
Fermentation Quotes

There are 550 quotes

"Retarding your dough... lets the bacterial activity continue which is what creates all the acidity in your dough and gives you that really delicious sour flavor."
"Most of the world's greatest delicacies are products of fermentation."
"My sourdough starter is a mixture of flour and water that is inoculated with wild yeast and bacteria that just like exists in the air."
"Sauerkraut is a great introduction to fermentation... hard to screw up and delicious."
"Pickles are just fermented melons, amazing for the body."
"Fermentation is awesome, fermentation is life."
"It's Greenland shark that's been laboriously fermented dried and cured and it's been done by one family in this area for hundreds of years."
"The more diverse complex of microorganisms you have, the more complex the Aromas and the flavors are going to come out."
"You have to simultaneously target the fermentation while transitioning the body over to fuels that cannot be fermented."
"Fermented foods like tempeh are high in enzyme content, aiding digestion."
"All aboard the yeast train, here we go, this is where the magic happens."
"One thing I love about Korean food is that it incorporates nutritious fermented foods... a win-win all around."
"A good quote about wine is that it's just grape juice going bad but in a very fun way."
"When you ferment the food, you keep it alive so you're eating live food."
"Fermentation is a type of anaerobic respiration where microorganisms feed on organic compounds, often sugars, to get the energy they need."
"It's a fermented mushroom beer, all kind of without alcohol."
"The slower fermentation gives the loaf a nice tang, that signature sourdough flavor."
"The longer fermentation, all of the natural flavors coming through, the wild yeast, multiple strains of yeast compared to one strain, it's like unlocking another dimension in your bread."
"Mead requires up half of the fermentable sugars to be honey."
"It's fermented so it's loaded with probiotics and is a powerhouse nutritious superfood."
"I strive to make all my fermenting videos beginner friendly."
"The worst thing that could happen is a botched jar of kraut that gets tossed big deal just try again."
"Sourdough is totally magic, it's water and flour and you get this amazing product from it."
"Fermentation works best with heat, so we do have the option to slow this process down significantly by putting it in a refrigerator."
"Fermented foods pull out toxins from the body and make you feel happier."
"Fermented sauerkraut... fermented pickles... fermented veggies have 10 times the amount of vitamin C than fresh cabbage."
"The implementation of fermented foods can be super beneficial for individuals looking to optimize gut microbiome composition, gut health, digestion, and just overall setting themselves up for a healthy inflammatory and aging process."
"Equal amounts of flour and water give you life and bubbles."
"Adding back kefirs, kombuchas, sauerkrauts, kimchi is my favorite."
"Yeast have created our foods, shaped our traditions, and both bonded and divided us."
"Pickled food is very good for you, and the fermentation that goes on in pickling adds some very good features to vegetables."
"It's interesting to say alcohol. Cause they often blend it with other fruits and water and ferment it and then what's left becomes like a daily tonic. Quite literally like a daily drink."
"I'm sorry if I seem a bit weird, I had a kombucha and I think it said extra fermentation to it."
"Fermentation is when food is modified by microbes to produce something that is taste different, taste better, and is also healthy for you."
"The healthiest populations have large amounts of fermented food in their diets."
"Friendly bacteria build up amino acids; that's where the flavor of the cheese comes from."
"A bulk fermentation means the whole mass of dough is put into a tub and it's fermented in bulk."
"A very long fermentation period will give the dough plenty of time to develop gluten."
"Even a minor change on the farm like an extra day of fermentation makes a big difference to what the end product tastes like."
"The beauty of fermentation is that you can do it however you want and in my classes we teach people to do this and it is really fun the stuff they come up with when they're shred and vegetables."
"Water kefir grains, a wonderful change of pace from kombucha."
"Kefir water is like natural soda."
"The salt is now going to begin working on the cabbage, drawing out its natural juices and tenderizing the leaves."
"Full maturity of the sauerkraut nutritional and probiotic profile are typically obtained by day 21."
"Create your first sauerkraut that is probiotic-rich and nutrient-dense."
"Fermentation is just an essential part of how people everywhere have been able to make effective use of whatever kinds of food resources are available to them."
"Anything we could possibly eat can be fermented."
"...the smaller amount of yeast, the longer the fermentation, the better the quality of the bread."
"There's two major ways of getting probiotics: through fermented foods or supplements."
"Fermented foods and probiotics have been shown to have health benefits."
"...these if you just put them in the fridge age so well once they're carbonated keep them in there for like a month and they just continue to taste better as those flavors develop."
"Without yeast, there would be no beer. Yeast is actually a living organism, and they derive their food energy from the fermentation of sugar."
