it's an extension of your home."
"This artwork is absolutely stunning, I mean, this artwork... it just gets better and better and better."
"Personalize your space with meaningful artwork."
"Artwork mirrors are selling as the number one thing in the booth."
"Artwork also can really kind of create a mood... a new color palette in your space."
"If you are somebody who loves to switch out their decorations for the different seasons, then a good way to do that is actually with your artwork."
"...it's incredibly interesting, the artwork in here is fairly gory."
"I want to give this to you and I'll give you a piece of my artwork."
"One thing that's always clear when I look at his artwork is that the man loves superheroes and I believe that that passion does shine through."
"That impressive piece of artwork that you have at the end of this, that's yours. It's because of you."
"Artwork is essential in your room."
"Hanging artwork can really create a very luxurious feel."
"Kirby's relationship with faith is a question worth examining to understand his vast body of work even better."
"Loki season one on steelbook a work of art."
"These cards have just the most amazing style to them. It's exactly my kind of artwork and so these I reach for. I find it's really easy to connect with the artwork on these and so they are quite high on this list despite being new because I will actively reach for them."
"Let's talk about something we haven't spoken about yet with either of these, which is the new artwork."
"He's also somewhat psychic and we get glimpses of his visions through his artwork."
"The layout, the composition of each artwork really has to be strong in order for any of these things to work."
"...the artwork is badass and the technical application is also exceptional."
"Make good artwork, get good mix and mastering, get good videos, put money behind your projects... treat every song that you do like a baby."
"Pleasure to Kill. Definitely classic. Again, another album cover. These bands, could they have cooler artwork? So many great songs on there."
"The album artwork here is not horrible, but looking at this, I would never know what band this is."
"Surround yourself with other people's artwork. Find artists that you love on Instagram, YouTube, or in museums. The only thing that matters is that you are picking up inspiration."
"$1 estate sale find turned into brand new artwork that looks expensive."
"Okay, so it's a dad and his daughter it looks like and uh with the city skyline in the background so they live in a skyscraper and there they are they're doing artwork stuff on the 2gs pretty awesome."
"I love the art on each of these floppies."
"I absolutely love changing out artwork throughout the house at any time of the year."
"Love the artwork right there, very nice."
"It's very therapeutic, very simple but it shows if you want to make some artwork, you need to get that creativity out, you can do it very easily, very simply so yeah, give it a try!"
"I would laminate and frame Flynn's artwork and hang it in my future music classroom."
"Look at this artwork, I mean who is doing their artwork they are so talented."
"The magic and the transformation and the realizations that occur in creativity and artwork are mind-blowing."
"It's all about designing your own artwork."
"If you're hanging really any kind of artwork in your bathroom, that's why I bit the bullet and I bought the special Museum Quality Glass."
"Congo is sitting on a chair, resembling the first chair ever made."
"It's stunning, stunning piece of artwork."
"That's the beauty of painting and doing artwork."
"He just looks absolutely better, so props to Dio Vega there, oh just fantastic artwork he always does Great Stuff."
"Wow, that was some very, very cool artwork. That was very unique. Very 'wow'."
"Just some Comics like these, really cool, fun, beautiful artwork that brings me so much joy."
"Our pick for the 2023 best artwork hard lore award goes to ingrown Cold Steel."
"I think comic books are a communal process and it's artwork. It's part of Americana and, you know, why not converse with people you might not know or find somebody off on social media and just hang out for the day?"
"I'm not crying poor and [ __ ], but like I gotta, you know, I just had an auction where I sold a bunch of artwork."
"Oh, my gosh, that's perfect! So when we announced that we had adopted Ali, the black and white tegu, an amazing artist made this, and you may remember us posting this on the community tab."
"Adam Oller's artwork is so beautiful."
"Once you're able to accomplish stuff like this, you will see vast improvements in your artwork."
"Sketchbook tours are not just about showcasing finished artwork, but also embracing the process of growth and exploration."
"What is this artwork like? Whimsical, stunning, like look at Dumbledore and his beard."
"Think about banner sizes and dimensions to ensure your key art looks good across various platforms and storefronts."
"Vagabond is famous and infamous for two things: hiatus and its jaw-dropping and iconic artwork."
"Homes at this price point, it's almost like every single room is a piece of artwork."
"I thought it was done phenomenally. Sean Murphy's artwork looks so top-notch in this book."
"Artwork can cost a fortune and I think that's why a lot of people don't do it."
"It's a wonderful story and it probably hits closer home to me because my dad suffers from diabetes and my grandmother suffered from diabetes so maybe that that's probably why it's on my list but if you haven't read it's got beautiful artwork by Sean Murphy."
"It isn't just a character sheet it's also a tribute to her and her story and her experiences throughout the campaign so far."
"Basically, what this is honestly is basically a piece of artwork folks."
"But if someone like me, the biggest draw to your book and stories is the actual artwork, you know you're just like... I say the same thing about why I own Absolute Wildcats."
