
Financial Access Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"The digital and financial inclusion... helps with gender empowerment and access to resources."
"I don't have any access to any of my money, so if my wife got hit by a bus tomorrow..."
"D5 gives you access to certain financial products and services without having to go to a bank."
"Access to cash should remain possible particularly in rural communities."
"Robinhood stands for democratizing access to stocks."
"When you have a business credit card that does not use your personal credit to qualify, people who otherwise wouldn't qualify based on their credit score are able to then qualify based on other information."
"Robinhood stands for lowering the barrier to entry and democratizing finance for all."
"We believe in a world where everyone has access to the next financial revolution."
"Therapy is good if you got the money, but if you don't have the money, the church has been the place where we went for therapy."
"It was all done through basically like particularly the first round in particular was done by like if you have a good relationship with a bank then you're going to get the loan if you don't."
"The inclusion of more people pushes economic development, ingenuity, returns for a group of people who've been historically financially locked out."
"Capital owners provide you the means to make money that you otherwise wouldn't have access to so it's okay."
"Cash is available, you get it quickly, as soon as possible."
"Access to financial services directly correlates to increases in dignity, liberty, and self-determination."
"It's giving the ability for people to access markets that they previously couldn't access."
"I hope by 2030 we have a billion people in the world accessing an open financial system every day through products like Coinbase and others around the world."
"If you have some ability to get access to the capital, that gives you strength."
"Employees want access to their funds... knowing they leave that shift and can access half of that pay right now is an incentive in itself."
"That's going to give them the access to Capital during this recession."
"It is very very unfair for any of the new migrants when they go to the new country that's when they need access to Capital more and more capital."
"Good luck accessing it for that because the trust requires my signature to pay out."
"Bitcoin: an extremely powerful way for citizens to gain access to wealth."
"Bitcoin is for everybody, that it's like non-discriminatory, that it's really kind of opening for many people around the world who are walled off from whether it's transactions saving, connecting with the world."
"The alibaba model of providing immediate access to cash to markets can work in places like Africa."
"Sex workers are actually one of the most maligned in regards to having access to payment processors."
"You get access to more finance...you now have more opportunity to reward your employees via a Share Option scheme."
"Being able to access credit when you need it, at a reasonable price."
"Broader access to the financial system can boost job creation, increase investment in education, and help people manage risk better."
"Ultimately, the solutions are frustratingly simple: people need to be able to access the money they need for food."
"By the time everybody's 20 years old, everybody's going to have access to fifty thousand dollars."
"Right now, there are around a billion people who don't have a bank account but do have a mobile phone."
"Having access to a monetary network that acts in your best interest and that doesn't gatekeep access to high quality and charge you large fees and put you in danger is also a fundamental human right."
"We're democratizing the access also to this asset class."
"You can pull out your contributions at any time... you can take out that six thousand dollars free and clear without paying any fees whenever you want."
"If you have enough money, you can buy a drink; otherwise, no drink for you."
"You can access that money before 59 and a half, there's no penalty."
"We're going to be able to deliver the cash app to 4 billion people that don't have it."
"We're doing a great deal of outreach with MDIs and CDFIs to get them access to the programs that we're doing."