"The key to making fantastic pizza dough is leaving it to ferment for a long time in the fridge, 72 hours at least."
"I try to add it in slowly enough that the scobby doesn't get too disrupted or flipped over."
"Add any sweetener that you want, but add it at the point when the fermentation has reached a satisfactory level for you."
"Fermentation of this type is anaerobic, meaning without air."
"'When our food ferments our microbes produce metabolites to help break it down and these chemicals can pass through the gut wall and end up in our brains.'"
"You can make fermented sodas out of almost any juice."
"The science of fermentation is so cool."
"If you don't like a lot of alcohol, you better ferment this maybe like a day or less."
"Fermentation is just so much better."
"Your home is an expression of you and so are your cultured foods."
"Water kefir is a yummy, delicious drink that is really good for your gut."
"Some people think, 'Oh, well maybe kefir is an unhealthy drink because it's loaded with sugar.' No, it's not because your kefir grains eat that sugar."
"There's definitely ambient wild yeasts in the air and in the flour, I'm pretty certain that it's both."
"This is all about sauerkraut and I don't mean canned sauerkraut. What I mean is actual fermented sauerkraut where the flavor of the sourness in the Cabbage comes directly from the cabbage and from it fermenting in our Kitchens on our countertops wherever it is."
"I love fermented food. I love real fermented food meaning fermenting it like this making a Real Pickle is the same way you ferment it lacto-fermentation."
"And what I know about fermentation now is that fermentation is flavor."
"The nice thing about milk kefir is that you don't have to warm the milk like you do when you make yogurt. You can just use milk right out of your refrigerator and pour it over your grains."
"Sourdough has been around for about four and a half thousand years."
"The warmer you keep your sourdough starter, the less like acetic acid the lactic acid bacteria is going to produce."
"The future of food is fermentation."
"Constant feeding of your sourdough starter every day is what's going to give you that nice active colony of yeast and bacteria."
"Next time, I love seafood, I love fermenting things, and remember, have fun doing it, okay folks? Bon appétit!"
"This is going to let it bloom, it's going to get active and it's going to really develop the flavor of the yeast."
"Enriched doughs take longer to rise."
"If you ferment milk or if you ferment animal products, for instance with a sausage, the bacteria or the yeast actually eat the new five GC and it's gone."
"Ferments may improve wound healing, may have anti-aging benefits, and there's some research that shows it may actually stimulate hyaluronic acid production in your skin."
"A longer fermentation gives the yeast more time to break down the sugar and proteins."
"And it's day four, as you can see, lots and lots of bubbles, lots of rise."
"I think that we're very interested in fermented foods because fermented foods have not only all the bacteria but they have all the fermentation products."
"Don't let it over ferment. Learn from my mistakes."
"So once we pitch the yeast that's going to kick off the process of fermentation we're going to start converting all that sugar into ethanol and then also CO2."
"And then over the next couple days this will turn into like a nice bubbly active starter and my heart will be happy because I will be able to bake my first sourdough since being here."
"Fermenting your own pickles and sauerkraut isn't nearly as hard as you think it might be."
"Fermented foods are a great way to help restore the gut microbiome."
"We're going to let those solids sit in there and start brewing for about 2 weeks."
"But fermented ingredients has just been a game changer for my skin."
"So fermented foods like kimchi, pickles, sauerkraut, yogurt, foods that can repopulate the bacteria that I need so I can properly digest my foods..."
"Homemade sauerkraut tastes so so so much better than anything you will ever find in a store."
"...there's definitely a benefit to getting the judgment of fermentation right."
"The majority of pickle factories in America ferment their pickles in outdoor vats without lids, leaving them subject to insects and bird droppings."
"It's really hard to find information on long-term food preservation with fermentation."
"You just mix some flour with some water, let it sit at room temperature and wait for it to grow some yeast all by itself. Yeah, seriously, it works."
"And it's kind of like with ferments, I always tell you put them in a jar, so if they bubble over, you won't have a mess on your hands."
"Bubbles means life. There's some life in our starter."
"What is a sourdough starter exactly? A sourdough starter is a living biological culture of wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria."
"It's essentially creating two types of acid: lactic acid which is the tangy flavor that you get in yogurt for example and acetic acid which is the biting acidic flavor that you get in vinegar for example."
"If it tastes good to you, that's really the only measure for whether or not you made successful kombucha."
"Fermentations can be persnickety and we want to do everything in our power to ensure a successful ferment."
"And that's the secret to a good ferment like this is to keep it very tight, very tightly compacted, compressed, and then weighted down and kept under the brine."
"And after about two weeks, your ferment that you've refrigerated, that you've first fermented on the counter, and now refrigerated, is going to taste great."
