
Design Strategy Quotes

There are 57 quotes

"Artwork is such a great way to highlight a mood or a color scheme."
"If you absolutely must introduce your mechanics with a short sentence, then look at how Dark Souls implemented this with high contrast, easy to spot messages sprinkled throughout the level, requiring the player to consciously interact with them."
"I'm considering having overall neutral colors everywhere but only the hair with a really flashy color."
"This is going to be our accent color, but we can also, in here, we can put in the notes how to use it."
"Every character will act different, every character has unique abilities and gimmicks that you'll have to use for that character." - Teruki Endo, Battle Director
"Simulate constraints to create better designs."
"You've got two hours to grab and hold someone's attention, then remain consistently high quality."
"When you go to a grocery store... It's laid out in a particular way... There's a reason for it."
"Design for what you think you need and then look for ways to de-engineer."
"The first key to success in fusion 360 is to be very mindful and deliberate with the palette: tell it what you're going to do and then do it."
"He tends to think of an emotion and then says, 'How can I make a game that evokes that?'"
"Each biome should provide its own very unique flavor of gameplay and encounters." - Harry Krueger
"A fun fact I learned while developing Diablo 4 is that it's very important to unveil choices slowly initially."
"It's always good to innovate, just not for the sake of innovation."
"I think it's wise of them to keep it simple like this."
"The change making mobs only spawn in complete darkness... is an amazing opportunity for every single light source in the game."
"It's treating them like multiple open worlds."
"I strongly believe more plants is always a top-tier design strategy."
"Having a target audience in mind is a great way to keep your design on track."
"The goal for this was to make sure that each city had its own look and feel."
"One of the things that we do in user experience is we learn to gamify whatever it is that's going on."
"Mechanics-driven first bosses focus on taking what you’ve learned early in the game, twisting it, changing it, or moving it forward."
"Consider the mood of the space you're trying to create."
"Casinos are designed like a labyrinth to keep gamblers spending more money." - Bill Friedman
"You want to spout out ideas that have some sort of context to the technology you don't so in this case we're gonna start with a high level design brief."
"Yeah 800 IQ bro yeah I just know people like from my experience like people like a mix of stuff that's like super colorful and cartoony usually that's like the younger audience goes for those."
"Design end of things, you really want to appeal to the most buyers."
"If you can't make it good make it big right?"
"Brown's Vision was for open Parkland, one of his trademarks is the design to keep livestock off The Lawns whilst avoiding a visible barrier."
"It doesn't all have to be navy, green, and black and gray... whenever you take something like that and you shake it up with just a little bit of color somewhere, just to make it pop, it can really boost sales so much."
"If we design good augmentations, then the augmented versions are actually very different images but they have the same class because they're generated from the same image."
"Remember how camping bachelorettes were popular? Carry that theme into anniversaries by cross-niching your designs."
"It's a quick way without having to draw an entire floor plan, you can study how that project is configured and planned out."
"Patterns are reusable solutions to common problems or user goals in your product."
"We need to understand what is the problem that we're trying to solve."
"So in this case we're using the discoloration as a designed feature."
"Imposing limitations on yourself is one of the most valuable things you can do in icon design."
"I have a trick up my sleeve, a secret weapon that I always use to pick a really cohesive palette of brand colors."
"Naming the houses as a series allows the architect and others to see them as a collection."
"If you sketch first, you'll spend less time tweaking ideas that are fundamentally broken."
"It's about intelligently designing something that is going to lead your viewer down the page."
"By embracing this approach, we can improve collaboration and deliver a seamless user experience."
"Prototyping is a tremendously valuable strategy for effective design."
"It's a controlled type of mess, something that looks more intentional than it does a mistake."
"With two props then we should be safe to create at least 12 individual atlas props without worrying about similarity between them."
"Heuristic design is key to make it fast."
"Strive for unequal divisions to keep your designs looking a bit more dynamic."
"The window method is basically a method based on the strategy of beginning with a desired unit sample response and applying to that a window."
"Creating a mid plane extrusion, I have set myself up for success."
"I think we have designed Project Texas to protect U.S. user interests."
"Surfaces are powerful grouping tools for our content."
"Design it for the smallest screen possible and then design it again for the largest screen possible."
"You can mix and match the stuff that you already have. Just absolutely brilliant architecture."
"Advertising design is about showing as much as possible in a pretty cool, neat way."
"By researching your target audience, you'll learn about their needs, motivations, and frustrations, which will inform your design decisions."
"Having a cohesive color palette is one of my best designer tricks."