"But I think what we did get was pretty interesting to say the least and the artwork is looking really, really good."
"Artwork everywhere around St Pete."
"This is an album. An absolute project. An artwork."
"Perhaps artwork alone is insufficient to do justice to what Jesus did to bring mercy to the world."
"Artwork itself, it's an extension of you. The fact that you're able to recognize what this competition asks from you but still hold that truth more valuable is amazing."
"I was really happy with how it turned out so I hope you all liked the frost winged mountain dragon."
"Style is not just how you draw something, but also what you choose to depict in your artwork."
"This is a neat piece of artwork. That's pretty, I think so."
"Almost as if she's a vine. It's a little like living piece of artwork. I love it. Amazing."
"I don't think there's one right way to enjoy artwork, but there's always room to dig deeper."
"This release, in my opinion, is one of the most iconic releases and they introduced some of the most gorgeous artwork that we've ever seen in the Yu-Gi-Oh card game."
"...but i mean this is just really phenomenal jonathan hickman just does a fantastic no pun intended job with this book and the artwork is just insane man..."
"This artwork is absolutely gorgeous."
"I love this, great artwork on it, plus it's a unique design."
"Pokemon company knocking these artworks out of the park."
"Your artwork is going to be original."
"I believe artwork is one of the most impactful Decor elements in a home because it really brings a space together and gives a character."
"My next video will be about how to professionally photograph your artwork."
"The artwork really works for the story."
"Artwork played a key role in bringing in the mood I wanted to capture."
"Art unfolds in the artwork; the artwork is the primary focus."
"Encyclopedia looks absolutely amazing and the artwork is just chef's kiss."
"Lily has come up with the most gorgeous pictures of our ponies."
"This artwork I got from HomeGoods; it's a really nice piece."
"Our first big pull, the Lapras, beautiful artwork."
"Gorgeous piece to hang in an entranceway."
"'Buying from licensed companies that sell licensed artwork is best.' - Advocating for supporting artists and purchasing from reputable companies."
"The outer edge of those letters or even outer edge of other pieces within the artwork will actually be darker because of that ink being pressed outwards."
"The most important thing I always look at is the frame, how it's framed, and the back of the artwork itself, and then kind of go from there."
"An amazing piece of artwork, natural opal right there."
"Thank you guys for coming and hanging out. I love, love, love seeing all the work you guys do and all the paintings. It makes all the button-pushing worth it for me. It's my favorite thing to see all the artwork that you guys do and to see the progress."
"I love artwork inside books and this book has some incredible interior art done by Aaliyah Chen that I think is just absolutely beautiful."
"And you can also customize this painting with a quote, your favorite quote or lettering at the bottom of this painting."
"This really is one of the sickest pieces of artwork that I have seen on a Legacy release so far."
"This in my opinion might be one of my favorite of all time just because of the artwork on it."
"It makes my day to see that I'm helping somebody with their artwork."
"He's gorgeous and I might make a print of this NGL."
"it's super helpful to do that uh I keep mentioning Comics because uh Comics is probably my favorite thing to work on haven't had a whole lot of chances to do that in the past several years until very recently when I actually started working on my own comic"
"It's like the perfect balance I think of of color red yellow blue is always a is the balance right um not always just in primary but in other tones but look at this artwork what a great piece."
"The artwork like I said is spectacular, it's stunning, it is beautiful. I have really enjoyed my readings with this um and it just, it's very in-depth, it's gentle but it's also very much telling you what you need to hear."
"Lot 125, The star lot of the summer auction season, Clint's Lady with a Fan."
"Glad I sat down and drew today. [Giggles] It may not be quite as spooky as I set out for it to be at the beginning, but I think it turned out really cute and I'm happy with it."
"For the whole process of this artwork being drawn from scratch to inking to coloring and having it completely done took roughly three and a half hours, so that's real time."
"Don't miss out on it with some classy artwork in here by Darwin Cook."
"It's my belief that this artwork influenced Frank Miller when he decided to do Sin City, a crime story primarily told in black and white."
"First glance, the turtles on the cardboard flap for the baggy look pretty decent, but then you really start to look at them and you wonder what the hell's going on here."
"Yeah, he makes good use of his full-page splashes."
"It's fantastic with amazing artwork."
"Artwork is such a great way to communicate your design through an image."
"I also want to call out the artwork in this volume as it is very beautiful, maybe even the most beautiful volume of Sandman in terms of art."
"All of the non-sweet rooms will feature custom artwork and design elements."
"Because you guys inspire me, even when you guys think nobody else cares, I care. I want to be inspired by your artwork and I might even just be like, 'Hey, I want to make that.'"
"He also mentions how he turned down the offer of having a patek, referring to one of the most expensive luxury watch brands in the world, and decided to spend his money on artwork instead because he finds more worth in that than a fancy watch which he doesn't even need."
"My artwork, particularly, to be about the result of a channeling of my convictions, my life experiences, and what I personally am convinced of, made of, and therefore what I express."