"The power of Koji is just absolutely incredible."
"Most of the hot sauces you buy in the store are fermented so we're gonna be trying to make our own."
"We just made root beer. Welcome back to the fermentation adventure!"
"If you'd like to learn how to make ferments like these, start now by clicking subscribe and hitting that bell so you don't miss a thing."
"Kombucha is so good for your gut health."
"Fermentation preserves nutrients."
"Proofing in a wine fridge. You can get a wine fridge up to 55 degrees Fahrenheit easily. Proofing your bread in there 14 hours overnight produces a beautiful sourdough."
"It's an amazing thing to see kimchi work."
"And I know a week from today Jody Adams will give an entire class on fermentation."
"I have this fermentation lid here that I really enjoy."
"Rum is made from molasses. It is distilled fermented molasses juice."
"This tastes best if fermented slowly over time."
"I'd love to see more fermented foods traditionally created around the world measured."
"We've been drinking it with everything, making yogurt and kefir."
"Fermentation is simply the process where lactic acid helps inhibit bacterial growth."
"If the milk gets sour, no problem. Humans make all sorts of foods out of sour milk like yogurt, sour cream, kefir, and buttermilk."
"This bread is going to bake up into a perfectly acceptable loaf and it's going to have a much richer, more intense flavor because that starter is so old."
"That's sort of a foundational thing. People eat more of these fermented foods of which many cultures have eaten for many years."
"The longer the fermentation time, the better the flavor."
"Now because we have a hot liquid in there it's going to Aid us in our next Edition which is sugar this is so we have something to ferment so that we can actually make alcohol right."
"Vinegar is made of white wine that is spoiled or brewed from raisins."
"Pickling is a process of acidifying a food over time, which makes conditions less favorable to spoilage organisms."
"Oxygen at the beginning of a fermentation is crucial because it allows the yeast, and which is the critical ingredient here, yeast converts sugar to alcohol."
"I do want to show you what the starter looks like here on day four. Look at these starters, so many bubbles!"
"Fermented ingredients are give your skin more you get more benefits from them than from a non-fermented option."
"Basically the wines are tread until fermentation starts."
"Fermentation adds a ton of flavor."
"Fermentation really supercharges an ingredient and unlocks a lot of skin nutrition."
"So why am I going to go through all the trouble of fermenting this just to kill them off in the canning process? Excellent question because I've had a lot of people request it."
"Recipes are often written okay do a final proof for x amount of hours and that's fine I suppose but it doesn't really factor the fact that we're dealing with living microorganisms in this process."
"It's starting to ferment and the bacteria and the yeast are starting to multiply at the same time the starches are swelling they're absorbing the water and then the gluten strands are starting to align and and develop."
"My goal here is mostly evenness because I'm going to let the fermentation do its thing."
"Sour beers can have um you know lactobacillus and cultures that you know that are found in Kombucha for example that can improve gut health right in that in that regard."
"The kefir grains are much like a pet or plant, so the better you take care of them, the better the product will be."
"If anybody tells you that your starter is lifeless if you haven't fed it in five months, they are flat wrong."
"While no one knows when the first alcohol beverage was brewed and consumed, it was presumably the result of a fortuitous accident when some lucky guy tasted the liquid that resulted from some rotting fruit and got the first buzz in history."
"All you really need to do is find some kind of a container that you can put your vegetables in, cover with brine, and then exclude oxygen is all you're trying to do."
"What's in a recipe? Fermentable sugars, water, and yeast."
"A tangy taste is going to indicate to you that it's probably reached the correct pH."
"It's very easy to make, it's delicious, and it's rich in probiotics unlike what you can buy at the store."
"And then I actually use this as my starter culture to ferment this meat into further yogurt because this has active cultures inside it."
"That's what you would have to do with regular yogurt, and likewise, you want to do that with our coconut yogurt."
"Fermentation is actually so good for you, and there's all kinds of probiotics and all kinds of benefits of eating a food that's still alive."
"...if there's a chance that it could re-ferment you want to be safe and you want to pasteurize that, that's the whole reason behind it."
"This is where the real magic of fermentation happens."
"It really limits the amount of samples that you need to take during fermentation to see how things are progressing which ultimately means more beer to drink at the end."
"...you now have a controlled temperature environment, a controlled humidity environment perfect for making cheese, salami, growing mushrooms, making wine, sauerkraut..."
"We're going to really truly settle the debate for how close can a pressure-fermented lager get to a lager that has been fermented the lager way."
"So we like to show you how you a few I'm going to show you a couple different ways we'll start with the jar we like to put that cabbage leaf that Christopher saved on the top."
