
Taking Action Quotes

There are 122 quotes

"It's better to do it now than to not do it at all."
"I would just take the first step is what I'd say to you."
"Just jump off the damn diving board and go in the water."
"All these things are impossible until you take the next step and do it."
"If you don't do anything, you have less of a chance."
"If you're on the fence, don't be on the fence. Do it. You're not going to regret it at all."
"Someone who had a dream and took action on it."
"Sometimes it's about taking action against oppression, not just being passive."
"I feel like you need to make a move towards this person."
"Your person took things into their own hands."
"Pelican: Now's your chance, act quickly... Long periods of stagnation then all of a sudden there's movement, there's action."
"Opportunities are quick... chase after those opportunities like it's the last bus at night."
"You're taking some strong action where you have felt kind of stuck or reserved about making a move here."
"The ball is in your court, it's time to take a shot. Win or lose, at least you tried."
"You've got the power to actually get on with it."
"Just do it and like different things will happen that you didn't expect."
"They're really feeling much more enthusiastic because of some kind of towel moment then now wanting to take action."
"You gotta just jump to it, you can't keep procrastinating."
"Just take that first step, and He'll help you the rest of the way."
"It's easy to be a spectator; it's hard to try and do something real."
"If you don't start somewhere you're never going to get nowhere."
"It pushes you out of your comfort zone, you have to take action."
"Don't be afraid to do it because there's power in your vision."
"Don't ignore it or hope it'll go away, do something about it."
"There's times in this world you gotta stand up, you can't sit in the background your whole life and let others be victimized."
"Your ships are coming in, you're planning for the right time, get ready because your ships are about to come in, get ready to take action."
"If there's been anything that you've been wanting to do... just do it."
"I couldn't sit there any longer and accept that."
"Just take those first few steps, one foot in front of the other, baby steps."
"It's all about taking control of your opportunity and using it to your best ability."
"Don't sit and wait for it to happen, you take the action toward it, take my advice."
"Power is what you need to declutter - whatever the step that you need to take is, the thing that's going to propel you into that step is inner power."
"You take this opportunity. This is how business is done."
"You do not need to see the whole staircase in order to take the first step."
"Break it down into small steps; have patience with yourself; take the leap."
"It's safe for you to love and take control of your romantic destiny, but you must take action."
"Ideas will be coming to you and coming quickly, so make sure to capitalize on this energy."
"Appreciate it for what it is, a new feeling is coming."
"Some of the magic you want to experience in your life, you need to take a little bit of action."
"It's time to stop waiting... and start to focus."
"Shoot your shot. I feel like this could be in business, work, literally moving—pretty much anything like that."
"Take the leap of faith. Waiting for the perfect moment when there never will be one."
"The only way for you to be successful is for you to face your fear and take action."
"You have a chance to make a big splash while others are engaged in nonsense."
"Just one step towards the situation and things that you actually want to do."
"Take a stand for what you would have be true."
"You just need to start. That's the secret. Just start."
"Don't get caught up in excuses; take action now."
"Someone's gotta do something. It might as well be me."
"If there was something holding you back from doing something, you're going to reclaim your right to go for that."
"Let's just do it. I'm not gonna be ready. It's like ripping a band-aid off."
"It's never as scary in practice as you think it is before you take the leap."
"Learn to trust ourselves again and go for it."
"It's not about perfection; it's about improvement. You've got to take action."
"Whatever you have in your mind, just go for it. Don't double think, don't think too much. Just do that [__], 'cause you never know, that might be your best performance ever. Exactly, right?"
"Stay strong, be kind, be courageous, be powerful, step carefully, but do step, my friends, do step."
"I've always found that when you are feeling self-doubt...the easiest, the best, the most forward way to combat that is action."
"Trust your intuition; it's guiding you to take action."
"Go for it. This is the perfect time to do it."
"One of the quickest ways to get unstuck is to just take a step of Faith."
"Rip that band-aid off and get to some things that you might have been putting off."
"Don't be afraid to speak up and take the necessary action."
"I'm never gonna feel confident enough. I just have to do it."
