
Educational Environment Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"When students are comfortable inside of a classroom, you're going to want to be there, and they're going to be more excited to learn."
"These safe spaces and trigger warnings concept designed to protect feelings instead of dealing with facts."
"I want a really strong classroom community where my students just show kindness both to each other and towards other staff members."
"Free speech is dying on campus and it is not being respected, to put it mildly."
"Scott was extremely well liked. One professor commented that he wished he could have a class full of Scott Peterson's."
"That brings our entrance era module closed. Please enjoy your abundantly dreary school life and see ya."
"Children may feel the only place they can truly be themselves is at school."
"I know that oftentimes classrooms can be boring and just not interactive, but this teacher, he's my role model."
"That's bullying, there is no bullying allowed in my school."
"Schools can be constructed as places to nurture students in their communities physically, emotionally, socially, and intellectually."
"I want my students to recognize and understand when to cheer for each other and how to cheer for each other."
"There's nothing like the campus. If we've learned anything, it's the computer will never replace the campus."
"They were stressed out and they weren't doing their best for the children."
"It's a blessing that you can be surrounded by other students. See it as a resource."
"Join the facility today, drape on a silky white lab coat, sim for science."
"All of these kids around him as he went through this process of studying."
"School is one of the safest places... and the very, very first thing to open."
"Creating the right atmosphere in the classroom is crucial for facilitating language learning."
"Is that really how you want Texans to live? Is that how they want to live, sending their kids to schools that look like prison?"
"We've got to pay teachers more and we've got to create more and better environments for teachers to operate in."
"Schools can be safe if the mitigation strategies are followed."
"Create a conducive study environment."
"Our kids are living in fear every single time they set foot in a classroom."
"It's simply the single best place that you could be to learn, and very quickly. It's for people of all abilities and knowledge, no question about that."
"What is there to worry about when your child is in school? Well, let's take a look at the following scene."
"We definitely have a mix of instructors because some of them are really, really strict and hardcore, I'd say, but other ones are really, really friendly, relaxed. So you kind of need both."
"Apparently, this high school has been victimized by overwhelming amounts of racial instances."
"People do not have the right to tell you what you can and cannot listen to. This is a university. If we cannot have this conversation here, we can't have it anywhere." - PSU Professor Peter Bogosian
"In a predominantly white school system, I definitely experienced microaggressions."
"Black teachers need a safe space. I mean, yeah, we need that black bereavement time." - Diva Dawn
"We have to make sure that all children feel accepted and safe and can learn and play when they are in school."
"Finding a place where my child could thrive puts me at ease."
"We are demanding better leadership and no more bullying in our schools."
"MBR library is more than just books, you'll be spellbound by its cutting-edge features including specialized sections where you can delve deep into your interests."
"Curated specifically for learning, meaning there are no ads."
"I'm asking for the right to choose, not having my kids shot up in school."
"The school is actually kind of creepy as well."
"You spend as a teacher more time there than your house so you want it to be welcoming for you too."
"The improvements in parenting... kids who would sit in a row and when they didn't have the same kind of stimulation outside of school compared to what they have inside a school they think they'd be even less depressed."
"Managing student behavior is crucial for a productive learning environment."
"You can do this it's not you don't have to be aggressive you don't have to hurt anyone or anything like that you say no that you are going to learn English in school."
"Teachers should be someone that children can feel safe with."
"It's not just what you learn... It's the people you're around."
"Setting up my environment for my children the way that I knew it thought to look in a Montessori environment."
"It's crazy to me... people will walk out of your class over."
"Shout out to my Arabic teacher that looked at us yesterday mid-lesson and said, 'I'm worried. Y'all look exhausted and depressed.'"
"Hogwarts shouldn't be about bullies and barely escaping death."
"Students first with patronizing, and then with just acting like we're not causing a disturbance whatsoever."
"We must create a culture of connectedness. We must create a culture in which our classmates become our friends."
"Scott was respectful, smart, and polite. I would take a class full of Scott Petersons."
"Seeing the n-word written on a whiteboard was even close to my worst experience there."
"It's a space to learn, grow, and understand who you are as a person."
"Boarding school: like Hogwarts, but less fun."
"Respect your fellow students by not laughing at their mistakes and helping them when they make them in the future."
"The discrimination is experienced in schools by children, think about that."
"The expectation that you're supposed to thrive in an environment that is essentially built to suck all of the energy out of you, it's interesting."
"Can you imagine being in college today and having to deal with this climate?"
"There's just so much learning going on here..."
"We must provide a school environment where all students can feel at ease."
"It just seems like more and more the schools are just becoming these places where if you're not comfortable good luck."
"Psychological safety is important, and students of color deserve to feel psychologically safe in school."
"We learned everything in that place. We learned it."
"Culture and climate really matter in schools."
"Schools are the centers for students' development... if a gay student doesn't feel safe in their environment they're not participating in all the activities."
"I do see us all moving forward because it is a healthy learning environment." - New Student
"One of the additions I made to my classroom this year was flexible seating. I cannot stress how much these products have completely transformed my classroom."
"I am in love with Lakeshore's flexspace seating line because there are so many different options and they all come in these beautiful bright colors."
"So that's pretty much what you can do with every single room in this entire school."
"When a student comes to Adelphi, they don't just get an amazing college education, they get a great college experience."
"It's really cool that we have a lot of different animals on campus."
"I want to create an environment where everybody feels encouraged."
"One of the key features in the school is I try to answer people's personal questions that they post in our members' lounge or a discussion forum as much as possible."
"The adult's job was to set up the environment so that they could sort of explore things."
"Nearly two-thirds of students across America say that they don't feel able to speak freely in class, that they self-censor."
"I am absolutely the kid that was in kindergarten like, 'Okay guys, let's all listen to what the teacher says'."
"It's not just up to you to create a great place to learn, it's up to your kids too."
"I need to make a whole video about how I build a culture of fun and learning in my classroom."
"Sheena passed through a garden with palm and mango and papaya trees, then walked under a graceful stone arch engraved with the name of the school."
"It's probably what we crave for most: that our children should feel safe, content, satisfied, accomplished, proud, and loved in their schools."
"We are all here to learn; we're not here to find mistakes or anything."
"Complete silence, both of you. Well, I'm very pleased with you, young ladies."
"You gave me the environment to study, so I studied hard and obtained the necessary skills."
"I've loved every second at Georgetown; I think it's a wonderful, exciting place to be."
"This is my maxed out best attempt to create that type of learning environment for us."
"I really learned well in an environment where I'm able to contribute and interact with others."
"It feels like my classroom; it feels like where I'm gonna be teaching my little kiddos."
"One of the things that our students need to know is that they belong."