"Finally, among the impressive array of artworks from the Pasaric culture are the remarkably detailed gold pieces portraying animals."
"His work is fantastically physically vigorous, tremendous sense of growth, this phenomenal energy. I think he's one of the most impressive artists working in Europe today."
"These steps can really make a big difference in the final result of your artwork."
"That's the end of the tutorial uh I hope you've enjoyed this video and I look forward to seeing what artwork you create off the back of it."
"Kittens like, and the artwork is just so fantastic."
"Check out the design of the artwork... just a wonderful design car."
"I like the eyes to be a main focal point. It's kind of why I draw them so huge sometimes."
"The words you use, like I think that's the nicest things anyone's ever said about my artwork before, is quite special."
"I like that original artwork as well."
"I really liked the artwork on this quite a bit."
"Every artwork you see in this house...she made it...touch of art by the feeling of being at home...seeing this art across the entire house."
"James O'Barr's work is so strong in this, man."
"Love this artwork, RoboCop, one of my faves, total blast of a movie."
"You're creating your own artwork there, and that's inking."
"If you have beautiful artwork you want to print, go with Imprint."
"I love the artwork. God, I love that."
"This artwork right here, this image with Doctor Strange off to the side just in the shadows it is so freaking creepy and I love it I am all for it."
"It cannot be understated how good the artwork is. The artwork and the design and the layout and the physical construction of the physical book are excellent."
"I've never created a more dramatic wall of artwork with a bigger payoff."
"The artwork and the writing combined here is just, it makes this for such a great read."
"The most important part to me is the fact that Makoto Yukimura's artwork is now back at the size it was originally published in."
"In my artwork. In the way I live. But I just know perfection is, I will never attain it."
"Delighted by his artwork, Nagatoro playfully offers Senpai a reward, teasing him with the promise of another prize."
"I really wish this was in a deluxe edition like an oversized format because the artwork would benefit from that."
"Look at all the intricate details in that, look at that thing, look at the soap dispenser like there's no reason for any of this but people back then took pride in their artwork and that's kind of what it is."
"I love seeing it out in the wild. I love seeing it under black lights."
"I was really pleased with how her scarf looked and the crisscrossing formation of Amura's belt looked especially clear in this chibi version."
"The artwork is Sensational there isn't anything else that I've read that looks like this and it really allows for it to be memorable just from the visuals alone."
"...artwork can create a sort of sophistication to a space..."
"Such a fantastic image. I love this artwork with my whole heart."
"If you're at a bookstore and you happen to see this book just flip through it check out the artwork because it's gorgeous and I highly recommend it."
"They almost always have an extra layer of texturing on fuller and hyper red variant cards, as well as an unparalleled level of detail on special art illustration cards."
"Don't be afraid to venture out when it comes to placement of your artwork."
"The completed ruby lift design was often referred to as an artwork."
"I'm a mom to them but I'm also their friend."
"...classic series and I can't not get for it's amazing artwork."
"As you become much more experienced with artwork drawing painting you see the tonal range more easily, almost like you look in you're not really looking through it in black and white but you can see the tonal range is different than the color."
"Also, if you're interested in seeing more of my artwork, I'm on social media, so check out the links in the description below."
"Wall decor from Hobby Lobby, artwork from G23, signed by Owen Wilson."
"The artwork is so detailed, so stunning. I want some of these spreads on my wall."
"Artwork should be a joyous experience."
"Hey, we got some fan mail! Gorgeous artwork."
"From the highest joys to the deepest despair and everything in between, there's such a fantastic range of expressions in Kaitani's artwork. It's clear that these people are very human."
"Such a beautiful series in terms of how it's told and the artwork."
"Conservation materials are now almost the default for all frameworks."
"I'm really liking how the shading on her face turned out and her cute expression is just what I had envisioned."
"Artwork is just a journey, we don't have to be perfect in every step."
"Here we have it, I just wanted to take a moment to appreciate the side artwork and everything that you see here because we finally have it back and it is awesome, it is amazing."
"I just love the artwork here, like it's such a Creative Design."
"She is so multifaceted, so talented, like a piece of beautiful artwork."
"The artwork starts really visually making references to things that are going on in the lyrics."
"Alright, let's rip through them. First, we got a Pikachu, look at that beautiful artwork, oh my goodness."
"This deck feels like the dreamiest labor of love of any creator."
"This might be the most impressive piece of artwork I've ever seen."
"...the cards themselves are just true works of art."
"An amazing canvas for Jack's incredibly detailed artwork."
"Artwork that speaks to your soul and Sparks your imagination."
"What would you do if you found you suddenly put your fist through a priceless work of art? Try to tape it up? Blame it on your little brother?"
"The artwork is stunningly crafted."
"Look at that fantastic artwork of the Green Ranger, this is some of the best part about the Lightning Collection boxes."
"I love the artwork, I love what they put into them, it's sometimes like packaging, there's a lot of thought."