"Important doors are opening for you right now. Walk right through them."
"Act on your ideas. When the energy moves you, you have to take action."
"It's our time to take back that power and live it."
"Take action, don't hesitate, your desires are manifesting."
"If you're interested and you can tell she's interested, why wait? Take the initiative and make the first move."
"I think there's always a reason not to do it... the best time is now."
"There comes a point when doing something is better than doing nothing."
"Your money Pisces is going to grow all right, you look, money's going to come easy for you, money's going to come, you've got to take action all right, but it's like your efforts are being blessed all right, you've got to take action Pisces."
"Just taking action on anything, like as long as you make that first step, you're going in the right direction."
"Once you show the universe you're ready for action, they'll show you the steps."
"Someone's planning to take some kind of action, they want to come towards you."
"Just go for it honestly just go for it just go for it."
"Sometimes you just gotta put your fears to the side and just go for it."
"It's time for you to do what you have to do."
"We're measuring out peace... may it come back to us double fold."
"Shut up or put up. Stop criticizing unless you're going to take action to fix it."
"Start with one thing. Order 'Codependent No More' from Amazon when we get off the zoom or go find a therapist. Take one little step because it's overwhelming."
"He decided to take the bull by his horns."
"I will be responding, but first things first, we're going to take care of business with Charlie Clips."
"If you're that scared, then do something about it. Fix your life."
"This here is what a man can do if he puts his mind to it and is back in it. Stop sniffling. Stop picking round the edges of the world. Take advantage and if you can't take advantage, take disadvantage."
"Do it. It's easier said than done because we don't like the whole rejection thing."
"Oh wow, this is one huge pie, and I'm gonna say it even though it is a little bit cheesy, but I guess it's time to grab the bull by the horns!"
"We need to start giving those people a platform. Not just going over and saying to them, 'Hey, I don't judge you, I don't look down on you.' No, forget 'I look up to you, I think you're amazing.' No, actions. Take action."
"We have to start rolling up the sleeves and start doing things."
"Power is never given; it has to be taken."
"I woke up one day and I was like, you know what, I'm gonna do it because I've been saying this and I want to do it."
"Just get started, do one thing and just set the wheels in motion; that momentum's real and the guidance will come."
"If you don't jump on the train, you're never gonna jump on."
"I'm going for it because sometimes you just have to just do it."
"The first thing that you have to do to make your dream come true is you have to wake up."
"I just couldn't stand by and do nothing when someone was in need."
"If you're thinking about doing it, my advice is to do it."
"I have a message for anybody who seems to take life for granted."
"And if you're afraid of losing her, you have to fight to step outside."
"I just wanted to give you guys a nice little push off that ledge there."
"He wasn't the type to stand idly by; he stepped up."
"Waiting isn't gonna solve anything."
"Take action on this, that's the best thing that you can do."
"If I don't do it now, I might not ever do it."
"I hope you guys have the courage to send that text that you want to send so badly. Do it, you know you want to do it."
"It took me probably over a year to finally convince myself that it's time to pull the trigger and go for it."
"You're going to fail at 100% of the things that you don't do."
"It's time to grip with substance."
"You've got to make some moves, it's the only way to do it."
"You can't hit a home run if you don't take the bat off your shoulders. You gotta swing, bro. Some people just won't swing and just stand there."
"If you're thinking of doing it, I would say definitely go for it, dive straight in."
"Now's the Time to be making moves."
"Then do it. You're not too old; you're not dead yet."
"Life is too short not to do something if you really believe in it."
"You're stepping into your power; this is a moment of you taking action and what gives you pleasure in life."
"Move. Sometimes you're not shown the whole staircase."
"He has not forgotten you; all he's asking is that you take the step that you need to take today."
"However, I also believe that you don't need to be an expert in order to take the first step."
"Interesting energies, and the guidance is to just go for it, really to go for it."
"You just have to start, you really do. People make excuses for 5,000 reasons why they can't do something."
"I'm almost hearing, 'Don't take too long to pursue this person, to show, be vulnerable.'"