"The kefir provides a strong dose of probiotic microorganisms that are important for optimizing the gut microbiome."
"If anybody else wants to get on the fermentation train with me let me know maybe we can do some sort of little Community thing around it and people can share their different fermentation recipes and we can make some lovely things together."
"Fermentation is a process where you get probiotics in your food. It's really healthy for you."
"They need to be attracted to this heat, they need to be attracted to ferment."
"Fermented asparagus keeps its crunch, it's delicious and it takes just minutes to make."
"Bulk fermentation is a crucial step in sourdough baking, and understanding its impact on the crumb is essential for baking great loaves."
"Overproofing is because the gluten is starting to get broken down by the protease enzyme. It's essentially like it's melting the loaf while the yeast is still trying to rise the loaf."
"Eighty percent of the outcome of the final loaf happens in bulk fermentation."
"Bloomed yeast kickstarts fermentation, adds flavor, and cuts down on proofing time."
"So here we have our sauerkraut, and this is after about five days. You can see how the green has turned kind of a yellow color and it's nice and soft."
"The yeast microbes inside the barrel move through a gradual transformation while maturing slowly, absorbing all those fine flavors."
"...primary fermentation is quite violent."
"Black garlic is essentially white garlic that's been left in a humid environment to slowly warm up."
"It's not dangerous to drink a brew before it's done fermenting. Just might cause you some discomfort for a few hours or a day."
"This is where the Flora Danica converts some of the lactose in the milk into lactic acid."
"Ferment all of the available sugar, stabilize, and then safely back sweeten."
"You have a room in an animal cow, sheep, you know deer, or any other animal with a fermenting system digestive system."
"Other unique examples of how we can take ingredients that grow around us, process them, ferment them, and come up with completely different flavor profiles."
"These are the fermented sweet potatoes. They're really good, full of probiotics."
"By a British standard, the reason is the keeving process itself. To do keeving you need to use bittersweet cider apples because you're relying on an enzyme naturally present in the juice and the fruit. And it becomes denatured, it produces too acidic."
"Chefs have told me though that they have put their yeast in the fridge and not fed it for up to a month and still were able to get their starter back."
"When you're fermenting, you need to make sure it's in the right sign."
"...super interesting... when people are eating fermented foods dramatic reductions in inflammation."
"All of the dough development, all of the work really... it's all 80 percent like fermentation and dough development."
"Cooking with the use of microbes... allows us to make fermented vegetables, sauerkraut, Kimchi—pickles. Booze, yeah, it gives us alcohol, this amazing thing."
"Learning the art of sourdough baking is really learning about fermentation."
"The baker doesn't make the bread, the yeast makes the bread, the lactic acid bacteria makes the bread, the formula, the recipe mix, the clock makes the bread."
"I have been able to create these fermentation tables"
"Bulk fermentation is the beginning of something."
"Think of the structure chain: bulk fermentation, pre-shaping, final shaping."
"...let this sit and rest in a warm spot for an hour..."
"Yeast is your good bacteria, it makes your bread rise."
"This starter is alive. This is back to life. Look how beautiful that is, full of bubbles, frothy."
"This starter is alive. This one is back in business, bubbling frothy. Wouldn't know anything happened to it."
"This starter is alive. This starter is thriving."
"Literally all of these starters are essentially immortalized one way or another."
"There is an obligation if you have a starter to take good care of it."
"The sourdough starter contains two primary microbes: yeast and lactic acid bacteria."
"By covering your veggies with salt water and then just letting them sit out at room temperature for a couple of days you get something really nutritious probably even more nutritious than the original vegetables."
"Darlington is its own kind of fermentation because it's the centers of transformation and we bring all these unlikely ingredients together and at its best it cultivates new cultures."
"Fermentation traditions do not exist in a vacuum; they are manifestations of relationships with the land, with plants, with spirits, and with ancestral traditions."
"That's what the yeast does, it turns that sugar in the apple juice into alcohol."
"The yeast has done its job and turned all the sugar that was in that cider into alcohol."
"When we have something that's fermented and delicious, we say to ourselves, how can I make this stronger?"
"Even if your fermentations smell fantastic and look great, I would still recommend testing the pH."
"I'm going to use some K1V-1116 from Lavin... this one has a tendency to leave a lot of the brighter aromatics inside the wash rather than cooking them out."
"I like to use a 3.5% brine for my pepper ferments."
"I usually like to let my ferments sit for a few months. Some people only do it a few weeks, but I like to age mine longer."
"So when you eat sauerkraut or other living fermented foods, you’re literally ingesting complex communities of bacteria, you know that essentially can help us to restore biodiversity in the gut, where it can improve our health in all kinds of different ways."